Sins of the Flesh

Concerning Edom.  Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Is wisdom no more in Teman?  Has counsel perished from the prudent?  Has their wisdom vanished?”  Jeremiah 49:7 ESV

Vanished – In Sanhedrin 38b the rabbis describe sin with the word sarah.  The implication is insightful.  Sarah is a word that describes putrification, corruption and decay.  The use here in Jeremiah shows us that this word suggests evaporation and loss of real substance.  The same stem (Samech-Resh-Chet) also means “go free, overflow, excess,” as it occurs in Exodus 26:12-13 and Ezekiel 23:15.  The pictograph adds another dimension: “Support, twist slowly, turn + person + fence, separate.”  The picture might be something like “twisting the fence surrounding a person.”  Let’s combine these ideas in an effort to understand more completely the biblical idea of sin.

First we notice that sin isn’t viewed as violation of some moral code.  Sin is not primarily about breaking a law.  It is about diminishing the God-intended stature of a person.  The rabbis consistently speak of sin as a reduction of the relationship with God.  In many places, they paint a picture of no longer being able to stand before Him.  Sin changes the quality of the offender.  It rots us.  The final result of sin is to fade away to nothing, to disappear, to dematerialize.  Might we add, “to become something no longer human”?

Secondly, we should notice that the description of sin as sarah is connected to the meaning of sarah as “go free.”  Sin frees me from God’s instructions.  It allows me to exceed His limitations.  In the process, I deteriorate even as I falsely believe that I am exercising my freedom.  Perhaps this insight explains why the rabbis say that the only man who is truly free is the man who lives under Torah.  We were not made (intended) for excess.  We were not designed to pursue whatever we wish.  We were designed to bring the yetzer ha’ra under the dominion of the yetzer ha’tov, to learn to be domesticated to His will.  But since we stand at the crossroads of choice, the way is open for sarah, for “freely going” where we will.  Sin is excess.  It is choosing what lies beyond divine intention.

Finally, the pictograph suggests that sin twists what was intended to protect.  The fence around being human provides protection of my real humanity.  As long as I am acting according to God’s design, I can stand before Him.  But sin takes an element of God’s good creation and twists its purpose.  It alters the intention, not the substance.  It just moves the fence a few feet – just beyond the tree standing there.  And suddenly the entire landscape changes.  What I see is no longer the protection of the fence but rather the restriction of my freedom.  Sin deludes me because it alters the meaning of the act.

What do we learn from these connections?  Have we learned something about the risk sin presents to who we are as human beings?  Have we learned something of the subtlety of sin?  Have we discovered twists in our own lives?

Topical Index:  sin, sarah, Sanhedrin 38b, Jeremiah 49:7, excess, free

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“…the only man who is truly free is the man who lives under Torah.”

A man in prison once wrote me a beautiful letter. I can’t explain exactly how, but I was suddenly stunned by the fact that he was more free than I was. I could traverse a wider area than he could, but in a moment I could see that everything I did in a day — was out of internal or external compulsion.

I was (and still can be) like Nebuchadnezzar roaming the earth as an animal (Daniel 4). I was/am a high-order complex organism with a giant frontal lobe — and yet the same as a dog scratching an itch, or a squirrel gathering nuts out of instinct. Without God’s merciful intervention, I am a beast of the field or a walking skeleton.

I want to live. I want to be a real man.

2 Corinthian 11:30

carl roberts

~ Salvation is not getting to heaven. It is recovering my humanity~

May I add a tiny interjection brother Skip? It is not either/or, it both! – It is the best of both worlds. May I add “only?” Salvation is not “only” getting to heaven (our final home!), to live according to Torah, to love the LORD our Elohim with all our heart-soul-mind and strength and to love our neighbors as we do ourselves, to live according to the instructions of ONE who became flesh and to follow His instructions, found in our User’s Manual, the Lamb’s Book of Life, our Bible,- is the best way for all of G-d’s creatures and critters (us) to live- right here and right now, on this green planet.
Sin messes things up, and sin messes up my mind and your mind. Sin short-circuits the mind. Sin causes muddy thinking- we do not think clearly, no- not at all. Sin causes hesitation, doubt, and anxiety. And yes (oh yes…)- there is so much more! (as in horrific!)
Unless we are blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other – this world, the world in which you and I are now living is in a royal mess. All of this “mess”, this disorder, this chaos, is a result, (a consequence) if you will) of wrong choices, of willingly choosing not to live according to the instructions of our ABBA Father.
It is deja vu- (all over again!) ~ Choose you this day Who you will serve ~ is so foreign to so many!- How many even reading these words have a clue as to what this is referring to? Or even the words spoken by the most human Man ever to have lived? “not My will- but Thy will be done?” Yes. What is He trying to say here?- Friends, He is not trying to say anything- He said it. ~ It’s not what I want- it is what you want, (ABBA Father) ~
And we, dear brothers and sisters, are all (now, -today, this moment) the children of G-d by faith in Yeshua the Messiah. (Galatians 3.26) It is written!

carl roberts

and yes!- I remember, “to pray is to become fully human.” ADONAI, teach us to pray. Amein.


Jeremiah 49:7, excess, free


Makes me think of the my life ater grad school, single, and living in SF, with a decent job

My favorite band was INXS (pronounced “in excess”, In-XS) an Australian rock band

formed as The Farriss Brothers in 1977 in Sydney, New South Wales.

Mainstays were Garry Gary Beers on bass guitar, Andrew Farriss on guitar/keyboards, Jon Farriss on drum…

they recorded and released Original Sin

My favorite song of theirs was Need You Tonight

Luckily I found my wife at work 🙂

Kathy Kilen

Thank you, Skip, for another reminder of what it is to be truly human.

Ian Hodge

“First we notice that sin isn’t viewed as violation of some moral code.”

An interesting proposition, but I wonder what John meant when he wrote: “Everyone who keeps sinning is violating Torah – indeed, sin is violation of Torah.” (1 John 3:4) If sin is not a violation of a moral code this suggests sin is not essentially a moral problem. If it’s not a moral problem, is it then a metaphysical issue? If so, then we can blame God for making us thus way rather than taking responsibility for our choices.