Top of the Pyramid

But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.  1 Corinthians 11:3  ESV

Head – Gilbert Bilezikian’s research into the Hebrew and Greek words translated “head” clearly and convincingly shows that “head” is to be understood as “source,” not “authority.”[1]  Bilezikian’s work results in this summary: “This survey indicates that head, biblically defined, means exactly the opposite of what it means in the English language. Head is never given the meaning of authority, boss or leader. It describes the servant function of provider of life, growth and development. This function is not one of top-down oversight but of bottom-up support and nurture.”[2]

It’s so refreshing to see scholarship that uncovers the errors of a history of misogyny.  The idea that a husband rules over a wife because of some divine edict is completely a fabrication of a chauvinistic theology.  It must be rejected

But now that we see what Paul was really saying, that the true role of the “head” is as a servant, we also discover something else – something that further illuminates the Genesis account of the formation of the woman as ‘ezer kenegdo.  The Church does not exist for its own purposes.  It exists to fulfill the purposes of its source, Christ.  As Hegg notes, “If ever the centrality of the life of Yeshua is eclipsed by other things, regardless of their importance, the congregation has lost her primary mission.”[3]  In other words, Christ serves the Church by providing it with life and the Church serves Christ by enabling His purposes and goals to become a reality in this world and the next

Apply that same logic to the Genesis account.  The man is the source of the woman (from ish comes ishshah).  But the man is not the authority over the woman (that doesn’t occur until the man makes it so after the Fall).  The man is mutually submitted to the woman in order that they may both fulfill the purposes of God.  But just like the Church, the woman exists because of the man and  her role is to insure that the goals and purposes of the man become reality.  She serves him, not as slave or domestic attendant, but as the one who is committed to do whatever is necessary to bring about God’s will in his life.  And as Hegg says, if this goal is eclipsed by anything else, no matter how important, the real purpose of her existence will be diminished.

The man lives in order to fulfill the commandments of God.  The woman lives in order to bring about the fulfillment of the commandments of God in her man.  The man cannot fulfill those commandments without her guidance, nourishment, support and love.  And the woman cannot fulfill her godly design without committing herself to see her man as God sees him.[4]  Perhaps this is why the rabbis taught that a man without a wife reduces the image of God in the world.  Perhaps Paul’s remarks about headship have a backwards illumination to them as well.

Topical Index:  head, ‘ezer kenegdo, authority, Church, 1 Corinthians 11:3

[1] Gilbert Bilezikian, Beyond Sex Roles.


[3] Tim Hegg, The Letter Writer, p. 116.

[4] Do not think that this means there are no roles for unmarried persons.  There are, of course.  They just aren’t the same as the roles for those who have mutually submitted to each other.

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Tanya Predoehl

Interesting application of Tim’s insights. Have you read any of his other books or papers? It would be totaly cool to have the both of you over for dinner. You have a few differing views I would enjoy hearing some conversation about. Both of you have had a major roll in teaching me how to be a Berean and sort threw a lot of the garbage being taught. A frequant prayer I lift up is that both of you are fruitful in decipeling (the good kind of replacement theoligy).There is such a need for sound Biblical teachers!!
Blessings> Tanya


Skip, what am I missing? You start by saying that:

“what Paul was really saying, that the true role of the “head” is as a servant,”

and then you conclude that :

“She serves him,”

Shouldn’t it be : the husband, who is the “head” is then the servant? Just like the king was the servant to the people?

– serving as the source that keeps a marriage together( cling – davak), the source of the seed( linage) and many more (keeping the serpents out of the garden – well may be not?).

What happens if the source does not want to cling (davak) anymore? – Adultery
And if the source does not give the seed Genesis 38: Judah and sons Er, ..

carl roberts

Read and follow label directions: ~ Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church..(Ephesians 5.25) ~ And?

Well, – how did (does) Christ love His Bride? (The Church, less we forget, IS His Bride)- and there will be a Wedding Supper of the Lamb, (yet to be), but it will be.. Will you be there?

God’s program is to “Build-a-Bride.” His words? ~ I will build My church ~ (Matthew 16.18)

Here are “only” 79 scriptures concerning this glorious up-coming event:

Our Heavenly Boaz also also has a Heavenly Bride. Her Name is our Name-Ruth the Moabite, for we are “Ruth,” -honestly! Not a Jew, not a Gentile, but a totally made-over Bride, a new Creation,- all because of ONE Man, the second Adam, the Incarnate Word of God, the ONE who lived among us, The ONE who was both willing and able,the ONE Who is our Near-Kinsman Redeemer, our LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ.

But this wedding supper also is an “invitation only” event. I have received mine- on it was written: “Whosoever will” may come and I have already responded to tHis invitation with my “Yes LORD”-. I am headed for someplace totally ‘different,’- totally new. It is somewhere I have never been before, not even in my wildest imaginings- (of which I don’t have a few!). The song might say, “I Can Only Imagine,” but according to what God says, no, (sorry!) I can’t. I can’t even imagine..
Why is that? Because, friends, “it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man (any man-me), all the things which God has in store for them that love Him, to the ones who have been called according to His purpose.” Lavish Grace (lasting for eternity). Impossible? What (exactly) is impossible with God? (Remember? -It is impossible for Him to lie!)
Here, on this green planet, gold is precious stuff and we all know you have to dig through a lot of dirt to find a chunk of gold! But up there, in the city being built by our Heavenly Bridegroom for His Bride, adorned and dressed like nobody’s business, gold is the ‘stuff’ used to pave the streets. The twelve gates are carved from solid pearl, and my “dwelling place?”- The ONE, once known as the Carpenter’s Son, using His creative power which of course is unlimited, has been forming and fashioning a “place” that is.. well, -I just don’t think it will be a double-wide trailer. (Oooh, a “double-wide!”) I’m really not all that concerned about it, other than to know-it’s gonna be good. (Real good).
But, actually, I’m not looking forward to a “place,” – no, not at all. I’m looking forward to, yes, anticipating a “Person” and a “people.” A Person and some people, some precious people I know will be there. Some have preceded me and some will follow after me. And we will finally and forever have the ‘time’, precious time, lovely days, glorious days to spend with one another, but there I go again.. “imagine that!”

A ‘command’ of Christ (?) ~ Husbands, love your wives..~ Yeah, -it’s a tuff job, but someone has to do it.. lol!

So, is ‘Heaven’ fantasy or fact? Friends, ~ What do the scriptures say?~ May I.. ? Hallelujah! – What a Savior!


Btw – does God demand of me to serve only Him (first commandment) or my husband? Which one is heavier?
Do I serve God by serving my husband or do I serve my husband by serving God and doing what He says. God’s definition of serving (to bring about the fulfillment of commandments) and my husband’s definition of serving are miles apart.

For those who don’t know me – I am not asking this out of a feminist, Jezebelic point of view, for it is in my dna to really like to fulfill the needs of others – that is being a servant.