Chasing Shadows

For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order:  If anyone will not work, neither let him eat.  2 Thessalonians 3:10  NASB

Will not work – There is a South African colloquialism describing men who would rather sit than work.  It’s called “chasing shadows.”  These men sit against the side of a building during the day, moving only enough to stay in the shadows and out of the hot sun.  Why should they work?  The government gives them housing, electricity and water.  If they complain to the right people, they will probably get food and medical care.  Why bother to do anything else, especially in an African culture that lacks any form of Judeo-Christian work ethic?  Chasing shadows is good enough as long as someone else pays my bills.  The disparity between the immigrant generations of Afrikaners and the indigenous Black population couldn’t be more stark.  One toils in the sun.  The other sits in the shade.

You might be appalled by this lack of human motivation, this deterioration of humanity into nothing more than sleeping dogs.  But before you complain that government corruption, government interference and government desire for voter dependence are the contributing factors, perhaps we need to take a step back and look at another historical influence – the theology of free grace.  My observations and the observations of many people on the mission field and in third world countries is this:  evangelical Christianity has contributed to an entitlement spirituality that equally contributes to human indolence.  Around the world, converts wait with an open hand for the rich to send them what they need.  Forgiveness is free so why shouldn’t all the other provisions of God come the same way?  Just pray and expect someone else to provide.  Just sit in the shadows.  If the indigenous culture did not provide a strong incentive to work, Christianity will not suddenly change that.  God gives freely.  Why should I have to do anything?

On a very personal level, I have often been confronted with the complaint that Today’s Word should be free to everyone.  Why?  Because it is about spiritual things and all spiritual things are free.  I have been called quite a few names by insisting that Today’s Word requires commitment.  If computer savvy readers have this attitude, imagine how much more it resides in those who do not enjoy Western luxuries?

Apparently Paul wasn’t of the opinion that God was running a cosmic entitlement program.  “If anyone (no qualifications) will not (makes the deliberate choice) work (be productive for the benefit of self and others),” then there are consequences.  No one must be allowed to mooch off of the community.  Everyone must contribute.

Is Paul’s instruction God’s word?  If it is, then can you imagine what God’s assessment of our current political and religious give-away programs might be?  What do you think God would say to the shadow-chasers?  What would He say to those noble-minded mission organizations that demand nothing in return for their efforts in the field?  If Paul speaks God’s mind, do you think YHWH approves of our good-news hand-out mentality?  One thing is absolutely certain.  Expect nothing and men will live up to that standard.

My friend Jason runs a charitable organization that builds houses in the slums in Mexico.  His isn’t the only mission doing this work, but it is the only one that demands that the family receiving the house perform 200 hours of community service before they get the house.  When he started with this novel concept, other missions organizations told him it would never work.  Besides, they were giving away houses for free.  Many years later, the houses Jason and the owners built are painted, they have flowers in the yard, they have the same families living there and they are actively engaged in helping others get homes.  The houses given away for free are run-down shacks.  Multiple groups have come and gone through their doorways.  The yards are still full of trash.  Expect nothing and you will always get it.

Paul was right.  It is God’s word.  Man was made to work.  Take work away from him and he becomes a dog seeking shade.  God’s grace isn’t free.  It cost a price so enormous that no one could pay it.  The resulting blessings are also not free.  “Work out your salvation” needs to replace “God has a wonderful plan.”  When we stop giving it away, we might actually see lives changed.  The few who are chosen will avail themselves of the opportunity and all will see the difference.  Keep up the good work, Jason (click here to see what Jason is doing).

Topical Index: work, eat, free, 2 Thessalonians 3:10

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carl roberts

I cannot work my soul to save
that work’s already done,
but I will work like any slave
for the love of G-d the Son.

Grace is free but at great cost. There is no “free lunch” or “cheap grace.” Someone always pays and that Someone is the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ. Mercy there was great and grace was free- pardon there was multiplied to me,- there my burdened soul found liberty- at Calvary. We (who are His) have been redeemed/purchased at the cost of blood. Perfect Lamb’s blood.
Works vs faith? Almost as ludicrous as Greek vs Hebrew. How about light vs darkness? Good vs evil? Certainly not man vs man- we have seen too much of this already.
No, the battle, (and we all are engaged in an unseen battle) is (as it always has been) a battle for the mind of man. Who is in charge? Or as (for you Michael!) Jimmy Stewart says when he rides into the Union camp desperately looking for his son- “who’s the leader of this band of fools?” (from Shenandoah) Good question Jimmy. Who is the leader of this band of fools? This was the question that Moses asked the people of Israel. We read in Exodus 32:26, “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’s side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.”
The question is (I propose) is not whether anyone is a Democrat or Republican, male, female, Greek or Jew. The question is the same one Moses proposed so long ago. Of course, we might say- “that was then, this is now.” You know, put things in context and say the word of the LORD no longer applies in this “special” situation..- but, we cannot say that for the word of the LORD endures forever- to every generation that fears Him. “Both” then and now- G-d’s word is eternal and applicable to “both” “any and all.” Deliverance- To the Jew first (always) and also (praise G-d!) to the Greek.
“Therefore, if anyone is in the Messiah, he is a new creation. Old things have disappeared, and-look!-all things have become new!” (2 Corinthians 5.17) Anyone. Any man. Any woman. Any child. Jew? yes. Gentile? yes. Male? Even the Republicans? Plumbers? Painters? Poets?- any man. Even the thief dying beside (the) Christ. “Today -you shall be with me in Paradise” were the word of the Messiah. Poor guy couldn’t even get ‘baptized!’ Didn’t have sufficient time or resources to do any good at all, yet the promise came from the lips of our LORD- “today, you shall be with me in Paradise.”
Our problem is “fairness.”- “I’ve worked all day in your fields and all I get is this penney?” “He only worked half a day and she just got here!” – What was promised? Eternal life or as I have pleasantly discovered “the life of the Eternal ONE.” Christ now lives in me! And not just in me, but in every follower of the Way.
“Christ in you- the hope of glory.” (Call me a “Bible-thumper”- please..) Friends, – “it is written.” Shall we deny the word(s) of G-d? or even more subtly- “hath G-d said?” (hmm- where did those words originate?)
G-d is a tireless worker. He works night and day, twenty four/seven and never takes a break or tires. He is relentlessly pursuing us for He is our Hunter/Lover. He earnestly, passionately desires an intimate relationship with all of us and with each of us. Just as I love all of my children and each of my children.
(true) Christianity (a rather battered word- is it not?) is not a religion (isn’t that a relief?)- it is a relationship. Father to child. We may now refer to our Creator as ABBA. (yes,- it blows my mind also!). I can’t ‘get over it’ either! I don’t understand all that I know about cherry pie, but don’t tell me it doesn’t exist while the red juices are exploding flavor in my mouth!- lol!
Mephibosheth (grandson of Saul and son of Jonathan) was lame in both his feet, yet he sat at the King’s table. He was invited to the feast. Quite a worker bee- this guy was- that is why he was invited? No. It was purely relational. Because he was grandson to Saul and because he was the son of the blood-covenant friend of David, (Jonathan) he was given everything. It was all the gift of (blood-covenant) grace.
What was the cost to Jonathan of this covenant of Friendship? – it cost him his throne, his future, his legacy. Yet, for the sake of friendship- he sacrificed everything. All for the (friendship) love of David.
Fast forward several millenia to today and to your dwelling place. – What is your motivation? What motivates you? Why do you do what you do? “For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that ONE died for all, therefore all died;” (2 Corinthians 5.14) “For he that is dead is freed from sin.” (Romans 6.7)
When Christ died- we died with him. When Christ was resurrected, we were too. We are buried with Him by baptism unto death, (then) raised to walk in newness of life. “I have been crucified with Christ and (it is) I (who) no longer lives, but Christ (who) lives in me. The life I live in (this earthly) body, I live by faith in the Son of G-d, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2.20)
Let all things be done decently and in order. (It is) by grace -Through faith-Unto good works. Works are for “show me.” How do I know you belong to Him? What is on the inside (Christ) must show on the outside. I cannot see Christ in you except by the (kind, considerate, gentle, loving) things you do. -and the (witness of) the words you say! -for “what’s down in the well will come up in the bucket!
(na) “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my Strength, and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19.14) -Amein.


I’m glad that Yeshua made sure the poor had the gospel preached to them and it was free.


I’m so happy that someone is articulating the dangers of “Entitlement Theology”.

A few months ago I asked my wife if I was basically the same man now,… as ten years ago (We were married in high school, in 1996). She didn’t say it negatively, but basically affirmed that I had changed a lot in the first five years of marriage – but I’ve been basically the same for the last decade. It was a big wake-up moment for me – realizing that for more than a decade I must have been just “playing church”.

In actuality, I lost maturity during that time. I’ve become lazier, less determined, and more of a slave to sin. I think I equated simply ‘enjoying church more’, with actual spiritual maturation. I would say things like, “The difference between a Christian and a ‘pagan’ – is that a Christian is not comfortable in their sin.”. Latching on to Entitlement Theology helped keep me “a dog in the shadows”.

Arnella Rose

How necessary is it to work? Absolutely necessary! It is so necessary that for every seven days, Yah gave SIX days for work and ONE day for rest!! This rest has real meaning BECAUSE (among other things) the six days of work leaves one tired and in need of refreshing…!

But also, WORK (when embraced with the right attitude – WORSHIP) brings its own satisfaction, so much so that one could easily be tempted to continue working into the seventh day, easily making work into a god…!

Invariably however, where ever ‘cheap grace’ has been doled out it has been accompanied by its cousin – ‘entitlement’. Yes, measure for measure – ‘cheap grace’ has exacted a high price in individuals, families and communities. Since many, especially in the West, have wittingly or unwittingly eaten of this ‘Christian fruit’, may the Spirit of Yah quicken hearts and grant true repentance; may the axe be put speedily to the root of this ‘cheap-grace’ tree!

Good word Skip. Blessings upon you!

carl roberts

Cheap grace does not exist. This grace, this loving-kindness, this mercy, and this love of our Heavenly ABBA towards us was purchased at a cost much too high for us to fathom. There also, dear friends, is no cheap, easy or lazy way to serve ADONAI. If you’re in this for a free ticket to heaven, for “pie-in-the-sky” by and by, you are in for a rude awakening and wake-up call. (Don’t worry.. G-d will provide this too..)
Another two classes of people to consider. There are rowers and there are riders. Yes, Arnella..- six days shall you labor and by the sweat of your brow you shall eat your bread. You shall love the LORD your G-d with all your heart,soul,mind and strength! This “love” is the word “avad”.
This is from a young man by the name of Skip Moen: -yeah, I keep (and treasure) these things! “Avad is the Hebrew verb for work. This word covers all your labor in living, but when it is used to describe serving G-d, it does not include the connotation of toil. Serving G-d is a joyous fulfillment of life as it was intended to be. Because each one of us was designed to find true satisfaction when we are productive within G-d’s perfect design, avad captures that activity of life that liberates us to be who we were meant to be. Yes, avad is about obedience, but it is not about compulsory oppression. It is about exuberant, voluntary submission to my G-d-given destiny under His direction. Let’s put it this way: If you are truly serving the Lord, you discover that what you do is the most natural, exhilarating, liberating thing that you could ever imagine doing.”
Avad is what we (menfolk) do. Work, worship, love, serve. All wrapped up neat and nice in one word- “avad.” And for six days this is what we do. And when day number seven arrives- we are ready for some R & R & R (rest, relaxation and refreshment!).
I remember when my young teenage son came home after a particularly hard day’s work and merrily announced (much to everyone’s surprise)- “I don’t mind hard word- it’s good for you!” Shock and awe..- lol! -out of the mouths of babes!

Ian Hodge

Skip, the economic problem you describe is yet another manifestation of rejection of Torah — in this case, an example could be the gleaning laws. These required people to get off their backside and go and “earn” their meal by “working” for it. No one gleaned for them. Your friend Jason is applying this principle and it works magnificently. A book, Bringing in the Sheaves by George Grant also tells the story of the blessing of God when his congregation implemented this principle some years ago.

It is not just “free grace” that may be behind this. Socialism — the denial of eighth commandment and property ownership — results in the redistribution of wealth, destroying the dignity of individuals on both side of the fence: the taxpayers and the recipients. Then there are the “Social Crediters” who believe a man should not have to work, that the wealth of the nation should be calculated, and all the citizens should receive their annual dividend check.

Nutty economics, the result of a rejection of Torah, combined with nutty theological systems that also reject Torah, have created the debacle.

Now, how to fix this mess?

robert lafoy

Good word Ian,

How to fix it!!? Go back, return is the word God uses I believe. That starts a t home, for me anyways!


Ian, South Africa is in need of a new President. Pity you can’t apply …

You have really summarized our problem in South Africa very accurately.

And I agree with Robert as well.

Ian Hodge

Sure, love to. Maybe a webinar for those around the globe.


I would appreciate that.

Jan Carver

Okay, i don’t quite know what to say to this article today – because i have been unemployed for a year now & have sent in many a resume & had very few interviews & if had not been for the unemployment/assistance (that i have paid into with taxes withdrawn from my paycheck while working all these years) & the SNAP food program – i would not have survived as well as i have. And also the help of a certain sister in the Lord that was obedient when the Lord told her to give into my life – have i been able to make my house payment – yes, i have used government assistant & i am not too proud to admit it.

i worked all my life since high school except the years i stayed home with my only son as he was growing up – i purposed in my heart that i would be a stay at home mom & raise my own child & God allowed that also & with much provision; as i was married at that time. i have been divorced since 1999 & up till a year & a half ago my son & i lived together in an apartment – the last one for 11 years & i became involved with Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity & worked 300 hours of sweat equity for a beautiful new brick home that will be paid off in 10 years interest free & no down payment but $3,000 closing cost was paid by a government grant that was paid out at $6,000 – $3,000 went to closing & the other $3,000 went back into the principal & there are certain criteria you have to meet & keep in these programs. you cannot make over $37,000 annually to qualify for this program but i will tell you this – i am sitting better than most people i know with their mortgages & more realistic for a new home with a geo-thermal unit that the highest cost for electric in the year was $92 for a month.

also not sure how this work thing pertains to women – i know a lot of women work today just for the family to survive or to have many material things – i myself think a woman belongs at home with their children if at all possible & i was blessed to be able to do that – because a woman works in the home taking care of her family.

i will also tell you that the corp world is a disgrace to Godly people most of the time & i truly do not look forward to re-entering it any time soon but i am going to have to because i am not yet able to retire – not old enough. but i thank God every day for His provision in this time of need – i may not be out working in the fields or doing manual labor but i work at ministering to people daily through social media & those in my sphere of influence – you may not look at that as work but i do not turn on the tv all day long & sometimes into the evening & hardly ever watch the news. my job at this computer & on the phone daily is ministering to those in my circle & the only way i get paid is through God’s provision for me – which partly comes through the state & the feds & i cannot remain in this state forever but for now i take joy in my provision & what i do for others in ministering to them & they help me because i help them it is no different than what Skip does here by writing articles, etc. & us giving into his ministry here…



God bless you Jan! You are not a shadow chaser, so don’t lump yourself and those like you into the same group. My family and I were on foodstamps when I was working through college, and I would hear people talk about welfare abuse – it was difficult not to take it personally. In conversations, I felt like I had to admit to being in that group, so it wouldn’t get really akward when they might find out later. But when I did say something, most everyone would answer back, “We’re not talking about you,… you are the kind of person those programs were meant to help!”.

Continue your diligent labor and every honest soul will see you for who you really are. Don’t worry about the rest ’em.

P.S. I must also admit that I picked up some bad habits and bent perspectives from my time on government help. Even as it was helping me, it was hurting me – I was not strong enough to spend depersonalized-government-money, the same as I would my own. The gleaning laws of the Torah, I have no doubt, would be a far superior model.

Jan Carver

thanks for the encouragement Gabe – but would like to know what bad habits you picked up & the bent perspectives – and what does this mean: “I was not strong enough to spend depersonalized-government-money, the same as I would my own.” just curios & need other perspectives also…



I was on the EBT card (food stamps) program in Oregon, and simply put, I didn’t spend the government money the same as I would have my own. I tended to buy more expensive items, including healthy snack bars ($$), organic fruits and veggies, but also more treats and desserts. More went bad in the fridge, and convenience foods almost always cost more.

“Depersonalized-government-money”, just means that if you get a small piece of the government’s “millions and millions”, there isn’t really a face behind it. You don’t see someone’s hard work behind the dollar. But if a friend gives you $100, you know how they work for their money, and you’d be less likely to go out and spend the money on a ‘want’, instead of a need.

The bent perspectives are more subtle – the perspective would come clear when I would meet someone harder working than myself,…. who paid taxes and/or would offer to help me. My conscience was vexed by the fact that this person could also use more free time, more time with family, more time for their hobbies, ect.

For example, my father-in-law works near 10-12 hours a day (except Sabbaths) doing construction, projects around the house, ect. He is up at dawn, and back after dark. He has a nice house which he fixed up with his own sweat. Now people see him as “well off”, and family and friends are always “needing” to be bailed out by him. He could say no, but he is generous to a fault,… enabling even. I think in their minds, they consider his work ethic part of his personality, so they think, “That guy just loves to work!”.

I could say more, but hopefully this clarifies.


Indeed! I am referring to immigrants/boat people who demand to be accepted, and fed, housed, and it is not refugees being addressed here, but infiltration of folks bringing their “faith”/religion/law with them.
We do need to be aware of the trickery of the adversary upon our emotions to do good
and to freely give.
A good saying- better to teach someone to fish, than to give him fish to eat daily-to that effect :-))


The above link is a commentary of this week’s Torah “Bereishit” Genesis 1:1-6:8 titled “The Development of Civilization”. I goes well with Skip’s word.


Sorry about the typo error …It goes well with Skip’s word.