Prayer for Cyndee
Cyndee Sullivan, my proofreader and a faithful supporter of Today’s Word, is in the hospital in Arizona awaiting surgery. She has asked for prayer. Please offer one on her behalf today. We badly need her back in full form.
Cyndee Sullivan, my proofreader and a faithful supporter of Today’s Word, is in the hospital in Arizona awaiting surgery. She has asked for prayer. Please offer one on her behalf today. We badly need her back in full form.
Praying that the surgery will be uneventful and for her to recover quickly.
For whatever reasons, God usually chooses to use people to do his work here on earth. I pray that God will guide the hands of the surgeon, and that the entire staff will be instruments in God’s hands to bring healing to Cyndee.
Well I’lI pray that Cyndee is back in full form soon!
Abba, cyndee’s well being is in your constant care and we lift her up to your throne of grace. May she be restored to total wholeness in the might name of Yeshua.
“Rest assured” Cyndee, we are praying for you! -It is our privilege and delight to do so. May the LORD who heals be very present during this time.
Cyndee…as the Lord hears all our hagahs on your behalf, most of all yours and Patricks…rest assured that you are in the best hands possible — HaShem’s. As you relate to Him most through song, may you hear His song for you today. May our Great Physician provide you with His shalom and assurance that all is well for He has you in the palm of His hand. May you experience full and rapid healing “sister,” so you can continue to make the positive difference with your proofreading skills for Today’s Word!
Thank you all for praying for me! I greatly appreciate the community of TW readers.
YHWH has allowed my bowels to move again WITHOUT having surgery! I will be going home from the hospital today (2/23/12) after 6 days here. Praise the LORD!!
My son, Patrick (the Tech Geek :D), mentioned a Hebrew prayer that is appropriate for me today:
After completing urination and or defecation and upon leaving the bathroom, the person washes their hands. According to Jewish etiquette, this should be done outside the bathroom, but if there is no source of water available outside the bathroom, it is permissible to wash one’s hands inside the bathroom, then dry them outside. No al netilat yadayim blessing is recited for the handwashing.[6]
Following the washing and drying of one’s hands, the asher yatzar blessing is recited –
“Blessed are You, Hashem our G-d, King of the universe, Who formed man with wisdom and created within him many openings and many hollows. It is obvious and known before Your Throne of Glory that if even one of them ruptures, or if even one of them becomes blocked, it would be impossible to survive and to stand before You (even for a short period). Blessed are You, Hashem, Who heals all flesh and acts wondrously.”
(from )
Fantastic news sistah! I know this Jewish prayer too. It’s in the Artscroll Women’s Siddur. It’s a blessing when ALL sphincters are working!!
God is so in control. Prayers are important so we know that folks lift us up to Him. We are in need of each other. Just had a double mastectomy and reconstruction. Many folks prayed for me. This was the second time I had breast cancer–and the cancer came out smaller than the MRI showed, had clear margins, and no nodes were involved. Still Stage I–the best I could of ever hoped for. I am blessed and CYndee is now lifted up by believers asking for the best outcomes possible. We are so Blessed.
Cindy, Praise Yah for His tremendous grace and thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your life with us. I had no idea of this prayer. How Awesome is our G-d!
Jewish prayer is so focused on YHWH rather than the individual and so it should be.