Prayer Request

I got this email a few minutes ago.


Hi Skip,
Here is the latest on my health. I would appreciate it if you would post this. Thanks.
In His Care,
Health update  Through a specialized analysis, I have learned the very serious health issues I have in front of me. My endocrine system and metabolic system are in battle mode with one another because of prolonged stress. My adrenal glands are shot – nothing in the tank. Therefore, my organs of elimination (liver, lungs, lymph, skin, kidneys, and intestines) are not able to function sufficiently. My body is very acidic, and it needs to be alkaline. My plan is to proceed with the homeopathic program recommended to me. Prayers will be much appreciated. The next 3 months are critical. On a positive note, I have been successful in eliminating the mercury from my body.
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This is an ongoing battle for life and heallth.

Compromised Elimination-because of the miscommunicaton between metabolism and endocrine response, organs of elimination (liver, lungs, lymph, skin, kidneys, and intestines) may very well be compromised.

The above paragraph is part of the information that was given to me from my analysis.

Resetting the endocrine system so that it is communicating rightly with my metabolic and nervous systems. Prayers would be highly valued at this part of my journey toward wholeness.

robert lafoy

I will be praying for you and with you.


Hi Brian,

My prayers are with you and I hope you are feeling better soon.

John Offutt

If you are considering homeopathic treatment, please find someone who does Electrodermal Stress Analysis. Two of my family members have used this service with outstanding results. Some physicians who believe in alternative medical treatments may offer this service, or you may find someone who is not associated with any medical clinic. Please check this out before you go too far with homeopathic treatment. Remember the late Steve Jobs who tried homeopathic treatment too long? Please, please be careful with the treatment you have choosen, and check very carefully on the peoson you are depending on for recommending your course of treatment. Your life in their hands.

I will pray for your recovery.

Andy Chan


LaVaye Billings

Dear Brian, I know very little if anything about homeopathic treatment, but I am saying with John Offutt, please, please be extremely careful. I have been trying to pray for you, but not sure how to pray.
Am I thinking correctly about you? Did you lose your first wife with some illness a few years ago? And have a daughter? age?–It seems also that you remarried and some difficulty in that. If this is all on target, you have had some serious things to deal with, and none of us would think you could recover rapidly. So be so careful now with the homeopathic treatment. — Once recently you wrote and said that I had a “”child like attitude” or something to that effect. Well, Yes, I do still believe that God does today, at times heal people miraculously. My own testimony from 40 years ago, includes why I know that the Creator of the Universe does still heal today. The one I got was increditable and has lasted all these years. Soon will be 79 years old! Grab your Bible and start checking once again all the healings in the New Testament ( & old, too), and study them again, and began to ask the Lord to allow you to be among them. One of my daughters sent me an authentic miraculous one that happened in their church family recently- verified by the surgeon. x-rays, etc. I can not transfer it on this site, but our personal e-mail is ” LaVaye-Ed “” and if you will write me , then I could send it from my e-mail to you. I, too will pray for you. Sincerely, L.B.


I will also continually pray for you.

LaVaye Billings

Brian, Please let this group hear something from you on your health. We do care. May you be well ! I am sure many are praying for you. We miss reading your comments. May you touch the hem of His garment. LaVaye B. “”


LaVaye Billings,

Thank you for your concern and prayers. Yes, I am the person who was honored with the privilege of walking with Tammy through the last stages of cancer and fourteen years of marriage.

We did have a daughter of three and I was blessed to continue the journey with her. After about 5 years, I remarried again. Her name is Kathryn. Our journey has been very difficult for a number of reasons which I have wrote about on other posts. The journey with Kathryn is definitely been one of adjustments, and I believe we have overcome many obstacles and difficulties that I believe has brought us to a place where we will be a blessing to a lot of people. The journey to wellness during this time has been very allusive (I starting having severe health issues right after our marriage) and downright discouraging. Stress has been off the charts, which does not make it conducive to moving toward shalom.

In relationship to the steps and the path that I am choosing to move toward well being, the person that I have chosen is well known in my area and has a very good track record of helping people and comes with recommendation. She has not been booted out by the local populace. 🙂

More than anything I need. . . I need the presence of my King. I long to please the One who loves me totally and forever. Maranatha!

Thank you all for continual prayers and concerns.

In His Care, Brian