A Good Laugh

After I posted my opinion about the re-election of Obama, I started getting emails from outside the community.  Most were courteous disagreement, although more than one called me a racist.  But one in particular came from a Ph.D. Hispanic Cuban immigrant who said he went to seminary and taught history for 30 years at a university.  His first email accused me to being nothing more than an emotionally motivated “parasite.”  I wrote back to him suggesting that dissenting opinion  does not usually mean a person is a parasite and that perhaps he should consider providing evidence of his view (pro-Obama in every way) rather than simply calling me names.  I did NOT post his comment as I didn’t consider it helpful.

He returned the following.  I offer it only as an example of the blind ideology of some – and an explanation as to why political progress is quite unlikely given the current environment.  By the way, the man claims to be a Methodist (I hated to hear that because most Methodists I know are extremely reasonable, kind people), a Bible scholar (but apparently without any need to actually DO what the Bible says), and a student of American history.

Here’s his final remark:

Mr. Moen:

You are an impostor who has designed a website to attract confused Jews in order to get political donations and influence them with the republican agenda you advocate. In other words, I saw already that you are an evangelical activist of those that found “ministries” as a private business. I also doubt you graduated in Oxford or any other institution like that. Remember, I am a Cuban refugee that received political asylum in USA and have nothing to do with the Cuban government. Obama is the President of all Americans and you owe him more respect; he is no pro-abortion but pro-choice and he has a beautiful family that don’t favor any specific form of marriage. That is a private matter and they have nothing to do with your selves proclaim morality. And something more: I was raised in the Methodist Church; my family is not catholic. I also have nothing more to discuss with someone like you.

Dr. Omar  Diaz de Arce

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attract confused Jews


Maybe it is a joke, I don’t think there are any “confused Jews” in our group 🙂

Rein de Wit

I think I know who the imposter is. 🙂 Omar doesn’t sound Cuban to me………..

I advise this doctor to read Doctor Moen’s dissertation to find out what calibre man our Skip really is.


His full name must be a joke, especially if you check definitions.



Apparently Omar is a visiting professor from a university on the Baltic sea

“Profesor Auxiliar en la Universidad Central de las Villas; Docente Invitado en la Universidad de Rostock, Alemania; Profesor Titular en la UH. Dr. en Historia.

The name Omar makes me think of the movie Doctor Zhivago with Omar Sharif

A very romantic movie about the Russian revolution that I saw with my first wife in the 60’s

“Omar Sharif is an Egyptian actor who has starred in Hollywood films including Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago, and Funny Girl” (Sandra’s favorite movies at the time, I preferred Hombre and The Professionals with Jesus Raza)

My favorite character in the movie was K omar ovsky (Doctor Zhivago 1965)

Played by Rod Steiger, Komarovsky was a pragmatist and a business man, amoral at best

But unlike the young romantic couple, who were very vulnerable without his help

Komarovsky knew how to survive on his own in the most dangerous situations

And in an almost comic way, Komarovsky turned almost every dangerous situation

Into an opportunity for his own personal profit 🙂


“Sandra’s favorite movies”

Actually she was Sandra on the dotted line, but always Sandy to me

Like the storm


Lol… Oh no!!! another ”pro-choice intellectual dictator for freedom”! =)

Kees Brakshoofden

Intellectual? I didn.t find much intellect in his emotions!

Gayle Johnson

Poor Skip! Sorry you have become a target for simply sharing your insight, but Bless You, for speaking out, as there were probably many who read and are still pondering the truth.

I have been amused again, at all of the ‘racist’ labels, as if that stops all logical discussion and proves that the person assigning that tag has the moral high ground. In various posts, I have seen Obama referred to as both a 1) Kenyan, and 2) Keynsian, which each produced responses of “Racist!” name calling. Simply pointing out that 1) is a nationality, and 2) is an economic theory, never made it through the filter. 🙂

Gerald Mathias Dagenais

WOW you my brother as certainly been put in your place and by no less then “”A Theologian””WOW again. Let’s pray for him to receive the “”TRUE LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM””

Gary Patrick

Sounds a bit like Shimei in 2 Samuel 16, a person who criticizes and attacks in ignorance.


2 Samuel 16

Absalom, Absalom is a very good story

Don’t remember ever focusing on it before

On the way to school this morning, I pointed out the meaning of “shekel” to my daughter

In Huckleberry Finn

Just came across the term again in Absalom, Absalom

Gary Predoehl

They called Yeshua names, too. You are in good company Skip. It’s sad to see someone of his supposed caliber resorting to name calling rather than responding with supportive material for his own beliefs. I thought name calling was reserved for elementary school students on the playground.

Robin Jeep

Why is reading about a fellow human’s demonic captivity laughable? What in you finds this humorous? Seek and you shall find, and the truth shall make you free.


Humor is not a bad coping mechanism, at times. Elijah may have went a little too far on Mt. Carmel – but God never rebuked him for that.

Jan Johnston

“For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper…” Rom 1:21-28

Need we say any more?

Matt Miller

Hi Skip,
As an United Methodist pastor, serving in Iowa, sadly this is the kind of “UM Pastor” who gets noticed. The UM pastors I know are, as you describesd them, reasonable and open-minded. I think I’ll preach on grace rather than race. Keep up your good work for Yeshua.

John Offutt

I don’t think Skip’s laugh was a laugh of amusement, but a laugh of disbelief. It is a response that men make when confronted with such ignorance that they must laugh or cry, and men tend to chuckle and not be pulled into an argument with a idiot. There is no way to make any headway with a person like this, because their mind is closed to all opinions except their own. This man is one of millions in this country. You can’t reason with someone who refuses to itellectually discuss a difference of opinion. I wonder if Jeremiah had this problem during his ministry? I think he did.

Pam Thompson

I sure agree with your response, John. Skip, I found your reflection upon the recent election very much in line with my own thoughts on the subject. In fact, I would take it one step further. This election has set apart those believers’ in the Way who truly follow the Word from those who claim to be believer’s, but who chose not to vote for righteousness giving various excuses. I have often wondered over the past 1-1/2 yrs. how so many christians could become so mesmerized and deluded re: their views of Pres. Obama. The only answer I have received from my questioning prayers is that satan has blinded & deceived many.

One other observation I have made and that is re: the difference between liberals & conservatives. From my observation, I’d say that a liberal is only open-minded until they find out you disagree with them and don’t accept their opinion. Liberals tend to have no real understanding as to why we conservatives believe what we believe. Conservatives, on the other hand, have much greater insight into why a liberal believes the way they do, and even ‘tho we may disagree with them, I find conservatives far more willing to agree to disagree & move forward than are liberals.

Anyone else notice this trend?

John Adam

I think that there are millions of people who think like this on both sides of the political divide – ignorance and bigotry are no respecters of idealogy.

But it’s nice to get the real truth about Skip! 🙂

John Adam

I meant ideology!

Luis R. Santos

I am Cuban! Born there brought over at 4 of age. It is this type of thinking that gave us Castro. An apathy about sin!

Luis R. Santos

One more note: It is a myth that the Cuban revolution was an uprising of the poor class. It was led by the intellectuals, like our good doctor. Castro was Cuba’s Saul.

Emily Durr

I can relate. My first boyfriend was Cuban, and I believe was from an upper-middle-class background. He spent some years training to overthrow Castro, and then switched sides to
support him, but his ideology remained the same: Those of us who are educated and of the elite have the right and the responsibility to tell everyone else what to do, and need the power to be able to do it. He couldn’t understand what was wrong with that thinking…

Luis R. Santos

I always say that the problem in Latin America is theological. In Latin countries the secular governments inherited and adopted the paternalistic approach of Catholicism. It is similar to secular Jews that want to impose the blessings and benefits of God without the Benefactor. They exchange the King for human government.

Kees Brakshoofden

Our God is a God of freedom. He gave man choice, so he could go his way in obedience or disobedience. God never forced man to follow His paths!

Anger (calling names) is blocking you in growing to(ward) maturity (in Christ). Christ never raised his voice in anger, except when His Father was portrayed in a false manner. There is no fruit of the spirit in anger; it’s the work of the flesh….

Luis R. Santos

Another another note:. It is sad but true, Hispanic culture has an anti-Semitic underpinning even among evangelicals. Though this is somewhat changing. I felt it come out with the reference to confused Jews.

Luis R. Santos

I looked him up. There is only one Cuban word for this guy, Comemierda!!!


I spent 2 hrs.the night after the election on a shuttle from the Denver airport to CO Springs listening to a professor (an Italian immigrant) rant and rave about how wonderful Obama is and how having been conceived in Kenya, born in Hawaii, raised and educated in Indonesia, etc….. makes him the perfect American. I assumed she isn’t a citizen.

She then went on to tell about all the education she’s received here and how she taught in university, blah blah blah blah blah.

I already was feeling sick from the election outcome but then she got to the part about how stupid and ignorant and uneducated we poor conservatives are and it’s too bad we just follow those wicked talk show people who deceive us and that was the last straw.

I had to turn to her and explain to her that I’m neither stupid, uneducated, nor ignorant, nor do I listen to talk shows. I know exactly what I believe and why. I understand quite well the progressive vs. the constitutional ideologies that divide MY country and I simply hold to the founding constitutional ideology which is not stupid it is simply the polar opposite of your ideology.

Furthermore I wish to live in a constitutionally governed nation rather than a socialistic Marxist one and that is why I vote conservative!

It made me feel even sicker to realize that people really thinkthis way and we are overrun by them now.

BTW I think Rein de Wit is absolutely correct. Omar doesn’t sound very Cuban to me either. I do believe this is going to be painfully good for YHVH’s people. I’m just such a wimp anymore when it comes to pain so I’m not laughing.


“the polar opposite of your ideology.”

Hi Pam,

Ideology is a very interesting concept IMO

Typically it was used to imply a kind of “false consciousness”

Depending on one’s political perspective, it would be applied to classes of people

“That’s bourgeois ideology” would imply a leftist critique of the American “middle classes,” eg

Or my father might have said “that’s a bunch of communist crap” (ie, left wing ideology)

IMO a more interesting way of looking at the concept of Ideology is to contrast it to “Science”

“Scientific knowledge” is, as we all know, different that “ideological knowledge”

And for all of us, IMO, our knowledge of God is ideological, not scientific

I think it was designed that way to keep us Humble

Of course some ideological interpretations are more valid than others

Regarding the Bible,

One might argue that the Hebrew interpretation is more valid than the Greek

Based on some “scientific” evidence

Kees Brakshoofden

As far as I can see both Obama and Romney are just strawmen of the forces of evil behind the scenes. They cannot act freely, but must obey to these wicked people, who are so busy getting the antichrist in his place. So don’t be sad that your favorite did not win; in the end there is no difference in the result: total rebellion agains our King and God.

In Europe the situation is even worse: already more than 60% of our laws is forced upon us by the European Union, which doesn’t even have an elected government! Soon this will be 100%, and state sovereignty will be a faint memory of the past. We are loosing our freedom rappidly!


“forces of evil behind the scenes”

Hi Kees,

Sounds like Keyser Söze ( /ˈkaɪzər ˈsoʊzeɪ/ ky-zər soh-zay) to me

Some think Soze was just a fictional character in the 1995 film called “The Usual Suspects”

Described by Roger “Verbal” Kint (Kevin Spacey) who narrates the story

According to Verbal, Söze was a crime lord whose ruthlessness and influence

Had acquired a legendary, even mythical, status among police and criminals

The character was named the No. 48 villain in the American Film Institute’s

“AFI’s 100 Years…100 Heroes and Villains” in June 2003

Keyser Söze was even more evil than the European Union itself

Coincidentally, I was born in 1948


From the famous interrogation scene in the movie, “The Usual Suspects:”

Agent Kujan: Who is Keyser Soze? (aka”The Devil”)

Verbal: He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real.

Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Soze.

You never knew. That was his power.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

And like that, poof. He’s gone.


“Some say his father was German” (Keyser Soze/The Devil)


Makes me think of The German Ideology (German: Die Deutsche Ideologie)

A book written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels around April or early May 1846

Some say that “The German Ideology” is in fact a critique of “The Gentile Worldview”

Written by two highly educated German Jews

Who believed in a form of the Hebrew Ideology or Worldview

I would argue that The Communist Manifesto written in 1848 by Marx and Engels

Is a “materialist derivation” of the utopian vision of the land of “milk and honey”

The original expression, “a land flowing with milk and honey”

Is a reference in the Hebrew Bible to the agricultural abundance of the Land of Israel

And the more I learn about Judaism

The more I see the Marxist Worldview as a form of Judaism

Government by the People, not by the State, is the Goal

Democracy based on equal rights and justice

A Utopian vision

Emily Dur

Couldn’t find a reply button on your post about anger, which
seemed to be addressed to me. Not sure why, as I as not expressing
anger, just agreeing with Luis about the Cuban revolution.
However, while I am aware that anger is often sinful and selfish, I do think
it is appropriate sometimes to be angry – not at people who
malign or attack me, but at sin which has such devastating
consequences. I was angry and heartbroken some time back, for example,
when a man bought a little girl from her mother, and tortured, raped,
and killed her. My husband chastised me for being angry,
but I think God was angry and heartbroken, too – for everyone

Kees Brakshoofden

No,no, I am not talking about you, but about this Cuban guy.
And yes, sometimes anger is righteous. But all to often our anger is not righteous at all. This is the anger that blocks your growth, that blocks bearing fruit. But this is not about you!!!!


Very true Michael,

And exactly my point to this woman. Progressivism is an ideology that comes from so called scientific evidence. In a nut shell they view all things as evolving into greater things and so should government.

The design for humility is once again circumvented by man’s pride. Yuk!



Which is the result (some think it is the cause) of a strong delusion. Sin truly is insanity!



One thing we learn from history is that we do not learn from history.

Kees Brakshoofden

And the greatest sin of conservatives is not caring for widows and the poor. And now we all know what we are: sinners on the left and sinners on the right.. 😉


So my reply to you is somehow under Kees comment.

BTW how is our dear Michael these days?


Skip, My heart is greived, I am so sorry for the assults , and the disunity among, So called body of believers.. May all our eyes truly be fixed on the The Kingdom of Heaven, and the onw whom can save us, Psalm 120 , 121. .. Abba May this may recieve the help and healing he needs. Amen

Kees Brakshoofden

AMEN!!! Let’s stop talking politics, let’s return talking about the Kingdom!

Kees Brakshoofden

Haha.. I should express myself more careful. As always… you’re right, I stand corrected.

gretchen puentes

Ohhh Skip. I am a bit confused as to the modern definition of racist. I am a light skinned red-head, married to a first generation Cuban American. We took one of my former students under our wing who was born in the Phillipines. She has given us three grandchildren. The first we helped raise and he is of both Filipino and African decent. He is the first baby I ever fell in love with. My second two grandchildren are of Mexican and Filipino decent. I love them all. My best friend in the 5th grade was of African decent. My friends are of all colors and nationalities. I am so very tired of people throwing the racist card at folks who disagree with a politician who may be of a different skin tone. Let us look at the facts, please. By the way, Mr Obama supports ¨partial birth¨abortion. Let your Cuban friend look up the procedure. It is brutal. Mr. Obama has made it obvious that he is not a friend of Israel. Just go back and look at the news footage. Anyway, to quote Sgt. Friday:¨The facts, sir. Please just the facts.¨

Lowell Hayes

Skip, I am sorry that you have to put up with such.

Matt Miller

Hi Skip,
I appreciate your daily word; As an United Methodist pastor, here in Iowa, it is unfortunate that this man’s comments are not the representation of many United Methodists. UM’s do recognize pluralistic theologies, but I am continuing to preach grace rather than race. Keep up your good work for Yeshua. Matt Miller, Iowa

Ron Fink

Given the inability to reason, even with the “educated” people, it is no wonder that after seeing the vice Presidential debate and the antics of Joe Biden, that anything can be accomplished in Government.

As reason retreats, anarchy advances.


I’m sorry you had to deal with this; please keep speaking the truth!


The only thing I have to contribute about this unbalanced man is Scripture. God knew there would be people like him in our midst………..he wrote about them.
Read Ecclesiastes 10:2,3…………….this man walks along the road.

Emily Durr

Just goes to show that having a Ph.D., going to seminary, and being a professor for 30 years doesn’t mean someone knows anything worthwhile……there are many more like this man in our colleges and seminaries, I think

John Adam

I do believe that the talk shows are a major cause of the widening political gap in this country. They spew out poison, and unfortunately many people who listen take that poison as ‘gospel truth’. I have friends who listen to them, and never question the veracity of what they hear. Things are far worse in this (and many other) regards since I came to live in this country from the UK 29 years ago. As a result, many of us seem to live in our own, self-contained and seemingly self-consistent universes, detached from the ‘other side’. Perhaps the theory of parallel universes has great application here!

Thankfully, if we are aware of our blind spots and genuinely attempt to listen to the those with whom we disagree, we can agreeably agree to disagree! Or perhaps even change our views in the process. 🙂

robert lafoy

Did you mean “parallel universities”? 🙂

John Adam

Works for me! 🙂

Amanda Youngblood

Am I the only one bothered by his grammar? How do you get a PhD like that? Anyway, Skip, you’re doing fabulously, and if we’re all confused and deluded, I wonder what everyone else is? Keep up the awesome work you do! Thank you, Skip!

Emily Dur

I was bothered by his grammar, too, but it may just be the result
of being a non-English speaker. Good grammar is hard to come
by in most of the US these days. 🙁

Michael and Arnella Stanley

C. S. Lewis  once said: A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.
Yeshua said to pray for those who persecute you and to bless those who revile you. So while this man assaulted Skip only, we who agree with Skip’s political observations and more importantly his spiritual insights were in a sense insulted as well ( perhaps that is why there are many comments). So it is incumbent on all of us who felt the lash of insult to pray for this confused soul and show the same mercy that we have been granted. It is just another opportunity that our loving Heavenly Father has graciously bestowed upon us- the opportunity to do as He does. Thank you Omar for the opportunity to show you mercy in thought, word and deed. We may not get the privedge of ever meeting our Cuban professor in person, but we will hear these words again, of that I am certain. Be prepared to be merciful. Michael

Leo Van Gulck

Thank you for sharing this with us.
This man has serious emotional and spiritual issues.
LOL: as a refugee living in the US he has learned apparently very well the Wild West lesson: first shoot, then talk.
I will pray that Yeshua will visit him in his innermost just to bring him spiritually alive!
God bless Skip.

If my life would depend on the appreciation of others, I probably would be dead for decades 🙂

carl roberts

Nuff ‘stuff,’- let’s get back to the Book. Let us return to our ‘roots’- and fix our focus on where it needs to be, and that is in front of the scriptures..and the living God-breathed word of God. ~ What do the scriptures say? ~ is (ever) where our focus needs to be. Let us continue then to “study the scriptures” for these are they which testify to our victorious conquering King.

Tell me the story of Jesus
(and) write on my heart every word..


Here are some interesting verses that may apply to this situation! LOL

Exodus 33:19 And the LORD said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

H2617 checed kheh’·sed mercy, kindness, lovingkindness, goodness, kindly, merciful, favour, good, goodliness, pity, reproach, wicked thing.
(mercy can be a “wicked thing”, when extended to someone who does not appreciate it)

James 2:13 ESV

For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Proverbs 21:21 ESV

Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor.

Proverbs 11:17 ESV

A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.

Proverbs 12:10 ESV

Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.

Proverbs 14:31 ESV

Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.

Psalm 18:25 ESV

With the merciful you show yourself merciful; with the blameless man you show yourself blameless;

James 2:19 ESV

You believe that YHWH is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!
(But, some simply do not have the fear of YHWH, to call another believer names, slander and
not according to truth too.)

Shalom Skip, YHWH is on your side, simply that you are on the side of truth, and NOT bearing false witness! Blessings to you!