South Africa Continued

To my faithful supporters and readers,

I am heading into the last week in South Africa.  Tomorrow I leave for the north, Durban, Margate, then back to Jo’berg.  The people who heard me in Cape Town area have been greatly moved receiving God’s word from an Hebraic point of view.  The talks on the Beatitudes were especially moving to me too.  Please pray that the trip north will be just as meaningful.

Here are a couple of friends I made along the way.



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Good to hear the response of the people and how that has impacted you. Standing with you in prayer for the fullness of His Spirit in the giving and receiving of His precious Word. Much strength of the King to finish this journey!

Mark Shearer


Enjoy Durban and Jo’burg. Trust you will be enamored enough to return soon. We thoroughly enjoyed the 2 days with you and you have opened our eyes to some exciting times ahead as we turn this ship round from a Greek to Hebrew paradigm.

I am going to make sure that it was a “life-changing” weekend… Thank you for coming all this way.

Yours in Him

Gordons Bay
Cape Town


AMEIN! Thank you for sharing this testimony, Mark.



Thank you beyond measure for honouring us (…yes that’s how we spell ‘honor’ here!) in Durban with your delightful presence and person. You are a man of integrity. Thank you from the depths of my heart for sharing from your wealth of learning and insight. Yahweh sent you just for me! Your visit was too short. Please send others until you return.

You are a treasure beyond measure.

Durban, South Africa

Philippians 2v9-11 “…God exalted him (Yeshua) to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of YESHUA every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that YESHUA MESSIAH is Adonai, to the glory of God the Father.”


HAha, such a sense of humour, Skip. I expected to see some human faces!!
You will be a great blessing everywhere YHWH sends you, Skip, as HIS Hand and Ruach is upon you to serve HIM and bring HIS truth to shine into the darkness of Greco mindsets, setting many free to walk in fullness of HIS ways-the Torah.
How blest the folks in South Africa are indeed, to have ears to hear, and hearts to do HIS will! AMEIN!
How ABBA YAHuWah loves them and cares for them. HE is a wonderful Redeemer.