And Now, a Magic Trick

Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.  Romans 6:4  NASB

Baptism – We have already noticed that baptism, the practice of ritual ablutions through water, is very old, much older than its institution as a Christian sacrament.  Now we must note that baptism in the religious circles of Judaism and the early Messianic community is also not magical nor efficacious for salvation.  In other words, baptism has no intrinsic meaning.  It doesn’t save.  It doesn’t cure.  It doesn’t transform (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:17, Hebrews 9:9-10, 1 Peter 3:21).  Proof texts that attempt to require baptism as a rite of passage from sinner to saint do so at the expense of its predominate usage in Scripture and in violation of its cultural understanding in Judaism.  Baptism might have been a magical rite in pagan thinking, but it certainly is not in Paul’s words or in the thought of the other New Testament authors.  There is no magic in this flowing water.

However, that doesn’t seem to have stopped some Christian sects from adopting the magical formulation of baptism.  Christian and Jews alike commonly acknowledge that baptism is a sign of legal transition.  The one baptized acknowledges God’s act of pardon; an act that occurred independently of the water ritual.  But by the time of the early Church fathers (Ignatius, Tertullian), baptism became a “syncretistic mystery” similar to the mystery of the eucharist.  Pagan beliefs infiltrated the thinking of the Gentile predominate community, shifting the understanding of baptism from an outward sign of God’s redemptive efficacy in the life of a person to some sort of actual transformative event.  Et voilà.  Baptism becomes a means of salvation.  Ah, if we had only paid attention to the history.

But this isn’t the only magic trick associated with the Greek word.  “Since the NT either coins or reserves for Christian baptism (and its precursor) a word which is not used elsewhere and has no cultic connections, and since it always uses it in the sing. and never substitutes the term employed elsewhere, we can see that, in spite of all apparent or relative analogies, it understands the Christian action to be something new and unique.”[1] Do you see the magic?  The noun is not found in Greek writings prior to Paul and is not found in the LXX.  Therefore, Oepke concludes that the concept must be uniquely “Christian.”  But this ignores that fact that Hebraic concepts are verbs, not nouns.  Oepke desires to find uniqueness in the “Christian” concept of baptism – and he does.  But he ignores the fact that Paul and all the other authors were Jewish and the common understanding of the term, even in Greek, would involve Jewish practices.

Now you get to ask yourself, “How do I understand my baptism?”  “What do I think it did for me?”  “What does it mean in my community?”

Topical Index:  baptism, baptismos, Romans 6:4


[1] Oepke, bapto, baptizo, baptismos, et al. Vol. 1: Theological dictionary of the New Testament, p. 545.


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baptism… I was sprinkled as a Presbyterian child. A few years after beginning a relationship with Jesus (early 20’s) I asked the minister of our family’s church about baptism (by immersion). After studying their material I announced I was leaving to become a Baptist! 30 yrs later I ‘found’ the Sabbath… so for me baptism was one of the early steps I took in trying to align my life with the Scriptures. Recently I found out that my original church has its statement of faith stating that the NT was originally written in Greek so perhaps for me, baptism was one of the first steps along the twisting road towards the Hebrew Scriptures!

Luis R. Santos

1 Corinthian 15:29 Otherwise, what do people mean by being baptized on behalf of the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why are people baptized on their behalf?

One of the more perplexing scripture passages.

Do the Mormons have it right? Should we be baptizing surrogates for the dead?

Robin Jeep

OH FATHER, HELP US!!! We humans are so adulterated with evil that we try to turn everything into a pagan magic formula. Even repentance!


So much truth to that, Robin. Unless we get back to the Scriptures, how will we ever know? If we do not understand our own history, we are doomed to repeat it. If only, we had it backwards…I mean, if our history were more Scripturally based and our forefathers had been living the Scriptures out years ago, and then we “re”discovered it, wouldn’t we be going back to that?! Oh wait, it seems as though that may be what’s happening now!!! Revival is taking place in the hearts of those with ears to hear and eyes to see.

I recall hearing a Baptist minister teaching a religion in America course I took several years ago. He mentioned that infant baptism was the christian replacement for Jewish circumcision. This was one of several aha moments for me and how I view the “reformation” that has taken place with the Word of YHWH. Many preachers speak of syncretism today, however, it appears they do not follow through far enough with this reality. Though many would preach themselves right out of a job if they did go deep with it and start preaching the sincere, to use your term, “unadulterated” Word.

Robin jeep

Yes, I agree. I own a new natural restaurant, retail shop and nutrition education business with several Christian partners. This was ordained by YHWH to show His people how to eat according to His ways. We do not serve any pig or unclean fish, only fruits, veggies, wild caught fish, and pasture raised poultry and beef. The business is beyond all our expectations successful. I have not kept Christmas for many years. The partners are going to decorate the business with Christmas decorations. This is difficult for me but it is not the time to spoil their enthusiasm. There is a proper time for everything. I must wait on YHWH’s timing. Please keep me in prayer that I may share only according to Father’s direction in all that I do. I am asking the group to please keep me in prayer as we are experiencing much opposition from one of the partners. He is actually trying to destroy the business, consciously or unconsciously I do not know.