Begin at the End
being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6 NIV
Began – One way to find the route through a complicated maze is to begin at the end and work backwards. Most of us have done that a few times. This appears to be God’s method for accomplishing life’s purposes. He always begins what He finishes and since He is the only one who actually knows the end from the beginning, we can be assured that His beginnings are always the correct ones. God knows what He wants to do with you. Therefore, He simply works backwards from the end until He arrives where you are today and then He encourages you to follow His path through the maze.
Paul implies this backwards connection in his choice of the Greek word enarxamenos (from the verb enarchomai). First, some grammar. This word is an aorist middle participle. That means it is a finished action in the past (aorist – over and done with). But the middle voice (which does not exist in English) means that this action was done by the subject and involved only the subject. In other words, God and God alone did it. He is the only one who began the good work. You and I had nothing to do with it. We are merely the beneficiaries of His action. Finally, this verb is a participle. Normally we would translate this as an “ing” word, like “beginning,” or we would use it in a compound verb like “has begun.” But the continued action of a participle stands in opposition to the finished action of the aorist tense, so translators choose “began.” Nevertheless, Paul’s implication is that even though this action taken by God alone has been completed, it is still operating now. It is the beginning and the end, viewed from both perspectives at the same time. God sees where He wants us to go now because He views our purposes from their ultimate result.*
We discover a bit more when we realize that this verb is really the combination of the preposition en and the root archo. Archo means “to be first in rank, to rule, to govern,” but the addition of the preposition shifts the sense just a little because en is about location with particular emphasis on rest. God began this work. God’s first-in-rank-order work is the governance of rest. You might say that the whole picture of what God is doing is settled. There isn’t any need for unanticipated corrections or surprise dead-ends. The beginning is assured because the end is fixed. God knows the way through the maze. The only question is whether or not we will trust His directions and follow His path.
Paul’s confidence does not rest on our abilities, our dedication or our spiritual accuracy. It rests on God. Raba emunatecha. Great is His faithfulness. God will insure that the end is accomplished because He always begins what He finishes. Today you can rest in the absolute assurance that His path will bring you to the end of His purposes for you. Today you can set aside anxiety and simply follow Him.
Topical Index: began, enarchomai, Philippians 1:6, rest
*Yes, I realize that this is a spatialization fallacy in its description of time, but it does seem to capture the idea for our culture.
It has been my experience that whenever I was traveling merrily down a path that was not headed for a destination of God’s purpose, the direction of that path was abruptly changed by God using whatever means He chose, without me doing much of anything but going along with it. It was only after being on this new direction for a while and looking back, did I get a glimpse of the result had my direction not changed. Had God not changed my direction “ALL things work together for the good…” would not have been fulfilled.
And would this be why we pray “not my will, but Yours be done?” -We want (desire) to walk in the straight and narrow way of right-relatedness (righteousness) but the problem (there are more than one!) is our stubborness, mule-headedness, thick-headedness, and deadly insistence to “have it my way.”
The flesh (us without G-d) wars against the Spirit. A Battle Royale. Flesh vs. Spirit. G-d has said: (in His book of instruction)-“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.” (Isaiah55.8) Now this “declares the LORD” should not be overlooked, (as we are ‘wont’ to do!). “Declares the LORD” says (no, I’m not trying to spin this)- “declares the LORD” – G-d has spoken! (Are we listening?) The problems (yes, there are more than one) exist within our ‘hearing.’
Could it be we have developed “selective hearing?” We only hear what we wish (there goes that stubborn will again) to hear? -I’ve heard (and remembered!) this referred to as “cafeteria Christianity”-picking and choosing ‘only’ the good parts and not the “whole counsel of YHVH”. – Friends, – “every word of G-d is pure!” lol! – It’s all good! – Why?- Consider the Source. -“The mouth of the LORD has spoken it” The lips of our LORD! G-d who never lies nor is capable of a lie. This is the ‘gospel Truth!’ (add another amein!)
What happy news this is today brother Skip! – Y’all, please be patient with me.. G-d is NOT finished with me yet! -Nor you, nor you, nor you- we (all) are a “work in progress”. Sanctification (a good ten cent ‘Bible’ word) is the PROCESS of holiness. “Set-apartness”. G-d is doing this..- this is HIs plan.. HIs purpose, HIS will, HIS good pleasure- and dear friends- (more ‘good news’ anyone?)- “we are HIS!”
This is why we may “rejoice in the LORD always” (Philippians 4.4) because we are HIS!!- We have been redeemed. We (who are HIS) have been restored. We (who are HIS) have been reclaimed. Renewed, re-made, reborn, refreshed, revived, and now (are) rejoicing. “Revival”- to live again. – Given a second shot at it- “this is the day which ADONAI has made” (that would be what we would call- “today” folks..) – Let us (are we capable?) rejoice- and be glad in it. Oh,- hallelujah for the cross!
The cross upon which Jesus died
is a shelter in which we can hide;
and its grace so free is sufficient for me,
and deep is its fountain – as wide as the sea.
Tho millions have found Him a Friend
and have turned from the sins they have sinned;
-the Savior still waits to open the gates
and welcome a sinner before it’s too late.
The hand of my Savior is strong,
and the love of my Savior is long;
through sunshine or rain, through loss or in gain,
the blood flows from Calv’ry to cleanse every stain.
There’s room at the cross for you;
There’s room at the cross for you.
Tho millions have come,
There’s still room for one-
-Yes, there’s room at the cross for you.
Hallelu Yah for the tslav of Yeshua HaMashiach!- Behold, – the Lamb! (-slain from the foundation of the world). Christ died. That is His-story. Christ died for me- that is Salvation!
A comforting and restful message.
Hi Skip,
If the points above are not the most important, they are the most interesting and useful!
Thanks for reminding me
Yes, Is it not what the Book of Hebrews chapters 2-4 tells us to do? We are counseled to walk and work from the place of rest. In Isaiah 30:15—-my understanding is that our salvation is in daily returning and resting in the LORD; and again, our stilness (quietness), calmness and confidence in His finished work will our strenght be. I know that we can find strenght in who He is and in all the evidence of His soverignty we can enter in as He works His work in and through us. This should be our hope, our confidence and also should be our resolve; but only in His strenght. Lord help us to quieten our souls in Your presence so that we can hear Your voice and be quick to carry out Your instructions. For in this is our contentment as we journey along.
“Thank You Loving Abba Father and Son for the good work that You are completing in us all. We give You all the glory and honour and praises! Your are a good Father. We love You Abba. We bless You Holy Father. We trust You. We live for You alone. Mold us and form us to be like Y’shua Your beloved Son. Amein and Amein!”