No Escape
For the day of the Lord draws near on all nations, as you have done it will be done to you. Obadiah 15 NASB
Draws near – The word here is not a verb but an adjective. The word is qarob. It is used to indicate something that is close at hand or about to happen. In this verse, Obadiah proclaims that God’s judgment is about to occur. Obadiah’s writing is the shortest book in the Old Testament, but it carries one of the most important messages. God is the Judge of all mankind. No nation escapes His condemnation.
We often think that “nations” includes those political entities that color our world map. We think of borders and governments. But Obadiah’s warning was about a group of people that God saw as a nation, not necessarily the population of a particular place that men designated as a political entity. God viewed those who were of a particular culture and background as a “nation.”
We need to reflect on this. Peter remarks in his first letter that we who follow Yeshua are a “holy nation” of resident aliens in this world. God sees all of us as a nation, one body from one culture with one purpose. Unfortunately, what God sees as one we often treat as many. The behavior of those calling themselves a unified body in Christ certainly leaves a lot to be desired. I wonder if Obadiah’s backwards Golden Rule (“What you have done to others will be done to you”) won’t become a terrible judgment on us. If God’s purpose is unity, how will we escape His judgment of our penchant for separation?
We have heard the message of the God of love and forgiveness for so long that we often ignore the other side of the coin. God has no tolerance for sin. He does not condone sin in any form, even if it is only “small” mistakes. God asks for holiness. Holiness is the standard to strive for every moment. The reason we need deliverance is not because we need to be better people. We need rescue because we are dead in our sins. We will never be good enough on our own! God’s day of judgment draws near every time we excuse our mistakes or overlook our sins. I certainly do not want done to me what I did to others. I need grace and mercy.
“Please, Father, withhold Your anger over my sins. Grant me mercy. I was wrong. I don’t want to live like this. Give me the strength to be what You require, a man after Your own heart.”
Topical Index: Obadiah 15, holiness, mercy, judgment, draws near, qarob
Great reflection! God bless you, Mr. Skip!
Merciful Father – Holy Sovereign – grant us the grace to turn aside and draw nearer to you. Thank you for your continued mercy and steadfast love for us. Forgive me for the inquities of my heart and create in me a clean heart and renewed spirit. Grant us the blessedness of your benevolence and strengthen us on this day to love you more than these… In the name of Jesus – Amen. ;0)
Every time I read tw for the last few weeks my response has been ouch! No different today then.
Are we right though to suggest that Holiness is what we should strive for rather than what we should be? Are we either set apart or not? To strive makes it sound difficult but are we not told in Deuteronomy that “what I Am asking of you today is not too difficult”. Perhaps I am being black and white when its really shades of grey?
Having said that – my prayer is the same as Skips. I do find it too difficult to be fully obedient. Maybe I’m just like Ananias, I pretend to give it all when really I’m holding a bit back for myself(ouch again!). Maybe YHWH is right when He says its not too difficult – When it really is ALL about Him to be set apart is actually possible (notice that He doesn’t say easy – just not too difficult)
I think you answered your own question. Not “too” difficult, but not easy.
Thanks Skip – it seems I did.
Triple “ouch” Andy!
The command of our Creator is: (He has said) ~ You are to be holy to Me because I, the LORD, AM holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be My own..~ (Leviticus 20.26)
~Know that the LORD, He is God! It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture ~ (Psalm 100.3)
Would God, (our Father) ‘command’/instruct/plead with us to be holy, and then not provide a Way?
(Helpful household hint..) – Holiness is not the way to Christ- Christ is the Way to holiness.
This is where- ‘holiness’ has its beginning and its ending: the blood of the cross.
Man’s greatest need is to be forgiven of his sins. This can only be done through faith in the blood of Jesus (who is the) Anointed, (the) Christ, (THE) MESSIAH. (Yes, worthy is the Lamb who was slain!..) ~ Worthy are You to take the Book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation ~ (Revelation 5.9)
Our Bible, the word of God says in Hebrews 9:22 ~ without the shedding of blood is no remission for sins ~ , We also read in Exodus 12: ~ when I see the blood, I will pass over you ~… This, was the first, the original “Passover!” – Its good to know your roots.
1. “Redeemed Through His Blood”
As the scripture says, “…we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians. 1:7). To be redeemed means to be bought back. The price of redemption has been paid and it is through the precious, propitiating, sinless, sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ.
Peter reminds us of this when he says, ~ Forasmuch as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold… but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot ~ (1 Peter 1:18-19).
2. “Justified by His Blood”
To be justified means to be declared innocent. We know the Bible teaches that all are sinners. ~ For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,(Romans 3.23) and ~ there is none righteous, no, not one ~(Romans 3.10) No one deserves to be saved because of his inherent ‘goodness,’ “for I know that in me, that is, in my flesh dwells no good thing,” (Romans 7.18) but thank God, Jesus Christ died for sinners, shed His precious blood because of His love for us. The scripture says, ~ *Much more* then, being now justified (made righteous, or “rightly-related”) by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him ~ (Romans 5:9). the word justified literally means “just as if I had never sinned.” The blood of Jesus Christ is the price paid for our sins. We have been “redeemed” by the blood of the cross.
3) “Washed in His Blood”
There are some who believe that baptism washes away sins. This is not true. Baptism is only a symbol of salvation, similar to the wearing of a wedding ring. It is an outward expression of an inward experience. The first wordless “sermon” a Christian ever proclaims! The Bible says, ~ Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood ~ (Revelation 1.5). When one hears the Word, the Holy Spirit takes the word and convicts of sin, of righteousness, of judgment and works godly sorrow which brings repentance and faith; faith in the shed blood of the LORD Jesus Christ. Our sins are ‘washed away’, covered, atoned for in His propitiating blood, the blood of the Lamb.
4) “Made Nigh by Blood”
Man is alienated from God, strangers from the covenant of promise, no hope and without God in the world! (Ephesians 2.12) Alienated how? and why? Because of one thing. Sin. ~ But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear~ But now in Christ Jesus you who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ ~ (Ephesians 2.13). Jesus broke down the middle wall of partition (the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom!) and makes the way possible for us to enter into the very presence of God because He has sprinkled His blood on the mercy seat as an atonement (a covering) for our sins. Therefore, we are made nigh by His blood and now through the Atoning, Propitiating blood of the cross, have available access to the very throne of God. His invitation to us? ~enter in! ~ How many times have we heard- “come unto Me?” – Then, why don’t we?
5) “Sanctified by Blood”
The word ‘sanctify’ means “to set apart” or “to separate.” We have been “set apart” from our sins and “set apart” from the world (1 John 2.16) through the blood of Jesus Christ. As the Scripture says, ~Wherefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered outside the gate ~ (Hebrews 13.12). Jesus was crucified outside the city of Jerusalem on a hill called Mount Calvary in order that we might be set apart, or removed from our sins. ~ As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us ~ (Psalm 103.12) He shed His own sinless blood on that cross. ~ For Christ also has once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened (made alive) by the Spirit ~ (1 Peter 3.18) What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. We have been and are – sanctified (set apart) by His blood.
6) “Peace through Blood”
Because of sin, Man is at odds with God. ~ You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and can not look on iniquity ~ (Habakkuk 1.13) And we (all, both Jew and Gentile) have sinned against Him. (Romans 3.23) We (all) have been alienated from Him, but thank God through the blood of Jesus Christ, we may have peace with Him. Again, ~ and, having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself ~ (Colossians 1:20) What then, can “reconcile” sinful Man to our thrice-holy God? (We joyfully proclaim “Christ crucified!” and glory in the cross) Behold the Lamb.
7) “Cleansed through Blood”
God’s children are redeemed through the blood and justified through the blood, washed in His blood, made nigh by the blood, sanctified by the blood, and have peace through the blood and daily we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Whenever we sin, we plead the blood of Jesus. “Cover me.” ~ And if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ (the) Son cleanses us from all sin ~ (1 John 1:7). In other words, we may now stay in fellowship with Jesus Christ our Saviour by daily trusting in the cleansing blood. We all sin every day, but ~ if we confess (agree with God concerning) our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness ~ (verse 9).
8) “Conscience Purged by Blood”
When we understand the real meaning (joy!) of being forgiven our sins,(Psalm 32.1), and having the Spirit of God living within us as children of God, we will want to live for Jesus. Our “want-to” will be transformed. The Holy Spirit puts this new desire in our heart and we are reminded, ~ it wasn’t the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He has obtained eternal redemption for us and, ~ how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? ~ (Hebrews 9:14).
Just think of it, Christ died for our sins. ~ I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance ~ Jesus shed His precious blood, gave His all that we might be saved from the penalty, the power (dominion/authority) and (finally!) the presence of sin. We owe Him everything. Yes, Jesus paid it all- all to Him I owe.
9) Bought with a Price
We (who are His) do not belong to ourselves. We have been bought/purchased/redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. This should, and will cause us to want to live for Him. ~ For you are not your own: for you have been “bought with a price:” – ~ therefore, glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s ~ (I Corinthians 6.19-20).
What can wash away my sins?, nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again?, -nothing but the blood of Jesus. There is no remission for sins outside of the blood of Jesus. No one may mix blood and water, or blood and church membership, or blood and works, or any other thing, but simply through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, Calvary’s Lamb, do we have remission of our sins. Praise God for salvation by grace through faith in the finished work of Christ! And it is finished!- complete, final, sufficient!, paid in full! (John 19.30)
~ Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death ~ (Romans 8.1,2)
In Christ alone my Hope is found
He is my Light, my Strength, my Song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless Babe
This Gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
And on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From a life’s first cry- to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Could ever pluck me from His hand
‘Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I stand.
O magnify the Lord with me,
Ye people of His choice.
Let all to whom He lendeth breath
Now in His Name rejoice.
For Love’s blest revelation,
For rest from condemnation,
For uttermost salvation,
To Him give thanks.
For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach. De.30:11
For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome . 1Jn 5:3
We raise border collies. They have taught me more about being a disciple of my Master than any other single entity on this planet. It is said that they are not only the smartest dog on earth but that the least intelligent of them actually have the reasoning ability of a 6 yr. old.
The most astounding thing about these dogs is how intuitive they are (the well bred ones that is) and how loyal and focused they are on Ron and myself. They live for the opportunity to be commanded and respond with lightning speed.
Our young dog Maisie never lets us out of her sight. When we walk anywhere she literally bumps her nose on our legs ever so gently. When we sit down she sits at our feet. If we even think at all of going somewhere she is at the door ready. Most people find this behavior in a dog unnerving. We love that we don’t have to chain her up or even tell her what to do. It’s in her nature to stay close. She is always under foot and requires much patients but is so willing and affectionate that it’s not too hard to overlook her quirks.
Our old dog Bonnie is just as devoted with much less anxiety. She knows where we are at all times but keeps track at more of a distance. She became deaf about a yr. ago and still somehow keeps track. We taught her hand signals when she was young so she still obeys direct commands and she is SO intent on pleasing that she has learned to read our lips.
Two temperaments one obedient nature.
Both are wonderful watch dogs without aggression. They are watchmen. They look to us to initiate the aggression but they are right there to give their assistance and are ready & willing to give their lives for us. They do this because they know we love them and believe that our every intend is to for their good.
Oh to be YHVH’s Border Collie.
Pam…I LOVE that analogy!
I’ve often observed the intense loyalty of dog’s to their masters and felt a desire to have that kind of loyalty to my King. It’s beautiful to observe.
Thanks for sharing about your Border Collies. I know they top the list of devotion and eagerness to please.
These dogs definitely are NOT for everyone. They are bred literally to run 40 miles a day. You can’t leave them home by themselves without consequences, and you must be willing to be as aware of and affectionate with them as they are toward you.
We also have a cat that has taught me a lot about warfare
as well a few other tidbits about myself 
More dog stories!
It truly is about “”ONE HOLY NATION IN CHRIST JESUS AS HEAD”” unfortunitely ther are in excess of 34,000 various groups claiming to be “”THAT HOLY NATION”” we truly need to start walking in 1 Corinthians 13 with one another and let ”HOLY SPIRIT DEAL WITN US INDIVIDUALY” about the state of our Heart of Hearts!!!
“Obadiah shows that judgment falls even within the family of God, as Israel and Edom descended from twin brothers, Jacob and Esau.”
“Obadiah’s purpose was to make it known that according to his God, if members of the same family were to treat each other in the same manner as Edom treated the Israelites, they too may be subject to the wrath of God.”
Book of Obadiah (Wiki)
When I see “No Escape” I tend to think of Jean Paul Sartre’s play called “No Exit”
The theme of which is “Hell is Other People;” not unlike my wife and I often feel about each other
As a modernist play, the focus is on the “subjective” experience, the sense of isolation and angst
In the so called “Modern” world
And when I see the word “sin” I tend to think of the subjective sense of guilt and despair
But for me the world of Obadiah is somewhat other to me, not unlike the world of Odysseus
“Obadiah describes an encounter with God who addresses Edom’s arrogance and charges them for their violent actions against their brother nation, the House of Jacob”
These grand historical events are “objective” in nature and the “sins” are really quite serious
Murdering “family” members
“The vision then embraces the fall of Jerusalem to the hands of foreign invaders and God’s anger against Edom for taking advantage of the Jews of Judah during their plight, thus sealing their doom.”
By comparison, my wife and I treat each other pretty well
Biting my tongue. Well maybe just a little. What is this business of death as unconscious sleep? And what about the nonsense of a second death if God intends to punish forever?
not sure what you have in mind here. THe suggestion that the Hebrew world viewed death as something akin to unconscious (no dreams) sleep can be seen in the use of the Hebrew word “sleep” as an idiom for dying, but there is still the problem of Sheol. Do those in Sheol have consciousness? At any rate, perhaps one issue to deal with is the idea that we wake at the Judgment Day (see Martha’s expression to Yeshua in John 11).