The Random Universe
So she departed and went and gleaned in the field after the reapers; and she happened to come to the portion of the field belonging to Boaz, who was of the family of Elimelech. Ruth 2:3 NASB
Happened – How much does luck play a part in your thinking about life? How many “accidents” just happen to you? The story of Ruth never actually describes God’s handiwork as a direct cause in the events in Ruth’s life. Instead, we get a word like this one, miqreha, which we first investigated in Ecclesiastes 2:15. Qohelet uses the word in a way that underlines our fate, but in Ruth the word has a different nuance. In Ruth, this word is a hint, a clue of a deeper reality. The story doesn’t boldly tell us that God is behind the scene. It merely allows us to draw that conclusion on our own. In other words, the truth is visible only to those who have eyes to see it.
Isn’t that the way God works most of the time? He doesn’t separate the sea every day. He doesn’t descend on the mountain every week. And He doesn’t raise the dead whenever we would like Him to. He works invisibly in the history of our lives, often in ways that we never notice until the events are long past. But He is always giving us hints. The question is whether or not we are attuned to His ways so that we can see what others cannot.
Miqreha shows up in another passage that provides one additional nuance. It is in Genesis 24:12. Abraham’s servant arrives at the well, looking for a bride for Isaac. He prays hakreh na (make it happen, please) that the woman who comes to offer water will be the right woman for Isaac. And, of course, Rebekah is the right woman. Here we see another important element of those who have eyes to see. Miqreha can be proleptic, i.e. it can anticipate what God will do. If I know that the universe is not random, then events that appear to be random can be reinterpreted as part of the purposes of God. That means I can also expect God to act in ways that might appear to be nothing more than accident but contain deeper patterns of purpose.
What if you reorganized your thinking so that you started looking for and anticipating God in the “accidents” of life? What if all those apparently disconnected events were actually hints of another reality? Would that change your behavior? Would it change your complaints, your anxieties, your frustrations? Could you train yourself to “see” what isn’t on the surface? Let’s find out. What do you suppose might “happen” today?
Topical Index: miqreha, happen, Ruth 2:3, Ecclesiastes 2:15, Genesis 24:12
“What if you reorganized your thinking so that you started looking for and anticipating God in the “accidents” of life? What if all those apparently disconnected events were actually hints of another reality? Would that change your behavior? Would it change your complaints, your anxieties, your frustrations? Could you train yourself to “see” what isn’t on the surface? Let’s find out. What do you suppose might “happen” today?”
~the truth is visible only to those who have eyes to see it~
Add another “amen!”. Brothers, sisters- it is so!! Our G-d reigns!
This is what is known as the Sovereignty of G-d. My G-d IS King. LORD of all. LORD of the living, LORD of the dead. LORD of the Jew, LORD of the Gentile. LORD of all creation. LORD of things seen. LORD of the unseen and LORD of the unknown. LORD of my sorrow/LORD of my shame. LORD of me. Master/Commander/Shepherd/Sovereign. Life (all of it- the good, the bad and the ugly) is not (in no way) “random.” Christ is Commander of the cosmos- “both” the macro and the micro. LORD of all.
Our Redeemer is not random in anything He says or does. And He does all things well. Death, divorce, disease, disaster, depression- “Where was G-d in all of these?” He is “in the midst”. In the middle of our sorrow, our shame, our sin. He was “there” all the time. Where exactly was Jonah headed when he ran from the presence of the HOLY ONE? And where did Jonah “find” G-d? In the middle of a great fish deep under the waves of the sea. Just when we (erroneously) “think” we are all alone- we are not. Not never- not ever. NO- “never alone,” for G-d (what is His name?) is our Immanuel. He is G-d (ever) with us. What were His words? Are we remembering what He said? “I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you”.
Ask me (please..) -Carl, have you ever “seen” G-d? Oh, friends, -I would be dead were it not for Him. Literally/physically dead. Dead, as in no heartbeat. Dead, as in no breath. How much more ‘personal’ can this ‘salvation’ be?
Is G-d intricately and intimately involved in the “every day” details of our (oh so common?) lives? Are the hairs of our (balding, greying) heads numbered? Right here, right now- where we sit or stand.. “in Him we live and move and have our being”.
News! News! News we have never heard before!- Here it is.. “you cannot see G-d for He is invisible.” (headslap anyone?) Homer might say “Doh!” “for we look not on the things that are seen, but on the things that are not seen”- remember? Too many of us (and for too long) are not “faith-walkers” but rather “sight-seers”. By faith and NOT by sight. What do your eyes tell you? I can’t believe my eyes!- No, Carl,- you can’t. But you can believe what G-d says in His (never failing, never changing) word.Step #1 Know tHis book and live it. Do what He says.. Live “by the Book.” (according to His instructions).
Determine to do His will. Once the determination (a decision, a choice) has been made, then there must be “the doing of it.” We must “do” the will of ADONAI. If “any man” wills to do His will..
We must know what pleases our Father. And how do we know these things? How does anyone know? “it is written”.
“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” (Romans 15.4)
Who was it that said, “the way we know our future is by looking at the past?” (I’d like to thank that man!) for this, dear friends, is very true. And because G-d has a history with His people, – I also have a future and a “blessed hope!” My “G-d confidence” (hope) is being developed.. (daily), for I, too, have a history with G-d.
What He he done for me? Oh please, – allow me to “testify” for we are witnesses (up close and personal) to these things.. This creature (me) has believed the message, knows the Messenger, and has seen miracles. “Jesus saves” (completely). Body, soul, mind and spirit. In totality- “Jesus saves”. Or if you prefer “Yeshua delivers.” (completely-totally) Body, soul, mind and spirit. Physically-financially-spiritually-emotionally- in all ways and at all times- “our G-d reigns.” He, dear friends, is with us, and He IS for us. G-d, our Maker does provide (what is His name?) for our wants to be supplied..- (all of them.) -Name a need He cannot supply. Call it out and then cry unto Him. Learn to pray and then watch what “occurs”, but first we must “learn to pray..” “Ask, and you will receive” but we must ask according to the will of our Father. Does G-d want me to have this? or to do this? Would “this” (activity-attitude-belief-behavior) be pleasing unto my ABBA?
Did I just say “my ABBA?” Yes. I did. For G-d is my Father. The LORD is “my Shepherd.” Oh, how blessed to call Him “mine!” He is the knowable G-d. Revelation! (the uncovering- the unveiling!) Too long have I lived in the shadows of shame! -I am free. No longer ‘bound’- but rather “free indeed!”
But hear what I say. I am not free to do as I please, -I am free to do as I ought. (not my will- but Yours”). LORD, what would You have me to do? This man. I am Yours to command. Today. Right here/right now- in total, absolute willing surrender to my Sovereign (always Good) Shepherd.
“This is the day which the LORD has made..” (is this true?) lol! Yes, friends! “it is so!” Do I know what a day may bring forth? No, not at all. But I know Who brings forth the day! I know the Day-Maker! (my Kinsman Redeemer) – and He does all things well. Per His instructions: “rejoice in the LORD always, and again I say rejoice!” Carl, have fun..- and that’s an order! (Sir, -yes sir!..)
Excellent, thank you!
I remember, when I wasn’t a professional STUDENT…that I used to facilitate small groups where we just reported each week on what I called “accidental G_d sightings”. That was 17 years ago…I am working to get back there. Less is more, and slow is more intentional….Thanks Sir! for the reminder.
Yes, Cheryl, a good phrase, ‘God sightings’ or ‘God-incidences’!
“Abraham’s servant arrives at the well, looking for a bride for Isaac. He prays hakreh na (make it happen, please) that the woman who comes to offer water will be the right woman for Isaac. …And, of course, Rebekah is the right woman.”
“What if all those apparently disconnected events were actually hints of another reality? Would that change your behavior?”
Well coincidentally there was a lovely young woman named Rebekah who worked at Peets Coffee
And treated me like I was her long lost grandfather every time I went in there for a cup
But those hints of another reality can come in the form of the “fear of God”
Can come in the form of gale force winds and they change your behavior whether you like it or not
Skip, I do certainly believe in divine “accidents/coincidences, and synchronicity.” But I am contemplating how we differentiate divinely engineered “accidents of life” from those truly resulting from the “limited chaos” allowed by the last couple of chapters of God, Time, and the Limits of Omniscience. Any thoughts?
You do the best you can while listening for the voice of the Spirit. And if you are willing to do anything God asks, then whatever choice you make will be the right one, but if you are not willing to do ANYTHING God asks, then any choice you make will be the wrong one. As Heschel reminds us, “No word from God is the last word.” Grace is built into existence. For me this means asking myself in every circumstance if I am aware of God’s presence at that moment and if I am, am I comfortable with His presence.