The Messenger
For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in faithfulness. Psalm 33:4 Hebrew World
Faithfulness – “To be fruitful means not to act for private ends but as a messenger in loyalty to Him who has engaged us.”[1] What does it mean to be a loyal messenger? It means to deliver the message exactly as the King has sent it. That’s why we need this verse from David. God performs all His works in faithfulness. That’s the message. Whatever is done, whatever is to be done, must reflect this characteristic of the King. And what is that? The Hebrew word is ‘emunah. It is a familiar word; a theologically crucial word. It describes “a way of acting which grows out of inner stability . . . [emphasizing] one’s own inner attitude and the conduct it produces.”[2]
We made the point that ‘emunah is not translated by the Greek alethia (truth) but rather by pistis (faith). Being a faithful messenger does not mean delivering the correct statements or doctrines. Being a faithful messenger means doing God’s work in God’s way. We should notice that almost all of God’s work is done invisibly. We don’t see His hand lifting the sun above the horizon every morning. We don’t observe His Spirit transforming the inner attitudes of men and women. We don’t watch the way He moves the clouds or brings the rain. We don’t witness His outstretched arm of protection. We might see the results of all these faithful actions, but the mechanism is invisible to us. In fact, in our culture, we provide explanations for all these events that do not include God at all. ‘emunah points us toward His utter reliability, not toward a compendium of crafted doctrines and confessions. To be a faithful messenger is to live in a way that models God’s reliability. In its simplest terms, it is to be a promise-keeper.
Whose promises must be kept? God’s promises. The messenger is the one who takes every word of the Lord seriously, realizing that God never defaults on His promises. For good or ill, God’s word is the one truly reliable bond in the universe. Everything God does stems from His promises.
For most of us, this is very good news. No matter what we experience in life, we can count on His promises. Justice will prevail. Righteousness will reign. Forgiveness is assured. But ‘emunah also entails that God’s promise to Israel will never be rescinded. It implies that the Torah is not set aside. It means that the coming of the Messiah is a Jewish event. ‘emunah requires us to rethink the scope and durability of God’s promises. If we feel secure because we have attached ourselves to some of His words, we must examine our lives to see if we are attached to all of His words. The faithful messenger does not edit the message from the King.
Topical Index: ‘emunah, faithfulness, messenger, Psalm 33:4
Good morning all…
Sometimes i feel like that is all i am is a messenger – such a privilege… ♥
this is what came to my mind as i typed the above: when my only child/son was a nursing baby – in order to build my/his milk supply he would nurse more & more & more & sometimes i would become a little frustrated & would feel that all i was – was a giant titty because that is all i did in the family of God was nurse a child – seems that may still be my job in life but what a privilege to help grow/nourish HIS children to maturity – seems the heavenly manifests in the physical way more than we think about (until this morning revelation | enlightenment from HIM)…
Hmm, this feels like a jab at science to me, but maybe that’s not your intent. I certainly hope you don’t think it’s bad for people to develop sufficient meteorological and astronomical understanding to be able to talk about sunrises and weather in physical terms. Far from somehow diminishing or cheapening God, wouldn’t a rational, orderly universe seemingly governed by laws be a testament to his nature?
In other words, if God brings the sunset and the weather (including tsunamis and hurricanes?), that still doesn’t make me want to understand how he does it any less. If God reveals himself in the universe he created, wouldn’t that make you want to understand how the universe works?
No jab at legitimate science, just a jab at a presuppositional science that rules out an open universe by fiat and then attempts to explain all causal events without reference to design, purpose or creation (and I am NOT advocating the “creationist” view here). Thomas Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions is a seminal work in this field and required reading for anyone trying to understand the scientific method as it is employed today. Kuhn (who is not a believer) demonstrates the science advances much like religious conversion rather than by rational implication.
It’s on my list of stuff to read. Thanks.
Jan, I read your response concerning the eternal revealed in the temporal and I find this to be true in so many ways. Sometimes I feel as if I’m living on the “parable planet.” Yeshua taught much using parables (an earthly story with a heavenly meaning) and I believe we are still being taught the same way- just slightly different materials.
Also Andrew- I absolutely ‘believe’ in science and technology and medicine as these have prolonged and improved the quality and quantity of my life. But all these things, computers, lasers, television, medicines etc. are only tools. Tools that can be used for great good and for carrying out the will of G-d or they can be (as we are all witness to) tools for great destruction. Technology can carry a message of hope or a message of destruction into our homes and we certainly need to, through the power of the Holy Spirit, weed out our homes of all that would be an impedance to our relationship with our Father.
If Yeshua were sitting next to us or in the same room with us- would our attitudes/actions change at all? This is the fear of the LORD. He is with us – now. Right here, right now, He is the G-d who is now present.
For me to share the love of G-d with the world through the medium of the internet is nothing short of a modern day miracle. Brought to you by science, but each who had a part in the creation of this technological marvel were inspired. To lived inspired, to be inspired is another gift from G-d. Amein.
Thank you for this very clear explanation of how important it is for GOD to keep his covenant with man. I have a dear friend who is an astute student of the word of GOD. However he is convinced that since man broko GOD’s covenant that GOD is not bound to it. I will try to share this information with this man that GOD is not a man that He should lie even if man does… nor does He break his covenant simply because I’m an optional
Oh yes Rick!- “He” is the true ONE, “He” is the Just ONE- “He” has the words of life. He is the Covenant-Keeper. He established it and He will keep it- He has sworn it by His own (thrice-holy) Name. “I will do this”- for “My Name’s Sake.”
G-d is ever Faithful- ever True- Semper Fi. “Always Faithful”. “I AM YHVH- I do not change.” G-d was good, G-d is good, G-d will (ever) be good- because G-d IS good. Yeshua said- “I AM…” My glad confession? – “HE IS!”-
And He is the “ONE” who has defeated death, sin and the grave and IS alive forevermore-our covenant-keeping G-d. Yeshua said- (is anyone listening?)- “This is the NEW COVENANT in My Blood”- drink all of it. This covenant has been established forever how? By the blood of the cross. Why?- because we are “all” sinners in need of a Savior. For who?- for ‘whosoever will’. Always and forever- “to the Jew first,- and also to the Gentile.” Where was this blood-covenant established? Oh friend- At Calvary.
Who established this covenant? He did- by and through the atoning blood of His cross. It is so. Share this with your friend. “For all the (covenant) promises of G-d “in Him” (the Messiah) are Yes!, and in Him Amen, (it is so) unto the glory of G-d by us. (2 Corinthians 1.20) Amein.