Irene’s Birthday Cards

65 birthday cards (inside the box) were hand delivered to Irene at the homeless camp.  According to all reports, she was ecstatic!  THANK YOU ALL.

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Donna R.

This is wonderful, Skip! What a beautiful spirit Irene has! I will show this to my class as we continue to pray for her and her family each day. It is such a blessing to hear the little children pray for her and others. One day, I pray, we may all get to meet her. Thank you for bringing her into our hearts.


We are exremely glad she was thrilled with the cards! She is very beautiful inside and out. Thank you Skip for the video presentation.


So amazing. So inspiring!! Thanks so much.


I wonder what the potential is of one special life within the village Irene is from? I just don’t understand how a whole group of healthy people could be so deprived of basic things such as running water and electricity. Are they to pay some huge price for a sin committed long ago? Will the soil produce? Is there a curse over the land? Or am I looking at this all wrong and are they happy as they are? What is the hope for them? I am attached to this girl and feel like she is really going to be known and loved around the world. Our hearts are bound to hers and as we desire for her destiny and purpose to be fulfilled we are carrying the victory and the breakthrough for a whole nation of dreams that will find courage in Irene’s life and become their inspiration for a generation that will carry the torch she is so bravely lifting high. If she comes to America I will certainly be cheering for her!! You are welcome Irene, come to America and Win! Love is the secret of the golden fire.


How does Irene run with her feet so badly burned? Does she have good shoes for runing? Does she have a Mother and father, brothers, sisters? She has such an air of innocence and a trusting spirit. Does she have any one who can teach her about the Bible? How can we best pray for her? She is a lovely your lady.


Thank you for your reply. Last week I was thinking about Irene and the thought kept coming to me to pray for Yehovah to bless her feet. In the card I sent to her I told her I would add her to my list of grandchildren and would be praying for her. I do and will continue to do so. Updates from time to time will be appreciated. Thank you for your ministry to these people.