The Spice of Life
In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials. 1 Peter 1:6 NASB
Various – Peter uses an interesting adjective to describe the testing of our faith. It is the word poikilos. It does not mean “many.” Instead it means “of a wide variety.” Literally, it means “many colored.” It is not the number of trials that Peter is emphasizing. It is the variety, the many facets that trials come in. Variety, we say, is the spice of life. What if we applied this aphorism to our journey with God? Would we rejoice in the complexity, diversity and compass of our distresses?
Trials of faith usually seem to come in waves. Each one has a unique shape and color. But they are all variations on the same theme. I remember going to the ocean when I was a teenager. My brothers and I loved to jump waves, but not every wave was a challenge. We had to wait for the “big one.” So we would wade into the water and count. Soon we discovered that there was a pattern, a big wave followed several smaller waves, then another big wave would crash around us. We had a great time jumping up and down in the water, being carried along on the big ones.
I find that my life with God is like standing in the waves. A big trial comes along. It knocks me off my feet and carries me someplace I did not think I would go. But soon I am standing again, on the promises of God, feeling trust and confidence in Him. Small waves don’t rock me too much. Especially the small waves that I have experienced before. I hold my ground with God. Then along comes another “big one” and suddenly I can’t keep my footing. The force of the blow carries me along to another venue. Some months ago I went through a tsunami. God rearranged my life completely with hurricane force. Then I learned to stand confidently on His word. Today another “big one” arrived. My emotions crashed against the ocean floor, rolling me over the rough sand. The waves around me are dangerous. When I get knocked down, it hurts. But I trust Him. He is all I really have. God is the Master of my world, including the waves. His variety really is the spice of life.
“Here I am, Lord, clinging to You. Keep my head above the water. I’m holding on to Your promises as best I can. Don’t let me drown even if I get knocked around. Help me stand against the waves today.”
Topical Index: various, poikilos, waves, spice, 1 Peter 1:6
Can we trust God? Yes, brother Skip- there is a “pattern” to life. In this world we are going to have tribulation,- this is the promise of God. Sorrow, pain and affliction are “part of the program.” His program. This is His will- His good pleasure. The Captain of our salvation was made “perfect” (mature) how? ~ Yet it please the LORD to bruise Him. No one makes it through this life- “scar-free”. This is no primrose path we are following, but it is still true- (truth never changes)- “no pain-no gain,” -whether physical, mental, emotional or physical, “it is good for me that I have been afflicted.”
Of course, we are going to ask the ever present question, “why?”- We, independent creatures that we are, are learning (daily) to depend upon Him- the Source of all things good. We, the fragile folks, the wobbling weebles- are learning to lean on Jesus.
There is a “Haven of Rest”- if we would but give our “focused attention” on Him! Now, ~let us go over to the other side ~. “Yea, though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow..” Not “TO”, -“THROUGH.” And AFTER you have suffered awhile, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen you. – There is an AFTER. Hallelujah!
May the LORD bless you and keep you. May the LORD cause His face to shine about you and be gracious unto you. May the LORD lift up the light of His countenance upon you and give you His peace. Amein. Like you said, “to whom else shall we go?” Thanks.
This TOO will pass…..You, Skip, are bound for higher ground! Blessings….
He is all I really have…….
The words that came to me as I was praying for you Skip were, “…gird up your loins” (get centered) as King David did for the various battles that are and will be coming. Like us all, the King is getting us ready. He will be leading us into a time the world has never experienced or seen and like the Olympians we’ve just seen on TV, we’re in intense preparation.
A French saying states that when the training is intense, the battle becomes easy yet I would say, spiritual warfare is never easy. Another level, another devil. The wonderful thing is you have a community of brothers and sisters who can be your advocates amid the greatest Advocate in your midst, Yeshua, who can form a ring of protection and defense around you, like in the movie Gladiator, against the tides of attack.
Another word that came to me was II Corinthians 12:9. “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
I once read an exposition by the Scottish theologian, William Barclay on the concept of “my grace is sufficient…” I can’t find it immediately this morning but I remember distinctly it ties in with your teaching on “various trials” here in I Peter 1:6.
Barclay taught and wrote like you, in vivid imagery so people could identify with the sometimes complex biblical concepts and relate them directly to their lives. In the II Cor. 12:9 passage, Barclay was sharing how “charis” or God’s grace, is a gift that is not generic. On the contrary, “charis” is like a finely tailored suit that specifically fits that child of God for that particular event, situation or season in life. Grace is not a “one-size fits all” kind of thing. In Hong Kong, I have suits tailored to fit me but they certainly don’t fit my sister. She has ones designed for her lines and physique, for ease of movement and function.
So metaphorically, the kind of grace (or tailored suit) that would be perfectly suited (pardon the pun) for my particular personality, strengths, weaknesses…and adorn me to glorify the Lord in the heat of trials would perhaps not be sufficient or overwhelming for someone else. Perhaps to some degree, that is why the Apostle Paul said we were not to compare ourselves amongst ourselves. That would not be wise because we’re all being groomed, tailored and shaped for different purposes as He builds His temple. Being a civil engineer by trade, some girders must span great lengths and experience more tension and compression than others to achieve the beauty and function of the overall design that the architect and structural engineer have in mind. But they know this, so the beam is tempered in the foundry for this very purpose. The other trusses and beams are designed to tie in, be welded, bolted etc. to share the complex interplay of forces. So as we all go through our various trials (like I’ve just been through), it’s to strengthen me to help support the Body as it pleases the Lord.
But not to get take too many digressions like I can. All to say, I guess one should feel honored to be considered by the Master for such a “gracious” position and purpose! May God’s perfect, “dynamis” love continue to flow throughout you, casting out all fear and doubt. P.S. – Being in Greece/Italy, maybe you’re making the Greek philosophers and gods angry with all your powerful Hebraic teaching (Ha Ha). Keep moving the Kingdom forward!
Our God and Father! God of life, gracious Protector in all dangers! With devot heart we invoke Thine almighty protection upon our brother. His avocation and dutues have removed him from his homeland. O Lord! do protect him in all his ways! Do thou protect and perseve his health and life, strenthen and inspire him, that he may not succumb to the labors and troubles of his avocation. Guard him against all mischances, that cunning and malice, flasehood and deceit may devise for him and vouchsafe Thy blessing unto all that he may undertake, that his sjouourn in a foreign land will be for his benefit and happiness. Oh! bring him back to his family and homeland full of health and cheerfulness. We thank you and praise Your holy Name!
What I am pondering right now, is how those who recognise the waves is coming from God, accepts it in a way that leads to greater humility.
And how those who consider the waves “their enemy”, gets hurt in a way that leads to hardened hearts.
Mmmm, makes me think once again that what you truly believe will determine your actions …
You have taught me today, Skip.
Since we are not able to distinguish the source of the waves, nor their ultimate purpose (cf. Job), we must simply assert (as the rabbis did) that all the waves are God’s waves. Paul says that the thorn in the flesh was a messenger from Satan, but used of God. So why do we worry about where the waves come from? That isn’t the issue. The issue is trusting Him no matter what the waves look like or feel like.
Sometimes we are strong enough for the waves, but those beside us are not.
My uncle used to repeat a story about the waves of adversity that would come against him, he would say something like, “I felt strong enough to endure anything, but I didn’t realize I had drug my family out into the surf – and they were getting dashed to bits.” It wasn’t his personal trials that bothered him, but what he felt responsible for in the lives of others.
My prayers are with you Skip, but I know what hurts most is when we feel we have caused turmoil to fall on others. May God strengthen all those around you and help them to stand up to the waves, as well.
Your uncle understood something essential about Torah – which I will discuss later in a TW about Moses Luzzatto’s book. Look for it.
I will, thanks.
Moses Luzzatto
Looking up Luzzatto triggered many old memories of Spain
And put me in a better mood
~ All things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee ~ (1 Chronicles 29:14)
Do you believe (this question is open to all..) in the Sovereignty of God?
To define this more clearly, do you believe God is (now,today-here) intricately and intimately involved in the minutest details of our everyday (so-called) ordinary lives? Yes,we might want to know what the text is saying to those who lived thousands of years ago, but are the hairs of our heads also numbered? And does a sparrow still fall to the ground with our Father’s notice? Is He still (as He claims to be), ~ an ever present Help in time of need? ~ Do you believe God loves the “so-called”- “so-named”- heathen/pagan every bit as much as He loves you? Is there anything we could do to cause Him to love us less? or more? Or does He love us- just as we are? (in our current state) because He is good, all the time, – and to all?
Might as well throw in part B.. Do you believe in the Providence (love this word) of God? God does supply all of our needs (including trouble!). Do you believe David was more than right when he said, “it is good for me that I have been afflicted?” Is there strength in the struggle? Does sorrow serve a (Higher) purpose in our lives? Is pain a (for lack of a better word) “an attention-getter?” Does God, our Master/Teacher want our focused attention? Is chastening our children (when necessary) a large part of parental responsibility?
“The LORD of hosts has sworn, saying, ‘Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, And as I have purposed, so it shall stand’” [Isa. 14:24].
Nothing is random or comes by chance, especially not in the lives of believers. He “purposed” it. Deliberately resolved. Nothing and no one stands in His way. “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please” [Isa. 46:10]. Powerful, purposeful, sovereign, God of comfort and help. Perfect love casts out fear. Whom have I to fear? God is for me, and for you.
The easiest path in life is to know this. No one can so much as “hurt your feelings” when you know there are absoutely NO secondary causes. Its all our Father’s rebuke or our Father’s perfect plan for us. . . . “So I’ll say yes, Lord, yes, to Your will and to Your way”
As someone who is going through a “Tsunami” right now, I just want to let you know that you are lifted up in prayer. I am always glad that God allowed me to me a “good swimmer” and ride the wave to the shore when I have been hit with powerful waves. There is a pattern, and each one is different and prepares us for the advancement of His Body and His Kingdom. I pray that you will receive a double portion of the Holy Spirit to give you the strength you need to withstand this trial as well as being being able to consider it joy, (James 1:2) that God has chosen YOU for this trial. God has blessed you with many gifts and He is just preparing you for more blessings. I pray that He will continue to bless and lavish you with wisdom, understanding and increase your faith. Blessings,
Hi Skip, I’m praying for you also. I have a hunch that this is going on in many of our lives as God’s people, so I’m praying for the body as well. The best I can describe it in my life is, chaos trying to flood out His order. If the front is any indication of the intensity of the storm behind it, we better be firmly planted on the Rock.
YHWH bless you and keep you…
Praying for you dear one,
I also am up to my neck in deep calling unto deep.