He who mocks the poor taunts his Maker; he who rejoices at calamity will not go unpunished. Proverbs 17:5 NASB
Mocks – Redistribution of wealth is a hot topic in today’s politics. Aggravating class warfare between the “rich” and the “poor” breeds contempt on both sides. First, the poor despise the success of the rich, demanding that the rich given them “their fair share” of the spoils. Of course, the rich despise the poor, complaining that they want something for nothing. No one seeks reconciliation. Social justice becomes another politically-correct term for taking from one group and giving to another. Everyone loses.
Sometimes a verse like this one is used to support the claims of the welfare class. Black theology is particularly susceptible to reading the Bible as if it were a book about equal possession, not simply equal opportunities. But much of Black theology ignores the historical-cultural setting of statements like this one in Proverbs. A little investigation reveals a very different biblical view – one that applies to all of us; rich, poor or in-between.
First we notice that the word choice for “poor” is resh. These are not people oppressed by tyrants, warfare or political unrest (that would be anaw). These are also not people who are financially disadvantaged or in the lower class of society (dal) or those with great needs (ebyon). These are the destitute! In the ancient near-East, these are the beggars, lepers, outcasts, widows, orphans, homeless. In our society, especially in the West, there are very few people who qualify as resh. But if you go to Somalia or the garbage dumps of Manila or the slums of Port-au-Prince or Calcutta, you will be surrounded by resh. Virtually no one in America experiences the life of resh. Therefore, the people mocked in this verse can’t be found here. We, even the poorest of us, are far better off than the vast majority of the world.
Once we realize that this verse is about the destitute, then we can see why deriding, detesting and scorning the resh leads to divine punishment. Someone who ridicules or makes fun of those who live on less than a dollar a day has no appreciation for the grace of God. Someone who laughs at the misery of 75% of the world’s population displays callous disregard for God’s sovereignty and compassion. In fact, the Hebrew verb translated “mocks” carries even stronger divine disapproval. la’ag is listed among the seven terms for blasphemy! Slandering the resh not only overlooks one’s own fortunate position granted through God’s benevolence. It also impugns God’s justice. It insults God’s goodness. It challenges God’s sovereignty. Such insults will not be counted free of guilt. Such words and deeds make a person impure, defiled and unworthy of worship.
Today’s political environment lends itself to hyperbole when it comes to economic distinctions. Our sense of moral outrage is exacerbated by the political rhetoric drawing hard distinctions based on bank accounts. But we have missed the biblical point. God gives. God takes away. Anyone reading this small study is enormously blessed and far beyond the economic reach of most of the world’s people. Anyone reading this who doesn’t drop to his knees thanking God for the trust God places in the hands of those who have what we have is an ungrateful wretch. We can mock the resh without saying a word. All we need to do is focus on what we “deserve.” That attitude is enough to take me to the edge of blasphemy.
Topical Index: resh, poor, la’ag, mock, blasphemy, Proverbs 17:5
All we need to do is focus on what we “deserve.” That attitude is enough to take me to the edge of blasphemy.
Now this is something to lull around in my mind the rest of my life ….
Thank you for teaching me worthwhile things …
“Thank You Abba Father for giving me everything I need to be human. Forgive me for not doing more for the poor. I stand guilty and am ashamed of myself. I undertake to do more for the destitute this year. Amen and Amen.”
So true! Don’t understand why God even bothers to take care of a wretch like me. But Hallelu-Jah! He does. And this alone gives me the resposibility to take care of the poor as far as I can.
“Social justice becomes another politically-correct term for taking from one group and giving to another. Everyone loses.” Except for the middlemen, the politicians, two-faced hypocrites, these masters of image manipulation- those who have sold their soul for a dollar bill. Using class warfare for political gain..
If only we would live by the Book. G-d knows what He is doing and has a plan for our well-being. Surprise, surprise..
Let me say (please) what I “deserve.” Most of us (again) do not have a clue of what we deserve. Here it is written for all to see- “The soul that sinneth- it shall die.” Adam died three ways: immediately in his spirit, progressively in his soul, and ultimately in his body. In short, sin separates- between us and our Creator and between us and each others.
If (a better word is since) “all have sinned”- and fallen short of the glory of G-d (which is perfection)-we have a a serious problem and that problem has been clearly identified as sin. Sin is the transgression of the Law. Simply put- G-d says “don’t do that” or “thou shalt not”. I have “shalted” or I did that which I was not supposed to do. G-d says- don’t do that” Carl,- you’ll get burned.. ( shall I share with you my scars?- or do you have some of your own?)
We (all of us) are sinners. Why do I insist or persist with this?- Because until we come to the place and point of spiritual bankruptcy, utter helplessness, total dependency upon the mercy of our compassionate G-d, the Giver of all good gifts, we will remain in our sin; independent of the ONE who gives unto every creature, our daily bread and our daily blood and breaths.
Our Bible instructs: “without Me -you can do nothing”. ~ So He said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: (stranger to Babylon) ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Breath,’ says the LORD Almighty ~ (Zechariah 4.6) In other words- if G-d doesn’t do it- it won’t get done.
So what can we do? How may we rise up and take up our sword and fight the onslaught of evil and the stench that emminates from our nation’s capitol? The abomination that flows into our homes 24/7 via the box of lies (in HD)?
We can hearken and heed unto the words of our G-d, but we (all of us) do “err” not knowing the scriptures nor the power of G-d. – Why is this necessary? Because His words are our instructions. “Pray without ceasing” is not written for our enjoyment, but rather for our employment.
The weapons of our warfare (we have weapons?)- are not carnal. It is not because of three-hundred dollar haircuts and the right color tie- or even “the right man” in the White House, – it is the LORD we need to fear. “Who” only can heal this polluted land?
Blessed is the man
Who walks in Your favor
Who loves all Your words
And hides them like treasure
In the darkest place
Of his desperate heart,
They are a light
A strong, sure light.
Sometimes I call out Your Name
But I cannot find You.
I look for Your face,
But You are not there.
By my sorrows, Lord,
Lift me to You,
Lift me up to Your side.
Lord of Eternity,
Father of mercy,
Look on my fainting soul.
Keeper of all the stars,
Friend of the poorest heart
Touch me and make me whole.
If You are my defender,
Who is against me?
No one can trouble or harm me
If You are my strength.
All I ask, all I desire
Is to live in Your house all my days.
(Lord of Eternity- Fernando Ortega)- from Psalm 1?
Carl and everyone who frequents this site,
A friend of mine told me of an initiative to have people pray for our country for one minute every day. There is no sign up sheet or group to join. Everyone who wants to take part agrees to pray at 9PM eastern, 8PM central, 7PM mountain and 6PM pacific every day. The idea is to have as many people as possible to bring our concerns to God at one time. I set the alarm on my cell phone and haven’t missed a day so far. Finally, an acceptable use for a cell phone. Please forward this plan if you think it’s worthwhile. I quickly found that I couldn’t limit my prayer to one minute.
I see no reason this should not work for groups all over the world who see much more social injustice than we do in this country.
“The idea is to have as many people as possible to bring our concerns to God at one time.”
Hi John,
Isn’t God omniscient?
If God knows everything already, maybe he wants us to do something about our concerns
However, that shouldn’t prevent us from praying for wisdom in “how” to approach the problem. It would seem that the current approach has only complicated things, not fixed them.
“praying for wisdom in “how” to approach the problem”
Hi Robert,
Could we all agree on what the “problem” is?
What was that old song: “tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no poor no more”
Wouldn’t we need a world revolution to redistribute the wealth and eradicate poverty?
Would we all want to live like Paul and Luke and Jesus, sharing the poverty equally
I’d Love To Change The World Trk 3 3:44
(Alvin Lee)
Band – Ten Years After (Nottingham England)
Members – Alvin Lee – vocals & guitar
Lee Lyons – bass, Chick Churchill – keyboards
Ric Lee – drums
Pop Chart #40 Sept 25, 1971
Columbia Records single #45457
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London
Album: A Space In Time
Wouldn’t we need a world revolution to redistribute the wealth and eradicate poverty?
One would have to assume that the elimination of poverty can be established by wealth redistribution. The Kingdom of God doesn’t operate on that principle, at least not that I can find. Wealth is given to certain stewards with a responsibility to bring others UP to where they are (kinda like God does with us, just sayin’
) To impoverish those who were given that gift has an opposite effect, it brings futher poverty and that in abundance.
So will it take a world revolution? Absolutely!!
“the earth will be filled with the knowledge of YHWH as the waters cover the sea.”
Thanks for the respond by the way, I always enjoy conversing with you.
Hi Robert,
It would seem to me that the actions of Jesus in Mark and the words of David in Psalm 15 would indicate that neither of these two Jewish leaders thought the Kingdom of God was a capitalist enterprise
Mark 11:15
On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers
David Psalm 15
He does not put out his money at interest,
Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things will never be shaken.
Mackrel – uh, i mean Michael…
after hearing the below song – i’m so glad i/we/us/them have GOD/JESUS – even if we don’t want HIM/THEM -THEY are available to us… ♥
I’d Love To Change The World Trk 3 3:44
(Alvin Lee)
Band – Ten Years After (Nottingham England)
Members – Alvin Lee – vocals & guitar
Lee Lyons – bass, Chick Churchill – keyboards
Ric Lee – drums
Pop Chart #40 Sept 25, 1971
Columbia Records single #45457
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London
Album: A Space In Time
Hi Robert,
My response above didn’t “moderate” and show up in the “recent comments” for some reason.
Not sure if it posted or not.
It’s there now. Sorry for the delay.
Could we all agree on what the “problem” is?
WE probably couldn’t, the good news is that we only have to agree with YHWH. (that’s the problem
He tells us the same thing He told the people of old, Go BACK to following His ways. The natural generation of that is where the fix is, we don’t have to understand it, we just have to do it!! (the other problem
Hence the misuse of stewardship by (in these cases) “religious” men. Abundance is a RESULT of righteous (as determined by God) living, not the driving factor. Remember that all things were declared VERY GOOD in the beginning, it’s by the misuse of those good things that we become impoverished. I don’t adhere to the “health and wealth” gospel any more than I do the “social” gospel. That doesn’t mean that both of those issues aren’t part of the Kingdom, only that they’re result issues (flag issues, if you will) that are dictated by the foundational Truth of grace and obedience.
I think it would do us all some good to sit down and consider what we deem as wealth, than compare that with God’s thoughts on the subject.
“all things were declared VERY GOOD in the beginning”
Hi Robert,
I agree, in the beginning there was no such thing as the “wealth of nations” (class society)
Just God, Nature (trees, fruit, snake) and mankind (Adam and Eve)
Unfortunately, mankind chose the Tree of Good and Evil over the Tree of Life
That’s why I like the Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young song so much (Woodstock)
We are Stardust, we are Golden
We are 2 billion year old carbon
And we got to get ourselves
Back to the Garden
Just God, Nature (trees, fruit, snake) and mankind (Adam and Eve)
And potential!!
i have never seen someone with the memory you have to the lyrics of songs that coincide with what we are discussing here – it is amazing & i was listening (i thought) to the same music you were but i don’t remember the lyrics so well like you do, but you do jog me down memory lane with your links – these musicians were almost prophetic if not but then it seems all is blown when you know it just one pot smoking cocaine snortin ending party or dream for them but then again a donkey did speak. it is truly amazing what little we do know now compared to then but the message is still the same – why didn’t we hear it back then – not far along enough on the progression to holiness… ♥ jan
“i don’t remember the lyrics so well like you do”
Hi Jan,
During my last two years in high school and for several years after high school 64 – 66
I did not do much but listen to music, go to see the new bands, and surf
And I continued to listen to that kind of music for many years after high chool
–If God knows everything already, maybe he wants us to do something about our concerns —
I agree Michael.. prayer changes the pray-er (or the one praying).. Prayer is an attitude adjustment. We first pray the prayer of presentation “Here am I”- and the pray the prayer of direction – “send me..”
Why should He reveal His will (what He wants) to us, – if we are not first willing to do it? Are we willing (prepared, ready and eager) to do His will? Will we say with our Savior- “I delight to do your will?”
What may we do to place a smile upon the face of our Father? and what father does not delight in obedient children?
It also seems to me that what we consider to be destitute in this nation may be the result of personally created misfortune…generational welfare, someone who rode out the unemployment gravy train for 99 weeks instead of taking a less than ideal position… a whole lot different from those who live in oppressive and corrupt governments.
Come to think of it, this nation may in the process of having large numbers of destitute citizens. I wonder how much of it would be the result of having mocked the truly poor?
P.S. I am NOT pointing fingers at anyone who has collected unemployment benefits. I have been there myself(x2) and this last time, I was so tempted not to take a job and ride out the benefits train. I am thankful for the help that tided me over the job loss through no fault of my own, however, I know those who would not go back to work because they were enjoying not working and getting paid for it. YWHW knows each one’s heart and He knows each ones circumstances.
Come to think of it, this nation may in the process of having large numbers of destitute citizens. I wonder how much of it would be the result of having mocked the truly poor?
If I remember correctly the Kingdom of God operates on exacting measures, something like an eye for an eye and a tooth…..AND “be not decieved, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows THAT he will also reap.”
Pretty scary (and humbling) stuff, not only for our nation but for myself as well. However God said to the man, “cursed is the ground, for your sake.” He DESIRES repentence from us, that we would turn, and live.
Hi Robert, Yes agreed! It IS humbling and I believe this to be one of the purposes of Torah and the declaration of Moses as he summed up Torah’s instruction in Deuteronomy 28. Blessing for obedience, cursing for disobedience.
Skip has given us a good amount of teaching the principle of measure for measure. Repentance comes about through the fear and honor due YHWH, in addition to the mercy He provides. I am so grateful for His patience and grace. His favor has allowed me opportunities to turn to Him and His Way through Christ. When I deserved death, He gave me life.
I was thinking about this earlier today…the unborn could be considered poor…..defenseless and totally dependent upon another…and look at what has intentionally happened to 50 million of them due to abortion. This is the ultimate mockery…murder… of a precious life in the birthing process, YWHW have mercy and intervene! Maybe your Truth be taught in America and please open our understanding.
ohhhh Mary, i thought there for a minute my toes were hurting or going to be smashed off…
i hate to disappoint you but i don’t mind saying i have enjoyed most of my time off & receiving my unemployment & have to go back to work because i am not quite retirement age. so what do you say about those receiving social security that they should not, even though we have paid into it??? don’t we also pay a portion of the unemployment tax or is that all left up to the employer – that is how much i know about the system & our taxes that we just blindly & dumbly sign over to an employer/government with a W-2/W-4.
i personally don’t think women should have to go out of the home & work or make a living per se in the corporate world – our place is in the home taking care of our children or doing volunteer work/vocation – not career. i know that some of us have to but i have never in my life felt comfortable doing it – but must. and probably all women are in this single situation because we did not follow Torah or were obedient – either married the wrong man/woman without God/Jesus. it all goes back to GOD/JESUS/Holy Spirit/Torah/Scripture/obedience…
i know you are not pointing your finger at me & i am not offended but i did want you to know that i have enjoyed being off work & getting paid just like with Social Security & that may not even be in effect when i get to draw mine at 62 only 3 years away after 1.30.2012 but the least amount that i can draw (although i can draw off my ex-husband of 17 or more years that did make more than me) – so maybe i will get enough to live on & that is okay with me. because of the wisdom of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit i have made some wise choices in my latter years & have a new home without an interest rate & can be paid off in the next 8 years & the payment is low enough to maintain on social security with low utility bills also. i feel God directed me in this direction but i had to fill out the papers & apply for this blessing & had to do 300 hours of sweat equity for a year or so to get into this house/situation. i was working a full time job & doing sweat equity on the weekends – it was not easy but still not as hard as living in a third world country & barely surviving – not complaining just explaining my situation. i do not live beyond my means & i am very comfortable, more frugal & blessed now than anytime in my life because GOD/JESUS is my Provision & HE has helping hands which have helped me from this community & i am so grateful & HE has provided through other friends here & there just when needed – HE IS ALWAYS ON TIME & for some reason HE has allowed me to go through this to teach me i can trust HIM explicitly & it has been hard at times because fear has tried to overcome & make me sick & has at times but i have learned to be an OVERCOMER through HIS lovingkindness to me & most all that have blessed me (that i know of) have been extremely blessed after doing so – it has been amazing the miracles i have seen take place in 2010, 2011 & now 2012.
i am praying that a job or two that i interviewed for & applied for will come through for me because i really would like to live out the rest of my life in something i enjoy instead of hate just for a paycheck – i just don’t want to become or act desperate yet when i have seen the LORD JESUS CHRIST work on my behalf in the last several months. i want to use my gifts & talents & skill where HE can use them – not where i will just be eking out a living for livings sake…
i have no medical insurance & have been fortunate to be in a program of a large church in my city that has a free medical clinic that offers medical, dental, vision & psychological services to those who have no medical insurance. i have used them when working without benefits & now that i am unemployed so the church in this instance has stepped up to the plate for sure. and the only medical issue i have is thyroid disease that has to be monitored with blood tests at least every 6 months to a year & have to have a prescription to maintain the meds.
my mother is 78 & my dad died at 62 & did not leave her wealthy at all but enough to maintain some comfort & maintenance & i can’t believe all she has had done in the last 5 years on medicare – two major surgeries that were almost completely paid for & healthcare that is very well compared to what i have through the church.
yes, we are a healthy nation compared to third world countries but i will never ever say anything about anyone in the system again because i have found myself in it just once this long. the last time i drew employment was probably back in the 70’s & not for very long. i have never had a problem with getting a job but this time has been different & lot of has to do with my age i’m sure – never thought it would happen to me but it has & i will admit i have not resorted to taking something that i know that is not where i am supposed to be but i may have to. i said i have enjoyed my time off because i have but doesn’t mean i have not had to fight so much fear it caused anxiety attacks, stress, etc.; but through prayer & encouragement from the Word & my friends prayer for me – i have got through. the fear that comes on you & the world puts on you about not having a job is horrendous. what happened to God/Jesus being our Provision in all things – even when we are jobless – why should we operate in fear the whole time & not enjoy the time He has allowed us to be free of corporate ungodliness – it is a mad house out there & getting worse.
i praise God i am free from fear today don’t know about tomorrow & that HE HAS BEEN MY PROVISION & WILL ALWAYS BE – i have enjoyed my rest in HIM… ♥ and i never discount the HIS people/HIS hands that were there to help – HIS PROVISION THROUGH THEM is how it works… ♥ and i pray those who helped will be blessed beyond blessing for doing so… ♥
Dearest Jan,
I appreciate your response to my viewpoint. As I stated, this is strictly my opinion and we all know what opinions are like. I do think, however, that having been a a part of the unemployment tangle myself, I recognized the trap of lethargy and entitlement that lies waiting for some. I have seen it in others and saw it in myself. Thank you also for recognizing that I was not pointing my finger at you personally.
I agree with your view on women in the workplace. Women have lost quite a lot in their quest for “equality” and the arguments abound on this topic. But the greatest losers are the children (I recall you do not like this term, forgive me) and society at large. Oh what the god of materialism has given us in return…
I pray for our Father’s favor to bless your life!
Good morning Mary,
using ‘losers’ in a sentence can mean many different things & this time, when it comes to children being losers (not people being losers because they don’t meet up to someone’s standards) is a whole different definition & the way the word “losers” is used. children can lose out on life in many many different ways 4 sure… and i can’t understand why some are protected from above & some are not – that i truly don’t understand myself…
Mary, i have enjoyed some of the work i have done in the past – seems the work itself has not been that bad (not the issue) – most i have been able to conquer & do well – it is the people administering the work that get very oppressive & abusive – not the work. i have had a few jobs that i truly enjoyed & wanted to get up everyday & go to work & loved my job & most of the people around me – not all but most & i was the happiest & would work anytime i could but that was the exception not the rule. i am looking for that enjoyment in my work once again & praying as you for the Father God/Jesus to give me favor & bless me with a job where HE wants me & where i can be a joy & blessing to others instead of a number & slave.
the Bible speaks of a relations between a master & a slave & most times it isn’t happening in the corporate world – seems you have to know how to play their game instead of the truth & i don’t play games well with anyone – doesn’t seem to fit in my nature very well.
i don’t see the unemployment benefit as an entitlement but a blessing from the Lord till it is His timing to move me – that’s the way i look at it. i know that it isn’t going to last forever & all it is doing is giving me time to find my niche or it find me… i don’t think HE wants me to feel guilt over His blessing for me at this time. like i said, i have & am still shocked how long it has taken me to get a job that i feel i am meant to work at & i guess if worse comes to worse i will take something less than i think i am supposed to be doing & bite the bullet & re-enter as a number instead of a person, slaving to make some corporate jokey rich… yes, God knows my heart & the hearts of those out there hiring – suppose that is why i am still unemployed???
the Lord has been good to me in my direction & has protected me also… for that i am very very thankful…
Yes, Mary, I concur with your thought concerning the “poor children” whom mother, father, & extended family doesn’t care for, the unborn. (who could be poorer?)
G-d has watched for 39 years this Sunday, — 51 million (1 abortion every 26 seconds) slaughtered in what ought to be the safest place on earth, the womb. He may be just about ready to let that long breath out across this land.
Skip – What do you mean by the term Black Theology?
I hope that I have misunderstood you. Are you pointing out “Black” theology to represent all black people? Or is there some other reference? If it’s the first then I must educate you and state that I am a little dissapointed that you appear to have fallen victim to the hypocrisy that ALL black people are leaches and looking for handouts.
As for TV evangelists – There are black and white “pimps” fleecing the poor and the widows promising wealth if you give. “Greedy dogs” TBN and TCT the major Christian networks all do the same; TBN twice a year and TCT a little more frequently. They promise a blessing if you support His work, but they never mention a blessing if you obey His Word. Skip, to my dismay, you are classifying all blacks with the few you see/hear on TV or radio. What you do not know is that most blacks click to another station or turn the foolishness off! God’s people are growing up, at least those who mean to do the right thing – OBEY! I am a little disappointed, but it takes some effort not to be pulled into this political fiasco! He alone raises up kings and He alone brings them down. We are too busy blaming each other, not thinking soberly for His Word must come to pass. If the people live ungodly lives, we get ungodly kings….. and that’s the way it is……………
1 more thing – just some basic US census statistics:
197 million White (non-hispanic) Americans of which 37.7% are on Welfare or 74 million
38 million Black Americans of which 38% are on Welfare or 14 million
So over 5 times as many White Americans are on welfare than Black Americans. And if you looks at it just statistically the exact same percent of White and Black Americans are on welfare.
No way in the world Black Americans are causing all the economic trouble in this country. Not possible. Even if EVERY single black person was on welfare whites would still out number blacks on welfare by 2 to 1
Found an error – My stats are old and refer only to actual number of welfare recipients not percent of racial group
You mistake a comment about Black Theology, a specific theological position advocated by James Cone and endorsed later by Stokley Carmichael, with a judgment on the Black race. Please note that I was speaking about Cone’s theological stance. Nothing more. Although I do know that many liberal Black preachers rely heavily on Cone’s position, as, by the way, do many liberal Hispanic preachers in Central and South America.
Thank you for clarifying.
I still need to comment that many liberal Black preachers may rely on that position, but that DOES NOT mean that Black people in general do. We are free thinkers which is why I am on your site and others who have shared their knowledge of Torah. Only a minority of Blacks attend liberal Black churches not all of us. We’ve had to fight sterotypes all our lives because of what the media focusses on – the actions of a few do not represent the perspective/reality of all.
While it is true that the majority of Black citizens who attend church do attend conservative churches, it is unfortunate that the media panders to the liberal Black theologians and they are taken to speak for the majority. It is the same with other theologically liberal professors. Cone made a big impact because of his “outrageous” claims. I know only too well that he does not represent the majority of Black believers, but then the majority of preachers, Black or White, do not represent Yeshua as Jewish, do they?
Thank you Krista for your response on behalf of the black population in this country. A diverse population not only in colour but also in culture and religion. Our thoughts range on the spectrum from conservative to progressive. In spite of the on-going racism represented in the Church, the Constitution, and the prevailing laws that oppress and subject us, we have strived to remain close to God, the Bible, and His Son, Jesus Christ. None of this has been easy, and it is especially hard to preach or teach our young ones about God, the Bible, Jesus and Salvation in the face of naked denigration, hatred, and clear hostility from other Christians who portray very little of what is in God’s Word. Our children look around and ask me “Where is this God? Is He only for certain people? Why is He allowing this Christian country to treat us like this? Yes, the poor will always be with us, but why they got that way and how they remain so is also important. This country has been gifted abundantly and there is no reason for any Christian to surrender his responsibility to care about those people and ensure a safety net to help. Amassing these fortunes for yourself whilst finding every which way not to support your country, state, town, by paying your share to enable those places to flourish and be a blessing to all, is unrighteous and ungodly. I came to this website following a reference from a Q&A I read in a publication by CJF Ministries called Messianic Perspectives. I am disappointed by what appeared to be right wing talking points in this article ‘Mocks; Redistribution of wealth…. I hope I’m wrong….
James H. Cone and Black Theology
Divinity schools and universities around the world include James Cone on their reading lists. Cone is known as the founder of black theology — a philosophy Cone first laid out in BLACK POWER AND BLACK THEOLOGY in 1969:
As we examine what contemporary theologians are saying, we find that they are silent about the enslaved condition of black people. Evidently they see no relationship between black slavery and the Christian gospel. Consequently there has been no sharp confrontation of the gospel with white racism. There is, then, a desperate need for a black theology, a theology whose sole purpose is to apply the freeing power of the gospel to black people under white oppression.
Thank you Robin for your response. That is exactly right; there has been no sharp confrontation of the gospel with white racism. A racism that has been exported all over the world even to people who had not been of that mindset. Any attempt (no matter how feeble) to address this evil is attacked ferociously and labelled “Liberal” or whatever designation has been assigned by the ruling power structure to deny us a voice. I am happy to say that one day soon Yeshua will return in full glory and all this confusion and evil will be done. Hallelujah!