Clearing The Way
But to the wicked God says, “What right have you to tell of My statutes and to take My covenant in your mouth? For you hate discipline, and you cast My words behind you.” Psalm 50:16-17 NASB
Cast behind you – Who are the wicked? Who qualify as rasha? We can probably recount a number of attributes. They ignore the Ten Commandments. They steal. They lie. They harm others. They covet. In our contemporary Christian culture, we would probably add, “those who reject Jesus.” Maybe we would include those who are filled with pride, who abuse power, who don’t demonstrate love. But we’re not likely to adopt the same definition God gives to the psalmist. That definition just seems a bit too much, don’t you think?
If we pay attention to God’s definition of the wicked, we are immediately confronted by some unlikely attributes. First, we notice that the rasha claim to honor God’s statutes. These aren’t outright pagans who care nothing for the God of Israel. These people know His ordinances. In fact, they know them well enough to speak them to the waiting world. Furthermore, they claim to be under His covenant. They proclaim Him as their God, the one who has rescued them. They speak of His eternal love. They have all the right words. In America, these are the 85% who believe that God exists and even say that they are Christians. But God calls them rasha, wicked.
Why? Because they hate discipline. The phrase is saneta musar. They are unwilling to be corrected. Sane, the opposite of ahav (love), means to be hostile to, to loathe, to despise. The wicked not only reject the actions demanded by the words of the Lord, they feel repugnance toward those very ordinances and they cannot stand anyone who attempts to honor them. What is it that they hate? It is musar, the Hebrew word for instruction, not merely discipline. God offers us a way of life. That way encompasses all that is needed to fulfill His purposes. That way is, according to the Bible, the path of wisdom and life. These wicked people know that way, at least cognitively. They can recite the verses and catechism. But they refuse to live it. From God’s perspective, they cast behind them His teaching (tashlek ahareka). They throw away the wisdom of God and substitute the “freedom” of deciding on their own.
The final word in this important verse is ‘ahar. It consists of the consonants Aleph-Chet-Resh. In this context, it is a preposition that means behind, after or afterwards. To put God’s words behind you is to dismiss them, to remove them from sight so that they no longer act as a guide. But Aleph-Chet-Resh has two homonyms. The first is the verb ‘ahar which means “to delay or hold back.” Perhaps there are overtones of this homonym in God’s declaration. “You hate musar and you hold back and delay doing what I say.” Then there’s the second homonym. The adjective ‘aher means “other” or “another.” It’s most important theological usage is to designate other gods. The overtones here lead us to idolatry. “You hate musar and you turn back to other gods.” None of these three homonyms are good. Those who live this way will be punished.
Now the big question. If the wicked are the ones who speak God’s words and claim His covenant but reject His instruction, then what does that say about the vast majority of those who think they are pleasing God but refuse to following His Torah? What does it say about those who assert that God’s statutes and ordinances don’t matter anymore? Are they casting His word behind them or did the psalmist get it wrong?
Topical Index: cast behind, tashlek ahareka, musar, sane, instruction, wicked, Psalm 50:16-17
The Psalmist got it right.
And “they” used to be “us.” You and me, but somewhere in life, something stirred inside us to change. One day we decided to take the preacher up on his word when he said, “Don’t take my word for it, read it for yourself!” Then the Ruach Adonai did the rest.
“I have told you these things while I am still with you.
But the Counselor, the Ruach HaKodesh, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything; that is, he will remind you of everything I have said to you. (John 14:25-26)
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” (Prov. 25:2)
Baruch HaShem!
“The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; The precepts of Jehovah are right, rejoicing the heart: The commandment of Jehovah is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; In keeping them there is great reward.”
These words had a Source. They came from somewhere and were written by someone. These words were written many moons ago- yet today, thousands of years later- they are still in effect and have not changed one jot or one tittle. They are still as fresh today as when the ‘ink’ had not ever dried on the papyrus(?).
Furthermore- “the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.” (Psalm 12.6) and “The law from His mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.” (Psalm 119.72)
I am going to ask the second most critical question in the Bible- “Who is the LORD that I should obey Him? (and let Israel go)” (Exodus 5.2) Then I will ask this question- again- words that have and will outlast the centuries of time- “Who is this King of glory?” Who is ADONAI that I should obey Him?
Is Yeshua the Messiah? Is He the chosen ONE? Is He the Lamb of G-d who has taken away the sins of the world? If this is true- if He is the Son of G-d and if He is G-d the Son, and if He is G-d incarnate then (according to the words of His own mother) whatever He says- we should do.
Here is the command of Christ: (should we “shema” His words?) Is He G-d? Yes, friends, -He is. Listen to Him. Do what He says- “Come unto me- all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart and you will find rest unto your souls.” Who spoke these words? Was it me? No. It was Him- and these words- the words of Yeshua HaMashiach- the words of Jesus (who is the) Christ are the words of eternal life.
Simon Peter answered Him, “ADONAI, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (John 6.68)
How do we know these things? It is written. Clearly, plainly,- “for ‘whosoever will.” ”Simon Peter answered Him, “ADONAI, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (John 6.68)
Who has the words of eternal life? And is (I’m asking) eternal life a quantity or a quality? For the Master also said- “I AM come that you might have life and have it abundantly- (to the full.) “Perisson”-over the top. (John 10.10)
True story. (short version) My allergist said these words- “If you do as I say- I can help you.” There was another Great Physician who said these very words- “follow Me.” Be a Christ follower. Walk in His footsteps. We have (it is written) the mind of Christ..(1 Corinthians 2.16)
Christ is the LORD! -O praise His Name forever, His power and glory evermore proclaim.
“Those who live this way will be punished.” This is the bone i have to pick with followers/believers of Jesus – most of them don’t even want to associate the word “punishment” with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. Oh no – a loving God/Jesus would not “punish” anyone for HE is a merciful & compassionate God/Jesus & He would send no one to hell. Don’t talk about my Jesus like that – he is so loving & kind – he doesn’t punish people. i have even heard pastors from the pulpit in seeker/mega churches state that you can’t use the word punish it will scare people off…
Oh, no – don’t tell them the truth just sugar coat everything to bring them in & besides we don’t believe that God/Jesus punishes any one – that was the wrath of God in the Old Testament & we don’t live that way now because Jesus came & took the punishment away on the cross – what a bunch of DECEPTION!!! JESUS CAME TO FULFILL THE LAW OF PUNISHMENT – HE WALKED IT OUT & SO WILL WE WHEN WE ENTER INTO HIS SUFFERINGS. I HAVE BEEN PUNISHED FOR MY DISOBEDIENCE BEFORE IN LIFE – BECAUSE I AM A TRUE DAUGHTER – HE CHASTISES ME/HE DISCIPLINES ME/HE PUNISHES ME WITH THE ROD/STAFF OF HIS LOVE – PP/PERFECT PUNISHMENT AFTER ALL… ♥
Wow! Jan.. this is good, keep going
“Those who live this way will be punished.” Jan- I have heard others use this word and I (for lack of a better word) tend to ‘wrankle’ a bit when I hear this.
I’m asking. (All- who will hear..) Do we “punish” our children or do we “chastise” them? Chastisement is always with a view toward correction. We are “chastised” by our Father- not “punished.” Our chastisement, the process of discipline received from our Heavenly ABBA is not at all random and is perfectly administered in just the right “dose.” (lol!) Do you remember having to administer correction to your children? The board of education to the seat of knowledge? Do you remember the time when.. (owww!!) “Go cut me a switch young man!” I can tear up just thinking about it! lol! Now you’ve got me traveling down memory lane -…ow!…ow!..ow!- Yes, I did receive a few (were they enuf?) “attitude adjustments” as I was growing up..
Our Heavenly Father works the exact same way.. He is doing His best, doing all He can do to get out thick-headed, hard-hearted, stubborn-willed attention. G-d wants (and deserves) our ‘focused attention.’ In Hebrew- “kavannah”. Are you listening? for faith comes by hearing- and hearing by the word(s) of G-d. The quality of our “hearing” (shema) will determine the quality of our lives.. ( I heard that!..-lol!)
“My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of His correction: for the LORD corrects those He loves, just as an (earthly) father corrects a child in whom he delights.” (Proverbs 3.11,12) -Nothing is more effective to *ahem* “get my attention- than pain. I am now awake, alert and *ahem* focused. Focused attention. What an excellent student!- And when the student is ready- the Teacher will show up.
Oh Skip,
This is being pounded into us for nearly 20 years now but Avinu is hounding us with it again in these last 6 months afresh.
We (this community and others like it) have not been awakened to these things for our own personal edification only. If we seriously thoroughly believe what we claim to believe then there are multitudes and multitudes in the valley of decision who need a prophet to come to them and call them to repentance.
The folks in our little home fellowship are under serious conviction. For three years now they have been taught Torah learned some Hebrew and celebrated the holy days of YHVH. They have been smashing personal idols and strongholds that keep them in bondage and from going out.
I love the church and my prayer for years and years has been “Father forgive us and don’t leave us in this condition. Have mercy” So what does He do? Here we are a rag-tag group of church outcasts being sent to the elite. Who are we that they should listen to us?
We all know we’ve been prepared for such a time as this but oh it’s so difficult to go to those who have all the degrees and have been educated into a hardened state of disobedience.
But does that release us from the responsibility of warning them? OOOOOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOO!
So what’s missing that we sit on or comfortable tushes and do nothing? I’ll tell you the only thing that did it for me.
We need a vision of YHVH that the prophets of old had. A face to face conversation with burning bush. A good old fashioned close encounter with our Adoni seated on the throne high and lifted up with the deafening sound of seraphs shaking our beings with the cry HOLY HOLY HOLY is YHVH tzavuot.
We need to fall down as dead men and declare in earnest “Woe is me” I”M TOAST! For I’ve seen the King the Lord of Hosts. The living God. We need the fear of YHVH burned into our hearts so that we don’t succumb to the fear of man.
We need to go (like Lot) to the ones we love. And we need to love the ones we don’t and go to them because YHVH loves them and does not desire that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
Avinu Help Us
Pam…all I can say is “you go girl” I agree completely.
“But God calls them rasha, wicked. …Why? Because they hate discipline. The phrase is saneta musar. They are unwilling to be corrected. …What is it that they hate? It is musar, the Hebrew word for instruction, not merely discipline.”
Proverbs 12:1 “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.”
Proverbs 4:13 “Take hold of instruction; do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life.”
Proverbs 19:27 “Cease listening, my son, to discipline, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.” “Your Love Will Find Me” Brian Doerksen 4 MIN (see lyrics below the video)
When the Messiah walked this earth, He said something similar: “”Woe to you hypocritical Torah-teachers and P’rushim! You pay your tithes of mint, dill and cumin; but you have neglected the weightier matters of the Torah — justice, mercy, trust. These are the things you should have attended to — without neglecting the others.”
Here the rasha are the ones who SAY they follow Torah, and who actually DO follow Torah – when it suits them. A large portion of Christianity makes no pretense to follow Torah, other than some vague notion of the Ten Commandments.
The Psalmist, as with our LORD, does not have the non-Torah believers in mind. He has the Torah believers who tithe mint, dill and cumin, and neglect the weightier matters.
Now we have to go figure: What are the weightier matters that WE are missing. This is not about “them”. It’s about us. How are we all doing?
Ian, not good. But for God’s justice tempered with mercy none of us can stand justified before Him.
Excellent post. Very clear. Elijah’s message was one that made clear the difference between true and false worship. Posts like this serve the same function, to clarify our choices, and to help dispel our infinite capacity towards self-deception.
Skip, it is very interesting that you post about this word now. I made reference to it in a reply to a comment from Ian about the article on John 8. Your comments add to my understanding and amplify and confirm my thoughts. Thankyou.
Another study brought me back to this post — so quick question. If the Hebraic view of time is that the future is behind us — then is there a part of this idiom that means we [the church] take God’s words and throw them into the future?
Also, the verse that says Moses saw God’s backside, is that a reference to God’s presence in the past or future? The whole account in Exodus 33 seems to scream that there is a deeper significance or something lost in translation.
Quick reply. Search for the verse about Moses seeing God (Exodus ??). I wrote about that some time ago.
I’m on it. Thank-you.