Common Nonsense
Trust in YHWH with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; know Him in all your ways, and He makes all your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 ISR
Your own understanding – There is nothing common about common sense. From a biblical point of view, common sense is just another form of arrogant foolishness. Why? Because common sense relies on human determination of good and bad, correct and incorrect, right and wrong. Common sense frames our choices in terms of the “balanced” life, a concept straight from the paradigm of the Greek world. “Common sense dictates moderation. Do not be excessive, whether in earthly or in religious affairs. ‘Too much’ is always unhealthy. And so religion operates as the art of compromise. The fallacy lies in our not realizing that by serving the self, by being addicted to the ego, we impudently indulge in excessiveness.”[1]
The Bible implores us not to lean (al-sha’an), the equivalent of placing trust on something assumed reliable. What is it that is not reliable? It is my own understanding (binatka). The noun biynah covers understanding, discernment, comprehension and righteous action. The important characteristic of biynah is that it is not primarily cognitive. Understanding in the Bible is related to moral and religious behavior, not to correct thinking. In other words, from a biblical perspective, it doesn’t really matter what you think if your actions are not aligned with the instruction given by God. In this sense, biynah is a gift, not the exercise of mental muscles. God determines what is proper, what is righteous, and He graciously reveals this to Man. To exhibit understanding is to act in accordance with God’s revelation. Anything else is foolishness.
We have often commented on Abraham Heschel’s great question, “What does God demand of me?” but now we recognize that unless I am able to answer this question in the light of biynah, I am a fool. That doesn’t mean I am stupid. It means that I am living in ways that are not pleasing to God and I am putting my well-being at risk. How foolish is that! What value is common sense if at the end of the day it leads me away from fellowship with the Father? And why would I call such advice “common sense” if it is in fact opposed to the Lord of creation?
The Bible does not contain common sense. It is not about rules for prosperous outcomes. It is about one thing and one thing only. Answering the question.
If your answer to the question is infected with your own understanding, you are in trouble. You and I must put aside our common nonsense and search for God’s point of view. That is the only sensible thing to do.
Topical Index: commonsense, understanding, biynah, Proverbs 3:5-6
[1] Abraham Heschel, A Passion for the Truth, p. 168.
Seeing life from G-d’s ‘perspective’- is this possible? How do we know what G-d wants? How do we know His good pleasure? How do we know what is pleasing unto our Father? (and yes, I did say “our Father!)
“It is written.” His words contained within His book reveal His will, His wisdom, and His ways. The Bible is our Him-book. It is G-d’s revelation of Himself to His people. G-d wants us to know Him and we (somewhere deep inside) want to know Him, the ONE from whom all blessings flow. We know Him as our Source. When He spoke everything into existence and said “Let it be so” (or amen)-it came to be.
His words, (all of them) bring life into existence. His words are written in a book. It is not the “book of the month”- it is the Book of the Ages.
The Bible was written over a period of approximately fifteen hundred years by about forty men- all inspired by the Breath of G-d, the Ruach HaKodesh and yet it is a book in perfect harmony and union with itself. No part contradicts but rather compliments and confirms what has been written to be true. If we want to know G-d we must know His book. We may look at a flower and the intricated paterns, colors and designs and say- there is Someone who designed this, but if we want to know more about the Designer and what His designs (and desires) are in creating these flowers we must look further into His book. The Bible is our instruction manual. It is ‘our daily bread’. The written word and the Living Word- our ADONAI, are also one and the same. He has fulfilled and still to this day and forever fulfills and completes, defines and demonstrates what is pleasing unto our Father. He showed us the “how to” of living. We need to look no further than the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ to know how to enjoy life to the fullest. He taught us (the talmudim called Him Rabboni- Master-Teacher) how to live,love and laugh. His words to us were- “if any man have ears to hear- let him hear”. Why the ears and not the eyes? Could it be that faith comes by hearing? and hearing by the word(s) of G-d? Does “it is written” ring a bell with anyone? The words I speak unto you (which are written for us in a Book) -they are breath and they are life- right here, right now, -today. They “hit us” right where we live. How is this possible? – Because He is G-d. Not only is He the Son of G-d, but He is also G-d the Son. Not only is He the Son of G-d but He is also the son of man. Jesus Christ, or if you prefer- Yeshau HaMashiach- the G-d/Man. One of a kind, the Only Wise G-d. Redeemer, Master, Savior, Comforter, Artist, Architect..- shall we go on? The list is endless. He only has over three hundred names- and those are only the official titles.
But beyond on this is a cross at the center. The cross is the center of His- story. The cross should be at the center of our story also. We need to make much of the cross of Christ, for no matter how good I have been and “well-behaved” all of my life- yet, according to what I have read in His book- “all” have sinned. Rich,poor, black, white, Jew, Gentile, educated, ignorant- “all” have sinned.
If I have sinned (there is no “if” to it friends- for I most assuredly have sinned..) May I begin again? “Since” I have sinned and I am to be defined by what I do (with most people)- I am fully qualified to be a sinner. What have I done? enuf. Enough. “For whoever (this btw,- includes me and you) keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” (James 2.10) May I explain this away? err.. rather that is..- it appears to me, the one who is apparently blind in one eye and can’t see much out of the other..- “all” have sinned. How can I possibly be “saved” if I’m not even lost?
So then, – (just the facts m’am)..- “all have sinned.” Does this also include the Jew? What about? and? Let’s cut this real short..- “yes”- Nelly Belly- “all” means all. Whoodathunkit?
Houston- we have a (sin) problem and (all) stand in need of a Savior. “Both” Jew and Gentile. “Both” male and female. “Both” black and white. “Both” rich and poor. Even the Demicans and the Republicrats have a sin problem. (May I say- “oy?”)
Fact number one. (has this been established?) Has the perfect, holy, law of the LORD, with it’s white hot ‘spotlight’ revealed the disease and disaster of sin? – Good. This is wonderful! and worth every Hallelu’ Yah! This is cause for great rejoicing! -Why?
Because there is a cure. There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul. “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5.32) Who said that? and why? -Who does He think He is talking to? Friends, -He is talking to me- “the sinner.” Not “a sinner”- “the” sinner. Never met the erring son? Well, allow me to introduce my “self.” Thank you, my prodigal (lavish) Father for running to meet me and covering me with your Robe of Righteousness to cover my sin and my shame..- (yet another ‘picture’ of atonement- a covering).
What is a ‘saint’ but a saved sinner? Oh yes! I will sing of my Redeemer..- and His wondrous love to me, – on the cruel cross He suffered-from the curse to set me free! Sing, -O sing!.. Christ, the Messiah has redeemed us -once, for all.
“In a loud voice they sang: (who are these people-from every nation, tribe and tongue?) “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” (Revelation 5.12)
“You and I must put aside our common nonsense and search for God’s point of view.”
Nevertheless, according to the verse under examination, we are to do something prior to the above: we must Batach in YHWH. The result of this action will be the erection of a wall that will act as a barrier between what is outside that is bent on destroying that trust, and the seat of our actions. Furthermore, it is my understanding that by putting aside my “common nonsense and search(ing) for God’s point of view” will aid in the continued standing of that wall.
I agree Skip, this is a pretty important observation of the heart of our Father.
At some point, I do not recall precisely when, I began to think that common sense is a cultural concept. One person thinks a certain idea or practice is common sense, when actually, it is something that was taught them as child from within their family or the greater culture surrounding them. Or as they began to be exposed to other teachings/indoctrinations, this pattern of processing information became part of who they were becoming. Others within their immediate community practiced the same ideals. It is pretty common that we hang out with who appeals to us, with those we have things in common with…As we leave our smaller communities and learn other ideas and intermingle with other cultures, we should be able to witness that customs, and practices vary from group to group, geographical locations, employers, the list is endless. Similarities may exist, but common rules may be unspoken or just flat out become situational. We bend or even exchange what was common sense.
I once read an article by a preacher/theologian concerning the Law and the misapplication of it for today’s Christian. With regard to the dietary Laws, the point was made that this was strictly cultural and meant specifically for the Jews in the region where it was first given at Mt. Sinai. Of course, he never touched on the migration of the gospel westward, and how Peter, Paul and the other Jewish apostles could have lived Torah and follow the lifestyle of Messiah in keeping kosher. His point was focusing on eating the Passover lamb in areas where no sheep existed. To me this was a half hearted attempt to explain away a “common sense” approach to the Law, keep the areas as you have the ability and means, rather than living as the pagans do and purposely heaping unclean animals on your plate simply because you can make them taste good. He seemed to be defending religious practice creating theology that promotes a private interpretation of the Word of the Living YHWH. It is quite obvious this is a “common sense” approach to the buffet of religious thought and practice today.
Let me hurry on to add that by no means do I think I have it down…I am pressing in very hard these days to keep my head above the breaking waves of conformity and trying to find my place to assemble with like minded believers who WANT to demonstrate love for YHWH through obedience. My family background is one of always trying to fit in as we moved around alot and finding the customs and practices of my surroundings were not open to acceptance unless the norms were present…looks, financial means, intellect, the list goes on forever. It seems this is the human condition and inherent in communities that have a form of godliness but deny the power of the Word to love others as YHWH does.
We, those belonging in Messiah’s Kingdom, the Nation of Heaven, true Israel, are called live by the disclosed/unveiled common sense of our Creator’s Word. This common sense with unify us in agape, the only thing, however, that will be uniform will be our adherence and commitment to Torah. This Word will transform us, translate us from the kingdom of darkness to the eternal Kingdom of Light. Torah will be the common sense Word for eternity. Praise the Lamb forever!
When YHWH “speaks” we must Shema- hear and obey, no matter what our “understanding”‘
may argue or in some cases, scream in dissent. This particular message by Skip seems to be a good time to share our story. It is fairly long, and may need to be in two sections. So bear with us.
“Us” are two believers who were referred to Skip’s website by friends (thanks to Christine Hall and Ida Blom) at about the same time earlier this year. Both were immediately hooked on Skip’s erudite commentary, his passion for Hebraic teaching and his love of Yah.
Arnella Rose is from Jamacia. A long time believer whose simple child-like faith in her Heavenly Father has led her to trust in the Ruach’s leading in often astounding ways, sometimes in opposition to the dire warnings of skeptics and the concerns of well meaning friends. On faith she once journeyed to the land of Israel to experience what it would be like to work on a kibbutz and ended up staying for five years and earning a Masters Degree in Middle Eastern Studies from the Institute of Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem. As a result of her knowledge of Middle Eastern politics and culture combined with a Spirit-led life, she has been sought out as a lecturer and minister in many countries, including her native Jamacia where she started Olive Branch Ministries and a home based fellowship community.
Michael Stanley is from the US, currently living in Florida where he spent the last five years caring for his elderly parents who had Alzheimer’s. Michael can best be described by the story of Jacob, whose long, doleful history of personal struggles with his flesh, became his character until he met Yah at Peniel where not only his name was changed, but also his life. Anyway, you get the picture, at least partly. Arnella is the embodiment of walking the walk, while Michael was the personification of talking the talk. But things were about to change.
One day, on 07/13 Arnella wrote a comment to someone on this very blog and Michael for whatever reason responded to it. Arnella was intrigued that a man responded to a post not directed to him; so she wrote to him asking him to contact her directly via her e- mail. The rest, as they say is history. Yes, they did indeed fall in love by e- mail and telephone…but was it simply youthful lust or something from Yah? ( btw Michael is 60 and Arnella is …. younger) Michael had already read Skip’s book “Guardian Angel” and had put the whole Ezer K’negdo theory to the test three times with Arnella allowing her to act in her proper role as the head, fence, leader and spiritual guide with three powerful, near miraculous results. Michael was sold on this whole Ezer thing and was convinced that it was the missing link in marriages; but having already failed twice in marriage by being the stereotypical macho man, “keep em barefoot and pregnant,” (eight children!) head of the traditional “Christian” home, he didn’t believe Yah would ever even think of him as marriage material again. But YHWH’s mercy is beyond even our greatest hopes and wildest dreams.
After only two weeks of communicating with each other, the Ruach HaKodesh spoke to Michael when he was in prayer, saying only the words “arranged marriage” three times. Perplexed and bewildered (or perhaps hopeful) he asked Arnella what it meant? She knew. Never married, she had been trusting Yah for a husband for a looong time, but not just any man- the ONE Yah had for her. She finally had whittled it down to just two requirements that this future mate MUST possess: he must have the fear of YHWH and secondly, he must walk in the Spirit. Well, guess what? Those two qualities were about all that Michael possessed
In addition, Arnella, in her annual re-reading of Torah would feel strangely warmed at the verse in Genesis 24:67 of Rebecca becoming Isaac’s wife and comforting him after the death of his mother. (Michael’s mother passed on 3/26/11) and so they began seeking Yah in earnest as to this possible “marriage arrangement”.
To make a short story long, they followed Yah’s guidance, not listening to Job’s friends, reason, logic, their “own understanding” and on 8/27/11 they met for the first time at Orlando International Airport with Michael (not even knowing what Arnella looked like) holding a sign that read “EZER KENEGDO”. It was NOT love at first sight, as Hollywood would have scripted it! But they knew each other in the Spirit and loved on that plane, believing that the soul would follow suit soon enough. Sure enough, after two grueling days (in Michael’s accounting) of hammering out the dowery, bride price, the Ketubah and Arnella exercising her Ezer K’negdo gifts to bring Michael to a deeper understanding of our roles and her future ‘ownership’ of Michael they came to an understanding that Yah’s plans for their marriage was not just about them and their pleasure. It was also being created to bring hope to those who haven’t heard of YHWH’s divine plan for marriage via the restoration of the Ezer K’negdo and the covenant of mutual submission to each other and to Him. So on 8/29/2011, just seven weeks from their initial contact on this site and exactly a year from the day of a prophecy given to Arnella that she would be married in one year, they were united in holy matrimony! Praise YHWH.
Since this is the first marriage
from this community, Skip “the accidental Shadchan” (matchmaker) encouraged us to share our story of “a marriage made in heaven” with you. We hope you have been blessed and edified. We are planning to move to Jamaica soon to begin a new work, as Yah leads. We will, of course, continue in this community where we met! We welcome your comments at Shabbat Shalom,
Michael and Arnella Stanley
Dear Michael and Arnella
Congratulations and Mazal Tov!
I stand in awe of your obedience and faithfulness. Once again , the Spirit “script” is so much better than any Hollywood one.
Awesome and thanks for sharing.
( My personal blessings to the gamail address disappeared off the screen. Will try again later.)
What a lovely beautiful love story! Thank you for sharing!
Nothing is amazing with YHWH, as our Matchmaker. My own story is just
as amazing. Just three weeks after we met, and daily spending time together (David having to drive 45 mins each way from his place) listening to fabulous Hebraic teachings online, he proposed!
We got bethrothed and married a month later.
We will be celebrating our 2nd anniversay next month!
It hasn’t been ‘smooth-sailing’, having many obstacles to clear, but we are committed to our marriage covenant before ABBA YHWH. HalleluYAH!
May we offer our congrats to you both with our love and blessings.
Skip a great thought!
This is not about common sense! The life GOD desire us to live will not be the safest!
ESV | Pr 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
(This is Swindle’s version)
I will bring all my cares to the face of my GOD for in him I am secure and fear nothing; this I will do with all my heart, and I will not rest or lean as a warrior on his own spear, nor will I trust any of my five senses (all my senses will not help me discern my own way, I will be lost if I do), In all my; travelling around, I will; acquire knowledge of GOD and become intimate with him, even face to face with him; and he will make level (no more mountains and valleys) the course of my life ( the manner in which I live my life will be righteous according to GOD’s standards).
Bill, God made mountains & valleys for us to learn from – who would want a level playing ground – that is not God as far as i’m concerned or know HIM to be – maybe more stability & accountability in our/your life for sure but never take away the majesty of the mountains & the beauty of the valleys – they/we are all part of God’s wonderful & holy creation just for us… ♥
Hi Jan,
I love mountains and valleys, they’re special, each compliment the other.
Yerusalem is not flat, nor level, but uphills and downhills. The guide we had,
told us that we are either going up, or, going down in Yerusalem, interesting point,
as in our spiritual walk. Shalom.
Hi Skip,
Mankind has lost their common sense, when they got corrupted, and degenerated due to continual transgressions against YHWH, and His Torah losing their wisdom should we not return to
have our minds transformed and renewed in His ways.
Sad that we have lost that asset, with some folks using it for to own foolishness. Thanks Skip.
Common sense might be a misnomer. Common sense may not be so ‘common!’ – What’s wrong with you- can’t you see the truth? Sometimes we want to ‘shake some sense into “their” head, but Who is ‘shaking’ us? Have our eyes been opened to what is True? (Actually the “what” is a “who!”)
When Pilate inquired of Yeshua- ‘what is truth?’- Do you see the humor here? – What were the words of our Master? “I AM the Way, the Truth, the Life.” Truth was standing right in front of Pilate!- but when we are blind in one eye and (purposefully) can’t see out of the other, how will we ever realize and recognize truth?
I absolutely love your article on “Amen, -the Truth Stamp,” brother Skip. “It is so.” – Amein!
Yeshua said, “verily, verily”- “truly, truly,” Amen, amen. It is so. It is so. May it be. May it be. Amen!
I now wonder if, when YHVH created all that is by speaking- if He did not say- “Let it be so” or “amen!” His words give life- this I know- (add another amen!)
YHVH did say through His prophet Isaiah- “Come, let us reason together.” “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” (Isaiah 1.18) -By the way, I am going to purposefully pause here and say this… “It is written.” -These are not my words- they are His. These words are found within His book- The Lamb’s Book of Life. No commentary necessary- Let His word speak for His words are the words that give life. -No exception. Always. He has said, (or if we prefer- “thus saith the LORD..”) -Is not my word like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? (Jeremiah 23.29)
Faith is what pleases G-d. – How do I know this? “It is written.” (Remember?) Let us review- “without faith it is impossible to please Him.. How does anyone know this? “It is written..” (Hebrews 11.6) Our faith has a Source. – It is the word(s) of G-d, our Bible. Look in the Book- “it’s in there..” – (only) all things that pertain unto life and godliness.
The “secret” (if we may call it that)- is in the “shema”. What a lovely word, -shema. “Shema, O Israel.” How many times have we heard this without hearing it? Open our ears to hear this word, Father. Give us ears to hear and hearts to obey. This, I know is your will. This, I know is the pathway of obedience, and Your way of conforming us, through heat and pressure, into the image of the Son.
Open our eyes Father to behold wondrous things out of Your Book of instructions. Give unto your servants the mind of Christ that we also may walk in the pathway of obedience, this day. May Your Name be glorified in and through us, and cause us to love one another with a pure heart fervently, always. Amein.