State of Play

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.  James 3:17  NASB

Peaceable –  James writes in Greek, but he isn’t thinking in Greek.  The Greek word he uses is eirenikos.  The root is eirene, and in the Greek world this is a word about a state of play.  It’s the opposite of war.  Men are either in a temporary state of peace, or they are in a state of war.  One condition or the other.  But in Hebrew thinking, the condition of men is a matter of relationship, not status.  Just as being born isn’t the same as being human, so being at peace isn’t the same as experiencing shalom, the typical Hebrew translation of eirene.  What’s the difference?  In the Greek world, men experience either a state of war or a state of peace, the absence of war.  But in the Hebrew world, men exist when they are in right relationship with their Creator, in shalom.  When they are not in right relationship, it isn’t war that they experience.  It is non-existence.

Godly wisdom begins with purity.  Purity is the necessary condition for shalom.  Men, of course, cannot produce the full purity that is required for the complete rest of shalom.  Only God can extend the olive branch of peace to those who do not yet exist in relationship to Him.  We cannot placate the holy God, but He can offer reconciliation.  And He does.  His offer is the basis of our purity.  That doesn’t mean we simply accept the offer and are then somehow transformed into pure examples of His character.  But it does mean that the obstacles that prevented this transformation are removed.  It does mean that obedience from a heart of gratitude is possible.  And purity at this moment becomes a reality.  The door is opened for shalom, not as a title we carry or a possession we hold, but as a conversation with the Father of lights.  Shalom is talking life over with God.  Enemies no longer, the dialogue is the reality of our being in the world.

In New Testament usage, eirene is both present and future.  As a description of the conversation with God, it will grow until we are known fully to ourselves.  In fact, eirene is equated with zoe, life itself.  2 Peter 3:14 tells us that eirene is the perfect reconstitution of the image of God in men and women.  “Peaceable” is not simply a description of an attitude.  It is at the very heart of what it means to be human.  The Greeks had gods of war, but the true God is a God of peace.

James asks one of the fundamental questions of life when he uses eirenikos.  That question is:  “What is your peace?”  Modern Hebrew literally uses this expression every time someone asks, “How are you?”  So, how are you?  Ma shlomkha?  What is your peace?  How is your conversation with the Father?  What do you talk about?  Is your war over?  Do you hear Him speaking purity, gentleness and mercy to you?  Are you speaking these things to others?

First, pure, then peaceable.  Step number two.

Topical Index:  peaceable, eirenikos, eirene, shalom, James 3:17

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“Just as being born isn’t the same as being human”

Good morning Dear brother,
Not all sages believe the some things. They are divided into camps. So I have a question concerning the camp that believes the above statement. Are these the same guys that believe that abortion is ok?

Yeshua came not to redeem insects, fish, birds, land or sea mammals, or even angels. He came for sinners. NON humans according to your proposal.

You can’t take a monkey and teach it to be human. You can only take a human and teach it to be fully what it was born to be, the best it was created to be. It can be allowed to digress into something that behaves inhumanly, but it does it by choice. That is a human trait.

I don’t struggle with the idea that human beings aren’t beastly. I do struggle with the idea that they aren’t human. I don’t believe in total depravity, and I have too many children to be able the think of them as anything less than human at birth. Only one of them has reached the stage of foolishness described in Pr. 19:29 and that took a process.

Michael C

Wow! Thank you for this word study today. Something clicked after reading it.

TW: – “That doesn’t mean we simply accept the offer and are then somehow transformed into pure examples of His character. But it does mean that the obstacles that prevented this transformation are removed. It does mean that obedience from a heart of gratitude is possible. And purity at this moment becomes a reality.”

This makes so much more sense than the decades of teaching I’ve had. I have life and shalom when in relationship with God on His terms. I then become human. The impossibility of me becoming holy, mature, purposeful to His pleasure like His Image is now made possible. All the impediments are removed when I outwardly demonstrate my inner belief in Him with obedience to His Torah, His instructions for living real life, becoming human as He designed. I am at peace when I am human, when I am walking actively in His ways, His instructions, His image. The quality and character of my humanness, my peace is seen in my heartfelt attitude of relationship with God that naturally and effectively finds expression in obeying and walking in the ways of His Torah.

One of the great benefits I’ve gained from reading your daily teachings, Skip, is it has helped me to visualize the truths that I have struggled with for so long in my practical, rubber-meets-the-road experience. I’m very visual. While I read very, very much, unless I can effectively picture what I read, I fail to grasp the concepts. I have a need to “see” it to really understand. One of my fragile qualities! Anyway, your daily words have served to take so many things I juggle in my mind and unify, clarify, and visualize for me to understand.

Much thanks!


I really like your reply.


As I reflect on the meaning of the words from this passage, and your thoughts, I am reminded of when I learned how to play chess. I went to the first lesson knowledgeable of the history of the game and not wanting to learn how to “study war”, but intent on having some shared interest experience with my husband. As we were being introduced to the rules, I found that those rules could very well relate to any life situation – when applied. I particularly liked that rule #7 was blank. Anyway, I had this thought: Instead of making it a game about conquer, why not – at least in my own mind – make it about wanting to get to the opposing king to share some good news! I could take his defensive pieces aside one by one, sharing the good news with them as I went forward to get to the king to share the news! I want to tell you that that works just as well! Only thing I can’t figure out is why there are national, then international rules to the same game. I can only surmise that the reason we no longer play chess together anymore is because the strategy worked, at least nationally..LOL!!!!! Now, I am somewhat begrudgingly thinking about learning how to play golf. My husband loves golf. Perhaps I will search scripture to see if there is anything there that can help me with that. Thus far, I have found that everything else is there.

Having said that, I’m off to share my enthusiasm elsewhere, lest I wear out my welcome.

Have a blessed day!


“Have a blessed day!”

Hi Jeanette,

Thank you, I’m happy to say that I’m feeling very blessed today

For some time, I have been feeling like Hell

But thanks to AA, things are getting better all the time

At this point, I can experience shalom

By staying in the “Here and Now”

Taking a deep breath in: “SHA”

And then exhaling: “LOM”


Hi Michael!

I’m so glad that you are feeling very blessed today! I have observed that you are a movie buff and I tried to think of one. I could only come up with Star Trek: TNG episodes though, so I’ll leave it at that. Mostly, I’m a words to a song kind of girl so I’d like to share one with you, Kate and Amanda. Anyone willing to listen, really. I heard this song playing on the radio one day a few years back when I was feeling particularly low and I thought – could that be for me? God is so full of wonderful surprises! I listen to it every now and then as a reminder. I hope that there is something you can get from it. I’ve learned that not all videos come right up to play and I’m not exactly sure of how to upload here. If not – cut, paste and enjoy!


Hi Jeanette,

I just listened to the song and agree that it is very uplifting and inspiring

To use a Taoist metaphor, it starts out with a soothing Yin

And ends with a lot of Yang

Speaking of State of Play, it is number 4 in my Netflix queue

I like that movie a lot and have not seen it in a long time

Think I’ll watch it tonight, its pretty inspiring too

Kate Schear

Thank you for the music connection. Most days I am encouraged. It is just occasionally that I feel so alone. The best remedy is most circumstance is to reach out and be a blessing to someone else rather than expect a blessing.


Star Trek: TNG episodes

Hi Jeanette,

Just for fun….

T = Cross
N = Fish
G = Camel

Star is light
Trek is journey
Camel is transportation
Fish is food
Cross is knowledge

In my view
Knowledge is a form of Matter
An it is contradictory/ Dialectical


TNG episodes

What’s up Mikie!

T = Triumphant
N = Whale
G = you will not believe that just yesterday i said to myself, “self, let’s buy a camel. who needs a car? get yourself a camel. and some goats. rent ’em out.” Told Mom about it. She laughed and laughed. Thought it was a good idea.

If you want to use that idea, i don’t mind sharing.

“in my view knowledge is a form of Matter and it is contradictory” and can be diabolical 🙂

Happy V day!

Oh! Heart child transplant didn’t work. It’s ok tho. There’s more than one way to get a cat out of a tree.


Oops! almost forgot to tell you! later that day (yesterday) I had an idea to make prayer ponchos for women. who wants to wear that boy stuff anyway? Mom said she had some patterns and would teach me to crochet.


Stay with AA and also help others. Stay connected to God in everything you do and you will live a complete life full of blessing and shalom!!! Stay on His path and you won’t believe the lies because you know the truth and who you are in Yahweh. I have a friend who refuses to stick with AA and stay in the Word every day, consequently they keep going around and around looking to themself for inner strength. We all have to have self control and discipline, but even more so in the areas where we threw open the doors. I just read something from Brad Scott. He said that our obedience keeps the world from disintegrating. Man either corrupts or restores. Our words and behaviors physically bring about one or the other of these effects into the world around us. Our obedience is the most effective way to fight the darkness and live in peace.

I am not perfect. I try to learn from my mistakes, ask forgiveness, give forgiveness and not condemnation. On your journey at being human I would look at the fruits of the spirit every day and see how you can fine tune those. It’s a walk but if you remain close to God the trips and falls will become less and less. Closer to purity in word and deed.

Our forgiveness to others and to ourselves allows more blessings to flow. Mistakes are made, but repentance cleans the slate. All things are made new. I have found when I get the chaos out of my life and my home and choose not to allow those people who live in chaos to be too close, then I have peace. Shalom in the home. Shalom in my soul most of all. Ah, it’s good to feel human again!

You like visuals? This is one I see every day. Paths, side walks, roads….as I walk or drive I see God showing me that this path is like His; clean, smooth, no debris or confusion. But, the minute I veer off His path there are bumps, holes, snares, traps, darkness, uncertainty, no rest. Now you try it. Go for a run or walk and then run off the pavement and see how difficult that is. You’ll twist an ankle, trip, meander, miss the mark. Everyone else is moving forward but we have become distracted. Just today my father came for a visit and I said not everything in my life is exactly as I want it to be but I have so much peace within myself and those who are around me. I’m not trading that for a handful of lies that tickle my ear and my eyes. No thanks!


I just found this site not too many days ago…reading posts and soaking it all in.

Michael, hope you are doing well. Had my own bout with drinking, etc. Was a phase for me when I was in pain and depressed. Funny how we turn to the wrong things just when we don’t need them the most. Anyway, loved your SHA LOM. I have been trying to learn to meditate, but I think about it too much when trying. : -)


Wow, I’m exhausted just reading about how to study the Word.


Thank you Patrick for fixing TW. And thank you Skip for TW even though I am exhausted.