
For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in . . .   James 2:2  ESV

Assembly – If you read the Greek text of James’ letter, you will discover that the word translated “assembly” is not ekklesia.  It is synagoge (synagogenyour assembly).  This word is used 57 times in the New Testament and in every case but this one, it is translated (or rather transliterated) as “synagogue.”  That raises a very interesting question.  Why would the English Bible translators correctly transliterate this word in 56 occurrences but deliberately render it as “assembly” in this occurrence?  The answer is obvious.  The translators do not want contemporary readers to think that James is writing to a JEWISH congregation!  According to the Christian paradigm, James is the head of the “Christian” church in Jerusalem.  He has been converted from Judaism to Christianity.  He attends a Christian place of worship.  Therefore, he cannot be speaking to a group of believers in the Messiah who are still worshipping in the synagogue, especially when it is clear from his words that this is “your” synagogue!  For replacement theologians, the Church began at Pentecost.  As head of the Church, James cannot speak of the congregation as if it were still Jewish.

56 to 1.  Yet look at the deliberate bias in the 1 erroneous transliteration.  An artificial separation foisted on the text for theological reasons.  And no one bothered to tell the reader that this was a translator’s decision.

If there were ever a verse that clearly indicated that the original community of Messianic followers were still Jewish in their practice and worldview, this is certainly one.  James makes no effort whatsoever to suggest that these people need to get to a “church.”  He rightly recognizes that they are a synagogue, a Jewish congregation that worships Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah.  They live in the Jewish worldview, practice as Jews and worship as Jews.  What could be more obvious!  The fact that James does not use the standard term ekklesia adds even more credibility to the conclusion that he is addressing a Jewish body of believers.

How long will it take us to realize that the Church rewrote the text to fit its own agenda?  How long will we continue to do so?  How long will we fail to realize that men, not God, altered the history and the translations in order to further their views?  How long before we admit that God didn’t oversee these political and theological errors?  This is spiritual propaganda, plain and simple.

Think about this the next time you go to the building with the steeple or the altar or the cross.

Topical Index:  church, assembly, ekklesia, synagoge, James 2:2

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Michael C

When I first began to learn about and understand the Jewish nature of my ‘christian’ faith, I attempted to share some of my new understanding with fellow believers. A small handful that listened and were interested in this new focus of learning shared their hunger to know. Others rejected it vehemently saying how in the world could this be an error for hundreds and hundreds or even thousands of years (such things as this meaning anything BUT ‘church’ as in steeples, pews and baptistries)? Their objections, bottom line was that, surely, someone in the church would have caught this and corrected it. Therefore, since in their minds, no one did, it cannot be so, because all our books, and Sunday Schools and preachers tell us so.

I had difficulty understanding how this could be so as well. How COULD this and other misconceptions, mistranslations and misunderstandings remain the dominant teachings for so long and remain unchallenged and unchanged and uncorrected?

I thought about it for some time. After accepting and teaching a Sunday School class and slowly beginning to share some of my newly discovered Jewish heritage that was the foundation of my Christianity, I began to see a clear reason that this and other understandings regarding the Jewish foundation of our faith have remained undiscovered and rejected over many, many, many years. People, in general, are very, very lazy in so many ways. Myself included. As I began to study and learn, hungry to share what I gleaned, I found those in my class to be very hard to move to self discovery. We had been trained to be spoon feeders. Happy and sated to sit in our high chairs with bibs protecting our Sunday clothes, eager for someone, i.e. the pastor or SS teacher, to push food into our mouths via ‘the spoon’ fed method.

A handful, and ONLY a handful persevered and began rejecting the spoon method in preference to grabbing the spoons themselves and operating the tool on their own. The rest seemed to smile mildly, nod ever now and then, and eventually fail to show up to class. It was a long and slow process, but, overtime, the self study, the questioning, and the seeking took hold of ‘the few.’ I had begun to NOT answer ALL the questions and began answering questions WITH questions and sometimes NEVER answering questions at all. As a result, our little group learned to actually THINK a bit before even attempting to formulate a question OUT LOUD! Now, they ask tons and tons of questions, however, not so much to get a pat answer but to stimulate thought and deeper discussion. They are even actually READING books on their own! Imagine that! What a awe-inspiring thing to do, eh?

I’ve noticed as I read the Tanakh that there is always a God inspired remnant throughout the days of history that quietly but surely and strongly walk the walk of faith, the kind that demonstrates a heart yielded to the Master in action rather than just the contemporary favored flavor of faith of intellectual assent only. This real actionable faith comes from the Wisdom of Torah via the Understanding by the Ruach translating into Knowledge of a Nefesh visibly DOING it.

Today, a lazy bunch of people ‘believe’ with their mind without ever providing the works that give life to real faith. I am still in that bunch in so many lifeless ways. However, I am progressing in Shabbot-ing (resting) in His grace and yet now more actively demonstrating that faith tangibly with tzaddick works, something the world can see instead of only visualizing what’s in my head of intellectual acknowledgment. So are those in our little group. Slowly but surely it is happening more and more.

Got off on a rabbit trail, but hey, it’s 4:20am. My mind is meandering magnificently over the mitzvot!

Thanks, Skip. You act continually as a helpful and motivating compass pointing to the target of truth.
Thanks for making me think, question and wonder in pursuit of emet!

John Adam

What an exciting journey, Michael. God bless you and your little band!

Michael C

Thank you, John. However, I wish I could claim it to be ‘my’ little band. Truth is, He brought us all together in spite of me. Occasionally, we recite the ways we all came together to first meet. It truly was directed by our Master. I’m continually amazed at the details involved.

I have been out of commission, somewhat, in regards to having our group learning/discovery meetings since I am a 24/7 caregiver for my bed-bound father. It is exhausting on so many levels. We can’t figure out why he is still living as he is a skeleton of a shell, body wise. Yet, he remains. As far as I can surmise he knows not our Master. I’ve tried to talk over the many years with him to no avail. He has his ways and that’s it. Type A personality. Has all the answers. That’s that.

On the other hand, the short story, is that our Master is dealing with some harsh realities of my own character. Not a pretty story. Nonetheless, through much sweat, anger, toil and anguish I finally see His hand in this difficult period of my father’s last days. It is amazing to see joy seed up from treacherous ordeal and exhausting trials on a daily basis. He is good.

Again, thanks for your acknowledgement and blessing. And, yes, it has been and still is exciting!

Robin Jeep

Bless your sweet soul, Michael!


My sister was diagnosed long past the point that the doctors said was possible that one could live. She lived two wonderful years past that. We prayed for a miracle, things would turn around in her favor, but the doctors were befuddled. There was nothing else they could do, yet and she lived on. Near the end(?) I was consoling my daughter and I shared this with her: maybe we’ve got it all wrong. Maybe God allows miracle healings (which I know occur) because the person(s) still have work to do. Maybe He takes home those He has accomplished His will through, for it is written that He is not willing that ANY should perish. That lifted my daughters spirit. Gave me something to think deeper about too.

Maybe, just maybe, Yah is working in your Dad, and knowing just how much He loves us….. well, one never knows – do one? Never count out what Our Father will do. We, with our finite minds.

When one of my other sisters (i’ve got so many of them, thank God!) and I had to tell Mom that her daughter – our sister had made her transition, Mom lifted her hands, looked upward and said “Thank you Jesus, receive her spirit” then continued on to check on her collard plants in her garden. I want to be like her when i grow up.

a work in progress,


We are privileged to share your sweet testimony. Isn’t it blessed bliss to study with such a little group! Shabbat Shalom 🙂

Michael C

Yes, Pam, it really is. As I’ve mentioned above to John, my 24/7 caregiving situation has stopped our weekly meetings for about 4-5 months now. However, a few of us are getting together tomorrow for a ‘super bowl’ party. Really just an excuse to break bread (or chips) together, watch the commercials and chat up life. I think we will be able to resume our weekly group gathering/learning/discovery time, at least with those that are still interested and hungry. From our inquiries, every one is ready to resume.

THAT’S exciting!


Isn’t it truly wonderful that you are no longer held captive to the legalistic bondage of being considered backslidden if you are not in the building every Sunday or at the “revivals” every night? Life is meant to be lived…with YWHW at the forefront of every thought, word and, yes,… DEED!
The small group I meet with gets together when we can. We have recently had to postpone our meetings because one of the women had a baby, and then, just yesterday, her husband was involved in a serious car accident. Thanks be to our Father who so mercifully allowed all to escape life threatening injury! And, we all work jobs to support ourselves and, some, unfortunately have to work on the Sabbath. But the grace and mercy of Yah is what we are learning to incorporate in our fellowship with one another and others He brings in our path. It truly IS a process, in addition to a moment when we realize how desperate we are without Him. That moment is continually worked out with each breath He gives us. That moment is never done away with, but continues on in covenant relationship with the One who loves us! Praise our Yeshua HaMashiach forever! And we don’t leave it up to one individual to feed us, except for Christ Himself. As we look to His Word, and follow Him, we know we can depend on Him to guide us into all truth. What a wonderful promise!!! Shalom all.




Dear Michael C

May our Father give you the wisdom and patience to continue with this work for as long as it takes.
I was in exactly the same situation, teaching a small church group. After a few years I opted to leave for I just could not face people and friends ( because of my own immaturity!) who would agree with what the Word actually says, but chose NOT to do(believe) it. The minister who studied church theology for 7 years could not be wrong.
Since then, I have not been involved in any church organization for a long time(4 years) now, but mainly a Torah community and I only now realize how long it took me to take responsibility for what I think I believe. And the process never stops and every day is a fresh challenge, especially with Skip and TW. It took me forever to realize that I cannot make people change and that I am not responsible for their ultimate choices. And back then, I should have had ten times more the amount of patience that I showed. ( Our Father have lots with me!!)

Enjoy this time you share with them and realize how much you learn and grow yourself in the process of being questioned.

Michael C

Thanks, Luzette. I certainly can relate personally to what you just highlighted regarding your experience. I, too, have matured some and have learned to relax by letting our Master handle the stuff that’s His and relaxing in me just focusing on doing as much as I can to fall deeper in love with Him. I have such a mind problem. That is, I know or am aware of knowledge, but I am ever more aware of the gap between that and my actions. It’s sad on the one hand, but invigorating on the other now knowing the distance I need to go. It’s not far really. Just turn around, step back on the path and take a step at a time on the path of Torah. Keep my eyes on the dusty heals of my Rebbe walking the path in front of me, leading me, cautioning me, and even sometimes pausing and reaching back to hold my hand when necessary. I’m sensing the grin of love on His face when I’m nipping at His heels to follow closer. Sometimes I even feel like I can feel His heartbeat and pulse I am so close.

I am amazed at His incessant openness, patience and loyalty to me even though I jump and sadly even run off the path all too often. Faithful still, He is to me. I am flabbergasted at his tenacity of lovingkindness toward me. It is unexplainable and even impossible to understand most of the time.



As I review some things in my life, I also see some immaturity in the way I handled some things in my departure from Sunday church. Regrettably, I lost some friends along the way, but I wonder now if they REALLY were my friends.
Now when I speak with others, I am not trying to get them to go to church. I am hoping to share some of my struggles and propose that seeking YHWH is our total life’s goal and as we find out who HE is, we find out who we are to become. And that is the plan and purpose He has for each one He creates, especially as He creates us anew through the washing of the living water of His Word!

Ray Joseph Cormier

These things say the Amen, the Faithful and True witness, the Beginning of the Creation of God;

I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I would you were cold or hot.

So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.

No more sitting on the fence!

Is your house built on the Rock or on sand? There is no denying the winds are starting to blow in this world!

Kees Brakshoofden

The same in my dispensational church! But here they even acknowledge the mis-translation, but use it as proof that James is not writing for the church! Man, how twisted can you be! Sad thing is: I was just as blind only a few years ago. But Thank God! He woke me up from the deathsleep! Now I found the joy of keeping shabbat, keeping the Tora again! And my brothers think I turned ‘back’ to being bound by the law again! Man, I’d rather be ‘bound’ by the law that brings freedom, than rejecting Gods instructions and finding out soon that I am one of the unprepared sleeping virgins when the Bridegroom returns!

And He is close! The bloodmoons are coming on Passover and Sukkot the both next years! The sun will be darkened too! And this year, as a rare occasion, there is one day between winter (21 march) and shabbat (23rd march) of which our Lord could say: ‘But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day’. Might this be the day antichrist is coming on stage? The beginning of his 3.5 years? Might the Lord return to bring us before the throne / the bema on Yom Teruah 2016? Only time will tell, but let’s all be prepared, so that this day does not come over us as a thief in the night!


Funny how seeking Torah is seen as exactly what it is NOT. We find tangible reform, relationship, and depth – in what is widely seen as legalistic and superficial.

Benny de Brugal

What an exciting journey, but what do you mean when you say “that God didn’t oversee these political and theological errors? That He is not in control of everything or simply that He is giving us rope to hang ourselves?


Sometimes, I wonder if the symbol of the cross has become more of a symbol for idolatry? I have heard some say that the crucifixtion cross (Catholic) is idolatry…I’m afraid all crosses have become idolatry. If our Lord had been executed by a firing squad, would we wear symbols of gold rifles around our necks? If He had been stoned to death, would we wear miniature silver rocks?
Why do Catholic and Prostestants use “silver crosses” when performing exorcisims? Did Yeshua or any of the Apostles use a silver cross when casting out demons? If the first church were “Christians” what made them stand out from the other Jews that they would be so persecuted? Were they recongnized by their crosses around their necks? As Michael stated above” I’ve noticed as I read the Tanakh that there is always a God inspired remnant throughout the days of history that quietly but surely and strongly walk the walk of faith, the kind that demonstrates a heart yielded to the Master in action rather than just the contemporary favored flavor of faith of intellectual assent only. This real actionable faith comes from the Wisdom of Torah via the Understanding by the Ruach translating into Knowledge of a Nefesh visibly DOING it.” I can tell you this, those who are becoming true followers of The Way, will be persecuted by those who wear the crosses around their necks.
Here is an exerpt explaining Jacob’s meeting with his brother Esau by Rabbi Noah Weinberg OBM
(pay attention to the last paragraph)
First Response

From the slightest apparent irregularity in the order of the verses, Rabbi Weinberg could derive major lessons. As Yaakov awaited his dreaded meeting with his brother Esav (Genesis, ch 32), he prepared himself in three ways, explains Rashi: for war, by sending presents, and with prayer. Esav was still some distance away, asked Rabbi Weinberg, so why didn’t Yaakov first send presents, and only then make his preparations for war?

He answered that when dealing with an evil man, there is no hope that anything will avail unless it is clear that he is capable and ready to fight.

But even so, Rabbi Weinberg asked, shouldn’t Yaakov’s first response have been to pray? Isn’t that what religious people do first – seek God’s assistance and express their dependence upon Him?

From here Rabbi Weinberg extracted a startling principle. When a person is in a difficult situation, he has to know that it contains a message from God telling him that he needs to change in some way. Before prayer can be effective, one must first show God that one heard the message, that one is prepared to make the necessary changes. That is why Yaakov prepared for war – in order show that he had heard the message.

Thomas Elsinger

I believe that truth is entrusted at first only to the few. I think history bears this out. Just as an example: During the American Dust Bowl, only the few understood the truth about good farming conservation practices. Only the few. They had to work so hard to demonstrate to the rest that contour farming, etc. could save the land. Their “faith in action” was the tipping point.

Keep up the good work, all of you. The truth we are learning leads to “faith in action.”


Benny, I think that is exactly what He is doing. He has given man free will and somehow He presents Himself to mankind and gives us the opportunity to wonder about Him and want to know Him. He has told us to seek Him with all our heart and then promises us we will find HIM!
He is still in control and carefully watches over us. I think His heart breaks for some who so desperately want to know the One True God but struggle intensely wading through the quicksand of gods to find Him. I believe He is giving humanity a series of final opportunities to get it right and spread the true gospel, the gospel that Christ lived and taught. It just seems as though we have a difficult time transitioning from wearing the sandals, robes, tallit, and the ritual of the relationship to our modern easy name it, claim it and not have to bear the cross obedience. WE now have watches that tell us what time to do things, and cannot go back to discerning the times through the moedim. By the way, we have taken discernment to a whole nother level and therefore cannot discern any more…we have exchanged the truth for a lie. in some christian churches,the sun, moon and stars have become objects of witchcraft, yet they teach that chanting Scriptures will bring about health, wealth and prosperity. I guess that goes back to speaking it into existence, like CONFESSING that Jesus is LORD, and that’s the ticket to paradise, instant salvation without responsibility for holy living. What a mess we have become! BUT, for YHWH!!and the truth of HIS WORD!!! Shabbat Shalom

Ray Joseph Cormier

Following the lead of your theme, this makes all the more sense;

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Ephesians 6


“Think about this the next time you to to the building with the steeple or the altar or the cross”.

Seems to me the best thing to do is to hasten to HIS throne.


Isn’t it a lovely Shabbat?

Cheryl Durham

I’ve noticed as I read the Tanakh that there is always a God inspired remnant throughout the days of history that quietly but surely and strongly walk the walk of faith, the kind that demonstrates a heart yielded to the Master in action rather than just the contemporary favored flavor of faith of intellectual assent only. This real actionable faith comes from the Wisdom of Torah via the Understanding by the Ruach translating into Knowledge of a Nefesh visibly DOING it.

Michael! You have a wonderful insight! This is so true. I am in one of Skip’s postgraduate classes and some in our cohort see this even in our class. Narrow is the gate…so we all need to stick together some huh? THAT is why this community is so important.

Michael C

Hi Cheryl,
I’ve been in a couple of Skip’s classes. He is fun, challenging and insightful as an instructor and also very gracious. He has a heart of a Rav for talmidim. I’m grateful to have come across his life.

Thank you for your kind words. And, yes, I am seeing the importance of community, no matter what the size.


church?, ( synagogue, Torah group)… or not? How is my community doing?

“wearing our best religious faces are not true fellowship”

“dwelling together is much more than coming together – it is a daily relationship”

“church is not established for our enjoyment but for His glory”

“we have allowed the world to relegate church (or synagogue, group) to a Sunday (Sabbath) afterthought” …..Art Katz, True Fellowship, church as community

James 5:16 ” Confess your sins to one another” – to be separated from the brethren, leading an isolated life, is not a statement of our temperament; it is a statement of our sin —

….breakthrough to fellowship does not occur as believers or as devout people, but as the undevout sinners. … ..Dietrich Bonhoeffer

As sinners, we can take the mask off and put the pretense and sham away and present ourselves to a brother as we in fact are before God. Our pride is intact when we make our own private confessions to God.

“Church as community suggests a band of souls sharing a common pattern of life and spirit, seeking as their first motive the manifestation of God’s glory in the earth through the relationships established in the intensity of daily life together.
Church as community is radically and excruciatingly demanding, agonizing before it is blessed, painful before it is glorious” … again Art Katz

carl roberts

~ and “if any man” be “in Christ” – he (or she) is a new creation:old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new ~ ( 2 Corinthians 5.17)

~He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification ~
(Romans 4:25)

Yes? Who is this?

~ For those who have been baptized into The Messiah have put on The Messiah ~ (and ) There is (in Christ) neither Jew nor Aramaean, neither Servant nor Free person, neither male nor female, for all of you are one in Yeshua The Messiah. And if you are of The Messiah, you are therefore the seed of Abraham and heirs by The Promise.

~ Here (in Christ) there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in (you) all ~ (Colossians 3.11)

The true question is not whether we are Jewish or Gentile, male or female, bond or free.. the true question and the one that will count for “both” time and eternity is- Are you sir or m’am, (now) “in Christ?”


Hi Carl!

This is the one I’m looking forward too:

~For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. ~ (Matthew 22:30)

Free at last! ☺

Ian Hodge

In many of the 56 other times the Greek is translated ‘synagogue’ it appears the word “assembly” could have been used without necessarily destroying the meaning. Today, the word ‘synagogue’ refers to a building at some location. But is it true that in the Scriptures the word ‘synagogue’ referrs to a building and not an assembly of people?

Ian Hodge

Maybe you’ll explain that final sentence, ” . . . translated ‘church.'” Are you suggesting that the word “assembly” and the word “church” are synonymous? If there was a “deliberate attempt to remove the Jewish context” then why didn’t they use “assembly” on the other 56 occasions? If the one-time word “assembly” constitutes evidence of a “deliberate attempt”, then there are 56 examples that provide evidence of a “deliberate attempt” to maintain the Jewish context. 🙂

Dave Smith

Hi Michael,

In your discourse you mentioned those who have questioned the reason why the errors in the Christian Church could not have been detected centuries ago. Looking back at the history of the Church from about the forth century onwards and the many “unChristian” adaptations that were embraced – Sunday observance, Easter, Lent and Christmas – as examples and the reasons for doing so, these being not only the pagan influences but also the powerful anti- Semitism that prevailed at that time and since. Also when considering the horrific persecution of the Jewish people by the Church in attempting to enforce conversion one is compelled to ask “where in all of this is the Ruach HaKodesh”? Remember the Holy One’s promise to Abraham, “those who bless you I will bless, those who curse you I will….”, and also what Messiah Himself says, “in as much as you did it to the least of these my brothers you did it to me”. I am inclined to think that from the time the “Institutionalised Church” came into being that the Ruach turned His back and walked away. Remember the parable Messiah told about the evil (pagan) spirit that was driven out and wandered throughout the earth but eventually came back to his abode to find it clean and swept and so went off to find seven more spirits more evil than himself and the end result was far worse than the first? Could it be that today the Church is held in the grip of a spirit of bondage that will not allow any deviation from a predetermined course? Praise YHUH, the Ruach is calling people out and allowing them to see another way.
It is also interesting to look at the origin of the word “church” or kirk, or kerk, or kurk, as it appears in other languages. I may not have all the facts here, so maybe Skip can help us out. I believe the origin is the word “circe” which comes from pagan superstition about a “gathering of spirits at burial grounds” where all kinds of magic was supposed to be practiced. I believe it is also the root of the word “circus” where likewise magic like breathing out fire and swallowing swords was practiced. Some modern Churches make me wonder.


Mark Beauvais

Several years ago, while studying the “Council at Jerusalem” in Acts 15 and certain other passages, I concluded that James and the other “Christians” in Jerusalem were still practicing Jewish religious practices. I thought, “Wow, these guys were practicing false doctrine some 10-15 years after Jesus had left them! Why on earth would they be doing that?”

This was before I was exposed to your teaching, and now I see things very differently. I fully believed in replacement theology then, because it was the only thing I’d ever known and what I’d been consistently taught through the years. It’s clear to me now that they were Torah-observant and not practicing “false doctrine” at all. Once you’re willing to consider a different perspective, things actually make much more sense.

Thanks for this excellent example.