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But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.  James 3:17  NASB

Full of mercy – The Greek word mestos means “completely full, replete.”  It is not a term that allows qualification.  All or not all.  Those are the choices.  When James says that one of the characteristics of wisdom from above is “full” of mercy, he isn’t saying that it is mostly mercy or partially mercy.  And if we understood “mercy” the way a Hebrew native speaker would understand the word, we will see why eleos (mercy) admits no compromises.

In Greek, “mercy” is eleos.  In Greek thought, mercy is a pathos; an emotion that arises from encountering undeserved suffering in another.  You will recognize this Greek idea in the “passion” story of the Christ.  It is an emotional experience.  The anxiety, agony and physical response we feel when we experience this story is extremely upsetting and it is that disturbance in the balance of life that makes emotions so frightening for the Greek world.  Eleos is life out of control.  Emotion overpowering reason is the worst possible situation.  Greek thinkers do everything possible to avoid these situations.

With this background in mind, it is clear that James cannot be using eleos in the Greek sense of the term.  He uses eleos the way the LXX uses eleos, and that means he is thinking of hesed, not the emotion of mercy.  Over and over, the LXX translates the Hebrew hesed as eleos.  But if this is true, then James is not thinking about emotions at all!  He is thinking about the godly actions of hesed.  Divine wisdom from above produces a life of hesed; a life dedicated to relational, reciprocal, transitive obligation in demonstrable action.  For James, it doesn’t matter how you feel.  It only matters what you do!  (If you want to review all the aspects of hesed, click here).

Now that we have the meaning of the term in mind, we recognize that James is not exhorting us to have some kind of spiritual feelings toward others.  He is simply telling us to go do what God would do, and let the emotions follow.  “Actions, then feelings” is the Hebraic way.  As Greek thinkers, we might be inclined to wait for that moment of inspiration before we take steps.  In fact, we might seek the emotional experience in order to be motivated to act.  But this is backwards.  Do it – and see what happens.  That is Hebraic thinking.  First obedience, then feelings.  James simply informs us that wisdom from above is displayed in hesed and hesed is covenant relationship in action.

Today is another test of your spiritual condition.  It is the test of emotion.  Are you waiting for the right feeling to do the right thing?  Do you ask God to change how you feel so that you will be motivated to do what He asks?  Do you seek the spiritual “high” rather than the obedient routine?  Is God just as real when you feel down as when you are on top of the waves?  Just how Greek is your spiritual condition?

Topical Index:  emotion, eleos, mercy, hesed, James 3:17, mestos, full

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“Actions, then feelings” is the Hebraic way.


Makes me think of movie called “Repo Man”

A Repo Man lives by a code

A Repo man spends his life getting into tense situations

Ordinary people, according to the Repo Master

Avoid getting into tense situations

carl roberts

Actually,- it was the Hebrew that put me in touch with my emotions! The LORD Jesus was (and is) a Jew and one very short but very insightful verse speaks to us, very simply, but very powerfully of the “humanity” of our Savior: ~ Jesus wept ~ (John 11.35) Yes, we serve a God who weeps!
~ For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have One who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet was without sin ~ (Hebrews 4.15) And talk about emotional distress! When our Savior was in the garden of Gethsemane praying, (everyone else was sleeping!) – there was a battle royale, that caused His sweat to be as drops of blood (Hematidrosis).
~ And being in an agony (let us look deeper into this ‘good word!’) He prayed more earnestly: and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground ~ (Luke 22.45)

Friend, Real blood, real sweat, real tears and real prayer.

~ Unto Thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul! ~

My “soul”- the “all” of me! Here is a “good word” that has been a “life-changer” for me:

(from skipmoen.com)

~ By David. To You, O LORD, I lift up my soul ~ (Psalm 25:1)

Praying Life, Breathing Soul

Soul – Hebrew is a language of concrete images. It is not like the Western European languages that we use; languages full of abstract terms without physical references like “time” or “omnipotent” or “omniscient”. Hebrew deals with tangible assets. So, the word nephesh (soul) is not really an abstract term for some ethereal, mysterious spirit entity. If we thought of soul like that, we would be forcing a Greek meaning on the word. Nephesh is first and foremost a word for breath, the physical movement of air in and out of a body. Breath means concrete evidence of life. Nephesh takes on the idea of all of my life, all that breathing animates. So, nephesh becomes the concrete expression of who I am, completely. My physical being, my emotions, my thoughts and my choices. Nephesh is the summary word for “me”.
David’s private prayer addressed to God alone is full of concrete images. I perform an action (lifting) by placing an object (my living) before my Creator. I carry myself to the altar so that God can carry me to His heart. I am Isaac, voluntarily lying down on the stones, awaiting sacrifice or redemption at the hand of God.
When prayer becomes intensely personal, there is no room for my agendas. All I can do is place myself before Him, ready for whatever He decides. Job uttered the same thought, “Though He slay me, yet I will worship Him.” What God does with the offering I bring is entirely up to Him. Prayers that dictate and demand have no place on the altar of self-sacrifice. And didn’t Jesus echo the same words: “He must take up his cross daily”.
The prayer of lifting up my soul is the transforming prayer that converts who I am into a living sacrifice. My very breathing becomes my prayer. I live because He carries me. I live because He cares.
The end of prayer is not the moment when I rise from my knees. It is the moment when I stop breathing. As long as He grants me breath, I will lift up myself to Him. I am a living prayer, glorifying my Creator in every moment. Pray life! And live soul! Amen!

~ And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul ~ (Genesis 2.7)

~ This is what the Lord GOD says to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you will live ~ (Ezekiel 37.5)

We might even go so far as to say- ~ Give us this day our daily bread ~ and (also) give us this day our daily breaths! ~

Have we ever stopped to say “thank You” -even for our breathings? Who gave unto us our first breath? and Who will receive our last?

~ But what do the scriptures say? The word is near you, even in your mouth, and in your heart. This is the word of faith, which we proclaim ~(Romans 10.8)


Hello Carl!

I want to tell you that I appreciate you. In doing so I also hope to introduce myself to others in this community in hopes to be more comfortable in joining the discussions from time to time. I found Skip’s site as I was looking for answers to a particular question, just a few short months ago. Familiar with Hebrew thought through the Bereans online site, I thought this site would also be helpful in helping me get to the root of things. I always like to know the origin of a thing.

I subscribed to Skip’s 30-day deal and during that period would come directly to the site and use the search engine to find reference and point of view on certain things. In addition, I would sometimes read the daily posts. Sometimes Skip’s comments would serve to pique further questions and I would read the comments to see what the others thought or if anyone would ask the same question(s) I had. That’s how I feel like I already know most everyone here already. Still, for me, nothing quite takes the place of proper introduction, eye-to-eye contact, a handshake and/or a hug. Oh well! I guess that’s progress! (sigh).

Anyway, your comments would always serve to bring me back to a certain point of reference. A safe-place. I think about the time I went up in a hot air balloon. What a feeling! With safety in that it was tethered. No chance that I could float away into some mishap.

Not only did your comments serve to help keep me “grounded”, I also thought I could see something that I didn’t pick up to much elsewhere among the comments – a sense of humor. I have one of those! Along with a sense of wonder and awe! Sometimes after I would read one of the posts, I’d think – let me see how Carl responded to that.

Shortly after the 30-day introduction I ordered a couple of books from Skip and by doing so was enabled to comment. I took my time about that though, among other reasons, also thinking things like: they are well along into their journey and it doesn’t seem like a kind of forum one can just jump right into; and, they seem kind of “stuffy”, not quite the place for somebody like me. I apologize everyone! No ill will intended. Confession is good for the soul. I realize that’s probably Greek thought, but…..

During this time, my circle of siblings was broken by the death of one of my sisters. As a matter of fact, it was a conversation I was having with her that brought up the particular question I was searching for insight on when I found Skip’s site.

A few months prior, my sister was sharing her thoughts on a particular thing she had always wanted to do. In short, she was talking about her “bucket list”. I don’t particularly subscribe to the “bucket list” philosophy, but if I were a woman of means I would make a huge contribution to the Make A Wish foundation.

I gave that list a new name a long time ago. My sister laughed when I told her what I renamed that list. Which leads me to share that, if the opportunity ever presents itself and I am in close proximity to an excellent training facility (which I have thoroughly investigated) after being properly instructed and after a couple of shared practice jumps – I am going to skydive, freefall! If the opportunity doesn’t present itself, I won’t have any regrets. I do have that hot air balloon experience. And I can vividly imagine to the minutest detail what a cloud feels like. Pray for me.

I miss my sister. She was the only person that I could talk to about certain things. That pales in comparison to the many blessings I can count because she was here though.

I also noticed about you that you have a love for words to a song just like I do! So I would like to share this one with you. I think you will recognize most, if not all, of the words. The song is, He Could Have Let Me Drown. It will give greater insight into the reason that my joy is even greater than ever! I don’t want to have to contain it!


Again, I appreciate you Carl. And the other members of this community too. And, Skip – [a curtsy] – to me there’s nothing quite as good as a great mind expanding study group. Thank God for you and this site!

Just so you know, I try to keep a good balance between sitting at a computer and being out giving someone somewhere a hug. I don’t have one of those devices that you carry around to keep you “plugged in” so it could be a long period of time before I check back in. I wouldn’t like to think that someone felt I was ignoring him or her. Another disadvantage to “linked-in-ness” via the worldwide web for me – but you all are the closest I can get to scripture study as I have come to love it, and a Torah observant community right now.

I apologize for being so verbose, but now I feel somewhat properly introduced.


“Do it – and see what happens”

I went to bed last night with a heavy heart and a prayer for wisdom and guidance. Then after my morning reading, devotion and meditation, I checked my email to read TW. Last night I decided that would be the way I’d read them from now on. I read your post and it coincided with my morning daily reading. Both addressed what I was “feeling” – and I decided to take the next step.

Kate Schear

You are a breath of fresh air. I am glad you decided to become active in this community. Just yesterday I found a potential fellowship group that meets every Sabbath. They are a group with grown children like me. I found them through this site: http://www.EliYah.com
There is a fellowship finder on there and you click on the state you are seeking…this brings up every known house church in the state. I ended up registering my name and contact information and someone found me! I will only be able to attend every other week, due to distances and also to accepting a job that requires working every other weekend. I will be taking care of individuals with special needs. Actually on the Sabbath I won’t have to go into work until 2 pm. I will not have to work on Fridays or Mondays. This is an answered need to be able to be involved in the lives of others and to make a difference. I live in Iowa.

Michael and Arnella Stanley

Kate and Jeanette,Welcome to “our” cyber ( but with heart,  hands and feet in the real world) community. My wife and I very much enjoyed both your comments and Kate, your testimony of  faith and His always reciprocating faithfulness. Looking forward to your presence, prayers and purpose on this site, as it WILL work in you, through you and sometimes even against you ( but that is the best part- when it feels like pain).  Hang in there. You will have support of some of the most spiritually aware people you will ever encounter-even in their silence. Shalom, Michael and Arnella


Welcome to the table sister!


This little word study James has been so encouraging. thanks Skip.


Can’t wait to see/hear? it. Am reading James and 1 John side by side. VERY INTERESTING!

Ray Joseph Cormier

I was directed to your site by someone discussing Prophecy in The Jerusalem Post last week and I’m glad I investigated further. I have been reading your writing daily since then.

I am looking forward to reading what you think James is saying in Chapter 5. I think it implies regime change of the world system on the return of Christ.

carl roberts

Thank you Jeanette for your kind words and just to “say,”- even “encouragers” needs encouraging! One thing I have learned in my limited time on this green planet is “we are all different!” – but come to think of it- (I know it may seem Greek, but is it okay to think?- lol!) .. well.. anyway here’s my two cents.. Abraham, Moses and Noah- these three will suffice. What do they all have in common? – Lo, and behold,- they were all “different.” Or, as someone once said to me, – “you are unique…- just like everyone else!!” I didn’t want to do this, but -might as well.. You know how to catch a unique rabbit? – You nique up on him! (awful- ain’t it?).
As my very “unique” and gifted brother Skip has pointed out (and this has my hearty amen)- we are “all” in this thing together! We are “all” part of the family of God and recipients of His goodness..- just look at your own (physical) brothers and sisters- ain’t it amazin’ we had the same set of parents? My wife comes out of seven and each are as “unique” as can be knows how to be..
Please do “contribute” Jeanette, nobody here (as far as I can tell) will “bite!” lol! This is a place of safety and of study. We have met together (in cyberspace!) to study the scriptures. There is not a doubt in this man-child’s mind, God has led me here to be instructed and to learn His words. Having grown up in the church and hearing these “foreign” words spoken.. (you just don’t hear “righteousness” being bantied about the workplace nowadays- at least not where I work!) but (foreign?) words such as these we only hear once a week and I wonder, how many good and honest “church-folk” even have a clue as to what “righteousness” (right-relatedness) really means ! Enter one Skip Moen. Every day it is a new word- and our own Bible says “precept upon precept, line upon line!- here a little- there a little. So little by little, step-by-step, we “all” are learning! Why, even the word “disciple” means “learner or student!” (in Hebrew- talmudim!)
So here we are in class together! Welcome aboard!- Come back and visit often, but don’t be a “lurker!” This is a lot like “stone soup”- with everyone contributing a carrot or an onion!
Once again, we are in this thing (my dear sister!) together! Your servant and His.. Carl


Great word as always, Skip!
I’m not sure if this would be a good analogy or not, but in the fight or flight syndome, such as in a medical emergency, a man having a heart attack in front of a group of people, some will just freeze and panic and scream “someone do something!” while another person will start CPR and call 911 and start life saving procedures almost automactically without thinking about emotions…that will always come after the action.
In the link below, Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier explains the mercy that God showed to Lot, which is the only reason he escaped because his emotions so overwhelmed him when the Angel told him to leave, that he actually procrastinated in his decision to obey the Angel of the Lord and leave Sodom immediately.



Kate: Thank you for your words and the link to the site. I will check it out! I’m glad that you have found work. I was laid off this past June, which I regarded as a blessing at the time (and still do!) because I could spend time helping care for my sister without being torn between my dedication to my job and my dedication to my family. On this side of that however….. I don’t worry. Because I am willing and I know that God is able.

Michael and Arnella: What a blessing to “meet” you! I look forward to studying and learning with you.

Pam: I look forward to the feast, Sister!

Carl: I love that unique rabbit bit! I told it to myself again just the other day to make myself laugh! How great is the God we serve!

Shalom, goodnight, amen.


Hugs to you, Jeanette! Welcome to feasting at YAH’s Table. Enjoyed your introduction, thank you for being so open.

Hi Robin, I can relate to what you wrote, some folks act spontaneously, some hesitantly. I fall into the former 🙁 category, act first and then having second thoughts perhaps subsequently, which is not the wisest thing to do, there need to be a balance, though not in an emergency case. Tough!

“Emotion overpowering reason is the worst possible situation.” Agree, Skip.
What you are saying here is that we may seem to act rashly, but if that is what we ought to do for another person, or in a certain situation, the right thing done is of better value than not doing anything due to too much emotional consideration.
Shalom all!


Jeanette wrote: you all are the closest I can get to scripture study as I have come to love it, and a Torah observant community right now.

My husband, Ric, and I are in the same situation. We live very remote; no Messianic fellowship near here and a 5hr + drive (round trip) each Sabbath is out of the question due to my medical condition. AND SO WE THANK YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN, SKIP, for being diligent in teaching via the Web. You have really rocked our world… and WE ARE GRATEFUL.

BTW, any recent news on “our” beautiful Irene? Any way we can help her on a continual basis besides prayer?


Wow, to Skip and the rest of you! This article really hit home. I have been going through one of those down times…a winter in my life period, and wondering will it ever be over? During this time I “felt” so far from El and could not “feel” his presence. We are feeling and emotional creatures. The lack of feeling was making me have doubts. Not doubts about his existence, – I can never doubt as far as into unbelief! – but doubting that He loved me, doubting I was worth it, doubting He cared.

Now, I think, this: My suffering was caused by my own actions. He disciplines those he loves. And, I know that through continued obedience to doing the right things because I love him, he will draw close to me.

Actions and emotions are tied together. Actions lead to emotions and it should not be the other way around. We should not wait to have the emotion first before we do the right thing.