In our culture we often hear the motto “Time is money,” but in my world just the opposite is true. For me, money is time because when YOU, all of you as a community, support me, then I have the time needed to continue the writing, the research and the teaching. And YOU have given me time. Thank you. Your generosity in 2012 makes it possible for me to even consider writing another book or two. Your generosity makes it possible for me to travel to meet you face-to-face where we can learn together. There is no more precious gift in my world than the time needed to continue to examine Scripture. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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Connie Nji


David Rhinehart

There’s also a term “more bang for your buck”. You definitely make that true. Thanks for your faithfulness to the community!

Gary Predoehl

You provide a much-needed and welcomed ministry. I have learned a tremendous amount from you and have been challenged many times in how I think about Yahweh and how I “do” my life. Because of your ministry, my wife and I are now able to host a small, but growing, group in our home who are zealous to learn about the Hebrew roots of their faith. And your daily “Today’s Word” always provides a topic of discussion for the dinner table! תודה רבה לך על להיות נאמן ליהוה ולקהילה שלך שלום

John Adam

Plus, it’s great to be able to share your writings with others who may not always agree with your perspective, and get some good discussions going 🙂 Thanks Skip!

Kate Schear

Thank you Skip for all your informative timely studies. I kept the Sabbath for 20 plus years and then grew away from it. I am now 4 weeks back into keeping this day. Your studies help verify my desire to do this in spite of opposition. The peace and renewed understanding are beyond anything I possess. Thank you for being a part of this.:)

A.W. Bowman

I truly wish I could contribute more. Even so, I owe you a debt of gratitude that I can never repay.

Leo Van Gulck

Be blessed Skip for teaching us the ways of the Lord, over and again.
Thank you so much.
We look forward to a new year, full of knowledge and divine wisdom!
Shalom mispocha

Cheryl Durham

Dr. Moen,

You give WAY more than you get…financially, however, I have no way of knowing the residual value of the friendship factor….for any of us. (I have replaced commas with …lol).