UPDATE ON IRENE in South Africa

For everyone who is following the story about Irene, please read.

1.  I will be back in South Africa in about 10 days.  I am planning to see Irene and her family and do more interviews and video

2. IF YOU MADE ANY CONTRIBUTION toward Irene’s needs, PLEASE SEND ME A SMALL PICTURE OF YOURSELF so that I can show your face to Irene and she will know who it is that has blessed her.  Just send the photo to my email address (with name please).  skipmoen@mac.com   DO IT RIGHT AWAY.

3.  Irene has had pneumonia, not uncommon for her living conditions, but dangerous at 14 years old.  She seems to have recovered after much prayer, etc. but please keep her in your prayers.  I have also learned that as a child she suffered damage to her rib-cage and needs now some support equipment.  It is amazing that she is such an athlete.  So I will investigate this when I get there.

4.  Irene won 2 gold medals on November 2 in spite of the above.  At God’s Table provided her with the registration support.  THANKS

I will give all of you a full report after I see her.

Thank you so much for your compassion.



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Thank you so much for your compassion.

Thank you so much for yours 🙂


Skip perhaps when you give us the opportunity to help someone you could include a link that will send us right to the paypal for that particular cause? I generally am running to go do something when I read this stuff and forget later to go back. I know this sounds so stupid but I just spent 15+min. with paypal. Maneuvering through websites can be (But not this time) very frustrating for me which is a good thing most of the time as it keeps me from impulsive spending. But in these cases it can keep me from doing something that I really want to do. Just a suggestion 🙂