Benefits Evangelism
that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; Romans 10:9 NASB
As – This is one of the crucial verses that we had to memorize when I was a child. It is Paul’s statement about how to get saved, we were told. We’ll look at this verse, but we won’t have finished the job until we look at the next verse (did you notice that this verse doesn’t end with a period?). Of course, we could focus on the idea of confession. It isn’t quite the same today as it was in the first century Roman Empire. To confess Yeshua as Lord was tantamount to treason – and punishable by death. There was only one ultimate lord in Rome, and it wasn’t some backwoods do-gooder from Nazareth. Confession was a very serious business, a risk to life and limb. But I am sure you already knew this.
We could investigate the added adverb as which has been added to the English text in this translation. In Greek, there is no adverb between iesoun and kyrion. In fact, the Greek order is reversed – not “Jesus as Lord” but “Lord Jesus” (if you will allow the “Jesus” translation. In good Hebrew thought, this is one single name, not a name and an adjective. He is Adonai-Yeshua. His lordship is not added to him, as it would be in Greek thought. It is who He essentially is. If you take away “Lord” there is no “Yeshua.” That has some interesting implications, doesn’t it? What do we do with those “believers” who want deliverance but don’t submit to Him as Master? No Lord – no Savior, it seems to me.
And that brings us to the idea I wish to explore. Benefits evangelism. The proclamation of salvation as a way to get something for me. Do I want my guilty feelings removed? Of course I do. Even the most loathsome cur still wants to not feel guilty. Solution: Ask Jesus to forgive you and presto-chango, your guilt is gone. Do we want to go to heaven when we die? Well, I can’t think of anyone who desires to go to hell. Solution: The sinner’s prayer and your entry is guaranteed. Do you want God’s blessings, protection and prosperity? Naturally (the word is deliberate). Solution: Confess Jesus and God will be on your side. Benefits evangelism is the quintessential spiritual come-on. God has a wonderful plan for your life. And suddenly the entire purposes of God are reduced to what He can do for me! I’ll get saved, God, because I want all the goodies.
Now I know that this is crass and overblown, but just think about it for a minute. When was the last time you heard an evangelical message preached about God’s broken heart or the restoration of the universe or the divine Kingdom without hearing anything about how much you will benefit by joining the cause. When did you hear an appeal based on the suffering servant or the rejection by men or the unexplainable evil of the world? When did anyone suggest to you that your deliverance means joining His plan regardless of what comes to you? Let’s put it another way. Would you still be a believer if there were no benefits?
Paul, Peter and John call us to walk in the way of Adonai-Yeshua HaMashiach. That way doesn’t appear to have many immediate benefits at all. Enemies with the world, path of suffering, hated by pagans, radically revised goals, treasures not here. If you confess, you align yourself with the King of another realm, and it won’t be easy.
Better sell the benefits.
Topical Index: evangelism, benefits, as, Romans 10:9, Lord
Enemies with the world, path of suffering, hated by pagans, radically revised goals, treasures not here. If you confess, you align yourself with the King of another realm, and it won’t be easy.
Spec Ops, Baby!
Lol! A surprisingly accurate comparison… Missions where you can’t possibly know the bigger picture, enemies hiding in the open(or just hiding)…
funny! Good thing our God has the restoration of His kingdom in mind and not some nefarious plot!
You are in the world, but not of the world.
This post immediately made me think about our discussion on “The Cross” as a symbol of Kingship, rather than salvation. Today’s word, for me, ties in directly with that discussion.
“Benefits Evangelism” primarily sees “The Cross” as salvation. Confess and you are saved.
But, if “The Cross” is seen as a symbol of Lord Yeshua’s Kingship, transforming your life to His standard for living becomes the primary focus. “Salvation” (as by modern day Evangelicals) only becomes the first “step” in the process of Lord Yeshua’s Kingship in your life and community.
I still wonder about 1Pe 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.
In Hebrew to bear ones iniquity means that the sins are not forgiven.
Lev 5:1 “If anyone sins in that he hears a public adjuration to testify, and though he is a witness, whether he has seen or come to know the matter, yet does not speak, he shall bear [H5375 נשא nasa’] his iniquity;
Jos 24:19 But Joshua said to the people, “You are not able to serve the LORD, for he is a holy God. He is a jealous God; he will not forgive [לֹא־יִשָּׂא loh yissa’] your transgressions or your sins.
1Sa 25:28 Please forgive [שָׂא נָא sa’ na’] the trespass of your servant. For the LORD will certainly make my lord a sure house, because my lord is fighting the battles of the LORD, and evil shall not be found in you so long as you live.
So am not so sure that the cross has nothing to do with forgiveness of sin.
We will soon look at the passage in 1 Peter. It is difficult, I admit.
Skip.. let’s stay with the script.. ~ what do the scriptures say? ~ ~ in this world- (the one we “all” live in) the scriptures say- you will have “tribulation.” (welcome to earth). “BUT”- (always a big big but!- every time) be of good comfort- be of good cheer- “take heart”) Why?
Friends, please pay attention.. (again and again and … again- one of these day we are going to “get this”)
Be of good cheer- I have already overcome the world..
Who has overcome? “Who” (he inquired) is speaking? Is it I? Is it I? (the disciples asked..) NO!!- It is the LORD Jesus Who IS the resurrected- living -reigning- always Present- always interceding- always victorious Christ! WE SERVE A LIVING SAVIOR. Questions?
Why do people suffer? Why did our LORD Jesus suffer? Is the servant above His Master? How was the Captain of our salvation made perfect? And ourselves? No pain.. no gain. And no escape- today- expect it- this is no primrose path- other than His words (and His never-failing Promises) “I AM with you (for the next ten minutes?) No. I AM with you (sometimes?) No. I AM with you (only in the good times?) No. Children,- what did He say? Easily distracted sheeple- what were.. No- what ARE His words? I AM with you NOW.. I AM with you (each of you) always- even unto the end.. His Name please? We seem to have forgotten (once again..) What is our malfunction? His Name is? Emmanuel. God (IS) with us. Always. Amen.
Adam. Abad and adore ADONAI. (always) Amen.
“Paul, Peter and John call us to walk in the way of Adonai-Yeshua HaMashiach.”
Thank God that it was James, Peter and John in Yeshua’s inner circle. Thank you Holy Spirit for inner circles. I’ll wager there is nothing in the Vatican library that is recorded about those conversations. Betcha not even those “sages” know about those conversations.
Thank you Abba, for the Akashic records and the Names written in the Book of Life. Oh! and for music too!
Jesus is Lord or Caesar is Lord. Choose as in Multitudes! Multitudes! In the Valley of Decision. The Day of the Lord is near in the Valley of Decision.
Should we pay taxes to Caesar was the question? Show me the money you pay with was the answer.
Was the money with the image of Caesar on it a graven image by the Bible definition of graven images?
Render to God what is God’s and render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but the earth IS the Lord’s and everything in it, including Caesar.
While that exchange is always cited to justify paying the Tax Collectors, I have never, ever heard any religious leader discuss this in their Bibles;
And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Does not your master pay tribute?
He said, Yes.
And when he was come into the house, JESUS PREVENTED HIM, saying, What do you think, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers?
Peter said to him, Of strangers.
Jesus said to him, Then are the children free?
That is a good question and the more I think about it, I think it is up to us to answer.
Our Leaders, the Caesars of Today, tell us we live in the Free world. In recognizing the Revelation of Reality Today, I really don’t know what or where the Free World is by this world’s definitions when the financial, emotional and psychological costs keep on rising?
Know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free!
“Would you still be a believer if there were no benefits”
Being His child IS the benefit.
If we are to believe Isaiah, this is the choice;
If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land:
But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD has spoken it.
Isaiah 1
In my view, here’s where we are in this world now;
And the nations were angry, and your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that you should give reward to your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear your name, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth
Revelation 11:18
It is also known as utilitarian Christianity, or summed in one word, it is called humanism.
Off topic specifically but on topic generally as regarding some Greek insight.
A reference to two time references via the two Greek words: Chronos and Kairos time and his take of their meaning. At least as it relates to an iWatch!
Just thought it to be interesting.
No matter what we’ll get…..Yahweh in Y’Shua IS THE ONE TO BE WORSHIPED…..we just accept WHO HE IS…….
But the fact is…….HE is waiting for us returning to Him….for we belong to Him….and Our Creator is the One Who love us dearly…….And I believe that …….HE himself is my BENEFIT
Amen, Daria and Yael- being His child IS the benefit!
There is (assuredly) a Heaven to be gained and a Hell to be shunned, – *but*- knowing Him (Whom to know IS life everlasting) in THIS world is a bit of Heaven on earth and is (for us) a glimpse of (the) glory yet to be..
“Do I know Him?,” this.. this is the the true goal of our instruction, and “May we know Him?” is the question we all should ponder in our hearts.
~ But these things are eternal life: ‘They shall know you, for You alone are The God of Truth, and Yeshua The Messiah whom You have sent ~ (John 17.3)
To reveal or to conceal: – Is God attempting to hide Himself? or has it been His desire from the time He formed and fashioned the first human beings ever to inhabit this green planet to have intimate fellowship with “Adam” (animated clay)- His created creature?
Meanwhile (back at the ranch) God (still) has a plan for man, – a plan “from the beginning” to form and to fashion for Himself and for “eternity” a Bride. We (who are His) are destined for a Heavenly honeymoon and “all” (may I repeat?- “all”) have been invited to attend. All who are Jews (according to the flesh) please listen: “Whosoever will” may come. All who are NOT of the circumcision made with hands have also received an invitation from the King of kings- a Royal Invitation to attend this event- (yet to be) – “the wedding supper of the Lamb.
~ Then the angel told me, “Write this: ‘How blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb!'” He also told me, “These are the true words of God.” ~ (Revelation 19.9)
May I? Specially during the upcoming celebration of the Passover feast. And because of the ministry and message of the MESSIAH (“Himself,” according to the announcement of John the Immerser- “Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world”) We must ask ourselves the same question our Savior asked of John as he languished in prison awaiting his execution: “is the Christ?- or should we look for another?” Yes, – “is He?” Was this John’s answer? And is this also my answer? – Yes, “He is.”
Christ is known as “the conquering King.” Is this all? Is He “both” Savior and LORD? What all (and who all) was thoroughly and convincingly and openly “conquered” by Calvary’s cross?
Is (not was).. Is the death-burial and resurrection of the Christ the central event in all of His-Story?- and what about us? (We the sheeple?)
May we say (also) “LORD, I believe.. help Thou mine unbelief?” Again.. (and again..) ~ what do the scriptures say? ~ “Ask, and you will receive. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it shall be opened (or revealed) unto you.”
~Therefore He again asked them, “Whom do you seek?” And they said, “Jesus the Nazarene.” ~
(John 18.7)
~ Then Jesus said to him, (incredulously?) “If You can? – Everything is possible to the one who believes.” ~ (Mark 9.23)
~Then he brought them outside and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16.30) This, was an “almost right” question, but one which reveals our false thoughts.. ~ What must I “do?” ~ No.
Salvation-deliverance-life is not “do,” – it is (already) “done.” Finished-Final-Full and complete. Nothing (nothing) can be added to or detracted from. The Victor, the carpenter’s son and God the Son, Jesus of Nazareth “paid in full” for our ransom and this victory (His victory) is for “whosoever will” (for none are excluded!).
Is this “good news?” and now, is He, the Lamb of God, the “Sent-One” worthy of our worship? What was the mission and motive of the Messiah? This is no “mantled mystery.” It is plainly revealed to “whosoever will” with these (His) words: ~ For The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost ~
To redeem-to reclaim-to restore-to revive and to renew.
-and the response of the ransomed and rightly-related ones?
~ Bless the LORD – Oh my soul..- and all that is within me.. Bless His holy Name. ~
Wow. This is so true. God did what I asked Him to: when my life was happy and OK, as a pastor, I seriously asked Him to show me the truth, because I knew something was missing. The first thing that happened was that I fell into a serious burn out, which took more than a year to recover. In that year my (very dispensational) theology disappeared, melted like snow, and He set me on track of the Hebrew Roots movement. Since that time I started to loose ever more of my easy life. Problems mounted rappidly and I lost my position of pastor, my self esteem, even my family. My wife is leaving me and my children no longer want to see me. In the mean time God opened my eyes to more and more of His truth, which now is the last stronghold of my life. The sadness is sometimes overwhealming, but at the same time there is joy celebrating the feasts of Yhwh and sabbath. I don’t understand why all this is happening, but I did learn that God is not there for my benefits, but I am here to honor Him.
Baruch atta, Yhwh Elohenu, melech ha’olam! You are my Adonai!
Kees, it saddens my heart to hear what is transpiring in your life! I have been there and to a certain extent, experience some of the same.
When I first came to Christ, my life had reached the tipping point. I had lived like a debaucher and, although married with a child, was very unhappy. My (now ex) husband and I were world’s apart and I knew we were growing further and further apart. He had “been raised” in church, but had chosen a different lifestyle and I had not ever attended church with my family. We thought it might “help” us and after going a couple of years, I knew I needed Christ. Little did I know what lay ahead…we separated and after 3 years divorced.
Those next 15 years were like heaven to me. I had NEVER been happier. YWHW was (and IS) so good. I eventually remarried a wonderful man who treats me as a queen. BUT, there was this urging (the best way I know to put this) that something in the “church” was amiss. Through several incidences, I was steered “back” to the Hebraic worldview, and as a result, although my husband is not fully on board, my daughter thinks I am whacked. Our Saturday shopping trips and yard sales, are a thing of the past and she does not understand not worshipping on Sunday. All my former church friends think that too. The losses seemed at times unbearable, and sometimes I wonder if I compromise too much now in order not to suffer any more loss. In fact, sometimes the depression was overwhelming, however, again, YHWH is faithful.
He will be with you and may even change your heart more about expressing the life He has blessed you with. It truly IS all about glorifying Him and living His Law through His Spirit. Praying. Shalom.
I am just this morning reading this (I fell several days behind), and I too am sad to hear of the developments in your life. Is all of this – your wife leaving and your children not wanting to see you – the result of you pursuing Torah observance? I can understand how it could have caused the loss of your pastor position, but your wife and children too? Very troubling indeed!
Hi Mark,
No, it’s not just my Torah observance, but it surely is an extra reason to leave me. There’s a long history of wrong decisions on my side. So I don’t blame them. But I just don’t understand how God, who hates divorce, can let this happen, when I’m prepared and willing to do everything necessary to stay together as a family. The only comfort is: He knows….
Having to stop as a pastor turned out to be a great blessing. I found my Hebrew roots!
Maybe this divorce will eventually turn out to be for the good too, but at the moment it just makes me weep.
God does not let happen what men and women don’t choose to let happen – at least most of the time.