The Expert
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom Proverbs 9:10 NASB
Fear – Do you fear God? That might seem like a strange question in an age where God is portrayed as the kindly grandfather ready to overlook all mistakes. But it would never have seemed so innocuous when this verse was written. In those days, royalty held the power of life and death in the hand, and God was the Supreme King of kings, not to be trifled with in the least. So we come before Him in “fear and trembling,” even if He shows Himself to be merciful – because He isn’t required to show us mercy! If no man can see YHWH’s face and live, what do you suppose we should think when we contemplate our position before Him?
Ah, but sheer terror before a Supreme Ruler is not what is meant by this verse. As we discover from an examination of yare’ (to fear), the idea of fear in Hebrew thought is connected with ahav (to love), not with dread or terror. As Fuhs notes, “the connection with [Deuteronomy ] 6:4 makes it clear that yr’ means ‘worship’ in the sense of fidelity to the covenant God; the element of obedience to the law is secondary to that of faithfulness to the covenant. According to [Deuteronomy] 5:9, the people should ‘fear’ Yahweh with their heart; according to 6:2, they should ‘love’ him. In other words, yr’ and ‘hb belong to the terminology of the general clause in the covenant treaty and are to this extent synonymous. . . . ‘Heart’ (RSV) or ‘mind’ in 5:29 does not refer to feelings or emotions but to the conscious and deliberate decision to be faithful to Yahweh and Yahweh’s covenant.”[1] This is why “fear” can be learned. It is behavior (not feelings) appropriate to faithful loyalty and behavior can be taught!
In this verse, YHWH reveals that the origin of wisdom begins with the learned behavior of faithful loyalty. All human wisdom originates in this covenant behavior. “No one can be expert in the complexities of life who does not begin with the knowledge of Yahweh and dependence on him,” says Fuhs.[2] Perhaps you will need to read that again. According to the Bible, anyone who does not trace his expertise and understanding back to God is a fool! Wisdom stands or falls according to the attitude and behavior a man shows toward God.
The world, of course, rejects this revelation. It portrays wisdom as the acquisition of knowledge through the application of reason. In the Greek world, reason accounts for expertise. Training merely assists the mind in deciphering the complexities of life. But Scripture teaches something radically different. Scripture claims that a man without covenant behavior has not understood the source or the purpose of wisdom. How do we know? Don’t look at the words. Look at the deeds. God-fearers are those who act according to the covenant. All the rest are expert fools. Which one are you?
Topical Index: wisdom, fear, yare’, Proverbs 9:10
This is awesome! For the past month I’ve been meditating on that verse, trying to figure it out and how to apply it. It makes so much more sense now. I knew there had to be something special hidden in that word. Thanks alot
Bless you brother,
This is the first thing I’ve read that combines the idea of fear (yare’ ) being connected to covenant love (ahav) and faithful obedience to covenant behavior as line out by the Author of the covenant.
Isn’t it heart breaking that the khath (fear/dread/terror) of man keeps us terrorized into believing the traditions of the church over the plain sense meaning of scripture. So what is the penalty for turning away from dogma?
Jn.9:22 They said this because of their fear of the Jews: for the Jews had come to an agreement that if any man said that Jesus was the Christ he would be put out of the Synagogue.
There is nothing new under the sun. The tacts don’t need to change. We keep falling for the same old lie. “Did G-d REALLY say……..?”
So how would you interpret Ps 22:23 Ye that fear (ahav) the LORD praise him all ye the seed of Jacob glorify him and fear (guwr) (8798) {as in De. 18:22?) him, all ye the seed of Israel.
Isn’t it heart breaking that the khath (fear/dread/terror) of man
Isn’t it heart breaking that the fear (guwr) of man (De. 18:22) keeps us terrorized into believing the traditions of the church over the plain sense meaning of scripture.
Jesus Raza: You know, of course, one of us must die.
Bill Dolworth: Maybe both of us.
Jesus Raza: To die for money… is foolish.
Bill Dolworth: To die for a woman is *more* foolish. Any woman. Even her. (Claudia Cardinale)
The Professionals (1966)
In the movies, our heroes have no fear of death, they are cool, calm, and courageous
In my experience, which is more like the typical Woody Allen character
I can almost always find something to be afraid of; for example, losing:
– my dog
– my job
– my family
– my life
And while I agree that there is the rational fear, which can be learned to “stay on track”
There is also the irrational fear of losing the things we love, and it is no easy task
To simply say “that is God’s will,” when we start losing these things
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10)
Is there any more wise behavior than to obey God (our Father) and to do as He says? and conversely, is there anything more foolish than to disobey? May we call disobedience for what it is? -Sin. What is more foolish, harmful, deceptive, debilitating, damaging and destructive, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially than sin? What is wise behavior? Obedience, as witnessed by the life of the most obedient Man ever to have lived, our LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ.
Love begins with respect ~Whatever He says unto you- do it ~. We cannot truly love someone who we do not respect. Has Yeshua, the now living-reigning-ever interceding Living God the Son earned our respect? Is the Lamb who was slain worthy to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise? Yes? Then how may we (today) give unto our LORD the glory due His Name?