Travel Travails
“But pray that your flight may not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath;” Matthew 24:20 NASB
Sabbath – In spite of the fact that R. T. France compellingly argues that this verse and its surrounding verses do not apply to the coming of Yeshua at the end of human history, he makes one statement that demonstrates just how much Christian theology has influenced the way even great scholars read the gospel. Attempting to supply a reason why Yeshua would exhort His disciples to pray that the destruction of the temple and the ensuing persecution of the Jews would not happen on a Sabbath, France suggests perhaps “Matthew himself added this comment for the benefit of his own Christian community which, following the ‘lax’ attitude which Jesus himself displayed in [Matthew] 12:1-14, has ceased to observe the sabbath strictly, but by escaping on that day would draw the hostile attention of non-Christian Jews who still observed it?” Such a comment demonstrates how carefully we must read every explanatory work on Scripture.
Notice what France assumes in order to make this statement. First, he assumes that Matthew added an editorial remark, placing it in Yeshua’s mouth. But there is no evidence at all for this assumption from the text other than the fact that it presupposes observing the Sabbath which France rejects. Secondly, the comment suggests that Yeshua did not keep the Sabbath regimen. Where is there any evidence for that? Thirdly, because France has adopted the view that the early believers were “Christians” in opposition to Jews, he assumes that fleeing on the Sabbath would heighten the animosity between these groups. But there is no indication from Scripture that anyone took on the label “Christian” prior to the destruction of the temple. Fourthly, France confidently states that Matthew views himself as a “Christian” and that Matthew’s community of “Christian” believers no longer observe the Sabbath. But none of this is found in Scripture and, in addition, there is considerable historical evidence that followers of Yeshua, especially ethnic Jews, continued to observe the Sabbath well into the fourth century. At every point, France’s presupposition that Christians did not follow the Torah regarding the Sabbath overpowers every obvious meaning of this text. And France is a recognized world-famous Matthew scholar!
This is a case where the text is being read through the lens of the Church, not as it is written for the original audience. The reason Yeshua exhorts his disciples to pray that the pending political disaster does not occur on the Sabbath is simple: the Sabbath is a day of rest, family and worship. If one must flee on that day, little or no preparation is possible. Read in context (first century Judaism), the text is straightforward. Read with a presupposition that Sabbath-keeping is no longer necessary, the text is tortured.
Test what you read, no matter who writes it. That goes for Today’s Word too.
Topical Index: Sabbath, flight, Matthew 24:20
Matt 25:46 “These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Hi Skip,
I notice the statement above looks very much like the Christian Heaven and Hell
Yes it does, as we read it from our hindsight perspective. But I think I mentioned that this is the only place where there is mention of “eternal” punishment or reward. The question is how would this have been understood by the original audience. For that, we need to ask what the Hebrew idea of “eternal” punishment and reward might be. I am only suggesting that our view is quite a bit more developed than the view held in the first century in a Jewish culture. That raises the question, “Where did all that additional material come from?”
Michael & Skip,
you 2 sure stay up late or get up early – sure you are not in the same house?!?!?! i have often wondered about the time that appears on our comments – how is that set because sometimes my is right on & other times it it way off – just very observant especially after all this “time talk” we are having about past, present & future… ♥ jan
btw: “Where did all that additional material come from?” do either of you know & why is that question in quotations – are you quoting someone Skip or did you say/type that question & asking yourself or us too…
i know i am full of questions but aren’t i supposed to be??? how will i ever learn anything if i am not??? just more questions for you… ♥
“you 2 sure stay up late or get up early – sure you are not in the same house?!?!?!”i have often wondered about the time that appears on our comments – how is that set because sometimes my is right on & other times it it way off
Hi Jan,
November 29, 2011 at 3:41 am is East coast time for my West coast time of 12:41 am
I think Skip is 3 hours ahead of me
that is what i am saying – the times of the post are:
November 29, 2011 at 3:41 am Michael
November 29, 2011 at 3:50 am Skip
that is not east coast/west coast time on the posts – they are 9 minutes apart same coast which ever it was – no 3 hours difference like there is supposed to be – but there are lots of different time issues on posts on here – even mine is way off sometimes – that is what i am saying they change all the time & are not accurate…
just find it interesting that sometimes they are accurate & sometimes they/the times are way off – not the time zone i am posting in when posted & several hours off at times…
no need to explain time zones to me – i am aware of what they are here in USA – just observant & wonder how it happens quite often…
“that is not east coast/west coast time on the posts – they are 9 minutes apart same coast which ever it was – no 3 hours difference like there is supposed to be”
Hi jan,
I think that it just looks like Skip and I are in the same time zone
Because when I post a comment the system adds 3 hours to my time stamp
our view is quite a bit more developed than the view held in the first century in a Jewish culture. That raises the question, “Where did all that additional material come from?”
“to whom much has been given- much shall be required.”
It is hard to see the forest, for the trees.. Hindsight is 20/20.
~Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.~ (1 Corinthians 10.11)
~Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the LORD:~
(Psalm 102.18)
for the Scriptures say (from Isaiah 40.8) “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the LORD (Skip, Jan, Michael, Ian, LaVaye, Glory, Carl.- whoever lives and breathes..) endures forever.” Now this word is the good news that was announced to you. (1 Peter 1.24,25)
Good news? We are getting old(er) and gray(er)? – I asked my wife.. “Honey, will you still love me when I’m old and grey?” And she said.. “I sure do!”
Why is this “flower fading” and “grass withering” stuff -good news? I want to live! As Spock would say,- “to prosper and be in good health!” – Again.. (one more time!) .. ~what do the Scriptures say?~
~“To the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever.” ~
(1 Timothy 1:17)
~For you see your calling, brothers, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But G-d (-love these two words together!) has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and G-d has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; (keep on asking -“why?”..) and base things of the world, and things which are despised, has G-d chosen, yes, and things which are not, to bring to nothing things that are: that no flesh (Hebrew/Greek or otherwise) should glory in His presence.~ (from 1 Corinthians chapter 1)
-so where’s the Good News? (only) “in Christ.”
Immortal, invisible, G-d only wise,
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, victorious, Thy great Name we praise.
Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,
Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might;
Thy justice, like mountains, high soaring above
Thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love.
To all, life Thou givest, to both great and small;
In all life Thou livest, the true life of all;
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
And wither and perish—but naught changeth Thee.
Great Father of glory, pure Father of light,
Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight;
But of all Thy rich graces this grace, Lord, impart
Take the veil from our faces, the vile from our heart.
All laud we would render; O help us to see
’Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee,
And so let Thy glory, Almighty, impart,
Through Christ in His story, Thy Christ to the heart.
Matt 25:46 “These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
In our Christian culture we tend to think of eternal as something that occurs after death (eternal life)
Or eternal death in hell
But Jesus might have meant something like the righteous path leads to the presence of God (light)
And the sinful life leads to a Roman wilderness of pain, spiritual death, and separation from God (dark)
Jude 1:7 – “just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.”
The effects of the fire are eternal, this is in line with what God says about cities that are never to be rebuilt. They are destroyed from the earth eternally, they don’t continue to be destroyed eternally. I’ve looked into this and I don’t think the interpretation is contrived.
In the context of Mt 24 Yeshua makes what might first appear to be a veiled reference to the Macabbean story of the Selucids abomination in the Temple which brought on the Jewish revolt. I suggest it is a midrash of another day coming. A day when more than one “would-be” messiahs will lay claim to their self-imposed title by way of demonstrations that will “wow” their audiences. It will be a day of confusion for many who have not been Torah observant or who know (shema) the ways of the LORD. Deuteronomy warns of these kinds of messiahs whose prophecies appear to be accurate, but who in reality are redirecting the hearts of people to foreign gods. Only those who understand Torah will have clarity on that day.
What is the connection between this point and praying that this day doesn’t fall on the Sabath?
There are natural conflicts that occur in the course of the life of the ones that are Torah observant. Choices, sometimes tough ones, have to be made. Such as observing Sabbath or circumcizing my son when his 8th day falls on Sabbath. For these times of conflict villagers would consult with their Rabbi for direction and understanding. When a Rabbi was not available then people had to make their own choice and stand on it before God. Perhaps Yeshua is suggesting that this too would be the climate of the Day; Torah knowledgeable and wise leadership will be scarce. Chosing to either honor the Sabbath and trust the Soverngity of God, or save me and my family by traveling on Sabbath might add to my already anxious heart. Among all the other troubles the lack of trusted leadership can be scary as hell.
I have just completed reading a book by Madame Jeanne Guyon ‘Experiencing The Depths Of Jesus Christ’ who was imprisoned in the late 1600’s or early 1700s for her writings. Amazing book,deep in levels of knowing Our Lord personally. To me this is what it is all about KNOWING Him more and more. You can discuss someone, study someone and talk about what they did till the cows come home, but do you KNOW Him personally ? You know what Yeshua is alive, really alive! Have you experienced that? Do a lot of these discussions over the past day’s and weeks bring you life and joy! You wonder where the joy went, Joy is a person Yeshua ?
I would like to quote just a little from the last part of Guyon’s book:
“What danger can there be in walking in the only true way: in Jesus Christ ? What danger is there in giving yourself up completely to the Lord Jesus and fixing all your attention continually on Him?
Can any harm come from placing all your confidence in His grace and in and in loving Him purely
with all the love and passion your heart is capable of pouring out?
As for the simple and unlearned, it is not true they are incapable of this inner relationship to Christ.
The reverse is true. They are actually more suited to it. The Lord loves those who walk simply Prov 12:22
Their humility, their complete trust in God and their obedience make it easier for them to turn within (where He is) and follow the Lords Spirit. They are more qualified than most! You see these simple believers are not accustomed to analyzing: they do not have the habit of discussing the issues of everything; and they are quick to let go of their opinions
Yes they do lack a great deal of education and religious training; therefore , they are freer and quicker to follow the leading of the Spirit. Other people–more gifted, better educated, trained in theology–are often cramped and even blinded by their spiritual wealth ! Such a person very often offers greater
resistance to the inner anointing and to the leading of the Lords Spirit.” end of quote
Oh that you may have life and have it more abundantly Jn 10:10 What a JOY to KNOw Him, my magnificent obsession!!!!
In the love of Yeshua…Is there any better
thank you for sharing the above & i so wholeheartedly agree with you – to the point i thought maybe you were speaking/typing about me… ♥ a fool, idiot, simpleton for Christ Jesus… ♥
here is one of my most favorite songs by Steven Curtis Chapman – Magnificent Obsession (with lyrics)
Thank you Jan, I am familiar with the song and listened to it again. There is another one by Joanne . Mcfatter about my Magnificent Obsession…..sorry don’t know how to do links. Us fools seem to make a lot of waves at times but at least we’re out of the boat and on them with Him.
Judith, etc, A few years ago,( lost everything twice this summer on my computer–so no longer have any of my own comment) I wrote on TW about “Madame Guyon, An Autobigoraphy” by Moody, The Name You Can Trust– a ministry of Moody Bible Institute. I have had this copy for about 25 years, and read it several times. Madam Guyon was forced to write her story, while in prison by the Catholic Church, ( they planned to use it prove she was a heretic and have her put to death–. The C.Church whom she was a devout part of her entire life, and died in. The book is at times difficult to keep up with, as it was written in prison from memory without notes, etc.
Madam Guyon was born 1648 and died 1717. HER other books — I also have her “Experiencing God Through Prayer”, and numerous books by the dozens, and THE BOOK, have so enriched my life of 78 years plus, and given me love for our Heavenly Father-Creator of the Universe, and the Son-Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Madam Guyon was from a wealthy family, and as a very young child was often put in different Convent Schools within the Catholic church Hierarchy in France. Sometimes she was cared for by excellent teachers, and she was taught the scriptures regularly and studied them diligently, and some of the nuns-superiors loved her and were kind to her. Other times it was the opposite. She attended mass regularly. Her parents married her to an older but very wealthy man when she was 15 years old, and they went to live with his mother in the home where he had always lived. M. Guyon was beautiful, but she desired to be a good wife. Her mother-in-law hated her from day one, and tried to get her son, to choose her, his mother, over his wife. Madam Guyon had no rights, was not allowed to see her own mother or father. Because of the diseases during this period of life, she nursed ill little ones, and buried several babies, &, some older children; only two of hers survived into adult life, out of numerous births. She herself had small- pox after marriage, and somehow lived through it, but WAS marred on her face forever. Her husband died after a few years, and by this time, she had grown so close to the Lord Jesus that she desires just to live Holy, and completly, doing His work, as she saw it. She went with a group from the Church to start a new work in an area not in France at the time. She gave all her inherited wealth to this group, and takes her daughter about 8 years old and has to sneak out of the house with barely nothing except the clothes on their backs. She leaves the older son–as he has definetly joined his grandmother’s Side against his mother. The Church Mission is to be in charge of her and the daughter’s essential living: food, shelter, protection.—— WELL, WITH THIS MUCH INFORMATION, NOW YOU MUST GET THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND READ THE REST—IT GETS BETTER AND BETTER!
Lavaye, how blessed I am to receive your response to me. I just started reading the autobiography
today and am so looking forward to it. I also have more of her writings. What I am being enriched by is her expression of her deep love of her Lord. I am understanding that in a very real way that can not be taken from me by anyone or anything.
Shalom & love
Shalom dearly Beloveds! The wise men teach that if the true believers keep only ONE Sabbath properly, this will hasten the coming of Moshiach. Should we as believers not all consider coming to agreement on this most important statement? Are we not our own worst enemies at this time of preparation for the coming King? O how I pray that He will come soon to clear up the mess in the religious pits…May He open the eyes of our hearts so that we can see His Truth and be free from the religious enslavement. If He does not build our faith and enhance our understanding in vain through vanity do we prod along blind and deaf.
Shalom Shalom!
where are you in the world since it is 8:47pm CDT/CST/USA where i am & it is 4:34am on 11.30.11 when you posted???
anyway, i don’t quite understand what you mean by this statement “If He does not build our faith and enhance our understanding in *vain through vanity do we prod along blind and deaf.* i don’t understand what you are tying to convey/say/type here – can you please enlighten me/explain in a way i can understand what you are trying to say here???
Hallo Jan. I am from Cape Town in South Africa. Please read Matt 7:22. This is the Scripture pertaining to my comment – subject to my own interpretation and understanding. My mother tongue is Afrikaans – pardon the English. I am working on express myself without ambiquity.
Shalom Shalom!
Christina, so the below is what you were trying to say:
Matthew 7:22
22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’
i would have never put that verse with your text together – thank you for enlightening/explaining to me what you were trying to convey/say/type…
Shalom Jan – only a pleasure. I love sharing with everybody on this site.
Shabbat Shalom!
Have a super duper weekend!