Bessy’s Story: The Follow-up

My wife, Rosanne, suggests that I explain some of the story behind Bessy’s decision not to come to North Carolina.  YOU, the wonderful worldwide community of compassionate people, contributed plenty of money for the trip, but she could not get off from work for the time needed, and she could not suffer the loss of income from work.  Things don’t quite work the same way in Honduras.  Plus she has two boys to watch over.  Things got very complicated.  Italo, her late husband, had US Citizenship so she also had to get documents from the US concerning his death so she could travel to the US.  All in all, the complications outweighed the need to sort through his belonging.  So she elected not to come and just have everything shipped to Honduras.

Sean, who is a reader and lives in Wilmington, is arranging to pack things.  Mark, who is not a reader but just a very good guy, has agreed to store the packed material in Wilmington until Don, who is a reader, can make arrangements to ship it to Bessy.  Others are also involved in this process and many provided the finances.

Here’s the AMAZING truth.  All of these people, and all of you who helped to do all this, have never met each other and never met Bessy and YET YOU ARE WILLING TO HELP!  THIS IS REAL COMPASSION and I am so proud to be part of it.

Thank you.




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Judi Baldwin

Thanks Skip. It was good to hear about all the different ways people have gotten involved.
Hopefully, there was enough money raised to cover all the international shipping costs. I know it can be quite costly. And hopefully, there was something left over to send to Bessy as a compassion gift.

Thanks for keeping us in the loop so we could rally around her. Without your original “Update” about the death of Italo, none of us would have known. We continue to pray for God’s perfect peace to carry her and the boys as they move forward from this unexpected tragedy.