Paradigm Perplexities (2)

“If you consent and obey, you will eat the best of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.”  Isaiah 1:19  NASB

Consent and obey – We love Isaiah 1:18, especially when we think it endorses rational debate.  But I doubt many of us realize that this next verse is the conclusion to “reasoning” with God.  If you consent and obey, then good follows.  But if you don’t obey, then destruction comes.  That doesn’t sound much like the conclusion to a nice intellectual debate, does it?  “Reasoning” with God is actually about submitting to Him, not arguing your case.

The crucial Hebrew verbs in this verse are avah (to be willing, to consent, to yield) and shama’ (to hear, to obey).  Avah implies positive acceptance of authority.  In other words, reasoning with God leads directly to acknowledging His rightful sovereignty over life.  It leads directly to submitting to Him.  If your debate-encounter with YHWH didn’t bring you to your knees, then you didn’t understand Isaiah 1:18.  The purpose of talking with God is to instill obedience, not intellectual confidence.  Of course, there is always the “if.”  An encounter with YHWH doesn’t automatically lead to submission.  It should, but sometimes we don’t really encounter Him.  We just argue.  “If you” is the critical condition.  You and I must choose to allow the encounter to have its full impact.

The second crucial verb is shama’.  We know this one.  To hear and to obey.  Listening to God speak doesn’t change a thing.  Reading the Bible makes no difference in life.  Hearing the sermon, going to church, praying the Lord’s Prayer – none of this matters at all unless it becomes obedience.  In the Hebraic world, doing what is required is all that counts.  Thinking about it, approving it, memorizing it, proclaiming it means nothing unless your feet and hands are involved.  Remember that parable of the two sons?  One said “Yes,” and did nothing.  One said “No,” but later did what was asked.  Which one did the Father’s will?

First I must be willing.  Then I must obey.  Pretty simple.  God invites an encounter.  In that encounter (where we listen and He speaks), we are asked to examine our lives.  We find them wanting, but He promises to remove the guilt that covers us.  The promise is certain.  God will not fail to perform the miracle of cleansing.  There is only one condition.  Be willing and obey.  Scarlet to white doesn’t happen simply because I like the idea or because I recognize God is able.  It happens because I bend my will to His and do what He says.

“Come now, let us reason together” is empty without “if you consent and obey.”  They are logical concomitants.  You won’t get one without the other.  God invites.  Are you listening?  Today is the beginning of the year 5772.  5772 is a good year for listening.

Topical Index:  shama’, avah, willing, hear, obey, Isaiah 1:19


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Leo Van Gulck

Good morning from Europe.
According to Judaism, yes today it is the year 5772. However, according to the writings of Todd Bennett’s book on e.g. Shabbath, we are today in the year 5997. With the help of the computer he succeeded to retrace the cycles of sabbath-years and the jubilee years every 50 year. So his calculations, do not go togther with the Jewish calender. We would now approach the 120th year of jubilee. But since 6000 in Hebrew has always to do with “the perishable” and even the end of…it is time to reflect where we are at with our lifes. Are we ready to meet Yeshua. The year 5997 sounds to me pretty much as “three to midnight”.
The bridegroom is on his way; bride get ready!!
So enter into the obedience with Yeshua so that He would “know” your name, so that Matt 7 could not occur to neither of us!

carl roberts

If the scriptures could be distilled into one word, for me it would be the word “shema.” Which, in Hebrew of course means “listen and obey.” As has been said, “simple.”
G-d said to our great, great, (not-so-great, not so grand) parents- “don’t eat the fruit of this one tree”- but in true human fashion, we “erred.” -How is that for a politically correct word for “sin?” We (yes, I am including “all have sinned” in this..) like sheep have gone astray. Astray from what? and even more tragically (for sin always results in tragedy) we have wandered far from a right-relationship (righteousness) with our Creator and (now) Father.
May we now say? Do we now have the authority, the audacity, to claim G-d as “our Father?” May we pray and know and show G-d is our Father? Are we now “the children of Elohim?”
“Faith comes by hearing”- Yes, “shema” shows up in the N.T. We (all of us- regardless of who) must be born from above. There must be a new birth through the washing of the Word and the regenerative power of the Ruach HaKodesh. Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews- no small potato. His very name (interesting) means “Superior.” No doubt -a man of excellence and fine moral character. Yet, Yeshua said unto him- going straight for the heart of the matter- (as He always does..)- Nicodemus, “you must be born from above.”
Why do I want to obey G-d? Because I have too? No. Because I want to. Because I “get to.” Obedience and the ability to obey the words of the LORD are all G-d given. These also are “grace gifts.” It all comes from Him, even the “gift” of repentance- our ability to repent.
Our Bible states-“it is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD and to sing praises unto His name.”
Do we? If not,- why not? Why do we not give thanks unto the LORD- (Who has “only” given unto us- all things that pertain unto life and godliness)- this is a mystery unto me.
Is this not what is meant by “biting the hand that feeds you?” I suggest we repent from our sins and follow Him. Do what He says and then watch what “occurs.” Providence will show up. G-d will become active in our lives. The word(s) of G-d will incarnate into us and we will “flesh out”- live out loud, becoming living epistles- the only “Bible” some will ever read. We are “ambassadors” for Christ, -living, walking, talking ‘billboards’- “advertisements” for ADONAI.
But this “is” my happy face..-Where is the joy people? If Christ has redeemed us-“once for all,”- then where is the joy? “End of faith as it’s beginning,” – He (the Alpha and the Omega) is the Source of our Strength and He is our life. When Christ (who is our Life) shall appear…- then you will appear with Him in glory.
We all are being “metamorphed”- ‘changed’ into the image of the Son. -(Stupid question of the year award..)- Was Christ obedient to the Father? uh..-yes? Was He always obedient?- from the cradle to the grave? uh..yes? Are we? If not..-why not? What hinders our obedience? Could it be rebellion and wanton disregard for the words of the LORD? – Who care what the scriptures say? – Friends, -I do. I welcome the Word and want His words to change my life -radically and dramatically- change is happening. I am being made new- every day, and it is amazing.
Let (allow) the words of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.. – Where is wisdom found? What is the wisest thing we (all) could possibly do? – “Whatever He says unto you- do it.” Shema. Selah. Amen.


“God invites. Are you listening?”

I am always blessed by the Rabbi’s son’s teaching on sh’ma:

Listen and pay full attention, as if your life depends on it
fully hear the Words He speaks(not just what I want to hear)
to accept the Words as true, good and beneficial
immediately begin to incorporate what has been said into your life
adapt every aspect of your thought, life, speech and conduct to what you have heard
begin to meditate on their implications to your life and memorize it
discontinue thought-patterns,speech-patterns, assosiations and behaviours inconsistent with the Words
to incorporate the Words into our conversations
into concrete actions
teach it to our children
to walk it out so as to demonstrate it to the world, until you, and the world around you, is transformed into the image of the Words you hear!

May I bless YHWH by following thru on all the steps on listening during this year(since He works in kairos time, is a number needed?) And doing this with only a few TW a year, must bring change to the world around us.
Thanks Skip, be blessed!


Let this 3 minute video help you celebrate the New Year. (And I’m not trying to be irreverent with this, I just found it uplifting!) Rosh Hashanah Rock!

Shana Tova to all !

Jan Carver

My dearest CYndee – only you would love rap like this – you know i have never liked rap not listened to it for some reason i can’t seem to understand the words they are saying most of the time – some people are just made keen on hearing words in music & i have never been one of them – i know people that can hear every word being said when i cannot distinguish what they are saying – maybe i am hard of hearing or i just hear in a different way – perhaps i hear when the heart speaks & i discern & other people hear when the mouth(s) speak or sing & hear that way – just never has been my skill or talent you might say – i hear what no one else hears most of the time – the silence of the heart speaking… ♥


robert lafoy

love it !

Jan Carver

RL – i’m glad you love it & i have eyes that see what others don’t see also – once the Lord spoke to me & told me i would have the same eyes of fire that HE has & i do – those that can see into hearts & ears that can hear hearts… here is what i wrote in an old Bible dated 2.8.1982:

i remember i could see in my vision/sleep his face with just burning fire in his eyes & this is what HE said to me: eyes of fire – will have that same fire – power endued – mighty service – go before & after – healing – speak the Word – greatness & sorrow (i have since learned about the sorrow of such a gift but never the greatness – not sure i want to experience greatness & only in HIM)…

i also had a dream about the rapture/taking away – that i heard the trumpet/shofar & i became so excited in my spirit like an excitement i had never ever felt before – it was different – and heard the angels voice say, “the Lord is coming!” i started jumping up & down with a joy that i have never ever felt before & the next thing i knew i was sitting in a beautiful green peaceful meadow with blue skies & i did not know where i was but i was so happy & joyful just sitting there in the green grass – i will never forget these visions & what was spoken to me – they are written/burned in my memory & mind & spirit – they will never ever leave me…



Thanks for sharing, CYndee…very good video!


“Let this 3 minute video help you celebrate the New Year.”

Hi CYndee,

This one is pretty good too:

Rosh Hashana: What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Jan Carver

Michael, Well, i don’t know about CYndee, but i like “What’s Love Got to Do With It” much better than the rap video – I AM MY BELOVEDS & HE IS MINE – i had a ring made out of silver from Israel with that cut out in Hebrew & sold it to go to The Global Forum on Human Trafficking in Sunnyvale, CA this month. the silver was so soft that when i clapped my hands & it hit another ring on my other finger it would bend out of shape – but it helped me get to where God’s wants me to be this month… ♥

I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among the lilies. Song of Solomon 6:3



“i like “What’s Love Got to Do With It””

Hi Jan,

I’m glad you liked it, my father’s birthday was yesterday and he is dead

My children had planned to come for the weekend but couldn’t

So I found the other video a bit more uplifting 🙂

Thanks for sharing the important event in Sunnyvale

I work in Sunnyvale so maybe I could go, but it is so depressing to me

Jan Carver

Michael, Sunnyvale is so depressing??? j/k – yes, that is kinda a problem with human trafficking – most people find it very depressing & sometimes very disgusting – i find it to be more disgusting than depressing but i imagine one could become depressed with total involvement – but you (others) have to learn to shake it off with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ – i am sure there are many many spirits of perversion surrounding the the work of human trafficking & labor/sex slavery – we/they have to debrief 4 sure BUT SOMEONE HAS TO DO IT…

Not all are meant to be involved with this issue but sure you have to be called in your spirit to become an abolitionist – like love – it is not for the weak/faint of heart!!! ♥



“Michael, Sunnyvale is so depressing???”

Hi Jan,

No Sunnyvale isn’t depressing; one might say it is bit boring though, if you’re not working

Mostly engineers in high tech or aerospace industry, but never seen any crime besides drunk drivers

In looking up your reference, I was surprised to find the following about a police officer:

“Sunnyvale officer sentenced in human trafficking scheme was sentenced to 366 days in federal prison for smuggling women into the country from South Korea, charging them tens of thousands of dollars in bogus immigration fees, and forcing them …

I’m not prone to depression other than having a depressing thought from time to time

But frankly, there are drugs, guns, and helpless women flowing freely across the Mexican border every day

Cui bono?

The Republicans and Democrats in power

Because as Clinton so eloquently put it:

“it’s the economy, stupid”

And it is depressing to me, if I think about it 🙂

Your song was depressing too, but I enjoyed it 🙂

Jan Carver

Michael, i would like the aerospace industry!!! —=.O.=—

Cui bono? no hablo espanol… or is that italian???


i just thought i would throw a little music in there like you do & that is the song i thought of for the faint of heart… it was hard to find too – not even on youtube… so i put some effort into it… ♥


almost good morning but still good night for me 11:55pm CST

not my intention to depress you with my song of choice but glad you liked it… will it always be depressing??? 🙂 i think but maybe 🙁


“Cui bono? no hablo espanol… or is that italian???

Hi Jan,

Cui bono (“To whose benefit?”, literally “as a benefit to whom?”, a double dative construction), also rendered as Cui prodest, is a Latin adage that is used either to suggest a hidden motive or to indicate that the party responsible for something may not be who it appears at first to be.

The vietnamese form of the same word appears in the url of your “Faint of Heart” song:

http://thu vien

Same sound “tu ven cuoi” above

Also the name of the Chinese engineer who sits next to me at work: Guoqi Cui

Also one of my favorite lines in the movie The Departed spoken by Alex Baldin, the crooked head of the secret service, and who benefits is himself 🙂

As I’m writing this your song is playing over and it really isn’t very depressing 🙂

Beautiful piano

carl roberts

if you are willing and obedient..

This is the marriage made in heaven..- one who is willing (us) and one who is Able- (Him). This is the marriage of Ruth (us) to Boaz (Him). G-d is Able if we are willing (and say “Yes!!) G-d waits for our Yes..
In any relationship these two must exist. One who is able and one who is willing. Are you willing to go out with me?- Please say yes..- this could be the start of something big..
YHWH wants our obedience, there is no question about it. “And Samuel said, Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.” And again.. -what father is there that does not delight in an obedient child?
Not necessarily rules, religion, or ritual- but what we are seeing here and experiencing daily is relationship. A Father to His (obedient) children!- If we now know our Father delights in our obedience, shall we not strive to please Him in all that we say, think and do? Can we say with the model of obedience,our Example and our Exemplar, our ADONAI- “I delight to do your will” or I delight in doing what is pleasing in Your sight? May we (also) pray- “let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my Strength and my Redeemer?” Would this please our Father?
How do we know what is “the will of G-d?” The will of G-d for each of us and for all of us is revealed in the word(s) of G-d. He has shown you O man what is good..- but to do justice, to love mercy/chesed and to walk humbly with your G-d.
I’ve been thinking on these things today and I would like to consider “stewardship..”- How are we using and utilizing the gifts YHVH has given unto each of us? How are we investing our time, talents and treasure in laboring together- helping to build, investing in- His kingdom?
“And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of G-d abides forever.” (1 John 2.17) There is but one choice between knowing and doing. May we (all) say- Today, I will.. When we agree to be laborers together with Him- He will supply all we need to get the job done.
Yeshua told the servants to go and fill the vessels with water. They were obedient to His words and they were the ones to see (to witness) the water turned to wine.
I love this story. And when He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon Peter’s answer? (Luke 5:5) Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” And the results of obedience? (Obedience always results in blessing!) When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. (Abundance.)
The story of Naaman is told in 2 Kings chapter 5. Naaman had a serious problem. He was a leper. G-d said to him through the prophet Elisha- go dip in the Jordan river seven times. Namaan balked at such a simple request. He thought it -too simple and actually was quite upset G-d had requested he do such a simple thing. But he relented and obeyed and did what G-d had asked Him to do- dip seven times. And the results (once again..) of obedience? Yes, -blessing. Naaman was cured.
Over and over, story after story, (not to mention the life of Yeshua) speaks to us of the blessings of obedience.
Moses messed up. G-d said “speak to the rock”, instead Moses struck the rock and did not do according to the word(s)of the LORD. As a result of his ‘disobedience’ Moses was not allowed into Canaan with the rest of the troops. To whom much is given- much shall be required- “stewardship.”
Shall we start with Adam and from then on? Did Adam and Eve obey? no. – and the result of their disobedience? (It’s okay to call it by it’s proper name- it’s called “sin.”) To disobey G-d is sin.
But by now, hopefully- we know better. And we know good. Very improper English-but we know ‘more better!’ We know (through the teaching and training of the Ruach Hakodesh) the things which are excellent. And one of those things- the primary thing- is to obey G-d.
Did Yeshua (though He was G-d) obey the Father? Implicitly- constantly-thoroughly. Why? He demonstrated (as a man) to us- the “how to” of living. Live a life of constant obedience- the life of a servant.
What is the best thing I may do for my chlldren’ sake? For my family’s sake? For the sake of “my corner of the world?”- regardless of where I may be? Obey G-d. 24/7- a life of obedience. Is this possible? Do I want this? and why do I want it? What is my motivation? and is there a reward? Yes, there is. Absolutely and Positively. If YHVH is pleased and I am living my life under His smile- there is great reward for we are now “rightly-related.” There is nothing between my soul and the Savior. No hindrance to our communication. We may know have fellowship one with Another. Adam (me) has been (not only) redeemed, but restored and now this Adam, this man, will go his way, today- renewed, refreshed, revived and rejoicing!
Hallelujah!- What a Savior! My prayer is (also)- “LORD, what will you have me to do?” This is the prayer of “consent, willingness and availability”. I am availing myself to Elohim. “Use me in Your service in any way that pleases You.” Amen.

Jan Carver



carl roberts

Dear sister Jan- your heart for your Master shows!- One thing (and one thing only) we always may rely upon (trust in) is the Word of G-d, our Bible. His words (G-d’s words) are true and faithful-always and to each succeeding generation. There is nothing new under the sun for truth is eternal. G-d has said, “I will honor my Word above my Name.”
We have caught only a glimpse of the honor of tHis name. In Jewish thought, (so clear and defined!) The name of the LORD is “HaShem.” The Name above every name. There is also a King above every king and a LORD above every lord. There is a Name to which every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess is LORD to the glory of G-d the Father. That Name is G-d the Son. That Name is Salvation. We must (according to “it is written”, according to the scriptures, -give unto the LORD, the glory due unto His name.” This is the reason for eternity. This is the reason we live forever. It will take that many, that long to begin to give unto the LORD the glory due unto HaShem.
I have saved this article for I too have been “feeling the heat!” YHWH is working in our lives conforming (a word of heat and pressure) into the image of the Son. A man (or woman) can go through much if they know the “why.” Here it is:

*** Are you ready for the test of G-d? Testing will come. G-d tests all his children. Testing forges character and makes plain one’s spiritual strength. G-d will test you in order to prove your character.

Avraham (Abraham) faced a terrifying test of faith. He responded to God’s test by obediently offering up his son Yitzchak (Isaac). Moved by the sole desire to please him, Avraham trusted God. We call this motivation the holy desire for kiddush HaShem (sanctifying God’s Name). Avraham faced the heat with a holy desire to sanctify, or set apart, his life for the glory of God!

Now, consider the process of purifying steel. Temperatures of 3500 degrees Fahrenheit are applied to iron ore. Oxygen from the molten metal reacts with unwanted elements such as silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, and excess carbon to form slag, an impurity, which is removed.

At the akeydah (binding) of Isaac, Avraham surrendered his most prized possession. In doing so, his character was tested and made pure. Avraham learned in a new way that Yitzchak belonged solely to G-d.

To forge character, G-d will test us and remove our impurities. During times of testing, do not take your eyes off him. Remember that your purity will always remain. You will shine, purified by the refiner’s fire.

(Today I will) …face the heat in my life with a desire to shine brightly for G-d.***

“Shall I (we) offer unto the LORD that which costs me (us) nothing? “We bring the sacrifice of praise unto the house of the LORD”- Does praise sometimes demand a sacrifice? – It does. When our “happenstance” is good-we are happy. When our “happenstance” is bad- the applecart is spilled out. Are we then victims of our circumstance? Or is our LORD – Master and Commander of all?- the good, the bad and the ugly?
He uses all these things in our lives to conform us to the image (the likeness) of the Son. Our G-d is a consuming fire and He is a purifying fire. The dross is being burned out of our lives. Only that which is necessary will remain.
“The fining pot for silver and the furnace for gold.” Feeling the heat? Is this a “good thing?” yes..(we must say) – it is. G-d (amazingly enough)- knows what He is doing!- He is not “random”, but intricately and intimately involved in each and every blood-bought believer, down to the very hairs on each of our (aging) heads.
May we say with David-“It is good for me that I have been afflicted?” Good? Affliction is a “good thing?” Troubles, trials, suffering and pain are “good things?” – I don’t like pain..- it hurts.
But Carl and Jan,-“no pain-no gain.” “We must endure hardship as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.” Carl, who said that? Jan, who said that? Where did those words come from? Did they originate with me? or are they contained in G-d’s book of instructions? His Torah. His Law. (2 Timothy 2.3)
“And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.” (Psalms 12.6)

(now) -Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? (Romans 8:35)

Do you see the import and impact of these words? Do you see the comfort,the consolation, the strength, the sustenance, the succor, the support found in these words?

-No, -in (the midst of) all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (and loves us still today!) -for G-d is working in us- both to will and to do of His good pleasure- to conform us (each and all) into the image of the (willing and obedient) Son.

Jan Carver

ooooohhhh Carl, i am so humbled & astounded at the same time – thank you for sharing all you have here with me – it seems so intimate yet so privileged for all our brothers & sisters & especially you & me (in the scheme of things 4 sure)…

you said all so eloquently – i could not & would not have said it better because it was straight from HIS throne room to your fingers to type… in your spirit & mind to share here…

thank you so much for being obedient & reaching out to share this with me – i feel very special in what has been given me – with my name on it… ♥ THANK YOU JESUS ♥/


no words can express what i want to say or feel… just speak in my prayer language… ♥


Hello – I’m new here to this site and am enjoying some of Skip’s teachings, however maybe I’m missing the common understanding of the “new year”. I believe understanding of Rosh Hashana is an influence from Babylon when the Jews were in captivity because God is very clear the New Year begins during the time of Passover.

Ex 12:2
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.

Can anyone help in guiding this site’s idea that Rosh Hashana is the new year? Or point out where it’s found in scripture. Thanks.

carl roberts

We need some ‘down time’. We (all) need rest. “Both” in our minds and in our bodies- we need rest. We have been instructed according to the word(s) of our LORD- (this instruction has much to do with our ‘walking by faith’)- to ‘come apart’ and rest awhile.
This ‘rest for our souls’ is found in one place. Yeshua said, “Come unto Me”- all you who labor and are heavy laden. From the heart:- “I feel as if I’ve been rode hard and hung up wet, pulled through a knot-hole twice, yet He reminds me- “my strength is displayed/manifest in your weakness” and when/where we are weak- then He shows Himself to be strong.
I was able to attend the movie (hello Michael!) “Courageous” yesterday afternoon. I was reminded as I was leaving the theatre “only” three-hundred sixty six times in the word of G-d we are instructed to “fear not!” Three-hundred sixty six times? Any particular reason for this? Do we have a problem with fear to the point where we need to be told this three hundred sixty six times? Yes, we do.
As I was praying this morning, I was making a mental list of my fears. (lol!-it’s a long list!) Not to be short, but for the sake of the crush of the clock- as we each list our own fears- “Who” is the answer to each of these? It’s not a what but a “Who”. “Who has delivered me (as in “saved”) from “all” of my fears? “I (too) sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” (Psalm 34.4)
Have you seen (up close and personal) answered prayers? This is what we do- we pray. This is what He does- He answers our prayers- according to His will-not ours. But when our will (what I want) becomes His will (what pleases Him) our prayers and our praying align us with Him and draw us near to the Father. Intimacy starts here. We must “show up.” “Here am I” is the prayer of presentation. We present ourselves (in the raw) to Him. – Do not be afraid. “Fear not”- remember? Words are not necessary. Be still and know. Step 1.- “show up.” Pick and time and a place and spend (waste) time with the ONE you love. Not giving, not receiving, not studying- a lover’s tryst- secret, silent prayer. Try it..- you’ll like it!
I was made- you were made- for worship. “Come, let us worship and bow down- let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker.”