Skip Forgot

Skip Forgot

No, there isn’t anything wrong with the server today.  I just forgot to write a Today’s Word for today.  Frankly, I’m not surprised.  I’m feeling quite a bit of stress these days and am really near exhaustion.  I just forgot that July has 31 days.  That’s a pretty good indicator of how crazy my life is right now.

August will be better.

PS – I did post several more audio lessons on Ruth.  Click here to listen to them.

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jim krames

i also forgot

forgot to thank you for the great depth of work

Michael and Arnella Stanley

It’s OK that you forgot to pen a new TW Skip, we understand. Given the recent loss of your mother, your hectic travel schedule, physical and work demands, as well as the demands of caring for and guiding this worldwide  “community”  we understand; and frankly some of us wonder how you do all you do without coming apart at the seams. So please take Messiah’s advise he gave to his disciples in Mark 6:31:  “Come apart”, before you ‘come apart’! We have hundreds, if not thousands, of your writings archived for our perusal, study and edification. For the new readers who may not be aware of this plethora of wisdom, just type in your topic of interest into the search engine on Today’s Word webpage ( top right hand corner) and be blessed with tons of great reading. Hint: at the bottom of the initial page of “search results”  there are usually more pages to follow, just click the “previous entries” button in the very lower left corner.
 ( I add that because I initially missed those additional pages for months because I either am an idiot or I am  technologically challenged. I assume there may be others who may be as well… technologically challenged, not idiots; though… never mind!)
We continue to pray for you our brother, now adding some R&R to our petitions. Shalom, M&A

Luis R. Santos

How about if we share, with one another, insights we gathered from last weeks or this week’s Parashat

July 28, 2012 – Devarim – Torah: Duet. 1:1-3:22 – Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1-27

August 4, 2012 – Va’etchanan – Torah: Duet. 3:23-7:11 – Haftarah: Isaiah 40:1-26

Skip, I hope you don’t mind me filling the void while you take a much needed rest.

carl roberts

no problem brother Skip!- take the day off! (lol! with pay!) well what do you know, – Skip is fallible! (just as we all are..) From Adam forward, with (of course) the exception of ONE!

Linda Smith

I agree with Michael and Arnella Stanley’s comments. I always look forward to TW, but I do understand that you very much need some rest. I spend time nearly every day listening to your audio teachings on my iTunes playlist while I go about my “mindless” work. I am currently on lesson 90 of your Matthew study. I’m so blessed by your teaching.


Take a break and come back when you are ready. We will survive without you.


“I’m feeling quite a bit of stress these days and am really near exhaustion.”

Hi Skip,

I’m very concerned about you!

Some folks end up feeling too stressed and exhausted to do much of anything in their later years

We pray that you remain Holy, Happy, and Healthy 🙂


I agree with those who have already registered their support and sympathy. Please DO rest and be refreshed in the LORD today! You have impacted my life more than you know and I am deeply grateful for your sacrificial love. Agape is your message and you live it out well. Be blessed, faithful servant of YHWH!

Karen Haire

Rest in the Lord and be blessed!! You have taken the yoke upon yourself on our behalf – thank you, brother. I pray that you will have a time of refreshing away from toil and stress. Your Father wants that for you as do we.”Breath of Heaven, feed me ’till I want no more” and do the same for the one who feeds us.


A person who is sincerely humble will be constantly happy.
A humble person realizes that nothing is owed him, and therefore feels satisfied with what he has.
He does not have expectation of receiving that is above him.
He constantly has peace of mind and always feels the joy of life.
Rav Pliskin


Precious one,

A season of grief is a holy gift as well. That is why our Jewish brethren sit shiva, and then have a set apart time that they do not leave their homes after the death of a family member. Then when the blessed time has past the community comes to their brother’s home helps them put their shoes on and helps them walk out of their place of grief. Your community is here for you. We will sit with you and we will wait with you. Please, take off your shoes, and rest. In this rest may you find His shalom, His completeness! We would love to have you as our guest for Sukkot this year. It can be a time where we can minister to you and your family. Please consider contacting me.

In His Love,


“Jewish brethren sit Shiva, and then… do not leave their homes after the death of a family member.”

Hi Renee,

In Hinduism, Shiva is is the god responsible for change both in the form of death and destruction and in the positive sense of destroying the ego

In Moby Dick, Melville describes the great white whale as a manifestation of Shiva

On the light side, Captain Ahab’s first mate is called Starbuck, a combination of idealism and money which also leads to death

Patti Stenger

Dear Skip,

I agree with everyone here. Take some time for yourself and family. You have done an awesome job and I love and appreciate your daily posts but you come first right now.

Abba wants to touch you, strengthen you, encourage you and make you whole again. He loves you, rest in that love at this time. I believe that is what would please Him.
