Manna from Heaven (2)

What say we say then?  Are we to continue in sin that grace may increase?  Romans 6:1  NASB

Sin – “The wisdom writings usually have a more intellectual than religious view of sin. By instruction we come to know what is fitting in relation to God and how to apply it to life (as distinct from the fool, Ps. 14:1). Sin is thus folly, to which the righteous are superior. A deeper view occurs in Ex. 20:5; Dt. 5:9, where resistance to God’s commands is defined as hatred, and sin is thus an inexplicable process involving such things as abomination, violence, and deception. All this tends to suggest that a theological concept of sin was a later construction. On the other hand, it was also a correct one grounded in firm categories whose validity no one in ancient Israel could contest. Censure, the assertion of guilt, and the knowledge of God’s demanding will all meet in it to offer an interpretation of human experience and destiny. If God’s will is the supreme law of life, apostasy from God has to come to expression in error, i.e., in terms of what life ought to be and digression from this norm. A connection with the covenant may be discerned at this point. Moreover, whether we regard the aberration as serious or trivial, its character as transgression is established by the concept of God and his order, to which account must be rendered. Violation of God’s norm is the substance of the knowledge of sin. In a very bold insight, sin is even seen to serve a purpose by leading to a recognition of the unconditional validity of the divine norm. Human failure is thus ruthlessly set in the divine order and given a religious interpretation as sin (Ps. 51).”[1]

Grundmann concludes that sin “is a legal and theological term for what is against the norm.”[2]  Does that shock you?  Did you notice that sin in Israel depends on a cultural understanding that no one could challenge?  Do you realize that sin is any transgression of the entire pattern of living that God establishes within His chosen people?  Sin is not a function of what we think violates our view of God’s commandments.  Just as being in the image of God can only be understood within the culture of Israel, so sin can only be understood within the context of Israel.  Perhaps this gives us even more appreciation of Paul’s insistence that we have been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel.  We do not determine what sin is according to our contemporary culture.  Sin is a function of what God tells Israel, not us, and we are either in alignment with those patterns or we are not.  We contemporary believers do not set the norm, the incontestable categories of behavior for the individual and the group.  God sets the norm within Israel’s experience of His grace.  Our only concern is whether or not we adopt that God-given norm.

Now what do you think about sin?  And what are you going to do about this understanding, which by the way, now makes you accountable?

Topical Index:  sin, hatah, hamartano, Romans 6:1


[1] W. Grundmann, hamartano, in Kittel, G., Friedrich, G., & Bromiley, G. W. (1985). Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, pp. 44-45.

[2] Ibid.

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Tim Rohrer

SPECIAL NOTE TO SKIP: I am posting this “comment” on Pacific Coast Time and trust that you will be snuggly tucked away for the night when it hits your site. : )

NOTE TO EVERYONE ELSE: Skip does not know that I’m writing this. I should probably say it again, louder: SKIP DOES NOT KNOW THAT I AM WRITING THIS! In fact, he may freak out when he sees it and block my comments forever as a result, but I feel compelled to step out on a limb. If it snaps and I tumble, then so be it…

I stumbled onto several months ago. In doing so, I found a mentor and a home. When I mentioned this to my dear wife, she read “Today’s Word in English” ONCE and then subscribed. (An unemployed but generous soul, she sends $5 a month.)

Michaela told me about her pledge, and I was immediately convicted. Though I had TURNED HER ON to Skip, it took her to TURN ME TOWARD him. What’s weird is that it never occurred to me to give him anything. I’m kind of a techno-idiot; I had no idea that supporting Skip Moen, his family and his ministry was even an option. Without meaning to do so, I was reaping the benefit of his expertise and effort and compensating him with nothing but an occasional thank you.

The hard truth? I was muzzling the ox—Skip is the ox. But ignorance is the poorest of excuses. I repented by increasing our pledge.

Our monthly “gift” won’t heat Skip’s home for more than a day or two. However, if each of us pledged a little—in these difficult times, even modest gifts make a difference—we could significantly bless the Moens in a very practical way. Some are already doing so. But, and I mean no offense, are others of you (innocently) reaping, as I did, where you have not sown?

To borrow from a well-known television commercial:

–The price of a website subscription through About $14.95 a year.
–The cost of developing and maintaining that site? Hundreds of dollars (at least).
–The expenses associated with marketing and travel? Thousands of dollars (at least).
–The toll on Skip’s family and personal time as he manages the site? Cannot be measured with dollars.
–The benefit to those of us for whom Skip faithfully spends himself by plowing OUR fallow ground and treading out OUR corn? PRICELESS!

(The residual effect of interacting with one another through Skip’s site? Also priceless.)

Most of us, me included, have not met Skip in person. However, it is impossible to frequent his site without noticing that the content is NEVER about Skip Moen but ALWAYS about the Good News and Grace of God. The world is full of needs and noise—loud “ministries” clamoring for support—but Skip’s is a still, small voice of truth breathing hope as it drives an understanding of God’s “purpose for His people” into the hearts, souls, minds and strengths of those who have ears to hear.

I don’t think that was overstated.

Let’s continue to bless Skip with heartfelt thanks, but let’s also join one another in doing whatever EACH ONE OF US CAN to un-muzzle our dear ox.

ANOTHER SPECIAL NOTE TO SKIP: I have risked making you feel uncomfortable or even angry. I believe I am cooperating with the Spirit in this, but we shall see. Meanwhile, please try to accept the idea that YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Thank you, Skip. Again.

And thank you, Roseanne and Michael, for sharing Skip with us!

May Our Father Who Knows Each of Us by Name continue to direct all our steps…

~Tim in Bend, Oregon

P.S. The subject of this comment is sensitive. If anyone takes issue with it, please feel free to rebuke me privately via my personal e-mail at I promise to respond quickly and graciously. Bless you…


Like & Agree.

christine hall

Absoutely agree….but I think my response in this regard is one of the 14000 plus emails! So Skip if you could receive a bank tranfer – my acount to your account please email me – its the only way I can do it from Ethiopia due to a number of reasons. Thanks and well said Fred!

P.S. this series on TW about sin …excellent. Like many others Yah showed me via a teaching of Dwight Pryor, many many years ago that ‘iniquity’ was torahlessness and sin was missing the mark of what that Torah taught!

Loved the blooger who wrote about his father and archery…..what a lesson when he said that once he mastered it , it didnt mean he didnt miss the bulls eye but knew he was responsible for where the arrow went!!

christine hall

Its not obligation. Its thanks for all the food, and encouragement I receive from today’s word.

carl roberts

I totally agreed (as in, “amen!”) brother Tim, – excellent post. And FYI- contributions to this vital ministry, may be through “” (we have to know what these God-words, “foreign” words in our culture and times!,- are!) Even today’s word: “sin” is not spoken in the workplace, neither in the homes of millions..- We are so blessed, to be here, – and again, this ministry (formerly known as “AT GOD’S TABLE” is critical. “WE” do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God..- The wisdom of God, the ways of God, the witness of God are all “both” concealed and revealed in the word(s) of God.

It is “faith” that pleases God.. agreed? How do we know this? We read it in a Book. “It is written..”- faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. If your faith is small..- your time in the Word is also small. We have a “blessing Book”- a Book chock full of wonder, hope and promise, but we have to “know” (experientially) the words. Foreign words, (Bible words) such as “salvation, sanctification, wisdom, righteousness, holiness” – Oh yes, where I work we sit around all day long and talk about these words..NOT!!

And listen (ha!- who is listening anymore?- where’s my remote control? where’s my Ipod, Ipad, headphones?) We are entertaining, “a-musing” ourselves to hell. (A-muse, A- “not, muse- “think”) Amuse- to “zone out” for awhile,- let the dancing colors and vibes of the Tube of goodness, the Box of Lies take over, enjoy the (totally scripted, artificially “perfect” life). People, whatever happened to “real life?” The “battle” if there ever was one,-is the artificial vs. the authentic. Oh, how we need to “unplug” and “be still” before the LORD!! The LORD?? – America just voted.. and said “Who is the LORD that I should obey Him?” We are gonna find out.. only this time, (isn’t this the sad case too often?) the hard way.. “Humble yourselves in the sight of the LORD, or be humbled.” Friends, I don’t like the taste of humble pie- please, please.. (today) – “bow the knee!”
So what is our future? ~You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet ~ (Matthew 5.13) I can hardly wait to be trampled under people’s feet, oh yes. I there’s one thing I would enjoy it is for someone to walk all over me. Just lay down and take it- right? We do have a choice in this.. Or should we do what Adam failed to do? To remember and to speak. Adam failed on both accounts, his “job,” his duty was to serve and to protect. Had he done this, remembered God’s words (do we?) and then speak to the serpent,- our Adversary- “Yes, God has said this”- we wouldn’t have to live outside of paradise, like many of us do today. If we, who claim to belong to Him say “Jesus is LORD” – may then our response to Him be anything other than “Yes?” It is flat out impossible to say “no LORD.” Therefore?
His words again, (to anyone who has ears to hear and a heart to obey..)- ~ if you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it will be done unto you ~ (John 15.7) Seriously?

Abiding in Christ

The Last Words of The Messiah to His Talmudim

John 15 occupies a purposeful and powerful place in our Bible. Jesus never wasted any words, but these are the last words of a Man who knows He is about to die. (Any last words?)
Every eternal word Jesus spoke was pure and straight from the heart of God. He was and is both the visible and invisible representative of the triune God as Man to man. He is the human face of God. He is the incarnate Logos of God in flesh. John 15 is the special summary-teaching of the Anointed One to His disciples. It is the final instruction of the Master-Teacher (Rabbi) to those who are willing to learn. This is the living will of the Lamb of God to those who would follow in His steps.
“Abide in Me.” Exceedingly rich and fertile words. ~ Without Me you can do nothing ~ (John 15.5) Nothing, as in empty and futile. These are covenant words, the promise of The Anointed. ~If you abide in me and my words abide in you..~ These are the life-giving words of Him who is the Living Word.
Invitational words. Relational words. Transformational words.
The words of God.
Refreshing words. Renewing words. Reviving words.
The words of God.
Words of unity. Words of harmony. Words of destiny. The words of G-d.
Intense words. Immense words. Immeasurable words. The living words of G-d.
Universal words- spoken to all. Personal words-spoken to each.

The living Word has spoken in the written Word. “It is written”.

~ Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening ~ (1 Samuel 3.9)
Not- “listen LORD, for your servant speaks!”

How well we hear will determine how well we live. The quality of our hearing will determine the quality of our living. Shema -O, Israel. Have you heard? “Faith” comes by hearing, and hearing by the word(s) of God. (Romans 10.17)

Today, if you will hear His voice..


Yesterday’s word was stunning in my humble opinion.

I shared it with 75 of my contacts who I know read there emails daily. I received 2 replies from Torah pursuant believers thanking me. Just thought I’d share those statistics. I believe it’s telling of the condition of the hearts/minds of the church even those who profess to keep Torah. This follow up is going to the same group. Will report back tomorrow.



Most of us probably need to apply Pareto’s Law, “Keep it Simple,” and focus upon the most important 20% of Judaism

If the modern world “followed suit,” we would live in a virtual Paradise

The Ten Commandments concern only matters of fundamental importance:

– the greatest obligation (to worship only God),

– the greatest injury to a person (murder),

– the greatest injury to family bonds (adultery),

– the greatest injury to commerce and law (bearing false witness),

– the greatest intergenerational obligation (honor to parents),

– the greatest obligation to community (truthfulness),

-the greatest injury to moveable property (theft).[19]

Because they are fundamental, the Ten Commandments are written with room for varying interpretation.[19]

They are not as explicit[19] or detailed as rules and regulations[20] or many other biblical laws and commandments, because they provide guiding principles that apply universally, across changing circumstances.

They do not specify punishments for their violation. Their precise import must be worked out in each separate situation.[20]

The Bible indicates the special status of the Ten Commandments among all other Old Testament laws in several ways. They have a uniquely terse style.[21]

Of all the biblical laws and commandments, the Ten Commandments alone[21] were “written with the finger of God” (Exodus 31:18).

And lastly, the stone tablets were placed in the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:21).[21]

In Judaism, the Ten Commandments provide God’s universal and timeless standard of right and wrong, unlike the other 603 commandments in the Torah, which describe various duties and ceremonies such as the kashrut dietary laws and now unobservable rituals to be performed by priests in the Holy Temple.[22]

The Ten Commandments form the basis of Jewish law.[23]


Coldplay – Paradise (Official)

Michael and Arnella Stanley

Good stuff Michael- thanks. Are you the author or is there a source one can go to for the “rest of the story”? I ask simply because of all the numerical references in the article and am not sure what they refer to. Hope you are doing well. Shalom, Michael

Good word Skip, I’m glad we have you to interperate Grundmann’s convoluted sentences. It took me 3 tries to read some his sentences and still needed you to tell me what he said! I don’t pretend to be a scholar, but sometimes I wonder if I am indeed even literate. Your past few posts have hit home and are being used by the Ruach to re-mold, re-brand and re-create my soul. Thank you.

“Good stuff Michael- thanks. Are you the author or is there a source one can go to for the “rest of the story”?

Hi Michael and Arnella,

The numerical references can be found at the link above

In my view, wiki has become the most amazing source of information in the history of the world


I had to reread even some of this to get it, if it is a translation of Gundmann I hope to never have to try to wade through any of his stuff.

This brings to mind a truth I read many years ago that goes something like this: ‘A pseudo intellectual will state simple concepts in a convoluted, and hard to understand way in order to sound more intelligent that they actually. While a true intellectual will state difficult concepts in a simple way that can be understood by anyone because they do not need to be regarded as more intelligent than they actually are.’

This very TW topic was part of a discussion this recent Sabbath.


Staind – Its Been A While (Not Paradise)


Speaking of the numerical references, in 17 we see Jesus defining himself as Other to God

And Other to the commandments

It seems to me Jesus is saying that he and we can become One with God

By keeping the commandments

17 And he said unto him,
Why callest thou me good?
there is none good but one,
that is, God:
but if thou wilt enter into life,
keep the commandments

Ginger Platt

We teach the kids in Good News Club that sin is anything I think, say or do that breaks God’s heart. A bit simplistic but also very true.