The Government of God
“Behold, My servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations. Isaiah 42:1 NASB
Justice – We have examined many times the wide range of meaning associated with the Hebrew word mishpat (just search the word mishpat on the web site).
Suffice it to say that mishpat covers all the functions of government. When God says that His chosen one will bring forth mishpat, He doesn’t mean the administration of law that produces fairness for all. God’s view of mishpat is not a blindfolded woman with a scale in her hand. Mishpat is the exercise of righteousness. It is the full expression of the character of God revealed on the earth. That means (as it can only mean for Isaiah) the complete and total adherence to God’s Torah in all of its aspects. God’s governance is the application of Torah to every human being and every human situation.
If we are to understand Isaiah, and the consequent Messianic prophecy in this verse, then we must dismiss the Greek notion that justice is impartial, blind conformity to the rule of law. In this Greek image, justice is an impersonal principle of right action. How is right action determined? By reasonable argument and decision. In other words, we decide what is just based on the needs of the individual, the needs of the State (the community) and the limitation of natural law. We reason our way to the Good. Once we agree (or at least once the majority agrees), then justice is the uniform application of these agreed-upon standards to all. And if you don’t want to cooperate, I’ll punish you until you do!
But that is not the picture of mishpat. God decides. We have no say whatsoever in this. God applies. Again, we have no say how He does this. God executes. There is no appeal here. God judges. We are left with only one question: Did we do what He asked?
It’s important to notice that He will bring mishpat to the nations! The role of the Messiah is to bring forth (yatsa’) mishpat. Yatsa’ occurs over 1000 times in the Tanakh, but only 5 times in the hiphil form of the verb. This is one of those five. The 1000+ occurrences usually mean “to go out, to come out, to go forth,” but the hiphil form means “to cause to go out, to cause to come forth.” The Messiah doesn’t lead a new democratic revolt. He makes justice happen. He doesn’t consult with the pollsters or His political advisors or even with judges on the Supreme Court. He dictates justice. By the force of His authority, He executes governance based entirely on God’s Word. The whole world is changed by this action. One world governance under the Messiah with one standard of behavior carried out perfectly. I suppose the only real question is this one: When that happens, will you have to change your behavior or will you find that you are already doing what the new government requires?
Topical Index: mishpat, governance, Messiah, nations, Isaiah 42:1, yatsa’
Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.
On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
Revelation 19:15,16
We are to be as the bride adorning herself, making herself ready for the bridegroom. Will the King treat his loving Bride in this manner? I think NOT!
It appears to me, at this point, it’s sad singing and slow walking the chalk line for the rebels. They will either get on board or it won’t go well them.
Shalom to all the hearts of those who love His appearing.
Just a tangential thought: are we as believers part of the Body of Christ or the Bride? or both? Are they synonymous? Or is Israel the Bride?
What if Israel is the bride, and has always been so, and we, as Gentiles and now believers, are grafted into the body of Israel, the commonwealth, so that we are now also “the bride.”
” grafted into the body of Israel”
Hi Skip,
I guess we need to define Israel
Jesus always seemed to me to be hostile to government officials
As a sort of anarchist, he would probably put the Israeli and American politicians
In the same “box” as the money lenders in the Temple
He would throw them out
On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions, in favor of a Partition Plan that created the State of Israel.
I am certainly NOT speaking about the political nation state.
Jesus (who is the) Christ is LORD, LORD of all. God has given unto Him a Name. A Name of Authority which is (far) above every Name, that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, to the glory of God the Father.
~ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other Name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved ~ (Acts 4.12)
Does this “chafe” anyone? Does telling us we “must” do something rub us the wrong way? Then turn the cat around! “Think different!” (bible word?- “repent”).
Gladly, freely, fully, with reckless abandon, I will bow the knee to the LORDship and Kingship of the Master of all, Him who is the risen, reigning, (soon) returning Son of God and son of man. Who is Jesus? – Have you seen this Man? Do you know Him?
~ Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights ~ Yes, Isaiah.. I will.
Now friends, “Who” is this Servant? Who is this Chosen ONE? May we echo and agree with (confess) the words of John the Immerser? ~ Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world? ~
Isaiah was far from through here..
~ For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His Name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace ~ Isaiah 9.6
It does read better in Hebrew! ~ And the Child shall be called … “Pele-yoez-El-Gibbor-Abi-ad-Sar-shalom” (Hebrew dashes, not Greek commas!) His Name is … and … and…. and… and… and… and… and…and… and… (over three hundred -and counting!!).
Somehow, I get a strange feeling this man was more than just a man.. – maybe, just maybe He is Who He claimed to be. ADONAI. ~ Before Abraham was- I AM ~ Now Who could make such a claim as this? – And what claim does He have over my life? Will I say (with so many others..) ~ we will not have this Man to reign over us? ~ Noooo. Not at all. I want, I desire, I beg to have this Man to reign over me and my house. Why? – Is He worthy? Avad ADONAI Amein!
TO CARL FROM CAROL.. I am not a scholar but my heart sings at what you have written.. May I share this with you and with others ..
I mean who really cares !
Most just think that it is enough to know that my sins are forgiven and I’m on my way to heaven.. but for others we want to KNOW HIM and KNOW WHO THIS IS that literally spilled HIS precious blood for those who were in the world and found guilty.
I care Who this is !
GOD BEING MANIFESTED IN THE FLESH.. what do we do with this ?
What do we do with this JESUS who claims His Deity while standing before the many as a human bei
ng ?
Phil. 2:6
Who being in the “FORM” of GOD and thought it NOT ROBBERY to be equal with God, but He made Himself of no reputation,”HE took ON the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men.
THIS BEING who prior to His physical birth,was in the very form of GOD; the full equation in a majestic form of the INVISIBLE GOD—-; at HIS INCARNATION took upon HIMSELF the likeness of men.
HE assumed; took on human nature or human form in order to die and bleed and to RAISES HIMSELF UP AFTER THREE DAYS.
WHO ALONE can raise the dead ?
NOW, is JESUS speaking ‘as a SON” or as GOD ?
No mere man can claim these things !
Ask yourself when you read the bible and you see the Humanity or the Deity showing.. ask yourself ; IS JESUS SPEAKING AS THE SON..or is HE SPEAKING AS GOD !
He could act like GOD Almighty GOD and then HE COULD SPEAK AS THE SON OF GOD.
HE was both GOD in the flesh and speak as a human.
For instance when He walked on the sea, He was acting like GOD.
When he was walking on the shore and feeding upon fish , he was acting as a HUMAN.
When Jesus wearied…………..he was weary as to HIS humanity but NEVER wearied as to HIS Divinity.
So just keep in mind when you are reading ….Is HE taking the part and place of GOD or is He taking the part of man.
To bleed and to die and to be buried …that is the HUMANITY OF GOD.
To raise HIMSELF up from the dead……………….that is GOD.
JESUS was both GOD and MAN.
GOD MANIFESTED IN THE FLESH TO BE SEEN and to DO the work of the SON that was needed for REDEMPTION.
Received 2 emails from you today. And I have an offer for consideration regarding mishpatim in YHVH’s only government which He says is Holy, set apart, and without mixture. YHVH commands that in His governing of man, we are NOT to make graven images For ourselves, and bow down to them.
I enjoy your photogaphical talents, especially the pictures that you send out of the created things of our Eloah. But, the photos of church imagery is full of pagan symbols that are created in part to bring parishoners to reverence to the Holy One of Israel, but rather are a confusing mixture influenced by the author of confusion, and seemingly right in each man’s eyes. These are precisely the things of this world’s religious government that we are to not have anything to do with. Cherubic faces and bodies are distortional regarding the Heavenlies at best.
Skip, you know how much I appreciate you and this ministry. So, please consider Father’s heart in this mispat matter.
For Such A Time as This,
And respectfully,
Ah, Renee. The first to notice. I use these pictures to demonstrate the syncretism of the Church. Yes, if you look closely and attentively you find all kinds of pagan, idolatrous imagery in cathedrals. Just one more indication that the Roman culture of tolerance and accumulation didn’t change when Christianity became the official religion. These images are merely a fraction of the photographs I have demonstrating this truth. They are very instructive because I am sure that while they were being constructed most parishioners believed they were in fact honoring God. You should see some of the others. Really shocking what it up there on the ceiling.
Many Christians claim that Israel was the wife of the Father God of Israel, whereas the church is the Bride of the Lamb/Son/Jesus, that the two are not connected. Indeed these same folks claim the Jews will suffer through the Tribulation to obtain…the promised Land on Earth, whereas the Christians will be raptured out before things get tough and inherit…heaven itself. An individual informed me that Revelation 21 is all about the Church, not connected at all with Israel!! He said the Church is the “Bride”, that this designation is never used for Israel. I told him that I counted no less then 33 specific cross-references in Revelation 21 alone to Tanach passages. Was it conceivable that John, an “apostle to the Jews” according to Paul, could have written a chapter with so many direct references…he didn’t even bother to cite the references because the audience knew exactly what he was writing about. Oh but none of this has anything to do with Israel and the Jews!!!! Think about that for a moment. Then I told him that Isaiah 62:5 has YHWH saying to Israel “as a bridegroom rejoices over the bride….so your God will rejoice over you”. The New Jerusalem is described at great length in Isaiah. In fact everything in Revelation 21 is mentioned other that the dimensions. Note also that John informs us that the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven. Yahweh will dwell among His people…the redeemed Jews and graphed in Gentiles
Like!! (Skip, do you see a pattern here? Maybe a functionality should be added.)
I never thought you were a closet Catholic or engaging in any form of religious voyeurism. When you think of the immense cost of these cathedrals during periods of wide spread poverty it is hard to see how the RC clergy were somehow able to still reconcile to the destitute parishioners the fact that Yeshua had no place to lay his head and his only valuable property was taken from him at his crucification and all of his disciples at one point forsook all they owned to follow Him. Mark 10:28
This is not so difficult to understand as you might imagine. Because the Church adopted an implicit Platonic dualism, the world (the flesh, the corrupt material existence, etc.) were of no value. All that mattered were heavenly, eternal things. Therefore, starving masses made no real difference since they were all TEMPORARY. To honor God, to participate in the ETERNAL realm, was far more significant. We have the same thing in the spirituals of the pre-civil war “This world is not my home, I’m just a-passing through.” The dualism that affected Christian thinking stands behind the idea that I may burn people at the stake as long as it produces a confession, thereby saving their “eternal soul.” WIth this philosophical base, the cathedral becomes a manifestation of heaven on earth, supplanting any concern with a world that is corrupt and ultimately destined for extinction.
One might wonder how this philosophical stance affects contemporary eschatology. Obviously, Christian ethics stands in conflict with this view since it portrays a world that is in desperate need of help and restoration.
And yet again we see the sin of the golden calf at the base of the mountain. Dualism vs ETERNITY. The sin of the golden required the death of 3000 souls that day and a cup of jealousy became the required element for the adulterous bride! Yeshua, our Bridegroom, Kinsman Redeemer, our Savior, our judge and our soon and coming King, submitted to drinking that cup of jealousy in the Garden of Gethsemenne. Our adultry with golden calfs which by the way are always expensive beautiful artistry, cost our Messiah His suffering, affliction, and death! Trample not on the blood of the Lamb of God! He delivered us out of Egypt by that blood the first time and tested us in the wilderness so that we might come out of ourselves to worship Him, and to know our hearts. Trample not the blood of the Lamb of God at the cross in our apologetics and theologies! He came to earth to set us free from the slavery to the world. Repent precious souls! The artists, their artistry, and the church’s design on creating something for themselves to worship YHVH is NOTHING less than the golden calf all over again and again and agin.
Shemot 20 (exodus 20) from Hebrew
“Elohim spoke all these statements, saying:
I am YHVH your God Who has taken you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. There shall not be unto you the gods of others in My Presence. You shall not make for yourself, a statue, nor any image of that which is in the heavens above, or that which is on the earth below, or that which is in the water beneath the earth: you shall not prostrate yourself to them nor shall you worship them, for I am YHVH your God a God Who is jealous, Who visits the sin of the fathers upon the children to the third generation, and upon the fourth generation for My enemies: but Who acts with kindness for thousands generations to those who love Me and to those who observe My commandments…”
Human justification will never stand in the face of the Justice of YHVH. Yeshua said “if you love Me, keep My commandments”. I love Him, and I also care for the well being and blessing of the generations that come after me. I praise Yah that I have His Torah to show me His teaching and instruction so that I can choose to not follow in the sin of the fathers at the feet of that golden calf. Consider, and reconsider all your ways. It is a path and cycle that will lead to repentance. Be Blessed precious ones. Shabbat Shalom.
TO Carol FROM Carl..- As I have written numerous times on this blog through the years, “it’s not “either/or – it’s both. Was(is) Jesus a Man? Yes. Was (is) Jesus. God? Yes. Is He the Son of God? Yes. Is He God the Son? Yes. Divine? Totally? Human? Absolutely. He was (and is) the G-d-Man.
And we haven’t even gotten to the Ruach yet! Maybe we need to establish some bullet points of “who” Jesus is?
It’s gonna be a long, long list! No need to repeat what’s already been said, – a simple “it is so” will have to do. We (who are His), we who belong to the (always) Good Shepherd, are going to meet Him and see the ONE who “paid it all.” O “Happy Day” just doesn’t even begin to describe what is yet to come! I just can’t envision the wedding supper of the Lamb with paper plates and plastic forks! lol!