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Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength Isaiah 40:31 NASB
Wait – The Hebrew root is qawah. It means “to wait, look for or hope with eager expectation.” Faith is often expressed in patient endurance confidently knowing that God will act. In fact, in our environment, learning to wait with expectation (an action verb, not a passive attitude) is perhaps the very essence of a person’s faith. There will come a time when all that God has promised will be realized and fulfilled. In the meanwhile the believer lives by means of his integrity and uprightness as he trusts God’s grace and power. Hope has an eternal home in a disciple’s heart. Hope does not depend on one’s circumstances, history or attitude. Hope is eschatological. As long as there is a God of promise, there is hope. That means that no matter what the current situation, hope exists. And even death is not the end. Hebrews declares that we may hope in spite of death because death is no longer our prison. God has guaranteed His purposes will prevail.
God planted a vineyard in our hearts for the purpose of producing fruit. For everyone in some form of recovery, hope is our lifeblood. But the manifestation of hope takes time. Progress – not perfection – is the hallmark of those who have learned to wait. God’s promise is real. If we wait on Him, we will see change. We will gain new strength. To wait is to trust that His promises are true.
Waiting is one of the most difficult things to do in this world. Our culture is completely opposed to waiting. Everything is done as quickly as possible. Even sending out this daily word happens at the speed of light. We often complain that we can no longer find true craftsmanship and quality. We know that we live with less than perfect results in our own lives. Most of these unpleasant consequences are a direct result of not being willing to wait. But God is not in a hurry. He wants perfect, not just better. Learning to wait takes real effort in a world that wants it now. But God tells us that there are great rewards for waiting. Perhaps the one reward that we most often overlook is that reward of being like God. Consider His patience. Consider His expectant waiting – for us! How wonderful it would be to exemplify that kind of patience with ourselves and with others! In fact, the more that we practice godly patience, the more we appreciate this very attribute in God Himself.
Today you can hurry (a word that is never used of Yeshua, by the way) or you can remind yourself that the God of heavenly patience is giving you ample opportunities to learn who He is by doing what He does. I suggest you substitute the microwave mentality for God’s qawah.
Topical Index: wait, qawah, patience, hope, Isaiah 40:31
amen! (and amen!) most excellent
~ that you may not become slothful, but followers of those who through faith and patient endurance are inheriting the promises ~ (Hebrews 6.12)
We live in a world that wants everything yesterday..- We (all) want “instant gratification,” but I have found a problem with this.. “instant gratification” (just add water..)- takes too long.
No, (don’t be afraid to say no!) Once again, our dear Bible proves to be true (hello?) “those who wait upon the LORD”. Oh, how we should say (know and show) amen! Patient endurance- amen.
There are no “microwave” Christians. This “journey” to our New Jerusalem is not a sprint- it is a marathon. We are in this thing (together) for the duration.
I think the message of God’s promises and HOPE is what the LORD really wants us to “hear” and “understand” as we enter 2012 because this pass Sabbath (Dec.31, 2011), our Russian Messianic pastor/teacher gave a sermon on the very same theme and it was powerful. His messages are always revelatory, simple and profound but this one even more so because I know the Ruach knew we needed affirmation in this area of our lives.
In a nutshell, he focussed on Abram. Here was a man whose name meant “exalted father” but he had no children. In that culture, your name defined who you were, yet God was telling Abram, through his name, to keep waiting, hoping and believing. Then, the Lord tells Abram that his name will become Abraham (father of many nations; Gen.17:5) which realistically would seem even more ridiculous in the natural realm. Yet at 100, Abraham becomes a daddy (Gen. 21:5). So what probably seems to be waiting for eternity for Abraham and doubting Sarai is not. God’s promises eventually come into being. God is always the Master of perfect timing.
Abraham DID lose hope during the process like we all would in that circumstance. Romans 4:18-21 (Amplified) — [For Abraham, human reason for — the rationalizing mind that is operative here] HOPE BEING GONE, HOPED ON IN FAITH that he should become the father of many nations, as he had been PROMISED, So [numberless] shall your descendants be. He did not weaken in faith when he considered the utter impotence of his own body…NO UNBELIEF or DISTRUST made him waver or doubtingly question concerning the PROMISE of God, but he grew strong and empowered by faith as he gave PRAISE and GLORY to God. FULLY SATISFIED and ASSURED that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He PROMISED.” (Capitalized words and one side comment on the “rationalizing mind” are mine).
Our Russian Messianic pastor/ teacher said, “In God’s eyes, Abraham became a father the minute he fully believed, not when Isaac, physically came.” When you receive anything in full faith, to God it is as it has happened and it will happen. That is the true reality and if we lived with that full understanding of what faith and belief truly is, our lives would change dramatically. True FAITH in the identity of whom God has called you to be and do produces amazing fruits.
The pastor asked us, “Do you have enough faith to believe that because of what Yeshua did through His sacrifice, that you are holy and blameless and that this is your identity in Him? Do you have the faith to accept you are holy and the ability to receive that you are blameless such that when you fall into sin through temptation and/or trials, you can get immediately back on the path of your true identity through the HOPE and PROMISE of what God has determined you to be? OR do you look at yourself through the eyes of your family members, neighbors, church friends or other peoples’ eyes and let them define your reality for you?
Abraham was human like us and warred with the two realities — the one God told him was really real and the other one that his senses made him ‘feel’ was real. When we authentically and steadfastly walk in the true reality of what God tells us about ourselves, and genuinely accept them as fact and not as some ethereal concept that will happen when the fullness of the Kingdom comes or up in heaven (as most Christians like to think), then they become immediately operative as far as He is concerned. It’s as if our full BELIEF, FAITH, TRUST and HOPE in His Word, ignites and things start moving in the heavenlies.
You then read and “hear” scriptures like Luke 1:37 with far different eyes and ears. “For with God nothing is every impossible, and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.”
Right now, we are told that we are seated in the heavenly places. Typically, you could “see” it from this perspective. “You are here on earth but by faith you are in the heavenly places.” OR “You are there in the heavenly places but by faith you are here on earth.”
Unfortunately, we battle daily with what God just says “IS,” but if we lived as if God’s love is really real, His security is really secure, His protection really protects, His resources are really available…then this world would be turned upside down.
My father, Benjamin, is 83-yrs old now and not a believer YET. He has Multiple Myeloma (what oncologists say is incurable). I told my dad that in God’s vocabulary, the word “incurable” does not exist. I told him a few days ago, before my parents’ home, that his name Binyamin (in Hebrew) means “son of the father’s right hand.” The “n” or “noon” means “fish” (original Phoenician preceding Hebrew) or life. The “m” or “mem” is related to water…and the transliteration goes on.
So I told him that his name had incredible significance when it came to his true identity and destiny. The Lord was impressing me to tell him, “You are one who is considered a son of the father’s right hand, whereby the rivers of Heaven will pour through to refresh your soul so you can stand straight and tall in the resurrection of life now and in the life to come.” He is Chinese and a friend gave him the name Benjamin early on in his life. It was a God-thing.
At present, my father is down to 150 lbs, weak and tired from the chemo/steroids etc. but I believe in the true reality of what his specially ordained name means and I pray for his unbelief to become belief so that he can receive all that the Lord has destined him to be, that was established before the foundations of this world. Slowly, he’s responding. As with all life situations of this manner, it’s not just about my dad faith but about ALL those involved as well (family, friends etc.). God wasn’t just working with Abraham, he was working with Sarai’s faith and others in the community.
God’s Spirit revealed to me these things to claim and say to my father, knowing His divine promises and nature. So I was obedient despite the fact I felt awkward and inadequate at the time. But I, in faith, deposited in boldness what the Lord told me to speak forth to my dad. The awesome thing is a few days later, after I fly back to my home in Seattle, I hear this awesome Sabbath sermon confirming what I did in the Spirit and then I read Skip’s TW on this very issue this morning. I did by FAITH and HOPE beyond HOPE of what the Lord told me to do with my dad on December 28 and the Lord gives me confirmation a few days later. Just like with Abraham. God is too awesome.
In 2012, in true faith and hope, let us all walk in the REAL reality of what God’s Promises says are true about us and others. The Rabbi Hillel once said, “If not now, then when?”
Wonderful concepts taught in today’s lesson. I have often noted that our LORD was never in a hurry
Truly! Waiting is a test of patience, but how rewarding to have that fruit of patience, then no matter what happens, we would not lose our cool.
Excellent word, thank you.
Shalom dear Skip. I could not agree more. Thanks again for such a true and helpful perspective. Without hope and patience one cannot have and grow faith. Because He lives we all have a tomorrow. Walking the walk is an ongoing struggle with what is called our evil inclination – the war inside to fully surrender and trust in the Almighty Father in Heaven is ongoing. After living a life of making choices on own understanding one is brought to the place where one is shown that it is only in His will/commands that one truly find peace, fulfilment and joy. The discipline is a gift that one must accept and appreciate because this leads to eternal life. Our Father knows what is best for planet earth. I strongly suggest we listen and obey His commands.
Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up
With wings like Eagles”
Isaiah 40:31
The Wings of Eagles 1957
Directed by John Ford. Starring John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara
– One of my mother’s favorite war movies
On Wings like Eagles 1978
– Assigned to teach Isaiah to select group of teaching assistants in Humanities Department at UCSD
On Wings of Eagles 1983
Written by Ken Follett
This is the real-life story of a Green Beret colonel, who came out of retirement to lead a secret raid, and Ross Perot, the Texas industrialist, who would not abandon two Americans in an Iranian jail.
– Worked at EDS under Ross Perot with an ex-Marine who was in Iran for the raid
– At EDS the most difficult projects were referred to as “death marches”
– At EDS “survivors” of death marches were referred to as “Eagles”
On Wings of Eagles
Scorpio: OCTOBER 23 – NOVEMBER 22
In Antiquity, the symbol of the eagle was always associated with Scorpio
The eagle is the king of birds, because it is capable of flying above the clouds as it seeks the Sun
– A Scorpio seeks perfection and has a strong sense of own worth
– A Scorpio disdains mediocrity
what is EDS or what do those initials stand for??? interesting about the eagle…
Under His Wings
“what is EDS or what do those initials stand for”
Hi Jan,
Electronic Data Systems (EDS) was a company founded by Ross (“I’m Ross , you’re the boss”) Perot, who later ran for president against Bill Clinton.
The company provided electronic data processing management personnel along with the computer equipment to large companies like Genral Motors.
I worked in the Federal Division for the US Postal Data Centers in San Mateo and Minneapolis.
I left the company right before it was bought by GM, where my father had always worked.
GM sold EDS to HP, where my wife has worked for many years.
i know who ross perot is but i didn’t know what EDS is/was – thanks – guess i could have googled EDS & ross perot & found out for myself…
your wife or your ex-wife – did God/Jesus heal your marriage (you are so confusing sometimes – wish you or i could get the wife thing straight – would be nice for your marriage to be healed)…
“did God/Jesus heal your marriage”
Hi Jan,
Sorry for the confusion, for me it is more confusing to describe than it is to experience.
I don’t think the marriage will ever be healed, but we might never get divorced either.
Because we have kids and live separately, we need to work together on a weekly basis.
But we cannot live together, so we just try to do what is best for the kids.
Sometimes our relationship makes me think of the short story by Leo Tolstoy called Family Happiness
i’m sorry any one is in the predicament you are in – makes for not much of a happy marriage 4 sure. i only had one child & i stayed in a loveless marriage just for him because there wasn’t any abuse to any one – maybe emotional at some points & now after staying in a loveless marriage that my husband was not agreeable to work toward healing – i could no longer live a lie. when i look back, i’m not so sure staying for a child/children is the best thing for a marriage or the children – even as a teenager it was hard on our only son but he ended up coming & living with me instead of his dad after his dad remarried when the six months waiting period was up.
only you & God/Jesus/Holy Spirit can make decisions on how to handle these types of situations & i don’t envy anyone that is in one of these marriages – can’t be happy. God/Jesus is/are in the business of healing marriages if people will let him & if not people have to do what is best for the children & them.
hope you understand why i question when you say you are married & then you are separated – i just get really leery of people here on the internet being able to be someone they are not – you never know if a person is impostering themselves or not – that is what concerns me when i see you say two different things about your life & i don’t see other people here on this site do that except you. that is why i question you on those issues – just trying to make sure you are who you say you are – not very trusting am i???
but thank you for being honest…
“just trying to make sure you are who you say you are – not very trusting am i??? ”
Hi Jan,
Well I’m 64, live in a small condo with a big dog, have two children 13 and 15, and a “wife” in the late 40’s.
We both have demanding jobs and work about 10 hours a day with commutes in heavy traffic and live about seven miles apart.
Frankly, the fact that I’m legally married doesn’t mean much to me, but I have a responsibility to my “wife” and kids, whether we are divorced or not, IMO.
The situation is not ideal and I often worry about not providing the best family structure for my children.
Otherwise I’m grateful for what I’ve got, and try to do the best I can to support my family.
My kids come to my place every other week and my dog Max is a great friend :-).
Michael, i pray in this year of 2012 & further if need be that he restore & heal your marriage & establish it as the covenant is supposed to – not living separately & not on the same page so the covenant will represent the TRUTH to your children – what you are doing now is not the truth of the covenant of marriage – it is a cheap counterfeit from the enemy & a compromise of survival – this type of marriage (if you can call it that) is not God’s plan for any of us. i know you think you are doing the best you can – but are you both truly or are you just both wanting your own way in this marriage/relationship – this is not the covenant that God has for any of us – this is torment & solely survival & definitely not of the fittest – both of you need to get healed & whole in order to be healed & whole in an established covenant & be living the TRUTH for your children to be whole/healed – what you are doing is only half-assed & the children know it – seems the parents need to humble themselves & come together under the headship of Jesus & submit to him & one another instead of wanting your own ways & just doing a compromise so you can both have your own way.
i will be praying this marriage becomes a true covenant & that both of you submit to the Lordship of Jesus to be healed & whole & come together in TRUTH, THE LIFE, THE WAY of a TRUE covenant marriage… IN JESUS’ NAME WE PRAY, AMEN… jan