Where Do We Go Now?
I got an email today from Marc. I think you should read it and, if you can offer some useful advice, answer him on this blog. Here’ what he had to say:
“From the first few pages I read of your introductory “30 Days” series, I knew I had come upon something significant. I am so grateful for your teaching, Skip, and your passionate dedication to God’s Word, its accurate translation and understanding. Your writings have rocked my world.
My predicament, however, is what to do with all this. I now find myself a Hebraic-minded stranger in Christian world. I suppose my plight is not unfamiliar among the community. Now that my wife is onboard, after nearly 3 years of my own study, we’re trying to decide on the direction we go spiritually. We have 2 young children, 11 & 9 – how do we raise them to know God, know Yeshua, love them and Their Word? My 11 year old daughter says, “I don’t want to become Jewish!” LOL, neither do we. Some of our best friends are Jewish, I grew up with many Jewish friends, and its shocking how absent God is in their lives.
You said it recently, Skip. If I shared almost any of the insight and understanding I now have of God’s Word, the importance of Torah, the true teachings of Yeshua and Sh’aul, they’d think me a heretic! They think Fee & Stuart is getting deep – they have no idea… And God bless them, these are people who love Him and are striving to live rightly and obey Him in their lives. But we can’t in good conscience continue to be a part of “that.”
We’ve even gone as far as looking into some of the Messianic Jewish Congregations in the area – there are a few. But I don’t know if I want to wear a kippah and a prayer shawl (not sure the name). That direction doesn’t really look right either, but I’m not sure.
So the dilemma is where to go with all that we now know. Do others have this same struggle? I suppose we are fortunate that there is at least a small core of like-minded believers in Greater Phoenix, mainly because of Roderick. Unfortunately, they’re on the other side of town from us, and most of them are still going to large local Christian churches. Do they feel similarly conflicted?
Our concern is both for ourselves and our children. We all need to be plugged into a community. For now, we’re attending a local Christian church that both we and our kids really like, but I know the teaching is off. Do we go the Messianic route? It is an option”
NOTE: Marc lives in the Phoenix area, but his dilemma is common. Now you, all over the world, have a chance to help him and his family find the new way.
What if it is not time for you to leave the church? I think that churches need people to demonstrate Torah and the Hebraic worldview to them. This is a painfully slow and often times painful process, but if you and I do not do it, who will? The Church needs revelation just as much as the world does (obviously not in everything). I speak from personal experience. i to feel like a stranger in my own church most times. I do not know what God has planned for the church, but I do know that they need our help. We are still living in egypt (metaphorically) and are crying out for help. I also live in AZ and attend Roderick’s group. If you are feeling to alone I would come have coffee with you so that you can be around like minded people. My email is rickhaz61@yahoo.com
stay strong my friend,
If you have children it is very hard to stay in a church. It sows confusion in the children. I teach my children at home and my wife and I join a small 7th Day home group Friday evening when the children are asleep. My children love Shabbat and Sukkot. We left behind Harvest parties, Christmas trees at the altar, and the Easter Fetility Festival. The Torah teaches us to teach our children, not the Sunday School. We long for community and community worship, but we can not compromise the truth.
I will contact you soon Ricky – Thanks! ~MB
Thank you Skip for posting this and thank you ALL so very much for your most helpful comments! I trust and know that the Father will continue lead me, both by the Spirit and the Word. As a disciple of Yeshua for nearly 20 years I look at this as a major growth opportunity in my journey with Him.
It’s comforting to know that we are not alone (I knew we weren’t) and I’m grateful for the others that DO share the Hebrew Worldview here in the Phoenix area. I am a warrior and can usually tough it out on my own, but as expressed, my wife and I are principally concerned for our children, plus we know that we need community as well.
You have all given me much food for thought… I will be digesting it for a while.
Mark (aka, Marc – I’ll answer to anything, Skip
Years ago I went to a Missions conference where missionaries talked about living with their families in an alien culture. That was the beginning of my road to the roots of Christianity because here were older vibrant believers who had spent a lifetime without traditional “community” for themselves or their children and who had lived a life like their neighbors waiting for the “witness” of their lives to attract one or more people that they could disciple. The older Wycliff translators who had spent years before they could even speak fluently to their neighbors were especially encouraging and joyful even with stories of hardship and some tragedy. Abraham only had his wife and Lot and the others that HE had gotten (the Rabbis say he had brought them to the knowledge of the one true God). My husband and I have been living apart from traditional Christianity (but in personal fellowship with many Sunday Christians) by observing the Shabbat and Festival days for over 20 years. We have been part of Messianic communities, we have been part of like minded home fellowships and we are now in a time of finding our way of attending a conservative synagogue without giving the idea that we are converting. Our experience is that God leads us each year to the group of people we need to be connected with for the work that he wants to do in our lives during the experience of the seasons of the festivals of God. There is no formula for creating a new Chrisondom. We are part of the Commonwealth of Israel and yet Israel is in disarray. Every year my husband and I have the wonderful experience after the 8th Great Day of Sukkot of being totally clueless about God’s plan for the next year and we have to go to him and ask Him to reveal to us in the winter what He wants to plant (during Hanukkah) and then grow and harvest (during Pesach, Shavuot & Sukkot). Sometimes this involves activities with a specific community or other family. Sometimes it is the developing of our spiritual characters through personal challenges and hardships. After each year and then looking back at a group of years we see the purpose and pattern but not really as we look at the future. Everyone that we know who has not exploded or imploded after learning the Hebraic roots of our faith has begun by just reading (not even deep study) the Torah portions “out loud” each year. To be honest it was only in the 5th year through the Torah that we started connecting the dots and having things organically connect. It took till after the 7th year before we began to really understand the New Testament in context. Of course we didn’t have all the resources that everyone has today but there may have been a protection to us in that we didn’t get information overload. My advice is to read Psalm 27 each day until Yom Kippur like the Jews do and “Kvah/Wait on YHVH and be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart.
Rhonda~ Can we connect? MrsChariM@earthlink.net
Wow, Skip, I just send your letter over to my son. I told him that it was so nice to hear from a man who asks the right questions….like you….The answer for you Skip is simple…you will never be able to go back once you have tasted the Torah…you like all of us have been blessed. If you will read Skips letter titled “The End of Theology” you will be able to explain to your family that learning History is more important than Church Theology. They will get it…My husband I live in a rural community. We have a Friday night candle lighting to start the Shabbat…we read the parsha…and close with a blessing…since my 88 year old mom came to visit she joins in and loves it..we schedule our year around the Feast Days, we eat Kosher…and we trust that YHVH will joins us all someday…when that day comes we will be ready…and now that we have found Skip we are understanding how the Hellenized Greek influenced our lives..now we Hebrew.
The End of Theology article Ruth mentions above can be found on the
May 27,2012 edition of Today’s Word. Sometimes when I can’t find something by using Skip’s search engine (as in this case) I Google “Skip Moen”‘and what ever I’m looking for.
To add my 2 shekels worth to this conversation let me just say to Mark: ” YHWH will make a way, be faithful and He will direct your paths.” Sounds as if you are where most have been and many still are. Hang in there. Hear and obey. No great wisdom or new strategies offered. I do believe that one day, at that great marriage feast, we will quickly forget the lack of fellowship we feel now and simply enjoy a 1,000 years of brotherly love, camaraderie and kinship- with the King and His extended family (us!). Our prayers are with you till then. Shalom.
Thanks Michael and Arnella for the date to Skips article. I like this article so much that I have saved it on my desk top and print it often to hand out. It seems so current to me that I thought it was within the past couple of weeks…Shalom
Visit Calvary Chapel Church in Tempe on Price and McClintock. Tempe is near the city of Phoenix. We are Hebraic -minded. Pastor has a Shofar and teaches about the feasts. There is a Menorah in the lobby. We have speakers from Isreal and many from our congregation visit there.
To all of you Israelites, who are in the dispersion and longing to come home: God has called us out of Babylon. We are now witnessing the end of the age. In 2009 the exile of Israel spoken of by Ezekiel ended and 2010 was the first year in a new 7-year cycle. Some believe this to be the last 7. What is happening to us is simply the re-gathering of Israel and we are soon to be united with our brother Judah in the last days. This was Yeshua’s mission from the beginning, to bring home the lost sheep of Israel. You are now in the wilderness of the people spoken of by the prophets, and soon to enter the promised land lead by your King, Yeshua. In the meantime you can all visit http://www.passionfortruth.com
Jim Staley is an excellent teacher, and they broadcast a live shabbat service every Saturday night at 6 pm EST. They are launching a website called http://www.theregathering.com so like minded people can find each other and gather in small groups to start satellite congregations. Our family has attended on-line for the past 6 months, as we have no suitable congregations near us.
If you want to learn more about God’s astronomy and the AMAZING things that have happened in the skies since 2010 to confirm the last days, visit http://www.inthatday.net
This is the most exciting time to be alive!
Can we connect? MrsChariM@earthlink.net
We are in the same situation. We discovered the Hebrew roots of the faith through the rituals of Pesach and a book: Total Immersion: A Mikvah Antholgy. Long story short, when we were led to move across the state G-d led me to live Jewishly. I donned a kipa, wore Tzitzit and greout my beard and payot. Good side: I have been given hundreds of opportunities to witness for my faith and am a well known site in this community of Reformed Jews who mostly blend in to the Gentile backdrop. We have attended various small groups of varying beliefs about Torah including hosting a study in our home for several years. We now attend a Bible study of 7th Day Church of G-d folks and I study with my family at home. I have come to believe though that community is essential to re-enforce this path. May G-d bless your journey!
I was looking for Carl.. mmm.. where are you Carl with all of this?
from comments above “you can never be able to go back once you’ve tasted Torah.”
Can you go back once you have tasted Christ himself?
We all know that Torah leads us TO!!! Christ!, and if we want to go back to Torah than it’s like spitting( do not mean to be rude, trying to show the level of disrespect and disgrace) in to the face of Jesus as He hangs on the cross to give us the new covenant.
Dear Mark,
please hold fast to Jesus Christ He will lead you,
no you do not need to go to messianic congregation (for this very thought crossed my mind a number of times, thinking maybe they are doing something right), but even if the message is off in the church, we should not go back to man covering their head (Ap. Paul teaches in the New Testament, that is not right),
what I would suggest, if you feel that the teaching is off, YOU DO THE STUDY, YOU PREACH AND TEACH EVERYONE THE CORRECT WAY!
It is always easy to run, but when are we going to take some responsibility?
I do what I can: I study the Word of God, I go to jails and preach
I am priviledged to have a radio show for 30 min and I always teach the Word of God, by praying, studying and some more studying and more praying.
Do what you can where you are!
and like another one of the contributors said: God will lead you! He is faithfull and because you have questions: That is a good sign! You are growing! God bless you! Stay in the freedom granted by Christ!
I love this group,
and Dr. Moen thank you for your wonderful pictures: Their HIGH quality always amazes me.
Thank you
Elena Trukhan,
The servant of Christ.
Elena, I don’t want to get this conversation derailed from responding to Mark, but I do want to respond to your comment on regards to a man wearing a head covering. It is my understanding that Paul addressed the Corinthian men not to cross dress and cover their heads with a veil, not a tallit.
Mark, bless you as you find fellowship with others in your community, be they like-minded in your new mindset, or not. We have very few and far between like-minded folks here in Australia, so we do keep fellowship with other Christians, our kids are involved in various youth activities related to their ages and interests. I noticed a few folk who began following Torah were quickly shunned and even excommunicated because of the fearmongering that seems to occur if people misunderstand where you are coming from. They call us Judaizers etc. I choose to keep in relationship with people in many different walks. I would love to worship or study with people local to us, but there is not that option. We considered the kids very much, and did not want them to cut themselves off from fellowship with others. Like-mindedness is wonderful, but exclusiveness can make you and your family alone. Don’t rush to change things too quickly. Study lots with your wife and take the time to travel across town to meet with those who are available to you. Just don’t cut yourselves off from other people too quickly, seek to live a quiet life and maintain fellowship with people who love your family as you learn and relearn.
I have loved reading all of these replies and am so grateful for finding this site. I have agreed with so
much of what others have shared and will add my own words of sympathy and exhortation. Since I
have a tendency to go on and on and on….I will do a list to keep myself in check.
1. The Old Testament distinguishes between two major people groups: Jews (the chosen people) and goyim (everyone else). The New Testament similarly distinguishes between two major people groups:
true believers in the Messiah, whether Jew or Gentile, (also the chosen people, but not replacing the Jews), and everyone else.
2. We all know Jews and Christians who are devout and sincere in their desire to follow God, and those
who are not. Both are found in every synagogue and in every church denomination.
3. Denominations, I believe, are created when someone has a great insight, and then it becomes solidified into a whole doctrine, with its legalistic ramifications. I have not personally found any denomination that has a monopoly on the Truth, but I have found sincere truth preached in most of the ones I have experienced. I have also not really felt totally at home in any church I have been part of, and that covers many denominations, including Messianic, but in each one I have learned and grown and developed long-lasting relationships with other believers. I do not want to be part of anything that is in danger of becoming like another denomination, with the idea that its adherents have the only handle on the truth.
4. As believers, we are responsible to hold up EVERY teaching to the light of
Scripture and to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, to seek God with all of ourselves, and to share the
Truth as it is given to us. It is important to keep lines of communication open.
5. As parents, WE are responsible to teach our children and to provide them with an environment that will foster their spiritual growth; any church we attend helps with that process but does not relieve us
or our responsibility to monitor our children’s spiritual growth. Our homes are all home churches,
but outside churches can provide fellowship, prayer support, and a sense of community.
6. It is tragic that the church has become distanced from its Jewish roots, but there is a movement abroad in many denominations to go back to these roots. In fact, whenever people find out I am Jewish, they are always interested in knowing more; for example, my pastor in our little IPHC congregation in Stedman, NC invited Chosen People ministries to come and do a Seder demonstration. It was packed out. He told me he wouldn’t have attempted it had I not been there to help – making soup with matzo balls, charoses, etc. Many people are clueless but not antagonistic.
7. Finally, and I somehow have managed to go on and on, even a list, we must remember,
and this is directed at myself most of all, not to judge others for their beliefs, but to love other believers and those outside the fold with the love that characterizes and defines us as followers of Yeshua.
The transaction between God and me that brought me into His fold was simple yet life-shattering, and
I work out my salvation daily. Yet what most impacts others in my world and draws them to Him through my life is the love I am able to express for Him and toward them; when I am gone others may not remember what I believed in, but they will remember whether I faithfully represented the One
in Whom I believe.
Thank you so much Emily. I really appreciate your thoughtful & well-organized list (my wife is also a “list” person LOL!), very encouraging!
Your question really hit home with me, I feel the same way. Once you have studied and have a Hebrew Worldview, it is hard to sit under the teaching of anyone who doesn’t. I’ve also struggled with Easter and Christmas celebration, which I used to celebrate (and taught my children to observe) I’ve been blessed in two ways. 1) I’ve been worshipping for the last 12 years, on Shabbat, at a Messianic Congregation; which I drive 38mi each way to attend. I’d say 3/4 of us are gentile believers and the emphasis is on Yeshua the Messiah. We celebrate all the feasts and I love participating in the worship and dance. No one is required to wear a prayer shawl or kippa and my husband has never had one on his head or shoulders; though many do. Our Rabbi took 5yrs to teach through the book of Hebrews (with many interruptions for special feasts and guest speakers from Israel. I really feel at home there but; there are many messianic congregations that do emphasize legalism and you would need to watch out for that. In our’s we are free to keep kosher or not; the emphasis is on Yeshua/Christ. I’ve learned much about the differences in the Hebrew worldview (your whole life) and the Greek worldview (a set aside time). None of my grown children attend there and it can create conflicts in scheduling events; but they all want to attend our Passover Seder.
2)I’ve been studying with Chuch Missler and Koinonia Instutute for the last 19 years; and have just finished 2-3credit college courses in Ezekiel. How do you discuss that with anyone who is unfamiliar with a Hebrew worldview intensive study of the Prophets? I have more fellowship in those online classes than in any Greek style Christian I’ve ever been in, though I attend one on Sundays.
Both experiences have led me to a deeper walk than I ever experienced in all the years I just attended regular church even though I took volunteer leadership positions at times. I cannot turn back and fit in to the old ways and teaching that I now know are just not right. I struggle with the question – why don’t they know? – they love the Lord; but only surface study the OT, if at all.
We are accountable for what we know and how we represent Him to others and we need to do so in love.
May the Lord Bless and Keep you, Marc, and all your family. If you rightly represent Him, you’ll draw the ones He sends you to you and they will be willings hearers. Trust Him. Le’chaim Arlene
Please forgive me if this sounds very direct but your salvation and that of your family is at stake.
So many of us out here share your plight. First, I would suggest you get down on your knees and tell your story to Yah. Keep telling him every night until you get His answer. You will get it and it may not seem right at the time but follow His direction. Next, get out of the Sunday Church–you now belong to Yah and going to a Sunday Church violates and damages your personal relationship, not to mention the confusion and even doubts that will plague you. You are where Satan wants you, one foot on each side. We can not afford to be lukewarm when time is of essence and very very short.
I have been a Sabbath Keeper since the mid 80s, I married a nonbeliever in1998 and have spent the past 13.5 years alone with my spiritual beliefs, sometimes even compromising them, until my husband has finally come to the truth. Whew, what a trip, one I would not make again, except for the fact that now my husband has a grasp at the golden ring we all strive for. It is so great to see Yah woo him..
Read everything you can that supports the Sabbath, the Sacred Names, and the Truth and pray, pray pray. Yah will bring you people when He’s ready and you are steady. You don’t need the prayer shawl, there may come a time when you may be interested in certain items, maybe not. One book I highly recommend is The Messiah by Todd Bennett. It is a very dense book that approaches the scriptures from the Eastern perspective, (which is the perspective of the scriptural writers). I have learned so much and will have to read it more than once to get it all in. You can get it at Amazon or Todd’s website. Also visit websites such as 119 Ministries where you can physically locate yourself and see if there are others in your area to fellowship with. Until then, keep reading, keep fellowshipping with your family, establish a Sabbath routine, and keep praying, keep praying, keep praying. I too am praying for you. You are not alone. There are many Skype groups and webinars that are offered so that isolated folks like us can get a sense of fellowship, study, ask questions, and learn. I will locate the websites that have been most beneficial to me and post those for your consideration, as well as a webinar or 2 that may be good. Sometimes when you first become convicted webinars and such may be too much all at once, so I would be very selective on what you choose. Shalom Brother and welcome aboard, hang on tight cuz you are on the ride of and for your life.
Donna! I think we are CONNECTED!!
Chari xo
The thing that stands out for me from the above is: keep HaShem’s Appointed Times. He calls them His feasts for a reason.
I was introduced to my Torah group by a friend who told me: “Now you sound just like Erika” when I explained why our family don’t do christmas and easter anymore. Erika turned out to be a Torah believer and I became part of the most amazing no-nonsense, straight shooting, YHWH first, group of people that admits they don’t have everything together yet, but they will continue to seek the heart of the Father in all they do.
This year I am keeping my 8year old out of school for the feasts for the first time. You can not imagine how special he feels when he explains to the Christian kids that these feasts are Prophecies about what God will do and did and is doing. And then he tells them that it is fun, because the Only Living God chose these dates Himself. That is good, because then we know we can not get the dates wrong and we know we will have fun that will last.
His friends all keep checking with me about the feasts and now some parents have started asking questions.
We are indeed a peculiar set-apart people. The road is not easy, just good …
Hey Marc…. sorry that I am late to the party response. I read over most of the responses and really I cannot add to them because they are all so great. So stay plugged in to this community because they are all great.
One thing I will share is in regard to your kids. My 15 year old daughter responded the same way your daughter did….must be in the pre-teen/teenager genes LOL. It took her some time and I am so proud of her. She is in love with the Messianic congregation we attend and our Rabbi loves her. She is also great with the youth. She has really become strong in her stance of where she is with being a Messianic Believer. If your daughter ever wanted to talk to her I am sure she would welcome the opportunity. She could help with how to handle friends and other Christian kids that ask tons of questions. It’s funny…she wears a Star of David Necklace and when she is with other Christian kids she is always asked, “Hey I didn’t know you were Jewish!” and when she says she’s not…the do is open wide for her to share the truth…and she does it so well.
I also have a 12 year old son who LOVES learning Hebrew. He is even thinking about being Bar mitzvahed (not sure that is a word…oh well.)
It has been a journey and I have learned to have fun with it and enjoy it…thanks to my wife. I was getting a bit legalistic for a while…but she straightened me out. LOL
Just keep praying and searching and most of all keep smiling and learning…HE loves it when we are seeking Him and having JOY doing it.
PS: If you ever want your daughter to talk with my daughter Katie, just email me. I’m not sure if I can out my email on the blog so just email skip and let him know I’m ok with it.
Thanks for your reply and the offer to have my daughter (Lauren, 11) speak with your daughter Katie. I would love to arrange that. Like many, my daughter is relationship driven, so it would be very helpful for her to begin a relationship with other kids in the community. Most recently she’s been using Instagram a lot to pic-text her friends, so that’s an option.
Also, our 9-yr old son Luke might benefit from connecting with your son. Luke’s best friend is Jewish and we recently went to the Bat Mitzvah of his older sister (our first) and it was a very interesting experience for all of us.
Now, how can we make it happen? I’m ready…
Feel free to contact me at tmspoleti1@gmail.com.
Also I am not sure what Instagram is …my daughter probably does. So email me and we can then get the kids connected.
I appreciate your concerns as I share them. I am part of the same group as Ricky and would like to meet as well to talk. My email address is drperki55@yahoo.com I also have 2 daughters 12 and 10.
Thanks Daniel – I will contact you soon to connect. ~MB
Hi Mark,
Welcome to the Torah community! Wow, this is by far the most comments on this blog, so know how
very blessed you are, joining in with us ‘lonesome’ ones scattered around the globe. I am in Australia, and there are many Torah folks around, but like someone said here, we are not all in ‘like-mindedness’ as we should be, but being on a journey, we are at various stages, of understanding, growth and maturity.
I believe in keeping Feasts Days, Shabbats, and eating kosher; in the tallit as a prayer shawl/closet, the tzitzit, and brothers having a beard, not necessarily long :-))
Be encouraged that we are with you, in prayers. I recommend Bill Cloud http://www.billcloudblog.com for wonderful teachings, besides the many other online Hebraic teachers to glean from, AND, from the greatest Teacher of all Who will guide you into ALL truth-YHWH’s Ruach! ABBA’s Face is turned towards you, Amein! Shalom!
Can we connect? MrsChariM@earthlink.net
Friend Mark,
We all walk down our own unique path and yet there so many familiar mile markers. I have been a Sabbath, and Holy Days keeper for 25 years, and been New Moon observant for the last 5 or 6. In the mid eighties I joined a Sabbath keeping church with a large international foot print. In the mid nineties it self destructed. I fellow-shipped with this group or that for a couple of years here and a couple there. Until about 10 yrs ago when I found the small group of renegades I meet with now in the Tacoma, WA. area.
I don’t know if we are Torah compliant. I am not really sure what that means exactly. I know that we love the Lord and the Word. We meet in a members home, We have no minister but different ones present topics they’re interested in or we have an interactive Bible study followed by a potluck and lots of good fellow-ship. This has been the most fruitful and rewarding experience I have had.
But we are a small aging group and our numbers are slowly falling, so like you I am throwing my net out onto the waters. I have pasted all of the sites posted here into a folder and plan to see what is out there. Happy fishing to one and all!
Marc~ join the small group of peeps having our eyes opened to TRUTH… Whew, truth that was always there but we didn’t see it. Didn’t have eyes to SEE it.. But Praise YAH, we DO NOW!!
I gotta ask.. are you SURE you wanna be apart of a group that their “TEACHING IS OFF”? Hmmm.. that seems VERY dangerous. That is my first concern & question to you.
We had a similar thing happen to us. Over 3 years ago.. we heard “Study MY Feasts”… What? We didn’t even know HE had “FEASTS”.. so that got us started in our search for TRUTH!!! Now, the crazy thing we didn’t expect to find was His “SABBATH” every time we went to HIS word to study “HIS FEASTS”. We couldn’t get away from it.
It was the wording that “GOT US”… Every time we read about HIS SABBATH.. it would say.. “for all generations” and the like.. WHAT? Why weren’t we keeping/guarding it then? That led to MORE study!!!
He asked us, “Why do you believe what you believe”? WHAT? Of course HE knows why… He has been with us the entire time! He was there when we went to the building, to Bible College, on the mission trips overseas, etc… Again, MORE study!
Then we happened to “accidentally” view a video clip on YouTube about the pagan origins of Christmas & Easter.. WHAT? You mean, these aren’t celebrating the Messiah? You mean we have been keeping these thinking they honored our Messiah & they don’t. In fact, they are pagan? WHAT? Here we go again~ MORE study!
We met some friends unexpected, again “accidentally”. They gave us the book “Christianity Reconsidered” by Warren L. Bowles. We literally slammed it SHUT numerous times because our safe little world was shaking at the core. We said numerous times.. “Do you know what this means IF this is true”? My hubby & I were scared to pieces that what we believed was MIXED with great error. So.. we buckled down for … you guessed it… MORE STUDY!
It has been only 3 years on this narrowing path. We have shared what we have found with many friends & family. The majority have rejected what we have shared but the sad part is they have chosen to reject US! Whew… we were shocked. Didn’t they want to know the errors too? Didn’t they want to STUDY to see if what we were showing them could be true? or even false? We found, they DIDN’T!
We have been ALONE with only YAH, the Creator. We have been FORCED to dig into Him & His word! We have been blessed to find people like Skip, 119 Ministries, Jim Staley, etc to help us dig. We have been connected to others finding this same NARROW path on Facebook of all places.
I’m sorry. I don’t have a solution to your wanting to connect with fellow believers finding this WAY in a community setting. But I do want to encourage you to KEEP on it! Keep seeking! Keep asking! Keep CRYING OUT for HIS TRUTH!
We have NEVER been so HAPPY! We have never been so SAD. (finding this way… not many wanting to share it with us from family & friends) The cost has been high. BUT… the REWARD is more then words can ever say! WHEW!
I hope I have encouraged you & even challenged you. I am not afraid to say it like I see it. I must share the TRUTH He has shown us! It is the BEST thing we have ever experienced. Finding TRUTH!!!
And of course…
the STUDY continues as YAH reveals more of His TRUTH to us, hungry & excited followers of this WAY!!!
Just more of HIS~
Thank you so much for the encouragement! The challenges are also welcome. We too are very grateful to have come to this path – The “Way” – and to have our eyes opened to the Truth.
Of course, we too will continue to study. The greatest challenge we feel is with our children, and how to deviate from societal & cultural norms based on our growing understanding. I can already hear our kids crying “What, no Christmas?!!!”
Then the whole “church” thing… for them it’s more about fun and relationships anyway. And for all of us, the need for community is key. We want to surround ourselves with family and others who love God and want to live in a way that honors Him, just as we want to do.
I trust that as we keep seeking, striving and learning, He will direct our Way.
I have one more thing to add that has kept us on track and out of unnecessary controversy for 20 years. Get a copy of the annual Torah reading schedule. There is a tri-annual schedule that takes you much slower and allows time for more in depth study but you need the 30,000 mile high fly over for now to have your outline/overview first to see how it all fits together.
And in fact I recommend as did Rhonda, to just read it with your wife daily over and over without even any in depth study as well as reading it according to the schedule on Shabbat with the kids.
Reading the Torah several times will give you the discernment to know which traditions and teachings are scriptural and edifying and which are going to distract you. Teaching yourself and your family Torah will seem daunting enough for now. That’s why I said in my original post that you are in a season of personal responsibility. You are responsible to feed yourself the truth so that you will be found blameless in what you teach your family. It’s homeschool time!
Sorting through all of the teachings that are out there is a monumental task. You don’t need to trade Church heresy for Messiantic or Jewish heresy.
Also try to learn a little Hebrew. I’ve been trying for 20 years and still know very little but the little I know has helped me think more like a Hebrew when I approach scripture.
My favorite materials of all time are Hebrew word pictures by Frank Seekings. You don’t need to know one stitch of Hewbrew to get the pictures and they will captivate you with the language and keep you encouraged to pursue more.
There are several other folks out there teaching Paleo (ancient) Hebrew word pictures and I applaud them all. But Frank did his research 30 years ago and decided to interpret his pictures from the Hebrew culture only. Everyone else interprets their pictures from the other cultural understandings as well as the Hebrew such as Egyptian etc…… So you will find that their interpretation of the meaning of the letters and words are much broader and more complex than Franks simpler interpretation. You can find his materials at http://livingwordpictures.com/ They are also enormously kid friendly. Passing this on to the next generation is the goal. They will have to carry it forward should our Yeshua tarry.
And last but definitely not least REMEMBER why you are doing this. Passing this on to the next generation is the goal. They will have to carry it forward should our Yeshua tarry.
YHVH has called you. The appropriate response is “Speak YHVH for your servant is listening.”
Shabbat Shalom
Sorry for the redundancy and typos
Oh my gosh! I just realized that Frank Seekins lives in the Phoenix area!!!!!!
Blessings Marc, This is Michael, We began our exit from the church about 1999 with what I call divine discontentment. We didn’t know what was wrong but we knew something was amiss. This was very different for us because we had dedicated most of our married lives to some kind of a christian ministry.
In 2009 my wife began to hear questions from the Father. “Why do you believe what you believe?” She also heard directives like “Study My feasts” and “Find family”. I have learned to trust her ability to hear so we pitched in together and began to search. What we discovered was so profound we could not ignore it.
Our first act of repentance was to throw out all of our christmas decorations (no small amount).
Soon thereafter we were led to leave the large custom home, which we designed and built with our own hands. We literally walked away. In our attempt to “come out of Babylon”, we felt it was important to get out of the city.
I do not intend to imply that this is a formula for anyone else, only that this was our course of actions.
We are still learning and unlearning. If you don’t want anyone to think you are a heretic, you will loose a great many opportunities to share the truth.
Where do we go? Learn everything you can. Teach your kids everyday. Obey to the best of your ability.
Never allow money or peer pressure to sway you away from obedience to Torah. Expect to return to the promised land very soon. Take as many with you as you can.
Here is a link to a great single source explanation to the question “who is Israel”.
I haven’t read the other responses so I don’t know if anyone has posted this or not. My husband and I have gone through the exact same experience. Where do you go from now? The answer is simple. Nowhere. Yah is leading into the wilderness for a reason. He wants to teach you to stop leaning upon the arm of flesh (the doctrines and traditions of men) and to start trusting solely in Him (obedience to His Torah) and that takes time. So just stay where you are until Yehovah leads you to where HE wants you to go and you will NEVER be led astray.
The beauty of Adonai’s Torah (instruction) is that so much of it is simply stated and without a lot of specific “how to’s”. It’s kind of like the old Nike theme “Just Do It”. You don’t have to be Jewish, although many Jewish traditions are very beautiful and enlightening. A congregation that requires you to wear a kippah or tallit (prayer shawl) is doing damage to the Torah. However, if you study the origins of those traditions and decide to follow them because of what you understand them to mean, that’s great! But you don’t have to. Your children don’t have to be “jewish”. We don’t do what is right in our own eyes, but we obey with the knowledge and insight Adonai gives each one of us, and we are not to judge how others observe the Torah and neither are they to judge us on how we observe it. It really can’t be said any better than this:
Deu 29:29 “The secret matters belong to יהוה our Elohim, but what is revealed belongs to us and to our children forever, to do all the Words of this Torah.
Marc and family, this is one of the most exciting things that could ever happen to you!! I trust you are feeling it through the messages here. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I must say, I have been so encouraged by all these responses.
May YHWH shine His Face on each one (and the others who have not responded). His is the breath, the current that flows with life, constantly moving us to still water. Only those who, trusting completely in Him through His Spirit, and wade out in the deeper water can flow with it. Praises unto our great King and shalom to all in the river of life!