Revised by Rashi
To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Genesis 3:16 ESV
Pain – We have examined this verse in some detail in the past (it is also analyzed in my book, Guardian Angel). We pointed out that a small emendation in the syllabication significantly changes the meaning (cf. Bushnell). We noted that Havvah’s punishment fits the “measure-for-measure” system in its parallel to Adam’s. The focus is on the resistance of the source and the subsequent toil in production. Adam must toil to bring bread from the earth. Havvah must toil to produce the next generation. We noted that the sages consider child raising, not childbearing, the point of this verse. All of this leads us to make substantial changes in the translation and the consequent applications.
But we have overlooked one other important factor. The word translated “pain” is ‘atsav. It usually means physical pain or emotional distress. Rashi notices the connection between this first occurrence of ‘atsav and its occurrence in Genesis 6:6. God observed the sinfulness of men and it grieved (yit’atssev) Him. The account of the flood demonstrates a broken-hearted God, not a God of vindictive reprisal. It seems schizophrenic to claim that God exercises severe judgment in the case of the deceived Havvah but is grief-stricken over the exploding sinfulness of the whole human race. I believe this is one more indication that Bushnell’s suggestion is credible. The translation should be, “The one lying in wait has increased your sorrow and in that same sorrow you will raise children.” God is not the tyrannical policeman. He is the sympathetic advocate and reluctant judge. The point of the verse is the impact of transgression on production – from the earth and from the body. The world is now filled with sorrow. Things do not go as they were intended.
It seems to me that the act of clothing Adam and Havvah underscores the grace of God. In spite of their sin, God provides priestly covering (cf. Davidson, The Flame of Yahweh). If there were ever an opportunity for God to demonstrate His revulsion at their disobedience, this would be the moment. But rather than judgment, we find a God of caring, a God who takes the first step toward forgiveness. I’m sorry, but this doesn’t sound like a God who “will increase your pain.”
If we revise the mistaken image of God in the typical translation of Genesis 3:16, we must also revise our views of God’s relationship to and design of women. But that’s the point, isn’t it? The God of Genesis is not inconsistent with the God of the rest of Scripture. His character is displayed from the beginning to the end. When we realize that some translations give us a picture of a God whose wrath outweighs His mercy, we need to be very careful. The words need to match the character, not the other way around.
Topical Index: Rashi, Genesis 6:6, Genesis 3:16, pain, ‘atsav
And if you haven’t read the entire discussion about this change in the purpose of women, you need to get the book.
Thank you Skip. Way back in my Seminary days I saw the over riding role of God was to be caring, offering care for his people. Today’s message had confirmed and reinforced my convictions formed years ago. I was not considered very correct in those days. My colleges were not sure about my “theological” correctness. I persisted and will continue to affirm the caring of God, enabling me to endure to the end. Amen.
Thank you, that helps.
Rashi (Hebrew: רש”י, RAbbi SHlomo Itzhaki; February 22, 1040 – July 13, 1105)
Born 2/22 10 4 “Over and Out” or 40 (Moses) and died on a bad day (13) or good 1 + 3 = 4 (YHVH)
Of course, 1105, 1 + 1 + 0 + 5 = 7 is a good Day (the Sabbath)
Rashi’s middle daughter, Miriam, was probably a prophet, given her father’s genes (no pun intended)
Rashi’s youngest daughter, Rachel, married (and divorced) Eliezer ben Shemiah (a linguistic “fate”)
In short, IMHO, I would compare Rashi’s hermenuetical genius with Einstein’s affiinity for Physics
On a personal note, I work with a woman named Reshmi and another named Rashmi (Rashi + Mike)
On Friday I noticed that a woman named Rachel will soon be sitting next to me
Some would consider that a cosmic coincidence, unless they’ve seen the movie Signs
After reading Guardian Angel, I talked with my wife about some of it’s contents about her role as a boundary setter, ect. And funny thing – after that conversation — she has treated me even more as a leader in our family. We have found greater harmony by pulling in the same direction.
For those who are wondering, Guardian Angel, is not what I would consider feminist literature. I went to a University where feminism meant ‘men are trash’ — this is not that kind of book.
We live in a troubled world. But what are we troubled by? We have one basic problem, and that one problem is sin. Disobedience to the ONE who created us and to the ONE Who gave His life’s blood for us on Calvary’s tree. We have forgotten, we are His by right of creation and His again because of Calvary.
Look at all He has given unto us and then what is our response? What is our response to the goodness of G-d? We stripped Him naked, spit in His face and then shamed Him and defamed Him by fastening Him to a criminal’s cross. And what is His response to this, our twistedness? Forgiveness and love. Mercy and grace. Quietness and peace.
“Father, forgive them” for they know not what they do. (A very nice way of saying-“these sheep are clueless..”) It is rather crazy to think that we would want to crucify the ONE who made us, but nevertheless, we knowingly, willingly, wanted Him dead and gone. Sin, no doubt, is a form of insanity.
But G-d knew all of this from the beginning. Christ was crucified long before this world was created. He knew we would need a Savior, a Deliverer, an Atonement and He did provide Himself a Lamb..and an atoning (covering) Sacrifice.
There is a solution for sin and the answer to sin is a Savior. We are,according to His Blessing Book, “are more than conquerors through Him that loved us..”. He has said, the ONE who never lies.., the ONE whose words are faithful and true, “in this world you will have tribulation..” – (Not a doubt in this man’s mind..) – but – (oh how I love every Bible “but!”) Friends, “but G-d”- “But G-d Who is rich in mercy..” “But G-d demonstrated His love to us..”- “but be of good cheer..”- Why? If we are having difficulty and struggle in this world why (inquiring minds want to know) are we to be of “good cheer?”- lol!- Because He has said, (the ONE who never lies..)- “I have (already) overcome the world”- the Victory belongs to Him. As does the honor and glory and blessing and dominion. All authority has been given unto Him in Heaven “and” in earth!- Our G-d reigns. -We (now, today) serve a resurrected, living, completely, totally Sovereign Savior, (simply put)- “LORD of all.” LORD of the macro and LORD of the micro. LORD of the stars and LORD of the sand. Maker (and Sustainer!) of Heaven ‘and’ of Earth. He upholds all things by the word of His power..
Clueless sheep indeed.. Blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other.. how we need a Shepherd to guide, guard and gladden us. Have we, easily distracted sheep that we are, forgotten the words- “Jesus (who is the) Messiah, the same yesterday, today and forever?” (Hebrews 13.8) “The LORD is my Shepherd: I shall not want..” and “My G-d will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Messiah Jesus” and “He that spared not His own Son, *but* (Love those Bible buts!) delivered Him up for us all- how shall He not with Him, also freely give us all things?
May I share with you how good G-d has been to me? It will only take an eternity for me to do so.. For I too am “blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other..”- blind to my own blessings and blind to the ONE who gives them to me. (Every good gift and every perfect gift is from Above..)
Open the eyes of my heart LORD. Years ago, this miracle was performed over and over..- Are You, ADONAI, still able to do this today? Anoint my eyes and open them that I too may see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Take away the sin and the darkness that has deceived distracted and deluded me for years, come rule and reign in this earthly tabernacle this day. LORD, that I too, may receive my sight..for without the ability to see, without vision, without clarity- we the people will perish. In the Name of the ONE who made this prayer possible, because of the torn veil of His flesh, amen.