Reading Scripture
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 NASB
Be diligent – If you grew up in the King James era, then you know this verse as “Study to show yourself approved.” With that translation, we often imagine that Paul is recruiting for Bible College. But the Greek is from the verb spoudazo, “to hurry, to make haste, to treat with diligence and seriousness.” This is the equivalent of Paul urging Timothy to be zealous about the things of God.
Why do we need to revise our King James idea? Isn’t studying included in the concept of spoudazo? The reason we need revision is that our idea of studying carries with it the Greek concept of education. We are apt to think Paul wants Timothy to pour over the information in the text, to memorize the verses, to answer the theological questions and to pass the ordination exam. But if Paul is asking Timothy to be zealous, then there is a lot more involved than fact gathering. Spoudazo already directs us toward physical action like hurrying or speeding on the way. Wouldn’t it make sense that Paul wants Timothy to live as a worthy example of God’s handiwork and not simply to study the words of the Lord? Think of the use of spoude in Romans 8:12 or 2 Corinthians 7:11. These references are about zeal and commitment. How is Timothy supposed to present himself? As a workman (producing, expending effort, accomplishing tasks) who shows himself publicly (for that’s what shame is about) as an example of the word of God. Would it be sufficient for Timothy to pass the catechism but never make the changes in his behavior? I don’t think so. Information is not the essence of Hebrew education. Information without transformation means shame.
Everywhere we look, spoudazo is about urgency. It means striving dedication, intensity of effort, conscientious discipline. There are no couch potatoes in the Kingdom. This corrects the mistaken belief that God wants your life to be comfortable. I think not. God wants your life to be conflict, confrontation and continuance. How else will you be spurred to growth? How else will haste and urgency become your watchwords? Retirement? No, retirement is for the dead.
Correcting the translation also provides insight about reading Scripture. Reading the Bible is an encounter with the holy God of Israel. It is not comfortable, although at times it may be comforting. It is responding to the call of the Spirit in a way that summons us to more than we are. It is to be engaged with the text in a way that brings transformative meaning to the text. As readers, we are incorporated into the message. The power of Scripture is not to convey spiritual information but to force spiritual examination. If you read the Bible without weeping, without rejoicing, without regret, without indentifying, then you haven’t read the Bible.
Hurry. The days are short.
Topical Index: diligent, study, hurry, spoudazo, 2 Timothy 2:15
Urgency can imply we are running out of time as “the day approaches” but more of an urgency like thirst to fill ourselves. This time on earth is our Egypt experience and we are to come out of it to a “heavenly place” not through “bread alone” but on every word that we find in scripture which refines us. Moses talks of it in Deuteronomy 8-10.
The “promised land” is within the boundaries of our spiritual life as we remain “set apart”from the flesh through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Thanks for helping us point to this today.
What do students do? (Hopefully)- they study (and learn). What do teachers do? (Hopefully) they teach. Successful teaching results in life-change or transformation.
We are (all) students and we each have teachers and a Principal Master/Teacher. G-d has enrolled each who belong to Him in Life 101.
Friends, three times Yeshua, being filled with the Ruach HaKodesh, said unto our adversary: “it is written..” – Why? – This very same penetrating “sword” is available to “whosoever will!”
~For the word of G-d is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart ~
We, the students-disciples-talmudim have a Textook: the Holy Scriptures which we (hopefully) now know to be much more than a book- it is G-d’s Book. It is G-d’s Blessing Book. It is G-d’s Book of Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, The written,living, authoritative, G-d breathed, G-d birthed, very active and very alive, Lamb’s Book of Life, -our dear Bible, the Torah of ADONAI.
What a stinging reminder it was for me when Yeshua said unto the Pharisees (not unlearned men)- “you do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of G-d” (Matthew 22.9)
What does the Bible say of itself? ~ All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of G-d may be thoroughly equipped for every good work ~ (2 Timothy 3.17)
~ O send out Your light and Your truth, let them lead me; Let them bring me to Your holy hill and to Your dwelling places. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long. ~
Who is our Master-Teacher? ~ But when the Father sends the Advocate as my Representative—that is, the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Breath,—He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you ~ (John 14.26)
For He, (the ONE who has never lied) has promised: “I will not leave you comfortless: I (Myself) will come to you” (John 14.18)
So, today- “It is written..” ~ may the high praises of G-d be in our mouths and may a two-edged sword (a two-edged sword?) be in our hands ~ (Psalms 149.6)
One last word- the same as the first one: ‘amen’- ~ according to Your word, O King, let this be so ~
What a purposeful, plain, but powerful explanation of why the HOLY SPIRIT has authored, and preserved the Word….so that lives can be changed, and brought into alignment with the character of GOD, Himself. Too many simply read it for its esoteric benefit, but are missing the life-changing experience of applying it to their daily lives. Even we ‘preachers’ need to be reminded of that simple, yet profound truth!
In my mind, “desperation” comes closer than ‘diligence’ or ‘making haste’. Many other people were approaching Jesus along with the woman ‘with the issue of blood’. She was DESPERATE for healing, for wholeness, to be made clean. Power will ‘proceed forth’ from Jesus when we approach him in this spirit.
I also find it interesting that she was reaching for the fringe of his cloak. We see this as ‘barely touching him’ – but with the tzitzit in mind – we need to approach Jesus striving for obedience and healing.
Today’s Word ‘convicted’ me. Too often I read my bible with an eye on the clock, as part of a ‘to-do’ list that must be done by a certain time. I’m ashamed to admit this, but it is true.
There are days, tho, when I get lost in my reading. Those days I count as gold. Suz
My first literature class at UCSD was taught by a visiting Professor from England circa 1973
The first play we read was written by Bertold Brecht, called The Caucasian Chalk Circle
It was based on the story about King Solomon and his wisdom regarding the two mothers
Who had the rights to the baby?
I barely knew who King Solomon was at the time, but the story made a big impression on me
From the two lectures on this play, I knew that I believed in the wisdom of Solomon and Bertold Brecht
From that day on I knew that I wanted to study literature
Because it seemed to open a door to the good, the true, and the beautiful
And for Brecht literature was a call to action, or it was worthless
And for me the Bible is literature
“Information without transformation means shame.”
Indeed it does!
We love to say “I love God’s Word.” We love to memorize it & post it, & share it. But do we DO it?
A child who is told to clean up their bedroom & later says how they love daddy’s words, how they made a card to post on a mirror for remembrance, but has to admit they did NOT clean the room, –punishment will come from a parent worth their salt! Doing has to accompany hearing.
Ninevites could have sworn they loved God’s Word delivered thru Jonah, they could have made beautiful stone-cut monuments to line the streets, but had they remained the same in their wickedness would have been shamed by destruction.
Instead they were spared by “making haste, treating the information with diligence and seriousness.”
Great analogy. I really thought I attained something when Christianity became my biggest hobby. I knew what to quote and when, I finally really liked studying scripture, ect. Then I was faced with the powerlessness of the knowledge that wasn’t put into action,… and the fact that the Pharisees had the same favorite hobby. Whoops! records this to be part of the definition of study: “to think deeply, reflect, or consider.” Too often I have read the words and not been able to grasp or recall what I read. If I would think deeply about what the Author is relating to the audience , I would also consider whether I am a part of that audience. What makes me part of the audience, may be a good question to reflect on? Am I the INTENDED audience? Or am I an outsider reading someone else’s mail? Do I know what is being discussed, or am I interjecting my outsider views and lifestyle into the culture of anothers’ relationship?