Time and Again
Paul, a bondservant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the faith of those chosen of God and the knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness, in the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago, but at the proper time manifested, even His word, in the proclamation with which I was entrusted . . . Titus 1:1-3 NASB
Ages/Time – God promised. He promised to forever be the God of Israel. He promised to be Israel’s ‘ezer. He promised justice, renewal, redemption. He promised forgiveness. He promised restoration. All of these promises were made “long ages ago.” The Greek words are chronon aionion, “chronos eternal time.” That means that we can point to a date on the calendar when God made these promises. It might have been a long time ago but it is nevertheless a real event in history. There was a day before the promise and a day after the promise. Everything changed in the days after the promise just as everything changed in the lives of the blind man and the paralytic the day after Yeshua met them. So mark down that day. It fixes the point in our history when God guaranteed a result.
But this is not the word Paul chooses to write about the time of the manifestation of the promise. The promise is manifest, revealed, actualized in kairos. What kind of time is that? The NASB glosses this as “proper time,” but it really is the time of its own choosing, the time when everything needed for the promise to come to fruition is ready. This is not a day on our calendar. Eventually it will be (after it has happened), but it is not a day that any of us can plan ahead of time. You can’t go to your Day Planner and pencil in “God’s promise fulfilled” on some day in the future. Why not? Because you and I do not control the infinite number of factors needed to bring about the perfect arrangement in the cosmos. Only God does. Do we have a role to play in this arrangement? Of course we do. Paul notes that when he says he was entrusted with this proclamation. When Paul completed what he was entrusted to do, some things fell into place. Other things depend on those who followed Paul. That includes you and me.
When will God’s promises, promises that are guaranteed by events in the past, become realities? When everything is ready. When will that be? When all the human beings who are needed to play particular roles in arranging everything that needs to be ready do what they are supposed to do. This means that what you do today affects the fulfillment of the promises. Your disobedience can delay the kairos moment waiting to become a reality. But it can only delay it, not erase it. It cannot be erased because God has promised.
The implications for us are staggering. First, in this sense, God is depending on us. What we do affects His plans. Secondly, our actions can actually delay God’s fulfillment – or hasten it, as the case may be. What we do changes the course of history. The enormity of this fact places burdens on us that no one can actually bear. What if we don’t do what we should? What if we make a mistake? What if we resist before we obey? How will you answer to God when He asks, “Why did you delay what I was planning?” Thirdly, for obvious reasons we need grace, forgiveness and the manifestation of the Spirit in order to bear this weight. Fortunately, all are available. And finally, the point of the conjunction of chronos and kairos is a lesson in dependence. Unless we are thinking God’s thoughts after Him and performing God’s acts as He would perform them, kairos will be forestalled. But when we think what He thinks and do what He would do, heaven rejoices that kairos is right around the corner.
In Hebrew, waiting is an active verb. Now you know why.
Topical Index: chronos, kairos, time, manifest, promise, Titus 1:1-3
This sounds like a call to be faithful and trust the Lord. That sounds fine and it is the way I have been attempting to live. There is direction promised, and the only source of direction I know comes from the Word of God as mediated by His Spirit. I guess I have to be satisfied with that. Oh, how my greek mind wants more. It is not to be. Oh Lord, help me to be a faithful man.
Not only does G-d promise, He also performs!
~ For when G-d made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, He swore by Himself, and He said, “Blessing, I shall bless you, and multiplying, I shall multiply you” ~ ( Hebrews 6.13,14)
~ For all the promises of G-d in Him are yes, and in him Amein, to the glory of G-d by us ~ (2 Corinthians 1.20)
~ for it is G-d who works in you both to will and to work, for His good pleasure ~ (Philippians 2.13)
this is the tRuth… “<>” whatever this means???
Not only does G-d promise, He also performs!
~ For when G-d made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, He swore by Himself, and He said, “Blessing, I shall bless you, and multiplying, I shall multiply you” ~ ( Hebrews 6.13,14)
~ For all the promises of G-d in Him are yes, and in him Amein, to the glory of G-d by us ~ (2 Corinthians 1.20)
~ for it is G-d who works in you both to will and to work, for His good pleasure ~ (Philippians 2.13)
somehow the meaning was lost when i tried to post this “<>” two of the symbols were removed (as you can see in my previous post) – now how do you think that was done/accomplished – it’s very strange how things are deleted & removed from many sites i post on – it is truly amazing but GODLY i don’t know about – just kinda mean spirited as always…
“Write your plans in pencil & give God the eraser!” 4/4/2008 8:23 AM
When will God’s promises, promises that are guaranteed by events in the past, become realities? When everything is ready. When will that be? When all the human beings who are needed to play particular roles in arranging everything that needs to be ready do what they are supposed to do. This means that what you do today affects the fulfillment of the promises. Your disobedience can delay the kairos moment waiting to become a reality. But ♥♥it can only delay it, not erase it. It cannot be erased because God has promised.♥♥
But this is not the word Paul chooses to write about the time of the manifestation of the promise. The promise is manifest, revealed, actualized in kairos. What kind of time is that? The NASB glosses this as “proper time,” but it really is the time of its own choosing, the time when everything needed for the promise to come to fruition is ready. This is not a day on our calendar. Eventually it will be (after it has happened), but it is not a day that any of us can plan ahead of time. You can’t go to your Day Planner and pencil in “God’s promise fulfilled” on some day in the future. Why not? Because you and I do not control the infinite number of factors needed to bring about the perfect arrangement in the cosmos. Only God does. Do we have a role to play in this arrangement? Of course we do. Paul notes that when he says he was entrusted with this proclamation. When Paul completed what he was entrusted to do, some things fell into place. Other things depend on those who followed Paul. That includes you and me.
The implications for us are staggering. First, in this sense, God is depending on us. What we do affects His plans. Secondly, our actions can actually delay God’s fulfillment – or hasten it, as the case may be. What we do changes the course of history. The enormity of this fact places burdens on us that no one can actually bear. What if we don’t do what we should? What if we make a mistake? What if we resist before we obey? How will you answer to God when He asks, “Why did you delay what I was planning?” Thirdly, for obvious reasons we need grace, forgiveness and the manifestation of the Spirit in order to bear this weight. Fortunately, all are available. And finally, the point of the conjunction of chronos and kairos is a lesson in dependence. Unless we are thinking God’s thoughts after Him and performing God’s acts as He would perform them, kairos will be forestalled. But when we think what He thinks and do what He would do, heaven rejoices that kairos is right around the corner.
In Hebrew, waiting is an active verb. Now you know why.
God promised. He promised to forever be the God of Israel. Is He yet the G-d of Israel? Absolutely. He promised to be Israel’s ‘ezer. Is He then Israel’s ‘ezer? Absolutely. He promised justice, renewal, redemption. Justice was accomplished (in full) at Calvary. The wrath of G-d fell, the price was paid (in full) at Calvary. He promised forgiveness. What was His prayer? “Father, forgive them.” Did Christ ever pray one prayer that was not answered? No. What has the Father given unto us? Forgiveness. Forgiveness has been given. Fully and freely -our freedom has been purchased. He promised restoration. We gain more “in Christ” than we ever lost “in Adam.”