The Winepress

“You have trouble in the world, but let your heart be brave; I have overcome the world.  John 16:33  Delitzsch Hebrew Gospels

Trouble – Look, I don’t want any more trouble.  I’ve had enough.  I’m tired of the “my fair share” politics and the “everyone has to sacrifice” social correctness.  So  I’m not happy with Yeshua’s pronouncement of impending (and continuing) distress in life.  I need a vacation.  Maybe you do too.

Is there really enough reward on the other side to keep us going day-after-day in the treadmill of life?  Do we really have to have all these trials in order for God to finally say, “Now I know you love Me”?  Frankly, while I might intellectually understand the concept of future reward, it often doesn’t feel like it’s worth it.  If the truth be told, I am often afraid to make a deeper commitment because I expect that deeper commitments will bring more suffering.  Job reminds me that I want to stay under the radar.  What good is it to have God extol my righteousness if it results in personal disaster?

The Greek version of this verse uses the word thlipsis for “trouble.”  That word is about tribulation and affliction.  It comes from a root meaning “to crush, to press, to break.”  Not exactly appealing.  Nevertheless, it seems an accurate description of a good deal of life.  Scattered joy and victory between the pages of silence and stress.  It’s hard to be Braveheart when the end is dissection by quartering.  Maybe the only reward is to die courageously.  But that doesn’t seem to be what Yeshua is suggesting.  A look at the Hebrew helps us.

The Delitzsch reconstruction of the text in Hebrew uses the word tsarahTsarah means both a rival (a threatening enemy), and a time of extreme affliction or stress.  Perhaps both nuances are needed to understand Yeshua’s statement.  In the world followers of the King will experience stress.  The paradigm of the world opposes God’s righteousness.  In addition, we will face the enemy, the one who is a threatening source of despair, whether we find him in other human beings or in the person of ha-satan.  Since Yeshua spoke Hebrew, not Greek, perhaps we need to revise our thinking about His statement. It is certainly true that those who seek the Lord encounter hostility, but the emphasis in this statement is the fact that all hostility has been overcome.  The focus is eschatological.  Righteousness will prevail.  We might not see it in our span of years, but it is guaranteed by the life, death and resurrection of the Son.  Yeshua exhorts us to look beyond the immediate and realize that we are on the winning side.   We are encouraged to live within the context of victory.  We are asked to conform our lives to the inevitable result.

Maybe Yeshua meant something a bit different than days of ‘atsav (sorrow).  Maybe He was talking about reversing the results of the Fall.  What would life be like if we took up this challenge instead of bewailing expected strife?

Topical Index:  thlipsis, trouble, tsarah, John 16:33

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christine hall

‘Scattered joy and victory between the pages of silence and stress. It’s hard to be Braveheart when the end is dissection by quartering.’ Skip, you have a way with words!! As I run the last stretch (one week to be out of my house – now rented and not sold) of a trial filled year of overcoming health, wealth (taken to my last £50) and smashed up hopes and dreams let me share my reading from Streams in the Desert yesterday. It seems to fit with Skips word for today 9/11.

‘The Lord will perfect that which concerns me’ Psalm 138.8

There is a divine mystery in suffering, a strange and supernatural power in it, which has never been fathomed by the human reason. There never has been known great saintliness of soul which did not pass through great suffering. When the suffering soul reaches a calm, sweet carelessness, when it can inwardly smile at its own suffering and does not even ask God to deliver it from suffering then it has wrought it blessed ministry; then patience has its perfect work, then the crucifixion begins to weave itself into a crown.

It is in this state of perfection of suffering that the Holy Spirit works many marvellous things in our souls. In such a condition, our whole being lies perfectly still under the hand of God; every faculty of the mind and will and heart are at last subdued: a quietness of eternity settles down into the whole being; the tongue grows still, and has but few words to say; it stops asking God questions; it stops crying, ‘why hast thou forsaken me?

The imagination stops building air castles, or running off on foolish lines; the reason is tame and gentle, the choices are annihilated: it has no choice in anything but the purpose of God. The affections are weaned from all creatures and all things, it is so dead that nothing can hurt it, nothing can offend it, nothing can hinder it, nothing can get in its way; for, let the circumstances be what they may, it seeks only for God and His will, and it feels assured that God is make everything in the universe, good or bad, past or present, work together for its good.,

Oh, the blessedness of being absolutely conquered! Of losing our own strength, and wisdom, and plans and desires and being where every atom of nature is like placid Galilee under the omnipotent feet of Yeshua. Soul food.

The great thing is to suffer without being discouraged. Fenelon.

“The heart that serves, and loves, and clings,
Hears everywhere the rush of angel wings.”


PS Yah willing I fly to Ethiopia where my work awaits in mid October. Appreciate your prayers. I dont know how much internet connection I will have but I will try to connect and blog a bit when I can. I have been blessed Skip by this forum and your insightful word for today and all the contributors from around the world. – blessing be upon you all. Thanks

Jan Carver

christine, isn’t that a wonderful feeling to no longer be striving but RESTING in the Lord God of Israel…

this is truly one of my favorite scriptures for life: ‘The Lord will perfect that which concerns me’ Psalm 138.8

i praise HIM for your peace that is so precious to us – GOD-fearers… ♥


carl roberts

In this world you will have tribulation.. (He never lies- does He?) *BUT*- Skip, you need to walk back over this word and the power behind it- *BUT*- be of good cheer/heart/encouragement- I have (already) overcome the world. It is a done deal people. He has conquered- The Victory is His. Do you understand this? Do You KNow this? He has won. The battle belongs to the LORD. -Thine O LORD is the greatness and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty -He HAS put all things (all things) under HIs feet. Jesus is LORD. Yeshua is ADONAI. Now, (today- this moment- right where you are) He IS (not was) LORD. Do you understand the word LORD? Master and Commander of every hair on your head. Not a sparrow falls to the ground without His notice. Are you aware of this? Do you KNOW He commands every breath and every heartbeat of every breathing creature on the planet? This is called the Sovereignty of G-d. He is large and He is in charge. – Any questions? – Good- then let us answer them together. Let us consider the problem of pain. Why pain? Why sorrow? Why suffering? Why Affliction? – Good questions all. Especially when we know “G-d is good.”
Brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors- “It is good for me that I have been afflicted.” I have and so have you. This is NOT a problem-free world. This is not the utopia of Eden- this dear friends is Boot Camp. Life 101. We (who are HIs) are in the educational process of learning- and there is no greater instructor or mneumonic (memory) aid than pain. OUCH!- I remember. OUCH!- I won’t do that again..-OUCH!- that hurt when I placed my hand on the stove- Let me try the other hand and see if that one hurts also.. – (dummy). Sin is stupid. Sin (yes, brother Skip)- sin is a form of insanity. Why do we insist on hurting ourselves?
Now, not all pain is “self”- inflicted- but much of it is. Sorrow is a clean wound. When Yeshua took bread – He broke it and distributed it among the people. We (who are His) will also be broken. (I guarantee it). We must, we will, go through the Refiner’s fire. -The flame shall not hurt thee- I only design- thy dross to remove and thy gold to refine. G-d, dear friends, knows “how hot and how long..” – He has never once, no, not ever- burned the cake.
Let us consider the fiery furnace of affliction- heated seven times hotter than ever before. (You must be this tall to ride this ride..). Three went in (it wasn’t voluntary was it?) and four were present. Who was that fourth man in the furnace? (helpful household hint- “I will never leave you nor forsake you”) Now who could that be? – Do you know HIM? – What was that name again? Immanu El. Very Hebrew -don’t you think? Through the fire, through the flood, through the famine.. YES- though He slay me YET will I trust HIM!! -Why? (keep asking why people- it is a good thing!) Why daddy? Why Father? Why ABBA Father? “In faithfulness you have afflicted me.” G-d is Faithful. G-d is always Faithful. Semper Fi. He always, always, always, always- makes a way in the wilderness- -don’t go and get me to shouting this early in the morning- but I would jump up and down and shout to the mountains- say it,shout it, know it, show it- OUR G-d (O king) is ABLE to deliver thee!!!
Have I been through some “stuff?” – Would you care to see my scars? “Mark these men. ” I have been wounded in battle- I assure you. I am (and so are you) a “wounded Healer.” I will (always) point you to the ONE “who in faithfulness has afflicted me.” Thank you for the scars- Savior. Thank you for the wounds- they are now healed. – Every time I view these (yes, visible) scars I remember. The scars themselves are yet another mnemonic aid. Oh please know this!- Not to worry..- you will. The Teacher has a way of disciplining/chastening His children. Now what about those tears? – Shall we?

carl roberts

There is nothing (nothing) better for your eyes -Physically or ‘Spiritually’- than tears. Tears refresh the eyes. Tears are good for your vision. Tears are good for your ability to “see.” Remember those “attitude adjustments” we received from our earthy fathers- “back in the day?”
Nothing has changed. We still are being chastened (not punished) and are being disciplined (do you see the word disciple- within the word discipline?) by our Father.
Have you ever prayed this prayer? “Teach us (teach me) to pray?” Then fasten your ‘seat belt’- it’s going to be a bumpy ride.. I’ve thought about (but never have written the first chapter) of the title of my autobiography: “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.” lol!
Oh friends!- Too much has happened to condense years of living into few words! Tears tell the tale much better! But this time around- they are tears of joy! I have been delivered from the snare of the fowler and from the noisesome pestilence- He HAS delivered me! From doubting to shouting- the LORD IS, the LORD IS, the LORD IS my Shepherd!- I shall (never) want. My Source, My Supply, My Sovereign, My Shepherd, My Succour, My Song. Christ is all and in you all. “Both” now and forevermore- it just gets better every day. How is this possible? Wonderful question- I’ll get back to you on this.. – I’ve got some rejoicing to do today.

Jan Carver

Carl, i love my tears they are so cleansing & pure & full of saltiness – they come from joy & tragedy, blessing & cursing – they are mine given to me to give back to HIM…


Robin Jeep

The Delitzsch reconstruction of the text in Hebrew uses the word ‘arah.  The idea behind ‘arah isn’t quite the same as thlipsis.  ‘arah means “to expose, to uncover, to empty.”  It describes something poured out, something that spreads and permeates.

Exposure, uncovered, emptied begins first with us. If our naked natures are not uncovered, exposed, emptied, poured out and then filled and permeated with the righteous power of the Ruach HaKodesh we are not fit for the battle of permeating the world, and we will surely be devoured.

Jan Carver



Jan Carver


“In this world you will be poured out. You will penetrate and spread as you are exposed to danger. You will be weapons of destruction, “uncovering and unmasking.” All of this will put you at risk, but be brave.” THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL & SUCH AN EXCITING JOURNEY WHICH I HAVE LIVED TO A CERTAIN DEGREE & OTHERS AT A GREATER DEGREE THAN ME I AM SURE BUT IT WAS MY MISSION FROM HIM…

That changes things, doesn’t it? Instead of a proclamation of inevitable gloom, now Yeshua’s statement becomes a battle cry. Yes, it’s going to be tough. Yes, some will fall; some will be injured. But you will spread.

What comes from the winepress will intoxicate the world with God’s grace and righteousness. There will be a great fight, but victory is yours. OH, VICTORY IN JESUS… ♥


robert lafoy


Mat 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

The proper use of the right sword!! 😉

Jan Carver

RL – of course warring in the heavenlies against principalities & powers & rulers but if it came to it & i had to – i would pick up a physical sword too… ♥ j

robert lafoy

Thx, I look for it!

robert lafoy

although I’m not at all aquainted with the Greek and how it’s constructed, I’ve looked at this passage in the past strictly from a circumstantial view, ie. John’s question, Jesus’ response and the circumstances around the discussion.

I find confusion in John’s question, “are you the one, or is another coming?” I would imagine ( 🙂 ) John was well aquainted with the writings of the prophets and, as we all do, held certain assumptions about the events they spoke of. Needless to say they probably didn’t match with his particular situation at hand. Getting hackey whacked for the proclamation of the messiah probabaly wasn’t part of his vision for the introduction, or initiation of the kingdom of heaven on earth. Besides that, if there was one person on earth that could succor his deliverance, it would be the Messiah himself, and apparently Jesus wasn’t interested in doing anything at all on his behalf.

You wrote in a post recently, something to the effect of, would you still find God worthy of worship and service even if it isn’t going well with us? I hear Jesus saying to John, and me, hang on to my word John (Robert), not what you think it says, but what it says, ie. the blind see…. (all the marks of my identification) It’s going down just like I said, the end is sure but the details are sometimes up for grabs.

John was certainly a warrior, but for all his warring, the real fight had just begun. What thoughts of doubt plagued John’s heart and mind those final days we may never know, The question for me is,what plagues mine. How “forceful” does one have to be to retain a sure hold on the kingdom in circumstances like these. “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent ones take it by force.” I find the world pretty forceful in it’s warring against God and all things that are His. I,m asked to take hold of Him with a greater intensity even than they exercise, that’s why I can’t do ANYTHING without Him, I don’t know how to fight that way, but I’m learning. It may come down to a physical sword one day (he who lives by the sword…) But I want to learn to wield the true sword, the Word of Truth, the one that cuts to the heart of everything. Jesus is my cut man (go ahead! cut me!!) It’s by that sword that restoration comes, and that men are set free.

Ricky Hazelton

This particular verse is referencing Micah 2:13 and is idiomatic and not dealing with violence as far as fighting is concerned. David Bivin and Brad Young cover this scripture in their writings and it is an interesting read.


Robert Lafoy,

A book by Brad Young that you can find teaching on this particular passage is, “Jesus The Jewish Theologian.”

Robert L. Lindsey has also written on this passage in his book, “Jesus, Rabbi and Lord.”

As Ricky brought out above, Yeshua is using a beautiful passage from Micah 2:13, which has very deep Messianic implications.

Carl Roberts

When G-d permits suffering, He provides comfort.


On Father and Son

On Metaphors and Disciples

On War and Peace


So I guess the challenge, put to us by our Master, is to find the Peace

In a process where we feel as though our bodies are being crushed

And our blood/spirit is flowing outward

Like grape juice in a winepress


“in the person of ha-satan”

Hi Skip,


I think ha-satan is more “dark angel” than human being 🙂

After all he hangs around with the sons of God in heaven when he is not roaming around the earth

And he is always looking for trouble

Jan Carver


is he “dark angel” always looking for trouble or creating it???

“And he is always looking for trouble”


Hi Jan,

Good question.

In Job, he says he has been roaming round the earth, apparently looking for trouble.

When Ha Satan finds what he is looking for, he returns to get see Yahweh.

And once he has Yahweh’s okay, he wreaks havoc on poor old Job.

Benny de Brugal

Hi Skip, I am a little confuse pls if possible lead me in the right direction. According to Rabby Jeffrey Leynor, a colaborator of the Biblical Heritage Center, in Hebrew ha-satan is not a person is a place.


“Hebrew ha-satan is not a person is a place”

Hi Benny,

Maybe the place is in the “state of mind”

Have you ever seen the paintings

Of the old master Breugal?