Rabbi Pruzansky’s Blog

A former reader (and still good friend) sent me this blog by a rabbi of one of the largest synagogues in America.  I believe it is quite telling.  To ignore his conclusions is to pretend America has not tipped in another direction.  Perhaps all the discussion engendered on this web site after the election points toward the Rabbi’s thoughts.  At any rate, it is well worth looking at in order to understand why 70% of the Jewish population in America voted for a President who is anti-Isreal.  Maybe it’s just worth reading because it articulates what we face.  By the way, it certainly seems to be in line with the material once attributed to Alexander Tytler.

Enjoy.  And think about it.




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Skip let it go the American people and the Jewish people have spoken. Could it be like Lincoln said you can fool some of the people some of the same and all of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. You and the Rabbi seem to forget how and why the 47% needed assistance. I am sure the 1% has not as they have done well. However I still choose to believe 1st Chronicles 29:11-13 over you and this Rabbi that even his community doe not agree with him just maybe you guy’s are wrong.

Ian Hodge

Rabbi Pruzansky correctly identifies money as the key issue in the election. Getting your hands on other people’s money is the key issue, not just in the USA, but counties such as Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

But there are two questions that fall out of this that believers in the Torah seem unwilling to address?

1. What is theft? It is taking anything that YHVH says you re not entitled to. And just how much of your neighbor’s wealth are you entitled to? A godless society is a robber society, robbing people in the name of social justice or economic welfare. A person who receives stolen goods and does nothing to return them, participates in the sin of the thief.

2. The contemporary abhorrence of tithing and/or the misuse of tithing, means the civil authorities tax to do what people are supposed to do by following Torah. The near abandonment of tithing as the true basis of social welfare, along with sabbath, usury and gleaning laws, for example, leads to the very welfare state that is epitomized in modern elections.

Those who acknowledged Yeshua HaMaschiach at one time accumulated 8,000 pounds of gold in tithes and had 7,500 people on the welfare role in Alexandria. It was acts such as this that helped defeat the high-taxing Roman Empire and its bread and circuses welfare programs to keep the unemployed entertained.

Tithing and taxation – different names for the same phenomenon – are the indicators of sovereignty. When people refuse to tithe and acknowledge YWVH as the sovereign Lord, they are quite happy to pay taxes to the new sovereign political order, of which a President or Prime Minister is but the symbol.

And to have any sovereign other than the King of kings, and Lord of lords, is the ultimate act of treason.


Ian, you bring up a subject that I have been wondering and thinking about. I don’t quite know how to do it right, and that is, tithe. Where do you give? To whom do you give? How do you do it right here in this country?


Hi, Skip. Of course, I believe in supporting places where I “eat” and get fed something besides milk, and of course, I will support this site! I am so glad I was told about it. But I am wondering if there is something particular we are to do with El’s portion.


Hi Sondra, heaps of folks, “teachers” are after our tithes as we’re out of Babylonian church systems that rob us of our joy of delighting in YHWH’s Torah and His commandments, but, we are to be accountable for what ABBA has entrusted to us financially, to tithe to responsible teachers who built us up in our walk with ABBA to mature us to bring forth fruit of repentance, being transformed to His nature.
I agree with Ian.

Ian Hodge


Read the Scriptures on tithing, especially Deut 14:22-29, and then go to Num. 18:20-32.

This book explains tithing. Read it, and support Skip.

Tithing and Dominion


Ian, I am on a tight budget right now, so am not able to allocate funds to buy that book. Can you email me some of the key points? (If you have time.) Will certainly read those scriptures. I have read and know the verses. I guess what I want to know is how we apply them here in the U.S. when we don’t live in the land.


it is well worth looking at in order to understand why 70% of the Jewish population in America voted for a President who is anti-Isreal.

key members of Obama’s successful 2008 campaign, such as Jim Messina and David Axelrod, returned to staff it.


While I respect the Rabbi’s political view, I don’t agree with his opinions on politics

I was watching David Axelrod with Charlie Rose the other day, discussing the campaign

When it come to politics, David Axelrod is a grand master of the game and a man of integrity IMO

By comparison to David Axelrod, the Republican campaign was run by a bunch of buffoons 🙂


“If they had won, wouldn’t people say they were geniuses?”
“Is victory the measure of moral integrity?”

Hi Skip,

I had high hopes for Romney, having had business experience with Bain

And having been a compromiser in health-care politics as Governor of Massachusetts

But Romney’s “genius” did not appear in his run for president

And after Clint Eastwood’s speech, Romney’s campaign was all downhill IMO

As David Axelrod so eloquently understated, if you can’t run a campaign

You are going to have a tough time in the Oval Office

And Romney’s was the worst campaign I have ever seen

My friends Michelle and David invited me up to Berkeley to watch the campaign results

David had left work early, but I was home that day and it was already obvious to the Dems

That the election was over

I’m not in a position to judge the moral integrity of Romney or Obama

Except in relation to someone like Osama

But IMO both Romney and Obama seem to be men of great integrity and intelligence

And that Osama was our enemy who thanks to Obama is no longer a threat

Ian Hodge

Ours is the culture of success. Failure is not tolerated.


Hi Ian,

I agree, but then Yahweh God is a jealous God

And from experience I know that if you “take your eye off the ball” very long

You can find yourself in a living Hell

In no time at all


Seems that way sometimes, Skip, but only the ignorant are fooled, and these choose the broad comfortable-to-themselves way that leads to destruction.


I have moved…from illusionment to disillusionment…I am not longer enchanted with the American idealism of freedom and the pursuit of happiness. My Boy Scout “God and Country” merit badge no longer holds value in my heart. What is left? The only thing capable of remaining unmoved and unchanged…the Word of God…to which I pledge my trust and obedience. I am not afraid nor embittered.

I am resolved…resolved to study, learn, and live Torah – the Creator’s blueprint for living life. I am resolved…resolved to love God and others; that my love be observable in work and service to Him and those He has brought to me. I am resolved…resolved that I must do this work while it is day; for the night is quickly approaching.

HaShem forgive me of my sins and the sins of my people. Have mercy and may our hearts yet incline towards You; even now may we repent and stay the fall that is upon us. At least Israel has Your covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to look towards; how much less is the hope for the Gentiles if we do not become grafted into the Commonwealth through Messiah. My heart is overwhelmed…lead me to the Rock that is higher than I…that is higher than America.


Well said Roderick.


Ditto. The way I see it, you are a citizen of El’s kingdom or a citizen of this world. Don’t be disillusioned with the world. It is what it is.


I think the most important thing is to live in this world

And be responsible to others in this world

The Lord’s Prayer teaches us to make God’s will “one” with our will

But God’s will is “other” to us unless we do something to make it “one” with us

When things don’t go our way, we need “faith” to keep doing God’s will

But whatever we have, it is God’s will and we need to learn to accept it

To do so, we need to stay in the “presence” of God

In the so called “here and now”

One way to get in the “here and now” is to focus on our breathing

Take a deep breath, “Sha,” and then exhale “lom”

As you probably know Shalom means “peace” in Hebrew

And Yeshua’s God is sometimes referred to as “Yah” “Weh”

But Yeshua refers to God as “Our Father” in the Lord’s Prayer

For Hebrews, Yahweh (YHVH) is too sacred to say


Amein, Roderick! I am as well, resigned to ABBA’s ways, and His authority upon the earth and mankind.
HIS will will be done on earth as it is in the heavenlies. We need only to look to Him as He reveals signs of His soon return, and be prepared. Judgment begins in the Household.


Good expressions on that blog, thank you, Skip.
Reminded me of two verses from the Scriptures-
the children of the world is ‘wiser’ than the children of the Kingdom, as in craftiness to deceive, playing on
the needs of the people to look up to man to provide instead of to their ABBA the EL Shaddai, and distortion of good for evil and evil for good to the already upside down reasoning of the degenerate world.
So grievous to ABBA’s Ruach.

“want to seize the fruits and the bounty of the successful, and do not appreciate the slow pace of redistribution.” blog.

and 1 Kings 21, of Ahav coveting the vineyard of Navot, and Izevel plotting to ensure he gets it.

‘Simple’ politics, if that can be expressed this way.

These are signs of His soon return, for sure, when YHWH will not hold back His wrath, Psalm 2.

YHWH’s shalom upon us to seek Him while it is still day. Amein! Shalom!


The Rabbi makes SOME interesting points. But I don’t come to this or support this website (God’s Table) to read about partisan politics. The Rabbi also indirectly suggests that minorities are stupid and that ultimately the average voter is stupid. Who is he then writing to? And, understandably, “Christianity”, which I know is a four letter word on this site at times, is absent from his essay. I, of course, know why. But Yeshua, as you say, I’m not being ironic or sarcastic I just don’t say Yeshua, is absent from his point. There are intelligent Democrats. It would be idiotic to assume otherwise. Just as it is idiotic when I hear “Liberals” grouping “conservatives” into little bundles. And my least favorite thing about Essays by the losers after an election is History could so easily prove them wrong with a string of their camp in office. I know that his claim is that, “That’s over”, it just seems hopeless and a bit shortsighted to me. The Rabbi is no doubt better informed and more intelligent perhaps than myself. But it does what both “parties” always do, his essay, makes huge generalizations about the other side. Not all of his points but some. Isn’t our…what?…job?…bigger than politics? I’m not saying politics are moot, we must try. Though pain and suffering are going no where soon we must still fight and help and cure when we can. But politics? Render to Caesar? Rome fell…God is still there.


Oh yes, and “America” falling certainly means God will be here any day…

John Offutt


Watch the sermon fLike many I completely ignored anything to do with the inauguraration events. It is amazing to me that this pastor who was chosen to say the opening prayer at the inaugural prayer breakfast got by with this, but he did. Half of the people there got up and left but half of them stayed and applauded. It is also amazing that the utube is still up and hasn’t been removed. Praise the Lord!

Sorry, I don’t know how to cut and paste the address so it is ready to go.

Kate Schear

There is a link to a transcript of this sermon by Rabbi Cahn. Evidently there may be some copyright concerns with viewing the youtube video. I agree with you that this is the most remarkable sermon I have ever heard.
The complete transcript is on this blog:



Michael”,When it come to politics, David Axelrod is a grand master of the game..”

I agree, he is the grand spin master..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNo0BicRM8k WAG THE DOG


Winston Churchill stated so tartly, “the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” Voters – a clear majority – are easily swayed by emotion and raw populism. Said another way, too many people vote with their hearts and not their heads.

again, this clip with the President’s speech at the end is so sureal, it has actually been spoken from the white house in the past 2 weeks…..


John, I also viewed Rabbi Cahn’s speech, but when I checked out his web-site, something doesn’t seem “Kosher”, have to research more….here is another speaker at the National Prayer Meeting 2012, whom I think speaks more as to what Paul meant in 1 Corinthians 9:

20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings
