Rewriting History
and all who dwell on earth will worship him, every one whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain. Revelation 13:8 NASB
From the foundation of the world – What to do with this prepositional phrase? That’s the big question. The NIV and the KJV put the phrase at the end of the sentence. Therefore, “from the foundation of the world” modifies the Lamb. But the ESV and the NASB move the prepositional phrase so that it modifies “name.” By moving this phrase, these translations rewrite history. They obscure the teaching that Yeshua was slain as the sacrifice before the world was created. According to these translations, the real issue is when your name was written in the book, not when Yeshua really died.
There is little textual justification for this change. The Greek text clearly places the prepositional phrase at the end of the sentence. The only argument for moving it might be that the noun “name” is nominative (the subject) while the rest of the nouns (lamb, foundation, world) are genitives (showing possession) or that the prepositional phrase might be attached to the first verb (written) rather than the last verb (slain). Sometimes Greek sentences do displace prepositional phrases. But given the parallel teaching in 1 Peter 1:20 (“For he was foreknown[1] before the foundation of the world”), the decision to move the phrase appears theologically motivated, not textually motivated. Leon Morris, a world-renown Greek scholar, comments: “From the foundation of the world should be taken with slain (cf. 1 Pet. i. 19f.) rather than with written (though some prefer to take it this way and understand it of election as Eph. 1. 4).”[2] Even Morris notes that the decision to move the phrase is based in a prior commitment to the doctrine of election, not to the straightforward reading of the text.
What does this mean? If we accept the NIV and KJV translations, we are presented with a statement that Yeshua’s sacrifice occurred before the world was created. From a Western perspective, this seems impossible. After all, history is linear. Something cannot have occurred before it takes place. Yeshua died in 30 AD, not before the creation. But this is a Western view of time. In Hebraic thought, history is seen in repeating cycles. The cycles are not exactly the same as we find in Buddhism. They are patterns which play out like a wheel turning as it travels down the road. History goes forward (to use a spatial analogy) but it cycles around at the same time. Furthermore, the reality of eternity is what happens in heaven, not on earth. Just as there is a heavenly Tabernacle and a heavenly altar, there are also heavenly sacrifices. The earthly representations of these heavenly realities are shadows of the truth, understood in part now, but somehow hidden in their full meaning until heaven and earth are renewed.
When the translators of the ESV and the NASB moved the phrase, they erased the Hebraic view of cyclical patterns and the Hebraic view of this shadow world. They rewrote eternal, heavenly history to match our earthly sequence of events. Without informing you, the reader, they simply altered the Hebraic perspective of Yohanan (John) and made his words reflect Greek thinking about time. They also shifted the salvation argument by eliminating the possibility that Yeshua’s heavenly sacrifice preceded all human access to the Father. In other words, this textual rearrangement removes the possibility that Yeshua has always been and will always be (since the foundation of the world) the only access to the Father even if the recipient of grace doesn’t know it.
Subtle, isn’t it? Subtle and extremely dangerous. The implications are staggering. Suddenly we have a seismic shift in God’s timeline. “Before Christ/after Christ.” Not “always Christ.”
Topical Index: foundation of the world, salvation, Revelation 13:8, 1 Peter 1:20
[1] The NASB translation of proginosko as “foreknown” possibly reflects a theological commitment to election. The parallel Hebrew word, found in the LXX in Judges 9:6 and 11:19, can also mean prophetically revealed knowledge. The question of the correct translation must be settled on the basis of an understanding of time in the Greek and Hebrew worldviews.
[2] Leon Morris, The Revelation of St. John, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, pp. 160-170.
“The earthly representations of these heavenly realities are shadows of the truth, understood in part now, but somehow hidden in their full meaning until heaven and earth are renewed.”
That’s very interesting!
Makes me think of my sophomore year in HS. reading The Last Days of Socrates
And one of my favorite movies, The Last of the Mohicans
And the chief Chingachgook
By James Fenimore Cooper
And more recently
Shadows in the Cave
by Caleb Fox (Goodreads Author)
In this sequel to Zadayi Red, Caleb Fox continues his fantasy retelling of the stories and history of the first peoples of America, the tribes we know today as the Cherokee.
Shonan and his son Aku are as different as night and day–the father a down-to-earth War Chief, leader of his village; his son a young shape-shifter who has been forbidden by his father to practice his gift from the gods. But such gifts are given to the people for the protection of the tribe, and Aku will not long be able to obey his father.
shanon =day
yes they are totally different
yes the shape-shifter believe the gift is from a god – not THE God YHVH
yes they believe the lie that the gift is for the good (of everyone)
and Yes they choose not to obey the Father in whose only image and likeness he was created
And unbelievers in God never have a problem with the BC/AD Christ timeline – now I know why, thank you.
If I have the correct understanding of Hebrew time, is this also why all covenants are still rolling down hill? Nothing goes away, only some add-on’s? Well, may be new to us but not to God – who graciously reminds us of His covenants by renewing it?
Jim Staley said that understanding covenant is like putting layers of transparents over each other – always getting a fuller picture of Who God really is. But there is only half a picture if i remove the first(bottom) transparent.
So, again, the question is: what translation do you read if you are a student of Hebrew nd hebraic thought? My mind is thoroughly blown.
This translation is evil! Thank you, Skip, for your years of seeking Yah, studies and searching the translations for the buried truth! Praise our Yeshua, who was slain for us prior to the foundation of the earth. Thank you Father for Skip. I pray you will protect him from deception and keep his eyes and ears clear and keep him strong and healthy.
1 John 2:1 “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the [Tzaddik].”
Maybe it is time we take a closer look at the Hebraic understanding of the suffering Tzaddik. I think we can learn a great deal from that. Especially since that understanding will help us understand Paul’s arguments regarding Yeshua better.
Thank you, Skip. I’ve been enjoying the last few TW’s.
This also explain how we can be seated (as in present tense) in heavenly places while still “living” on Earth. Unless, of course, it doesn’t say that…and it might not.
Jill, I believe that what it is saying about us seated in the heavenly one while still living on earth is correct. We have entered the kingdom of GOD NOW and we are disciples of HIS NOW for then. The kingdom of GOD will be ushered in soon.. but as for myself FAITH I see myself already high and lifted UP above this hell hole of the lower kingdom and into HIS KINGDOM..
What about Rev 17:8?
So time is helicoidal – cool!
. . . like the meander of a river, the shape of some shells, the dive of a hunting bird of prey?
Not unlike the latter two, though the shape of meanders is a different type of curve – see ‘Mathematics in Nature’
Good nature eye, Dorothy!
well, thank u!
not to argue, pure question, — does not a river roll in a helix pattern and dig out, carry soil away, as time rolls and carries hours away
a rams horn fits the shape, too, and its exciting to think of the ram’s horn being blown at the last trump –when all the hours have been carried away . . . !
call me crazy, Lol
Dorothy, a helix is a curve in three spatial dimensions, whereas meanders are in two dimensions (essentially!) and their shapes are not uniformly curved. They are formed, as you imply, by a hydrodynamic type of instability that is not dissimilar to that causing the Gulf Stream meanders and those in the Jet stream! Thanks for asking. I’ll be happy to provide more details off the blog if you wish.
Another piece of the puzzle that comes together for those who have decided not to allow the fear of man to overcome the fear of YHWH.
Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. Psalm 1:1 Skip and other brothers and sisters, we are so blessed!
Thank you Skip for sharing. Who would teach this from the “Christian” pulpit???
Concerning translations, it appears to me that without the right “mindset”/worldview, it doesn’t matter which translation one insists is correct.
Over the years I have read comments from those who want to add these teachings to their Christianity and others who use these teachings as ammo against Christians. Somehow, it appears to me that this is not the purpose of Skip’s blog. I have been guilty of both along my journey and yet the tremendous love and mercy of YHWH has kept me and led me along. I also think that the openness one has toward learning His Ways is key to the promise: “And ye shall seek me, and find [me], when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
Shabbat Shalom
Yes; I think the key is to hold one’s theology somewhat lightly, and hold on to the Lord tightly…
Good one John. Upon examination methinks I too often and for too long got those two things reversed, but Yah never does and He holds me tight and if I should ( and oft have) broke away and run away He patiently waits for my return or sends the Good Shepard (or more often my wife!) to rescue me from my self inflicted exile and subsequent wounds. Praise Him for His hesed. Michael
Amen, Michael, and thank you!
Hello Michael. This afternoon I was blessed to celebrate Shabbat with some good people. They love YHWH and are endeavoring to live as close to Him as He gives them strength. As we look at the spectrum of the Scriptures and their relevance to achieving shalom in our lives and the lives of others around us, we are challenged to live rightly in our homes, jobs, and communities.
We agreed that life is to be lived out and all the religiosity in the world can never replace living out the Royal Law. As we compared stories, and some others’ we know who are in special junctions of their journeys, we agreed that He is patient and is waiting for the opportunity to show us His love and bring us back into right relationship with Him AND others. What a comfort to know that He holds onto us and meets us with care and concern, with G-dly counsel (oftentimes through others who love Him). Bless you and your G-dly wife Arnelia!
Excellent! Thanks, John.He is, after all THE One we worship and adore. And He is worthy to be worshipped according to His pleasure. Our theology is, however, important to the extent that it is in alignment with His direction. Our slant will add to or take away from and we live with the results of that obedience or disobedience…His extravagant love is what holds all things together.
Thank you, Mary, yes, you have expressed it very well.
I like that! Following that maxim would have prevented a lot of bloodshed.
I agree, English translators mess things up. I think the main thing is that it is the Lamb’s book of life. Which we are a part. Praise G-D for that. Shalom.
Has it ever occurred to you, “nothing” ever occurs to God? There is Someone who knows “the end from the beginning.” God already “exists” (for lack of a better word) in our tomorrow.
One of our problems (among many) is our (again, for lack of a better word) our limited “finiteness”. My brain is just too little- I cannot think His thoughts, only a few as He gives them to me through His Ruach.
When Adam and Eve first disobeyed the ONE with whom they had intimate fellowship in the garden, (remember -they once walked together in the cool of the evening..), did God say.. “uh-oh..” or “oops?” (Things you never want your doctor or pilot to say..) No. God had already made “provision”, an atonement for sin, but an animal (was it a lamb?) had to be slain. Blood was shed, even in Eden. Atoning (covering) blood was shed. A covering (better than a fig leaf- or whatever it was) was provided by YHWH for the guilty pair.
When two sacrifices were presented to God, one by Cain, one by Abel, which one was “acceptable” and which one was refused- and why? Abel presented to YHWH a blood sacrifice, whereas Cain presented the fruits of his own labors-through “self-effort”- even though, I’m sure those were some fine-looking vegetables or flowers, there was no blood in a turnip.
Shall we continue? Throughout our Bible and it is our Bible- belonging to the Jew and the Gentile, (for God so loved the world), there runs a red thread. It is the theme of blood.
Back in the day, yonder in Jerusalem’s temple, once a year on Yom Kippor- the Day of Atonement, the High Priest would enter into the Holy of Holies, the innermost and most sacred chamber of the Temple and present unto God, a most sacred offering, and that offering would be blood. An animal had to die, and blood would be presented unto YHWH, an atonement for the sins of the people, and year by year these offerings were made until… “Something occurred.” SomeOne was born in Bethlehem. It was a Lamb. The Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. Mary’s little Lamb whose fleece was white as snow. A baby was born in Bethlehem and nothing ever would be the same.
Abraham, (the father of many nations) said, (very prophetically), to Isaac: “G-d will provide Himself the Lamb.” Remember these words. Remember them for centuries for these words will come true when the Messiah is born through the portals of a virgin’s womb. God will become flesh, human flesh, and live among us, and we will behold His glory- the glory as of the only begotten of the Father.
And ~ never a man spoke like this Man ~ Why? Because this Man, my friends, was more than a man, and yet the most “human” human who ever lived! For this Man, the Second Adam was God incarnate. The Word became flesh and lived among us. God walked upon the very soil He created. God breathed the same air we do today. God got hungry. God wept with human tears, and God felt pain and knew suffering. The Creator became the creature and we crucified Him – “knowingly”. We knew full well what we were doing when we nailed the Messiah to the tslav. This was no mistake- we knew He was God the Son and all of us said, “we will not have this Man to reign over us.” (We still live like this today!) All the disciples forsook Him and fled- and we would have done the same thing. But what were His words? “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Oh, Hallelujah!
The mystery of the crucifixion of the Christ: ~ That which none of the Rulers of this world knew, for if they had known it, they would not have crucified The Lord of Glory ~ (1 Corinthians 2.8)
Oh, the wonderful cross! Hallelujah for the cross! My sins are gone- I’ve been set free! My God, my Savior has ransomed me!- and like a flood His mercy reigns!- Unending love!- amazing grace..
Yes, God had a plan from the beginning and God has spoken. His final word? The cross of the Crucified ONE. “Look and live”. ~Turn to Me (look to Me) and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I AM God, and there is no other! ~ (Isaiah 45.22)
There is a happy/sad announcement concerning the central event in history; the veil of the Temple has been torn in two, (and yes) from top to bottom. God did this. (and I have to ask..) Why?
Oh please pay attention.. please listen intently to these words.. these are not my words, these are God’s words- and He has said: (are we listening?)
~ By His death, (through the crucifixion of Christ) Jesus/Yeshua opened a new and life-giving Way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place ~ By a new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, His flesh; and having an (eternal) High Priest over the house of God; let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water and let us grasp firmly the confession of our hope and not waver, for He who has promised us is faithful ~
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ Name.
~ Baruch Hashem ADONAI – blessed is the Name of the LORD ~
~ Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved ~ (Acts 4.12)
~ For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; He gave His life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time. ~ (1 Timothy 2.5,6)
There is a fountain, -filled with blood.. drawn from Immanuel’s veins..
Gen. 1: 2 “The Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters like a dove.”
Why bring this up? Maybe this:…. Jesus used a noteworthy word one day about a dove.
He said we need to be “as wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
Definition of harmless: sincere, simple, unmixed, no guile, no deceit, harmless in effect.
So the dove is the symbol of harmlessness.
But then, *music builds to a crescendo* in the ancient sacrificial system, the offering of the
poor was two doves. The dove stood for surety for sacrifice.
The Spirit, the Holy, brooded over the chaos of the earth before man was in existence.
Held it until God restored, put in order, a New Thing.
When Yeshua was baptized, the bodily form as a dove descended, a sacrificial life,
and so the thing was done from the foundation of the earth.
“For this cause I came unto this hour, Father, glorify Thy Name.” AMEN
— a view from afar
Hey Skip,
Enjoy your teaching and am looking forward to your visit to Virginia Beach next month.
I understand what you are presenting and I love that it causes the brain juices to flow. I have a query for you about Rev 17:8 , words from the messenger, ” The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the pit of the deep and goes to destruction. And those dwelling on the earth, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, shall marvel when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”
Does this not infer that names were written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world?
Interesting thought about the words “before the foundation of the world.”
Was our name written in the book of life “before the foundation of the world”?
Was the Messiah slain before the “foundation of the world”?
Both ideas teach that whatever is going on in this world had its beginng before the foundation of the world. If our name was written at this time, or even if Christ was slain for us at this time (i.e. before the foundation), it clearly implies that whatever is going on now is according to the plan of God that started “before the foundation of the world.”
It does appear from the context, no matter where that phrase is put, that John is identifying a class of people who are somehow connected “before the foundation of the world” because their name is in the book of life that is the possession of the Lamb that was slain.
But having said that, there really is no place for sloppy translation, even if it is driven by the best of intentions.
‘Was our name written in the book of life “before the foundation of the world”?’
This question has been on my back burner for years. It’s interesting that we can be blotted out. But when we were written in is still unclear.
If there are sacrifices in Heaven then the doctrine of particular election which I’ve always had huge problems with, not because I think God doesn’t choose us but because I can’t see how the Blood of Messiah is only shed for His elect who are pre-chosen if you will.
His blood was shed and is efficacious for any and all who would draw near to the Father through faith in Messiah.
Cousin, I think Scripture is very clear that a true believer is kept secure by the power of God, sealed for the day of redemption (Eph. 4:30), and of all those whom the Father has given to the Son, He will lose none of them (John 6:39). The Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand” (John 10:28-29b). Salvation is God’s work, not ours (Titus 3:5), and it is His power that keeps us.
If God were playing chess, would anyone be abe to beat Him? No. why? He knows all the moves ahead of time. Does He make/cause the other player to choose certain moves like a robot, like a script being followed? No.
He is capable–easily–of seeing ahead, knowing what will happen and all the choices that will be made. No need to wait for each person to repent and call on Him, He knew so long ago that He just tidied it all up, and everything being done, sat down to wait for the company to arrive and share heaven with Him!
My stuggle in this was the anguish of “then why make the people who He knew will spend eternity in hell?” aaggghhhhh!
But slowly, like snow melting and water seeping into the ground, I think I might understand it now.
God used some of those people to make the people He/we will all have fellowship with forever and ever. Say it this way, if He decided not to make Joe, because Joe was never going to acknowledge Him and be with Him,– then that would keep Him from creating Sally or Margaret, Joe’s children who WOULD choose God and raise more children to bless and honor His Name.
In that case, God would be letting Joe, in his choice of rebellion, tie God’s hands. No way that is going to happen. God will do what He will do, God is good, and too bad for Joe for benig a fool–he didn’t have to go to hell.
Dear sister/cousin,
You would have to know my theological background to understand some of my above comment.
The post below continues my thought process. Torah is not just for this world. It is preparation for the heavenly priesthood (Yeshua Ha Meshiach great High Priest), the bride of the Olam Haba (the world to come) that is so beautifully illustrated in Exodus through De.
Salvation is not the end to a means as in Christian thinking it’s our time of betrothal and preparation in the wilderness. Romans 11 is also clear.
20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.
Many are called few are chosen.
Just as Esther was chosen as queen so all the others were not. She chose to do EVERYTHING her steward recommended. Perhaps the others decided to take the license to enter in according to their own creative understanding and interpretations and not according to THE THINGS that were made evident as being the delight of the king.
We are pursuing the high calling of the queen not the secondary position of the harem.
I’m SO glad you are participating in this blog.
Shalom Shalom
Pam, this may not be speaking of ETERNAL LIFE but simply being born into the world’s system. God would know each and every one who was going to be born and born sinners. To be blotted out as far as I understand, is the blotting out or being taken out because of being a bad witness , breaking the pattern of God’s order like doing something like Moses did in striking the rock. He was blotted out..
In the LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE is another story..
Hey Carol, I’m so sorry this is so long. I think It’s more for my own clarity than any thing else.
It very well could be as you say. However Moses name was not blotted out nor was the record of his works. In fact this works are not even sealed. The record is open for all to see. He was prevented from entering the land with the new generation. He died in the wilderness with the rebellious generation. However he appeared on the mount of transfiguration. He’s apparently being keep for the millennial reign and will enter into the land in the world to come. I can’t find where he was ever blotted out of anything.
This also begs the question, “How do we explain Dan. and Rev.”
Da 7:10 fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books (Plural) were opened.
Re 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books (Plural) were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, (Plural) according to their WORKS.
13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their WORKS .
14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
There’s another important blotting out. The blotting out of or sins and this Messiah did on the cross but there again we have a part to play in our redemption in that we must Shuv/return/repent to make that atonement effective in our own life. We Christians call that applying the blood. You can see this very clearly in the temple sacrifices. It did no good at all to slaughter an animal unless you caught the blood in the appropriate basin and properly applied it as prescribed according to which ever sacrifice you were bringing.
Isa 44:22 I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.
Ac 3:19 reform ye, therefore, and turn back, for your sins being blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord,
20 and He may send Jesus Christ who before hath been preached to you,
21 whom it behoveth heaven, indeed, to receive till times of a restitution of all things, of which God spake through the mouth of all His holy prophets from the age.
22 ‘For Moses, indeed, unto the fathers said — A prophet to you shall the Lord your God raise up out of your brethren, like to me; him shall ye hear in all things, as many as he may speak unto you;
23 and it shall be, every soul that may not hear that prophet shall be utterly destroyed out of the people; YLT
Notice the sequence. First salvation is wrought by the shedding of the blood. Elohim and nobody else did that. Now we are commanded to turn from our sins and walk in His ways. The ways of the Kingdom.
I’ve come to believe (for now) that His blood was shed for all but is only efficacious for all who will repent of their sins (transgressions of the law) and come to Him for cleansing so that they can begin to walk in righteousness as previously laid out for us in torah. He did not want us to be ignorant.
The people He foreknew is a congregation. Notice we’re called to be His people never His person. We are placed in or blotted out of the books and judged by our works.
Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
How do we know what those works are? He gave us the good works, Torah before He gave us Christ so that we would know how to walk, not according to what is right in our own eyes, but according to what He has already revealed in His written word.
If Messiah is YHVH in the flesh, the WORD incarnate, and if the only WORD available at the time of Messiah and the apostles was the OT., and if He said “if you loved Me you will keep MY commandments”, and if the only commandments He ever gave us were in the OT. and if He walked in them and told us to walk as He walked, because we are to become like Him then why do we continue to presume to do what is right in our own eyes when we claim we know Messiah?
The short answer is that we’ve been taught that it’s an abomination to keep the only living word ever given to mankind as a precious gift. We are terrorized into believing that if we keep The very words that come from the mouth of our Creator and Savior by which we may live because “man does not live by bread alone………….”, that we will go to hell for putting Christ back on the cross!
There is a day coming on earth that will be completely Shabbat. I’m SPECULATING that there will be a temple on earth with the Levitical priesthood officiating at the alter. See Ezekiel. It will be a copy of the original Temple in heaven with the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek officiating at the alter.
They will be connected by something like what we call “Jacobs Ladder”. The Saints will be like the angels ascending and descending between the two and they will rule and reign with Messiah, the great High Priest of the Heavenly Temple for a thousand years ON THE EARTH. Zec 14:9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
Our works matter. We are being tested just like the people in the wilderness (who were given to us as examples) to see whether we will walk in His ways or not.
All those works are written down in the BOOKS.
I certainly don’t have it all figured out but I know this experimentally for sure.
Fact; Eating clean things that God calls food is easy and just the beginning of obedience. And it’s apparently important enough to have gotten Adam and Havah kicked out of the Garden. When YHVH was ready to send us into the next Eden, Zion, He told them AGAIN what to eat and what not to eat.
Loving YHVH with all my everything and my neighbor as myself is the goal of Torah which I confess I stumble in over and over again. But how can we throw out the easy stuff like eating and then expect to gain control over the weightier things. like loving our enemies.
We keep the easy things and and exercise control over our fleshly appetites as we pursue the weightier more difficult things of Torah like loving our enemies. And it all gets written down at some point and we will give an account for everything we have done whether good or unrepentantly bad. Repenting of our evil deeds (transgressions of the law) and working righteousness (good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.) applies the Blood of Yeshua and blots out the record of our sin.
Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God created the ”’heaven AND the earth”’ We keep forgetting;
Just my opinion.
YHVH Bless You
We Christians call that applying the blood. You can see this very clearly in the temple sacrifices. It did no good at all to slaughter an animal unless you caught the blood in the appropriate basin and properly applied it as prescribed according to which ever sacrifice you were bringing.
I knew this was for my own clarity! let me amend this.
Christ applied the blood.
The blood of the sin sacrifice was applied to forgive unintentional sin so it would be safe to approach YHVH. because even though you didn’t know what you had done it still needed to be accounted and paid for. That’s why it was brought first and then your Peace offering. Even though you didn’t know what you had done it still would be reckoned needed to be and paid for.
Luke 1:5 ¶ There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest, by name Zacharias, of the course of Abijah, and his wife of the daughters of Aaron, and her name Elisabeth;
6 and they were both righteous before God, going on in all the commands and righteousnesses of the Lord blameless,
I needed to be walking blameless with no conscience of sin in my life before I dared even approach the courtyard. The closer you come to YHVH the more careful you need to be.
Jesus is NOT MY surfing buddy. He’s MY King. There is a protocol. It’s not safe to chuck it out the window and then bring a Cain offering.
I have understood this phrase to mean that it was already decided in G-d’s mind, a “done deal”. For it is G-d, “who says those things that be not as though they were”.
I was taught in the Reformed Baptist tradition that the Blood of Christ was shed for His people whom He foreordained/foreknew. This is known as particular or limited atonement. There are varying thoughts within the doctrine but I was taught that God foreordained/chose a people (picked them out one by one and placed them in specific times in history) from before the foundations of the world and His Son came and shed His blood for them only. This is how they justify the doctrine of “Perseverance of the saints” which states that G-d will not let them go because , in essence, they can’t leave. They are predestined. I have always had huge problems with this doctrine.
I believe your understanding comes from this doctrine and has been softened to make it more palatable.
You can get a feel for what I think I believe today in the post to Carol above.
“Just as there is a heavenly Tabernacle and a heavenly altar, there are also heavenly sacrifices.”
Skip my focused study this year has been on the sacrificial system which is why all I could post on Shabbat was “WOW”. It’s taken me until today to digest this to some degree. So of course now I have more questions than I’ve ever had before. Just more proof that I’m stupider than I think I am!
In the wilderness they had food and drink. Ne 9:20 Thou gavest also Thy good spirit to instruct them, and withheldest not Thy manna from their mouth, and gavest them water for their thirst.
When they entered the land the manna stopped and they ate the fruit of the land that someone else had labored for. Jos 5:12 And the manna ceased on the morrow, after they had eaten of the produce of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.
This is probably a silly question but made the reality of the heavenly temple soooooooo real to me.
Since manna seems to be the grain of heaven (Ps 78:25 Man did eat angels’ food: he sent them meat to the full.) could it be possible that it would be the grain offering of the heavenly sacrifices?
The implications of this with regards to the Heavenly priesthood in which we are being prepared for is mind bending.
If anyone is interested there is a thought provoking study in the “Epistle to the Hebrews” by a gentleman named Richard Spurlock. It helped me see some ridiculously obvious things about that book that had not been apparent before because of the blindness caused by my theological indoctrination coupled with my poor ability to decipher the linguists.
The workbook and audio discussions are available for free by clicking on “Studies” in the tool bar at
typo oh no! Linguistics not linguists
With so much alteration in translation of the scriptures,
Which version do you recommend for those who are looking for
the truth? We have been so indoctrinated in so much false teaching
it feel like we are drowning. I know that Yehshua said” I AM THE WAY
THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT”. BUT have the translator has added
or taken away from to this verse also.
Thank you so much for teaching God’s people the real meaning of
His word.