Off to Africa

Well, I am on the way to South Africa today.  Thank you for your prayers and prayers for all those who will be engaged in the teaching sessions.  It means a lot to have all of your support.

Please note that my interaction on the blog will undoubtedly be very limited.  Today’s Word will continue as usual with Patrick’s supervision but I will probably not say much in the next few weeks.  Lots to do.



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Christina Venter

Abba is with you Skip. Have a save journey. Looking forward to seeing you next week in Cape Town and Stellenbosch.

Kees Brakshoofden

Go with God!
May He bless all that come to hear you, may you be a blessing to all as you are to all of us!




Bon Voyage, looking forth to meet you in Cape Town over wekend of Febr 4, you are more than welcome on this visit, and it will surely be a blessed time for us ,I thank ABBA only for this privilege, Shalom, Daniel in George


May the portals of the heavens be opened to you as they were to Jacob as you carry Yahweh’s message
of TRUTH… Torah and our risen Messiah to HIS sheep that are ready to hear our Masters voice in Africa
for such a time as this… Be Blessed Skip!


ABBA YAHuWah’s abundant blessings, and continous anointing, and protection with you on the trip, Skip, as you regather His Sheep, the Remnant, back to one Fold.
You will be a great blessing to all who seek, hear and receive the Word, as you have so wonderfully shared with us here.