Hidden in Plain Sight
And the inscription of the charge against Him read, “THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Mark 15:26 NASB
King – The conversation between Yeshua and Pilate is about being king. The charge against Yeshua is about being king. The crime is sedition, incitement to rebel against a king. The crowds that want Him crucified proclaim Caesar as king. The cross is the symbol of the power of a king. What could be more obvious!?
There’s not a hint about an altar or a Temple or a Levitical sacrifice or a spotless offering. Everything points to king. Even death. The power to kill is the ultimate power of this world’s kingdoms. When Yeshua says that if His kingdom found its origin in this world (“is not of this world”) then His servants would fight, he implies that the means of maintaining power used by kingdoms of this world will not be the means by which His kingdom is maintained. Even in this, the topic is kingdom, not forgiveness. It takes interpretative additions and explanations to view these texts in the context of sin sacrifice. Of course, that doesn’t mean that they cannot be viewed this way. It only means that it isn’t obvious. What’s obvious is that this is about kings, kingdoms and power. If it is also about forgiveness, then forgiveness is hidden in plain sight.
But this is a problem. Why? Because we have reversed the whole plain meaning of the text. For us, forgiveness is what’s obvious. Therefore, we think that what’s hidden is the topic of kings and kingdoms. We have Christian blinders on, and they prevent us from reading the text as it is. We read it according to our preconceived idea that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sin. Since it seems quite unlikely that anyone who observed this event would have drawn that conclusion, we must look to the authors of the New Testament to tell us how this event was interpreted after it occurred. First we notice that while many authors tell us that Yeshua’s death atones for sin, none say that this death is the death on the cross. We merely assume that they are speaking about the death on the cross because we don’t see any other sacrificial death. Except, of course, that difficult verse, Revelation 13:8.
It’s only one verse, you say. One verse against a mountain of doctrine. But what do you do with “For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, and walk’?” (Matthew 9:5). If Yeshua can forgive sins before the crucifixion, then how can atonement occur only after the crucifixion? Are we prepared to say that forgiveness granted by Yeshua prior to the crucifixion was based on some others means? What other means? And if it is based on the same means as you and I are forgiven, then is His declaration to the lame man merely proleptic? Does that man have to wait until after the crucifixion until he is “truly” forgiven? Something doesn’t fit here.
But if forgiveness occurs in the heavenly Temple at the heavenly altar prior to the foundation of the world, then Yeshua forgives this lame man in precisely the same way that He forgives you and me – and everyone else who had ever lived. And then the cross is about something else.
By the way, if you carefully read the rest of the New Testament statements about atonement and the forgiveness of sin, you will find that they say a lot about the blood and about giving up life but I can’t find any verse that says point-blank that forgiveness occurred on the cross. Maybe you can. We just assume that blood and giving up life and ransom and redeem and sacrifice mean the cross. I wonder why.
Topical Index: king, basileus, cross, forgiveness, Matthew 9:5, Mark 15:26, Revelation 13:8
“The conversation between Yeshua and Pilate is about being king.”
And yet, when John the Baptizer beholds Yeshua approaching, he does not announce, “Behold, the King of kings” but “”Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
Again, in his vision on Patmos, John refers to “the Lamb.” For example, “And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb.” And it is at the marriage supper of the Lamb that those present get to shout, “Halleluyah! ADONAI, God of heaven’s armies, has begun his reign! Let us rejoice and be glad! Let us give him the glory! For the time has come for the wedding of the Lamb, and his Bride has prepared herself – fine linen, bright and clean has been given her to wear.” (Rev. 19:6-8).
Therefore, ‘How blessed are those who have been invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb!’
The historic association of the significance of sacrificial lamb with the sacrificed Lamb is a strong one – and a necessary one.
Yes, I agree that the association with the sacrificed Lamb is strong and necessary. But John’s vision is about the future reign of the Lamb of God and John the Baptizer’s declaration is about the atonement accomplished by the Lamb. Neither one requires that the cross be the only place of atonement and both still fit the conversation between Pilate and Yeshua about kings and Kingdom.
We are just getting started on this rabbit trail. There is a lot more to come later.
Skip: a comment and a question…
I have been studying the Passover sequence starting with the “setting aside” of the lamb on Nisan 10, then the slaughter, meal, angel of death “passing over”, leaving slavery but still vulnerable to Pharoah, red sea final deliverance, etc. I see quite amazing parallels to Yeshua’s final week. For example the “giving up” of the Son occurs in the garden around midnight when the mob comes and takes Him. For the first time in his life Yeshua is beaten, clubbed, etc. Seems to me this “exchange” in the garden is often overlooked. It is a huge part of the redemption story. OK in a different direction there is a potential parallel of Passion “week” to human history of 7000 years. In that case the 4 days that transpire between 10 Nisan and 14 Nisan would parallel the 4000 years between Adam and Yeshua (and the following three days would parallel history through to the new heaven and earth) But here is my point. The lamb was taken away from the flock and marked for slaughter at the very start of the week. In a real sense it was a “dead lamb walking”. To me the Revelation reference to Jesus being sacrificed from the “foundation of the world” is something similar. Marked for slaughter, dedicated to that end and obedient even unto death. Something to think about. PS I think Yeshua followed the routine of the Red Heffer sacrifice quite closely, complete with location, etc.
Now my question. I have read that you believe Yeshua spoke Hebrew even more than Aramaic. It has been argued that Greek was not a common language at all in Israel at this time. So why do so many writers in the New Testament quote the Septuagint version, when there must have been Hebrew scrolls around with the original in Hebrew? This has always puzzled me. Thanks!
First, thanks for more insight and more digging.
Second, refer to Blizzard, Bivin, Young and others on Hebrew as the common language. Greek is present, of course, and so is Latin and Aramaic. But Hebrew is the language of the Hebrews.
Third, do they really quote from the LXX? I know that this is the common explanation, but when you actually go look at the sources, you will find that these authors are constantly ALTERING the LXX and the MT to fit their own needs. In some cases, they cite verses that DON’T EVEN EXIST in the Tanakh! So, the common assumption that they cite the LXX turns out to be not quite so true after all. More fodder for the grist mill.
I wrote a piece once on this. 18 occurrences in Matthew alone where the LXX or MT is changed – and he still says, “As it is written”
The trouble is when you go down rabbit trails – a necessary activity – you sometimes find hares.
God Morning all!
Since I’m feeling easy like Sunday morning, i’ll just share two (2) things.
1. Look up the word hent. Use it instead of hint. hmmmm… hen, hin. Well, probably nothing there. wouldn’t be too sure tho.
2. View this beautiful hymn by Cat Stevens
Yes Ian, a girl slayed that jabberwocky in that rabbit hole. Watership down.
Skip, i’m bout ready for my icecream and cake with your ezer.
Does it have to be one or the other? Can’t He be both King and Savior? There had been centuries of rehearsals of the slaughter of the Passover Lamb. All the activities before His death also point towards Him being That LAMB.
Isn’t what Bonnie asked, “Does it have to be one or the other?” a major distinction between Hebrew block logic & Greek logic?
Doesn’t Greek logic demand one answer while multiple answers to G_d’s revelation defines Hebrew block logic?
Skip, are you not guilty of using Greek/Christian Logic to drive home the point of a missed or neglected aspect of the Cross?
I hope not. If I am, please detail your reply. I am not suggesting that this is an “overlooked” aspect of the cross. That implies that the other view (Jesus died on the cross for my sins) is also valid. I am questioning whether that Christian view is valid at all. But lest you get panicky, I am also NOT saying that Yeshua didn’t die for our sins. He did. I am just not sure that this is what is happening on the cross.
There is a lot more to come.
Of course, He is both King and Savior, but that isn’t the issue here. The issue is about the PLACE and the TIME of atonement, not the WHY or the RESULT. The problem is the Christian theology seems to mix up these things, or at least asserts that they are co-terminus with the cross, and that in turn seems to contradict some biblical passages.
I know you are questioning the validity of the Christian teaching that Yeshua died on the cross for our sins.
While many Christian teaching are not Hebraic, hence not Biblical, many are biblical and as such Hebraic whether they had a full Hebraic cultural understanding or not.
You might be carrying this too far and crating contradiction where one does not exist. You are pointing out scriptures that correctly point out that the cross is a place of victory for the King. While this may be true and may be a commonly Christian neglected teaching of the cross, this doesn’t negate the abundant scriptures that point to the death of Messiah on the cross as an act of a sacrificial atonement.
What do you do with Isaiah 53? Is this pointing to the lamb before the foundation or prophetically of the Messiah’s work & death in the future in this created world?
This is where Hebraic Block Logic allows for the validity of seemingly contradictory positions, both are valid, while Greek thinkers are trying to parse out which is truth and which is false.
We are at a time when Messiah ben Joseph, who was covered in pagan garments, is disclosing kosher self, to the Jew and Gentiles alike. We live in exciting times!
Skip, you are an instrument used of the Father in disrobing the pagan attire of His Son. Keep up the good work!
Ah, but here’s the problem. Where are the “abundant” Scriptures that show that Yeshua died on the cross FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SIN. I grant that there are many Scriptures that talk about His death and that talk about the cross, in both NT and OT, but pay close attention to them and you will discover, I think, that there are very few that actually state he died on the cross as an atonement. This is a theological assumption, I believe, not quite supported by the text. Now, before you run off to 1 Peter 2:24 (where it seems to be quite clear), just hold on until we get there. I think something else is happening in Peter’s statement. As for the rest, most of them talk about death and atonement but not necessarily atonement in the death on the cross.
Go look. Then we will write some more.
I look forward to your next installment, but meanwhile:
Isaiah 53
4 Surely He has borne our griefs
And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted.
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
Yet He opened not His mouth;
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
And as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
So He opened not His mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment,
And who will declare His generation?
For He was cut off from the land of the living;
For the transgressions of My people He was stricken.
9 And they[a] made His grave with the wicked—
But with the rich at His death,
Because He had done no violence,
Nor was any deceit in His mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him;
He has put Him to grief.
When You make His soul an offering for sin,
He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days,
And the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand.
11 He shall see the labor of His soul,[b] and be satisfied.
By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many,
For He shall bear their iniquities.
And I actually discuss 1 Peter 2:24 and its allusion to Isaiah 53:4 in an upcoming TW. But you will have to wait a bit. I’m off to South Africa soon.
Shalom Skip!
Almost forgot! Substitute Midwife for Midrash and put remez in file 13.
Have a blessed day!
In thinking about this, it appears to me now that as war for Kingship is waged, someone must die. War always assumes conquering, winning the conflict, death or defeat. James tells us what causes these quarrels/wars among believers…we don’t get what we want.
As you so wonderfully make the point, the crucifixion was about maintaing power. Men and woman struggle for rulership. The “powers” struggling for control in Scripture was and is the spirit of antiChrist in the Roman and religious Jewish authorities. My, what strange bedfellows the spirit of antiChrist make.
Makes me ask the question, who are we in bed with? And this makes me think of the references to adultery and the great whore of Babylon in Scripture. Now I ask the question, does the great whore have children (spawn of HaSatan, so to speak), knowing the “apple” does not fall far from the tree…
Do I take the covenant(s) of YHWH and link up with someone else? May that be far from the case! How can I have 2 masters? Are there 2 rulers?
Today we wage the war of inclusiveness…everyone is a king in their own right. Every man can do what they think is right. Namaste, the god in me bows to the god in you. All roads lead to God… Ah, the battles rages…
There is a 5 page article in The Washington Post this morning titled, ‘Pope Benedict XVI’s leaked documents show fractured Vatican full of rivalries’ That is nothing new. The Scriptures record the Apostles argued about who would be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?
Then there is the account of Jesus noticing everyone wants the highest places when invited to a Feast. Was he talking about the Marriage Feast? He clearly says to start at the bottom, and God will lift you up at the appropriate Time.
Since I was referred to this site, I read Skip Daily. On the subject of the King, co-incidentally, I also discussed the King from my perspective this morning with this comment in The Washington Post;
At least the Cardinals and Bishops these days are not poisoning each other in their lust for power. After watching The Borgia series I have to wonder about Pope John Paul 1 though?
It was brave for Benedict to publicly confess he was not up to the job and he had to get out of the way for someone in sync with the Time of the Year of The Lord 2013. Like it or not this is The TIME of The LORD.
The news media are focusing how humble Benedict is for quitting and the corruption in the Vatican.
John Paul 1, in his 1st act as Pope, declared the Pope is a simple Priest. No Crown and Throne for The Pope. Popes were Crowned and Enthroned for 1000 years. No longer.
This was a visible sign for the world, a Spiritually significant symbolic action, declaring to the world the Spirit of Christ the King, the power, is coming closer to the common people. That was a great shakeup in the Vatican. He was dead in a month.
This is a much greater and deeper/higher event in the history of our Western Civilization than most people realize.
February 26, 2011
Following the example of Jeanette, I am happy to share this beautiful music about God’s Love for us by John Nuttall, a Blessing from The Lord for the Time he was with us!
Sorry, I omitted the link.
I Love You by John Nuttall
So beautiful! Thank you for sharing/caring.
Hi Jeanette
I really like your name with the double tt and the triple eee, it is very beautiful
My daughter changed her name from Sinead, which I really loved, to Jane
Because kids in her HS couldn’t pronounce or would make fun of “Sinead”
Sinead makes me think of Sinead O’conner
And the Serenity Prayer on her best album
Jane makes me think of plain, or John as in John Nuttal above
Whose love song, I thought at first glance
Was addressed to you
You make me laugh! I love the name Sinead! I changed my last name to *, that’s right – *
gotta change it back to Terry tho, since I can’t use * on anything. It’s ok. I’ll get it back
when the time is right.
After being born in 1948, my early memories of horrific forms of death and destruction
Were watching newsreels on TV of dropping an atom bomb on the civilian population of Japan
And newsreels on the attempt to exterminate Jews in Germany by the Nazis
And the religious culture in my neighborhood, which was focused on the crucifixion of Jesus
My parents were not really Christians, but my mother taught me about Christianity and Jews
For me the crucifixion was the most repugnant because it was personal
The most excruciating death I could possibly imagine
So for me the cross is a symbol of death, pain, and sacrifice
Makes me think of the Rolling Stone’s lyric
I see a red door
and I want it
painted black”
So for me, the “takeaway” is that Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer
Then showed us how important it is
I always thought forgiveness wasn’t something you could freely have until the cross; much like anointings. I mean there was corporate forgiveness and individual forgiveness with sacrifices and then sometimes there wasn’t a sacrifice and you were done. Seems like you had to work for it and I’m not so sure that a heart change was a requirement for forgiveness, rather a sacrifice. But then once He died on the cross now we didn’t have to go through any process or through any other person. However there does have to be a heart change. Now I have like a special card that allows me to go directly to Him, get things straight and move on………… BTW about todays message in Cocoa. My boys loved your message. They are teenagers but they got it. Jordan thought he might not be able to track you because in the past you smoked him, but he said he stayed right where you were at this time and it all made sense. I think if people aren’t prepared for your teaching style it sometimes can take them awhile to catch on. Brandon, my older one loves to dig and he enjoyed the insights.
Dear Theresa,
Nice to read your blog about your boys. I am glad they are enthusiastic. As for “forgiveness,” your current view is perhaps a little lopsided. Hebrew thought does not exclude the necessity of a heart change. It is built into the whole sacrificial process. The dichotomy between Christian “nothing more to do” and Jewish “have to work for it” is a false one first introduced into Christianity by the early church fathers about 150 after the end of the apostolic age. Forgiveness in the Old Testament is exactly the same as forgiveness in the New Testament. It is ALL about God’s grace which brings on transformation. Soon we will begin examination of the idea of the cross and atonement, and I hope this will become clearer.
For the preaching of the “kingship or lordship of jesus who is the christ” is to them who are perishing foolishness…
For the preaching of the “goodness of God” is to them who are perishing foolishness
For the preaching of the “sinless life of the LORD Jesus who is the Christ” is to them who are perishing foolishness
NO… the preaching-the message-the proclamation-the word of “the cross” is to them who are perishing foolishness. (1 Corinthians 1.18)
~ But God forbid that I should glory except in the cross of the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ ~
In the cross, in the cross- be my glory ever.. til my ransomed soul shall find rest beyond the river..
What is the gospel? What is the Oh!-so good news? For every man, woman and child from Adam since?
(it is written)
~ For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he was seen by James and later by all the apostles. Last of all, he also appeared to me. I’m like an aborted fetus [who was given life] ~ For I am the least of the apostles, who am not fit to be called apostle, because I have persecuted the assembly of God ~ (1 Corinthians 15)
Does the cross of Christ offend you? For the preaching-the proclamation-the message-the word of the cross is to them who are perishing “foolishness.” The Messiah, God Himself in human vestige, Our own Creator was crucified (by the created ones) on Calvary’s Tree. He humbled Himself, the first time just being born into our race- the human race. God became a man and lived among us for thirty three years and (as the scriptures say) went about “doing good.” His recognition and reward? Crucifixion upon a cross of wood in agony and real, red- human blood. Did Christ die in vain? Was there (he inquired) a purpose in the death of The Messiah?
Yes, Oh Yes- oh gloriously Yes. For this is the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world. Jewish sins, Gentile sins- Swahili sins- it does not matter. This Man, the Second Adam died as “the Final Sacrifice”-a Substitutionary Sacrifice, A Perfect Sacrifice, a Personal Sacrifice, a Propititiating Atonement (covering) for all sins of Adam’s race including my own. Salvation, paid for in full all because of Calvary, is now freely available to “whosoever will.” But who am I? One who has said yes to Christ. Forgiveness has been offered by grace though faith to the Jew first (He came unto His own) and also (thank you God) to the Gentiles. Friends, the veil of the Temple, (the body of His flesh BTW) has been torn in two from top to the bottom, because it was God who did this. This was God’s plan from the time He said “let there be”- (and of course- there was.) There never was a time when Yeshua HaMashiach was not. He is the great “I AM”- YHWH is Yeshua HaMashiach. The Father and the Son are ONE. ~ He who has seen Me has seen the Father ~ Why is this? Because my Jewish friends, because my Gentile neighbors- this Man, the Second Adam is God in human flesh. There never has been One like Him and there never will be again, another Sacrifice for sins- no more “blood sacrifice” is needed. By One offering, the offering of Himself and His own atoning precious holy sinless blood upon the mercy seat, this Man, the Second Adam has perfected forever those who come unto God by Him. He is the Door and the He is the Way because He is the God-Man, the LORD Jesus (who is the Christ) – the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He (further) humbled Himself (His entire life-message was that of humility) and became obedient even unto the point of death on a criminal’s cross- even His own disciples, forsake Him and fled. He remained “the rejected Christ”- but remained faithful to His calling. He set His face as a flint toward Jerusalem, knowing full well- what was to come. What was His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane? Or do we even remember? I doubt it. “Father, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless (and praise God for this) nevertheless, NOT what I will- NOT what I want- “Your will be done.” And what was the will, the purpose- the Mission of the Messiah? Death on a cross. Cruel, ugly,raw, shameful Death. Friends, He destroyed and rendered “inop” Death by dying. Death (for the Christian) is not end, -it is the beginning. A man died and then he lived. Isn’t the the total opposite of our way of thinking? First we are born and then we live (and of course then we die-for death is the end of all things- or is it?) NO!!! Listen (again for the first time) to these words-straight out of God’s Book- or we’ll sure listen to those things we want to hear, won’t we? Here it is- “To die is gain..” Yes, Death (for the Christian) is gloriously defeated. The stone, the sealed stone has been rolled away, and this once “very dead” Man is now longer dead. No, not at all- He is more alive than you and I are- even at this moment, for this Man, the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ has been pronounced and titled (rightly so) the King of kings and the LORD of lords- This Man, the God-Man, the Logos made flesh, now is in Heaven interceding for you and for me and He lives through the power of the Ruach Hakodesh, in every twice-born son and daughter of YHWH!
The Greeks require wisdom and the Jews require a sign.. “Here’s your sign..”-(written in three languages!) This is Jesus: KING OF THE JEWS.
“Are you the Christ, or should we look for another?” “Go again and tell John, the things which you have seen..”
Then the angel said to me, Write: `Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’ And he added, These are the true words of God.
At this I fell at His feet to worship Him. But He said to me, Do not do it! I am a fellow-servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has a Name written on Him that no-one knows but He Himself.
He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His Name is the Word of God.
The armies of heaven were following Him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron sceptre. [ Psalm 2:9 ] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.
On His robe and on His thigh he has this Name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
“Who do men say that I AM?”- “and Who do you say that I AM? (Luke 9.18)