Deep Breaths (1)
love is patient 1 Corinthians 13:4 NASB
Patient – The Greek word is makrothumeo. It comes from two older Greek nouns, makros meaning “long” (i.e. an extended temporal duration) and thumos meaning “passion.” We might think that this mean love has a passion that lasts. That seems very nice, the sort of thing we like to hear at a wedding or read in a Hallmark card. We generally see patience as something that we do, by obligation or commitment. To be patient is to take active steps that overcome our natural response of self-protection, defense or revenge.
But this particular word chosen by Paul has a different context. In the Bible, makrothumia focuses our attention on God, not on our behavior. It is God’s gift of the postponement of judgment, always with a view toward repentance. Once we understand that God has postponed the judgment we deserved, we are also required to postpone our judgment of others. Patience becomes a necessary quality of service to God. The obligations of hesed require that we exercise the same quality of makrothumia toward others that God demonstrated toward us. In other words, you can’t be a follower of the King and have a short temper.
How do I express love as patience? I leave things up to God. Patience puts all of the circumstances of life in God’s hands, expressing the confidence that God will act as the divine judge. It does not demand repentance as a condition of performance but rather shows the gift of grace as a worshipful response to the pardon we received from God. It always allows a space for repentance. Dr. Laura once said that it wasn’t necessary to forgive someone until that person demonstrated a willingness to reform. She was wrong. Once we accept God’s hesed, we incur the obligation regardless of the other’s action.
The theological sense of makrothumia is both active and passive. It is active in the sense that I deliberately choose to wait no matter how long it takes. This is active spiritual obedience. I decide to behave like God. But “Love is patient” does not mean active endurance, as though I am called to exercise my mental and emotional muscles to attain that higher plane of ethical action. Biblical makrothumia is not the Greek idea of gritting my teeth and white-knuckling through life. Makrothumia is active in relation to God’s call, but it is passive in relation to the demands on others. If I am modeling God’s character, I wait. I accept what comes, I allow whatever befalls me. Of course, this can only be done because God is love and what befalls us is ultimately in His hands, under His control and within His power to affect. Love is patient is another glorious way of saying that I am not in control, that my world is not up to me.
Patience (makrothumia) is not self-control. It is not biting my tongue, enduring attacks, holding back my desires, restraining my self-defense. Patience is giving up my life to God, no matter what happens to me. Love as patience means that I turn it over to God and wait, just like He waited for me, just like He withheld judgment from me.
If your love is patient, you wait – because God waited. That is enough.
Topical Index: patience, makrothumia, 1 Corinthians 13:4
Wow…….! That’s what hits the nail on it’s head exactly (Dutch expression, don’t know if it exists in English, meaning: that touches / hits exactly the right spot). I so much need this today…. This is very difficult for a controlfreak like me…. But I am learning the hard way to let go, leave it all up to God. Not indifferently, but fully aware: He’s in charge, He makes no mistakes, He knows better than you.
If there’s any chance, please Skip, write a book about hesed and all the implications. I have a difficult time getting all this straight. Thanks for what you gave me so far!
Hi Kees, I was studying something and came across this old post. Have you been on in a while? Miss your comments.
Yes, I’m still there, but very busy studying Thora with guys like Rico Cortes, Brad Scott, Avi ben Mordechai and others, so I’m not that active on this site any more. That’s because I want more, deeper. And a word a day is still very OK, but not enough for me. God bless you! Shalom.
Glad to hear you are listening to Rico and Brad, but be careful with the Two-Houses theory.
Just curious… Could you explain why? Or should I ask this in a more private area?
By now I have found some absurd two house theology of Wootten and Koniuchowsky, who declare all Christians really to be the 10 ‘lost’ tribes of Israel. This is pure replacement theology in a different form. I’m starting to understand your warning, Skip.
I also understand there is great dissension among Hebrew Roots people in the States. We are ‘blessed’ with this movement being so small in Europe, that this kind of dissention does not (yet?) exist. Let’s hope it won’t raise it’s ugly head. Eddie Chumney was here some month ago, warning against this dissension. Lat week I met Michael Rood, and although I do not agree in everything with him, he also is a great teacher. The truth is we have only one Head: Christ Jesus. He is the one we all should listen to, and meanwhile learn (from) each other.
I’ve been through about 30-40 videos on YahTube from Brad Scott, all the videos of Avi ben Mordechai, and several of Michael Roods. It’s a great resource!
I probably have one reservation with each one – however, we are all called glean, are we not? Good to hear you are still blazing the path, shalom!
Hi Gabe,
I don’t understand what you mean to say with ‘we are all called glean’. I had to look in the dictionary for the word glean, but I still don’t understand the sentence. What is your one reservation – or is there a different reservation with each one? And what do you mean to say with the glean-sentence? English is not my native language, sorry!
Sorry, by “glean” I meant to separate out the good from the not-so-good, like separating the wheat from the chaff. Ultimately, what do I know? But there were a few things in some of the people that gave me reservations. For example:
1. Brad Scott – He is definitely one of my favorite sources so far, I have listened/watched 43 of his 44 posted videos on YahTube. However, at times his arguments seem a bit contrived. I have a difficult time distinguishing between broadly accepted 3 letter Hebrew Roots, and when he is possibly stretching the meanings to enrich his point. I really appreciate his ministry – but there are several things that I would not repeat unless I had verified or studied much more on the subject.
3. Rico Cortes – I have yet to listen much to him – but I will definitely be looking more into his material since I know you find it enriching.
4. Avi ben Mordechai – I loved his stuff, and I will definitely be getting his book on Galatians. However, I find his split between oral Torah and written Torah as too simplistic to explain Paul’s use of “law” in his epistles.
Aaron Rood – I like his stuff, but with his histories on Halloween and Christmas, I would like to know his sources. I absolutely believe the origins are pagan, but I have heard so many contradictory “origins of holidays” – it seems at times he chose the most damning and inflammatory and repeats those. His endorsement and use of Ron Wyatt also gives me pause.
5. Kent Hovind – I know he isn’t messianic, but he is an example of a dynamic speaker who has great material mixed with poor material. He is perhaps only guilty of not verifying his sources. One example is his use of the “Ica Stones”. He uses them to support an opinion I agree with, however, I’ve been to Peru on an geological/paleontological expedition, and my friend, the team leader, knew the family that made those and said he could get me one fairly easily. His material on archeopteryx is similarly contrived.
Other examples: David Biven – excellent for establishing Hebrew as the original language of some “New Testament” sources and other perspectives – but seems to suggest that Gentiles only need to subscribe to the Noachide laws. Lois Tverberg: Great insights, then suggests that tzitzit could be replaced by a cross on a necklace. Jeff A. Benner: I keep going back, but I whole-heartedly disagree with some of his takes on Hell, as presented in his video series.
Hi Gabe,
Much of what you mention I discovered myself. I guess it’s God’s wisdom not to give all knowledge to one single person. That way we all need every one else in the Body. Also there is at least one flaw in each and every one of us, so we would not get haughty. Thank Him for that!
Thanks, Skip, This is how I hear it: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins!” I john 4:10 Over and over again, it is because of WHO He is. In His, Love Linda K. Morales Puerto Rico
The Scottish theologian William Barclay also analogized the virtue of “makrothumia” to be like the patient farmer, who does his part in preparing the field but divinely waits for the Lord to provide the early and latter rains. He said it’s like the horse trainer who patiently works with a prized, unbroken stallion. In the end, he breaks the stallion but not its spirit. I loved that analogy because I immediately thought that only God can do that with us. I see him standing in the coral with us as we’re on the opposite side, snorting, pacing back and forth evading him and bucking as he draws nearer. But like the horse whisperer, God waits. He sees the beauty in the inherent passion and fiery spirit he created within us but true beauty is when that power is tamed through God’s makrothumia. Trainer and “black beauty” eventually become one because of God’s undying passion for us to become what we were always meant to become.
are we the “black beauty” you refer to in the/your analogy above??? yes, there is even scripture that tells the fathers not to break their sons/daughters/children’s spirits when correcting them – so of course since our Father in heaven will do better than our earthly fathers that would make perfect sense after all…
the horse & his many traits are mentioned many times in Old & New Testaments – God/Jesus like the horse 4 sure… ♥
Hi Jan,
I’ve been watching the movie HOMBRE for about fifty years, and you can see in the first scene of the movie four inportant things:
Horse, Man, Gate, Fence
Paul Newman plays Hombre
A whole man, He serves his tribe and saves the gentiles
The following information regarding the horse is new to me:
“HESUS” is a Hebrew term, meaning “the horse” spelled hay-samek-uau-samek. The KJV was the first to show the world the spelling “JESUS”. 216 times, we find it spelled in the TaNaK: yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin
YAHU + SHA is the English transliteration of the above 5 Hebrew letters.
HESUS” is a Hebrew term, meaning “the horse” spelled hay-samek-uau-samek. The KJV was the first to show the world the spelling “JESUS”. 216 times, we find it spelled in the TaNaK: yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin
YAHU + SHA is the English transliteration of the above 5 Hebrew letters.
Charles Darwin didn’t even know cells existed in his time, and the apostles didn’t know the word “JESUS” existed in theirs. The word “JESUS” had not been “discovered” until around 1530 CE (cells are real, but the word “JESUS” was not discovered, but rather invented).
WOW michael – you know so much & i know nothing in comparison to your knowledge – thank you for sharing all you do with us here at skip’s place – even though i have the honor of it being directed at me lots of times – if people read these comments they would/will learn so much from you – never stop sharing your vast knowledge of lots of things with us here…♥
happy valentines day… ♥
i know i don’t give out many compliments to many people so when i do – i feel it is a special gift from me 2 u… i am not one 4 flattery unless truly felt… ♥
Thanks for the compliment Jan
I have seen quite a few movies in my life, but don’t have vast knowledge
Most of what I know about the Hebrew worlview aand the Bible, I learned from Skip
““HESUS” is a Hebrew”
Hi Jan,
Did you ever see the movie The Professionals (1966)
Written for the screen and directed by Richard Brooks (one of my mother’s favorites)
With Burt Lancaster, Lee Marvin, Woody Strode, and Robert Ryan as the Professionals
And Jack Palance as Jesus Raza the Revolutionary
Horses have a big role to play in the movie as does the Heat in the Mexican dessert
Burt Lancaster plays Bill Dolworth in a fine role, who as professional works for money
Jake Sharp: Mr. D, whatever got a loving man like you in the dynamite business?
Bill Dolworth: Well, I’ll tell you. I was born with a powerful passion to create. I can’t write, can’t paint, can’t make up a song…
Hans Ehrengard: So you explode things.
Bill Dolworth: Well that’s how the world was born. Biggest damn explosion you ever saw
My favorite lines in the movie come when Hans Ehrengard (the horse keeper) can’t take the Heat
Rico: It takes getting used to.
Hans Ehrengard: Broiling by day. Freezing by night. Alkali dust choking every hole in your body. How in the name of God does anybody live here long enough to get used to it.
Rico: Men tempered like steel. Tough breed. Men who learn how to endure.
Hans Ehrengard: Like you and Dolworth.
Rico: Oh, no. Men like Raza.
HESUS raza
Beautifully expressed, Michael! HalleluYAH!
Even in our corrupted, ill-mannered society, it is considered RUDE to address a person with a wrong name.
YAHuShua, is not Greek, but born to Hebrew speaking parents of Levites, who would never give Him, nor the angel Gavriel say to Miriyam that He will be given a Greek name!!
Hebrew names are so meaningful as we can see throughout the Bible.
It is intentionally invented, to lead folks away.
What truths our FATHER has revealed, or lies exposed to us, we are to cherish.
How blest to receive and to share with others, thank you Michael.
HI Jan,
Analogies only go so far but yes, in this particular context, we’re the unbridled, untamed, wandering stallion if you will, that has the most unbelievable potential under the right loving owner and trainer like in the movie “The Black Stallion.” When the horse learns to trust its master, the master can ride it bareback…free as the wind with no bridle, bit, saddle, stirrups…and truly sensitive horses like those trained in dressage can even feel the blood flow within the knees of their master.
I think Yeshua has a whole stable of awesome horses in His Kingdom Stables. After all, he has one especially picked out that He’ll be riding when he returns. There is a “makrothumia” to animals that humans could learn from. Perhaps, theologically, one may say, “Christina, you can’t apply this term to animals.” But I’d say…well let me tell you about a very special Japanese dog named Hachiko – a beautiful golden brown Akita.
His owner was Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo. Everyday, for 1.5 years, Hachiko, would greet his owner at the train station after Prof. Ueno got back from work. One day, in 1925, Prof. Ueno suffered a fatal cerebral hemorrhage/ stroke at the university. He would not be getting off of the train station that day but Hachiko would be waiting and waiting. Eventually, Haichiko was given away at his Master’s death but he escaped and ran back to his Master’s home. He eventually realized his Master no longer lived there so he went to the train station where he had accompanied his Master so many times before.
Everyday, for TEN years, commuters would find Hachiko at the Shibuya Train station, in the evening, at the same time Prof. Ueno would get off the train — waiting for him. That’s loyalty. This precious story made me tear up so bad because even in our relationship to our Master, we are so far from what Haichiko was to his Master.
After Haichiko passed away, he became a national Japanese hero in terms of what it means devoted and faithful. He’s now on one of Japan’s national stamps.
yes, Christina – i agree – our beloved companions (be they horses, dogs, cats, etc.) seem to know more about devoted love & loyalty than most humans – yes, we should look to them 4 inspiration & i feel the ones who have passed on that we love (animals & humans – HE created the animals first – ponder that if u will) – will be waiting 4 us & we will be reunited once again… ♥
have you seen the movie “War Horse” it is one of such devotion as you speak… ♥ jano
This made me teary too, Christina.
Dogs are such faithful, devoted animals! They respond to their masters’ care.
Thank you for this story.
That is true, Amein, Christina!
Yes!- thank you Skip.. I too (Kees) needed this (this very day!) Love is patient. (And as we know, G-d is love!) ~Whoever does not love does not know God, because G-d is love ~ ( I John 4.8)
Kees, I’ll swap out an “Americanism” and ask if this also exists in the Dutch culture..- It is called “being thin-skinned” or easily offended. When we are “poked” -do we want to “poke” back? lol.. -I was “poked” this very morning! Ah.. thank you brother Skip!- How timely! Love suffers long- and is kind..
And a “soft answer” turns away wrath.
It is not our actions, but rather our reactions that determine our inward character. What’s down in the well is going to come up in the bucket! If I “react” with anger, frustration, a raised voice, clenched teeth or any form or fashion of anger, I am “walking in the flesh” and not in the Spirit! How do we know this? -(once again…)- What do the scriptures say? (what are our instructions from our Father?) ~ But now you also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy talk out of your mouth ~ (Colossians 3.8)
Number one on the “put off” list? – anger! (you can almost hear the “grrr” in anger!) Yes, sin does “crouch at the door” doesn’t it? Oh, and once the “words” (you know the words I’m talking about), spill (so readily) from our lips.. Words that heal or words that harm?
Well, I didn’t say it, but I sure wanted to.. Carl, – “the (very) thought of foolishness is sin”- (Youch!)
Who shall deliver me (then) from the body of this death? (Sin separates/divides!) Yes, we need a Deliverer, a Savior (if you will..)- Who might this be? What is His Name and what is the Son’s Name- if you can tell..
We need a renewed, regenerated, repaired heart. The “well” (the heart of the matter) is in need of purification.
The things we allow to fester inside of us.. – Sin is pre-sactly (a medical term) like a cancer and needs early detection, and early (daily) treatment. Now.. (What can “wash away” my sin?) Time to apply (yes, -to “do”) 1 John 1.9? Amen!- Yes, it is..
for love is patient.. – Did I respond in love? Take a deep breath, Carl,- and think about it. Selah.
I TRULY DON’T FEEL/THINK/SEE THAT JESUS HAD A SMILE ON HIS FACE (anger, frustration, a raised voice, clenched teeth or any form or fashion of anger) & HAPPILY WENT ABOUT TURNING OVER TABLES & THANKING THE PEOPLE FOR HAVING THEM IN THE TEMPLE – I WOULD THINK HE LOOKED MORE LIKE THIS (anger, frustration, a raised voice, clenched teeth or any form or fashion of anger) – NOT WALKING IN THE SPIRIT ACCORDING TO YOUR ABOVE STATEMENT – SOMETIMES IT JUST DOESN’T APPLY…♥
Jan, you are so right on, as usual. You always find a way to resurrect reality. Thanks.
Yeshua could be angry without sinning; we can’t. His anger produced the fruit of righteousness; ours misses the mark and produces wounds….
kees – again, i disagree with your statement above – if there were no righteous anger in this world nothing would be changed – it takes a passionate & sometimes righteous anger to change the world. your statement is not true. the word/scriptures – HIS WORD/HIS SCRIPTURES – states we are, we can be angry but do not let the sun go down on your anger – in other words we are not to let a root of bitterness grow in us from keeping our anger & not letting it go by sundown which really means fast – i think/feel that means you are to & can at least sleep on it for a night to give yourself a time to ponder on the anger you are feeling – GOD/JESUS gave us the emotion of anger – would HE do that if that emotion was only for HIM to demonstrate & have/feel because HE is the only ONE that can handle the emotion of anger – no, that is ludicrous thinking 4 sure…
Oh, sorry Jan, I am not trying to convince you! Maybe you are perfectly capable of being angry and remaining righteous. The thing is: I am not. When I look deep enough into my heart – and sometimes that’s not very deep at all – there is some unrighteousness at the basis of MY anger. I cannot look into anyone elses mind, but I sure know myself, and … it’s not a nice picture in the overwhelming majority of my cases of anger.
So for me, it’s bitter fruit.
Valentine – that’s a day I never celebrated. The younger generation does, but in my days no one in Holland knew it existed. But it’s a nice thought to celebrate love! Even better: Gods love is never anonymous! So: Happy Valentine to you too!
YOU ARE SO RIGHT KEES – “Even better: Gods love is never anonymous!” SO NEITHER SHOULD WE BE… ♥
So: Happy Valentine to you too!
Christina,- that was beautiful! (..wise words!)
This is the quality of meekness! (Blessed, -how happy!- are the meek- (the teachable, the trainable).
i think/feel this piece/writing should be a love letter divine from GOD/JESUS CHRIST to us 4 Valentines Day…♥
i think/feel it exudes the fragrance of HIS sovereignty… ♥
jano (♥♥,)
Sis Jan, has wonderful teachings on Valentine’s Day by
Daniel Redelman
Cupid’s Dangerous Darts -truth about st valentine’s day-
and a video as well:
CLICK HERE or the picture below to watch a video that explains truth behind St. Valentine’s Day.
Hope the links work.
Blessings to you, Jan, as you are a lovely person.
thank you ester for the link & what i read about valentines day was awful – yuk!!! there was no picture below on your post or video to explain the truth about valentines day but the article was enough for sure…
and emet ministries was very interesting also – i may not be celebrating valentines day next year since i have already participated this year… jan
thank you also for the kind compliments… ♥
Hi Jan, sorry the link didn’t show up, you will find it at the webpage, and enjoy it too.
So glad you know the truth now!HalleluYAH! :-)) Truth sets us free always. Amein!
Yes, Daniel Rendelman at Emet has beautiful teachings.
Give compliment when compliments are due. :-))
Love and blessings to you.
~Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything ~
(James 1.4)
~ So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing ~
~ But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. ~
Endure until your testing is over. Then you will be mature and complete, and you won’t need anything ~
~That you be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.~ (Hebrews 6.12)
~The Spirit, (the Ruach HaKodesh) on the other hand, brings a harvest of love, joy, peace; patience towards others, kindness, benevolence; ~ (Galatians 5.22)
Donna, u r right & it actually isn’t me that resurrects reality but HIM n me – i am not very well liked 4 this gift either – but when i read or hear or see – something rises up n me & overcomes my fears of being accepted 4 what i hear, what i believe & i speak 4th – have become thick skinned 4 sure – reality isn’t always pleasant but mostly true & it is the TRUTH within me that speaks 4th – types reality once again – sometimes i don’t really like reality either – would prefer to live in beautiful dreams but am brought back 2 reality till HE sings sovereignty over me – HIS banner over me is love…
~ For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.~ (Romans 1.18)
the wrath of G-d? but I thought “G-d is love.. ”
~ Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him!~ through Who? through the blood of the Chosen ONE, -through the blood of Messiah upon the tslav, the execution stake.
the wrath of G-d? What was it that upset Yeshua to act in such a fashion?
~ And Yeshua entered The Temple of G-d and cast out all of those who sold and bought in the temple and upset the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. He said to them, “The Scriptures declare, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves!” ~
Is there then, such a thing as “righteous indignation?” We have been instructed through G-d’s word: “Be ye angry and sin not-“(Ephesians 4.26) God gets angry: “The anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses” (Exodus 4:14); “God is angry with the wicked every day” (Psalm 7:11).
Another reason for us not to sin. G-d hates it. And if G-d hates sin, should we also? Should we also share this same mindset concerning sin as our Savior? Sin (G-d knows) is destructive. And He wasn’t real happy about the “moneychangers” (I wonder what the rate of exchange was?) in His Father’s Temple- taking full advantage of those who came to offer the required sacrifices.
Thank you, Skip, for this word of the day.
Oftentimes, we are told to be patient, quoting this 1 Cor 13 verse, not fully grasping what it means,
and it is exasperating, when they are looking for excuses for their not facing the truth, or errors in their ways, and they are not being judged. It is their conscience pricking them, and it is self-defence like you said here.
YeshaYAHu 40: 31 states- they that wait upon YAhuWah/YHWH shall renew their strength. That calls for patience on OUR part in personal situations, for HIS will and purposes to be revealed, and come to pass.
“In this verse makrothumia is passive. The word expresses something that happens to me, not something I make happen.” The situation is beyond us anyway, what else can we do, but wait and be patient.