Off The Beaten Path
“For false Christs and false prophets will arrive and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24 NASB
To mislead – In the last days there will be plenty of misdirection. It will be spectacular but it will still be misdirection. Lies are often far more dazzling than the truth. There is a certain human attraction to the spectacular but when it comes to spiritual awareness, the spectacular is dangerous. The Greek verb planao means “to cause to wander, to lead astray, to deceive or seduce into rebellion.” Most of the time people don’t intentionally wander off. They have to be lead away from the truth. And there’s nothing like a big show to grab their attention.
Of course, those of us who are aware of all the “big” lies don’t get caught in the folly of all that glitter, do we? We don’t flock to the mega-meetings and the celebrity rallies. We know that God’s hand is most often seen in places where the world has no interest and that God’s people are often anonymous. After all, Yeshua gave us a warning. “If it were possible,” He said. But we are the elect and so it isn’t really possible, is it? We can spot the false prophet in the Armani suit stepping from his Gulfstream a mile away. (Maybe we might wonder why we are even within a mile, but there are good excuses for that).
But what if the false prophets are not quite so obvious? What if they are so subtle that even the elect could be carried away? What if the false Christ is sitting in front of the screen right now, reading this little message?
Perhaps the greatest of all deceivers is inside my own skin. The one who is attracted to the “big show” just might be the one who thinks that knowing God is simply a matter of humble contrition sprinkled with large doses of religious fervor. How would I know if I am deceiving myself? What if that feeling of accomplishment that comes with putting the pieces together in the interpretation of Scripture is really an assertion of pride, cleverly disguised as religious dedication? Am I really prepared to hear the truth? Am I ready to have the shibboleths of my world torn down? Could I confront the Lord on the Damascus road, have my carefully constructed religious world shattered, and emerge a whole man? Or would I retreat to the protected zone of my sacred cows?
The truth is intensely painful because men are fiercely resistant. “Truth confronts us as a behest, an insistent summons, austere, uncompromising.” “Truth is severe, harsh, demanding. We would rather hide out face in the sand than be confronted by it. ‘To live means to be indebted’ – who wants to hear this? ‘I am commanded, therefore I am’ – who knows how to cherish it?”[1] To encounter the truth in Scripture is to encounter the Holy, and no man is able to do this without exclaiming “Woe is me!” Self-deception leaves me comfortable with my God. Truth leaves me shattered.
Yes, even the elect may be caused to wander, but not by those false prophets of neon religion. The elect are lead astray by a far more dangerous enemy – the enemy of comfortable assurance within.
When you come before the Lord, do you feel fear and trembling? Does the truth scald you?
Topical Index: deceive, mislead, astray, planao, truth, Matthew 24:24
WOW! thank you Skip
So is there any comfort or security in our “salvation” or “position” with the LORD, or are we to walk daily in a perpetual state of fright and uncertainty, flogging ourselves as we go? Where is the place of comfort and rest? Where is the peace and joy of my walk with Him?
What is thy only comfort in life and death?
Answer: That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my
faithful Savior Jesus Christ; who, with his precious blood, has fully satisfied for all my sins, and
delivered me from all the power of the devil; and so preserves me that without the will of my heavenly Father, not a hair can fall from my head; (g) yea, that all things must be subservient to my salvation, and therefore, by his Holy Spirit, He also assures me of eternal life, and makes me sincerely willing and ready, henceforth, to live unto him.
Yes, brother Mark -there is a place of comfort and security, a place of deliverance and safety and and place of blessing. There is strength, hope and “blessed assurance” in the name of the LORD.
Please, please -remember three words and three words only. “It is written.” Should I repeat, shout, or sing a thousand times- would that help?
“It is written” – our hope, our help,our comfort, our strength, our shelter, our security, our safety, our blessing, our deliverance, our salvation, our sanctification, our joy, our shalom and is in the LORD.
How do I know these things? I do not “believe” these things- I “know” these things and yes,-thank you for asking, -“experientially.” He is my rock, my fortress, my high-tower- my LORD and my G-d and my ADONAI. “My heart (too) is fixed, my heart is fixed- I (too) will sing and give praise.” (Psalm 57.7)
Will you join me, and -Is He worthy? (What do the scriptures say?) In a loud voice they sang: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” (Revelation 5.12)
There is a greater TRUTH then my security, comfort, and assurance within. I believe personally that believers have made an idol out of, “personal salvation.”
The greater TRUTH is that YHWH is Holy, and what does He demand of me?! The greater assurance that I have found is not ‘within’ but without and God’s revealed commands, instructions, and teachings that define and structure my life in a way that reveals YHWH to the world. I find security and comfort in obedience to the revealed will of YHWH.
Flogging myself and walking about in perpetual state of fright and uncertainty is not necessary! What is necessary? IF you love me keep my commandments. And those He has given to me freely and graciously. In His Care, Brian
“Abraham Heschel, A Passion for Truth, p. 159.”
The trouble with Truth is that our “unconscious” desire for self deception is very strong
And it is so easy to forget the lessons we learn, when things are difficult and very painful
And it is so much easier to project our “evil” desires onto others, and judge them negatively
Than it is to see these desires within ourselves
Michael, sometimes i truly don’t know about you & your intellect (that intellect keeps you from many TRUTHS in your head/heart/life)… ♥
if the trouble with Truth is “unconscious” desire how would you/we know that it is a strong self deception – if it truly is “unconscious” – we/you would not know… you have just read that somewhere & downloaded it as truth when it may not be… ♥
let me tell you from experience that the more you are given tests by YESHUA/YAHWEH & you don’t pass them & continually have to relive or take the test over till you learn it & pass – you will finally pass the test & you will never ever go there again – you just won’t – HE will burn the dross of impurity out of you/us till it is gone – that is the Refiner’s Fire for sure… ♥
it is that difficulty & pain that will finally break you from ever going back to your vomit – it will be hurtful & disgusting to you & to HIM so much so that it just won’t be an issue again – you will have past through the fire & the waters will not have overcome you – you will be an OVERCOMER by the word(s) of your testimony & the blood of the Lamb… ♥
now why would we want to project our “evil” desires on anyone & then judge them negatively – that you may do unconsciously but i really don’t think so – not if you are daily eating the Bread of Life that will transform & renew our minds – even our subconscious to the point of being led by the Holy Spirit & having the mind of Christ/YESHUA – this is so doable & attainable by all – it is a choice again & that is all it is – a choice of obedience. you make too much of the mind that is not renewed transformed by YESHUA & it is such an easy way of life to attain – it is not hard at all – it is simply a choice we make daily & the more you make the right choices the easier it gets until he gives you a pop quiz or some trials & adversities but if you are daily eating the Bread of Life/Scripture – you will be well prepared & if not you have the manual to help you get through & that’s how you have a renewed & transformed mind of YESHUA…♥
most of the time i am very glad i am not that well read because my little finite mind only has to deal with what i have put in it (mostly of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit) & nothing else clouds my memory or judgment – it is so sad what college & seminary does to some people – just blows their minds way out of proportion & confuses them to hell…
ms. jan
“…. how would we know that it is a strong self-deception, if it truly is “unconscious” ?
Hi Jan,
Good to hear from you and you have some very good questions
I studied this stuff (Freud) for many years when I was young, and still have the same questions
So I was surprised this morning when the concept of the unconscious seemed so clear to me
At this point in my life, I might even want to say that our “unconscious” mind is God
Like God, it is Other to us, difficult if not impossible to prove, and many folks don’t even believe in it
In The Essential Jesus, John Dominic Crossan translates a famous saying of Jesus in the following way:
You check the speck in another’s eye
You cannot see the tree in your own
In my view, Jesus is saying the “tree” is like the “unconscious” desire for sin in the man’s mind
I think we all seem to know this somehow, but it would be impossible to prove
I would have thought it was not the subconscious sins that are our trouble, since they are that: sub-conscious. It seems to be the very conscious sins that trouble us most, the ones of which we are very much aware.
Becoming Jane
Tom Lefroy: Was I deficient in rapture?
Jane Austen: Inconsciousness!
Tom Lefroy: It was… It was accomplished.
Jane Austen: It was ironic.
Ms. Jan Stevenson âĵß
Hi Jan,
I’ve never seen this movie, but I’ll have to get it
Ironically, my daughter wants to change her name to Jane
She says no one can pronounce her name, which is Sinead
Makes me so mad
Michael, i can say like Jane Austen – that is ironic!!! why does that make you so mad – did you choose the name/her name of Sinead???
that is a very good movie for a daughter for sure…
“why does that make you so mad – did you choose the name/her name of Sinead”
Hi Jan,
I did choose the name and think it fits her better than Jane
And I don’t like making things complicated at her new school (10th grade)
Although I would prefer that she behave like a proper Jane Austen character
I always preferred Emily Bronte myself (Heathcliff was my favorite)
And am usually more attracted to romanticism than the realism
But now that I think about it
Maybe I should be glad she wants to be a called Jane
“Perhaps the greatest of all deceivers is inside my own skin. …The elect are lead astray by a far more dangerous enemy – the enemy of comfortable assurance within.”
The problem is that when man is deceived, he doesn’t KNOW it— intellectually, that is. And if he doesn’t allow others into his life to reflect back to him how he is behaving, he will continue to live in that deception–thinking that he is “just fine.”
Proverbs 19:27
“Cease listening, my son, to discipline, And you will stray from the words of knowledge.”
My prayer continues to be according to King David’s in Psalm 51:10
“Create in me a clean heart, O G-d, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.” “The Change” by Steven Curtis Chapman
“Self-deception leaves me comfortable with my God. Truth leaves me shattered.”
Praise the LORD that He loves me enough to put me back together after I am broken! “Hanging On” by Britt Nicole
Michael, if you watch “Becoming Jane” – I don’t know how that could be more romantic than loving someone & giving up every thing for them because you love them so much & run away with a man that you love & risk tarnishing your reputation as Jane did with Tom & then find out that he was giving up his only way to support his mother & father & siblings – so she would not let him do that & then Tom married another woman & had a daughter & because he loved Jane Austen so much he named his daughter Jane – how much more romantic could that be – how passionate a love & selfless could Jane have been to the love of her life – i myself think that is so romantic & selfless love on Jane’s part. i have seen Wuthering Heights & i prefer Jane’s type of love to that… but both movies/books are good… love & passion in both of the novels/writings…
i don’t think giving up your family & friends to risk running away with a man you love is realism – that is following a dream for sure & then have to turn back that dream because you know that it would not work for Tom to have to give up being able to support his family – how risqué & loving & passionate – guess it is just how you perceive it…
Hi Jan,
Well it sounds like a great movie and I must see it soon
My daughter just got here and says she loved the movie and has seen it several times
So I guess we are going to watch Sanctum tonight, because it arrived in the mail from NetFlix today
Regarding romanticism and realism, I was referring more to the literary style and form
The two writers handle the theme of love in two very different ways
Jane Austen is known for her very controlled and precise style and is considered to be the better writer
Emily Bronte’s characters are less realistic and their emotions are less constrained
Thanks for letting me know about Becoming Jane
Mike, Sanctum eh – had to look that one up & remember when it was advertising – when Jeremy was a little boy we did quite a bit of spelunking around Oklahoma & Arkansas & Missouri – exploring caves & some were pretty primitive!!!
I have yet to see “The Cave” that we discussed here before & what is funny – most movies on pay-per-view are $4.99 but “The Cave” is $6.99 – will probably watch it today. I am really curios to see it…
also curios to know why Sinead wants to change her name to Jane – do you really think it is because it is hard to pronounce (doesn’t seem hard to pronounce to me) but maybe because of what it represents???
we have a glorious fall morning here in OKC, OK & it rained last night – i love fall weather & glad it has finally arrived – if but for one day so far…
glad the “replies” appeared again…
“maybe because of what it represents???
Hi Jan,
Just a quick note, to say I hope she doesn’t dislike what the name represents:
“Sinead: An Irish form of Jane “God is gracious””
But then she is a lot like me and must admit that I have been known to be a bit rebellious
Mike, i don’t think there is one of us alive today that has not been rebellious or been known for such…
That’s nice to know about the name Sinead – an Irish form of Jane – didn’t know that – i sure learn a lot when i come here daily… ♥
i am assuming Sinead knows that her name is another form of Jane – perhaps that is why she wants to change to Jane… not disregarding your choice but just another form of it which is easier to say… ♥
Some of the most hopeful days I have ever lived – have been the ones where my sin was brought clearly before my eyes. I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but I imagine it to be similar to King Nebuchadnezzar awakening from his grazing. It was soooo different from self-flagellation. It was seeing vomit as vomit.
It is exhilarating to see clearly, even if it is my own sin. I pray for God to heal my blindness, and for him to cure my lame legs that I may then walk after the light I have been shown.
Hmmmm – good lesson!