Advice to Husbands (and other Earth-Formed males)
to sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kind-hearted and humble in spirit 1 Peter 3:8 NASB
Harmonious – Over the next few days we will look at each of these words. Today we start with homophrones. This word combines homos (the same) and phrone (mind or understanding). Peter tells us that believers who are equally submissive to God and each other need to have the same frame of mind. It is particularly important to recognize that this summary comes at the conclusion of Peter’s discussion of the relationship between wives and husbands. In the previous verse, Peter sternly warns husbands about the consequences of not acknowledging the role wives play and the godly status they enjoy. This summary is particularly applied to husbands, but of course, it’s godly advice for all of us. We just make sure that when we expand the audience to all human beings we don’t forget that it finds its paradigm case in the actions of a married man.
Many times we find divisions in the body of believers. Theological issues divide us from each other. Do you think that this is what God intended? Have you felt the grieving of His spirit when you experience the separation of one believing community from another? I have. And I have decided to do something about it. I believe that God asks us to reach beyond our theological disagreements and see each other as He sees us – equally forgiven, equally redeemed, equally submissive to Him. When I share my experience of God with others, I find connecting points with everyone who loves God as I do. It doesn’t matter what church they go to or how they grew up. The change in my life greets the change in the other person’s life and we can thank God together. I have decided to practice homophrones in gratitude and submission. God can take care of the theology. My job is to take care of His children, my brothers and sisters.
My greatest grief is seeing Christians turn away from fellow believers who have fallen into times of trial and temptation. You see, I have been down some very shameful roads myself. I know what it is to fall hard to the bottom. I know the agony and torture of sin’s destructive force. God and I share some pretty difficult things together. So when I see someone who is experiencing failure, conviction and torment, I remember what it was like for me – and I remember that God never let me go. Apart from His grace, I would still be on the road of desperation and darkness.
Harmony is more than everyone believing the same thing in a nice, comfortable fellowship. Harmony is having the mindset of common characteristics. No one knew this better than Peter, a man of sorrow, acquainted with grief – and restored! Peter and I both know what it is like to turn our backs on Him. And we both know how hard it was to see His tears at our denial. We will never forget. That reminder means that today your tears are mine. Your cry is mine. We have the same mind. You can count on me because I am just like you.
Topical Index: 1 Peter 3:8, homophrones, harmonious, like-minded
By the time you read this TW, I will be on the way to El Salvador to assist Jason Law with a possible project there building homes for the really poor. I will also teach on the weekend – and even preach in a church. Anyway, if something happens to TW while I am gone, I’m sure Patrick will look out for you. I’ll be back in a few days.
Hi Skip,
You can add my name to Peters and yours…..
Have a great and blessed trip Skip.
“I believe that God asks us to reach beyond our theological disagreements and see each other as He sees us – equally forgiven, equally redeemed, equally submissive to Him. When I share my experience of God with others, I find connecting points with everyone who loves God as I do.”
So True! I Like! (my like button)
A general comment – not just for today:
TW is a blessing and the interaction on the forum is a blessing.
And the teaching is really good to a hungry soul. The really positive thing is, that I feel cared for and looked after even when I get wrapped over the fingers for something that is not in line with HaShem’s heart for me. This is part of what I understand community to be.
Thank you.
Be well and yourself, Skip!
We are ONE!
Many. Diverse. Different.
Yet the same.
ONE Body.
Thank you, Lord, for all its harmonious parts.
And thanks, Skip, for the reminder. Safe travels!
Very well put Skip.
This expresses my heart about the community of the faithful quite well. For nearly 20 years I’ve witnessed a great deal of divisive and critical behavior in the “church” – exclusivism being the worst of it. To my shame, I’ve even been a part of it in the past.
Thanks be to Jehovah GOD that we have the opportunity to repent! Hallelujah!
Oh, GOOD! (big sigh of relief)
I was concerned for a while there that in order for you guys not to be disappointed in heaven, the rest of us sheep were going to need to be very quiet, — for I thought you’d think for sure you were the only ones there!
(please take this “tongue-in-cheek” just as the writer (me) meant it in her culture and vocabulary, and see it for what it means to my understanding now as I sit in a fabric-covered swivel chair and type.)
I hope someone is laughing, if not, you’re too dead serious to survive life. It will kill you, lol.
Adios–go with God
I like! (borrowing Luis’s like button)
Hold on. The reason I’m here – is because only those involved in this blog are going to heaven!!
Dorothy, don’t try and take away my Heaven Points. I’m almost there.
P.S. I was just reading somewhere about how Jesus went “to prepare a place” for us, so when we prepare our homes to receive others — we are acting to restore the image of God. I believe that building homes for the very needy fits into that as well,…. God’s speed Skip.
Love you, Gabe.
Here’s my motto: Its not always easy to hug a hedgehog, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t!
Serious again — I like your thought about ‘prepare a place’. uhmmm. God hates divorce. I might be able to use this in counseling if the moment came. Prepare a home for your kids to grow up in and not damage the image.
Oh, good thought. I’ve also heard it said something like:
The home is the first mission field for everyone who calls themselves a Christian.
As a husband and father of three, how often I forget this!
Sounds like Skip has hit the trifecta: building up people ( though TW and teaching believers around the globe), building homes and building up churches. Well done.
~ Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude ~ (1 Peter 3.8)
I’ll start this with a personal “amen!”- May this be true in my life. Then, I will also add to this, a universal “amen”- let this be true in the life of every human being on the planet. Why would this be? (I’m glad you asked..)
~ Let (allow) this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus ~ (Philippians 2.5)
Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge the attitude of ADONAI: – Humility-Meekness-Forgiveness- Generosity-Kindness, and (of course!) Love. – (just to name a few!)
And we (all) have been enabled, equipped and empowered to do so! – for the living Word of God reminds us ~ we (now) have the mind of Christ! (1 Corinthians 2.16) We are only one choice away! To let Him live through us, we must first get out of the way. Less of me and more of Him! ~ He must increase, I must decrease ~ (John 3.30) “Ask and you will receive,- it is imperative that we (all) pray, even as He prayed, saying “Our Father..” not my will (what I want) but Your will (Your desires) be done. For there is ~ one God and Father of all, (the prodigal son had an elder brother, -Abraham had two sons) who is over all and through all and in all . But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ ~ (Ephesians 4.6,7) Grace is (for lack of a better word), – huge!
God is good, all the time..- and to everyone! It rains upon the just and the unjust.. (Matthew 5.45)
How deep the Father’s love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice,
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that left Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished.
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection.
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
-His wounds have paid my ransom.
~ But G-d forbid that I should glory, save in the tslav of our ADONAI Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus (who is the) Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world ~ (Galatians 6.14)
I boast not of works or tell of good deeds
For naught have I done to merit His grace
All glory and praise shall rest upon Him
So willing to die in my place..
and (very interesting and timely) -conversely to the idea of “good digestion”- there are those I purposefully try to avoid because they “turn my stomach!” I see certain ones “speechifying” on the TV and insist on either walking away or better yet- finding the “off” button! (I’d rather watch “reruns” of the recent Gulf Oil Spill.) So here’s to “good digestion” and pleasant thoughts- (Philippians 4.8)