South Africa Documentary
Calling all those who indicated that they would be willing to help with this documentary on the white squatter camps in South Africa.
Several readers wrote to say they could assist with editing, scoring and other production tasks for the project of exposing the world to the reverse racism occurring daily in South Africa.
I have the initial footage, shot in HD and loaded into Final Cut Pro X. Now I need your help.
This problem is MUCH BIGGER than I originally thought. Hundreds of thousands of people are involved. And there are government policies, corporate requirements and other things happening that exacerbate the problem rather than solve it. The video documentary is essential to expose this abuse.
So, if you made a past commitment to this project, now I need you to let me know once more who you are and what you can do. Just respond to this post by emailing me soon. We need to get this done and let the world know that Mandela’s rainbow nation is a black and white nightmare.
Anything I can do…
Skip, Can you be specific about what kind of help you need?
>Tanya Predoehl
So far I have people who have volunteered to help with editing, musical scores, and post-production tasks. Since I have never produced a documentary before, any help form anyone who knows how to do all this would be welcomed. As it turns out, I will be back in South Africa in November and plan to visit Irene and her family again – and shoot more if needed. I am now trying to write a story line to give continuity to the footage so that others can cut and paste the video.
One thing I could certainly use, if you are so inclined, is a P2 card reader. At the moment all I have is one P2 card so I have to download all the video in real time. That means it takes just as long to download as it does to shoot, so once the card is full I have to spend several hours downloading before I can use it again. This means that in the field I am very limited. A P2 card reader would make all this much, much faster and I could keep shooting without worrying about how much content space I have left. But a P2 card reader is not cheap (which is why I don’t have one). Just a thought.
Morning Skip I found your site as a result of listening to Bill Johnson. Please can you let me know specifically what help you are needing. I will email you regarding my deep passion for reform in education in SA with a special emphasis on Creativity (the Arts) and a Hebraic mindset regarding learning opposed to greek linear way of learning. Shalom
Got your email. Thank you. I hope that we can meet soon in South Africa. I loved your comments about the Rainbow Nation.