The Ides of March
When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, people groan. Proverbs 29:2 NASB
Groan – Does our civilization groan? If you believe the celebrities and the politicians, you might think we are on our way back to prosperity. But that perspective limits the meaning of success to economic factors. A civilization can groan for a lot of other reasons. In biblical terms, anah is the precursor to repentance and repentance is usually not about bank accounts. When the wicked rule, Torah is lost. Men make up the rules as they go along, each one for his own benefit. Morality declines. Injustice prevails. And the people groan.
God’s solution is not monetizing the debt. It is not new taxes or more jobs or less spending. God’s solution is righteousness. That’s the message of the parallelism in this verse. The opposite of groaning is rejoicing (Hebrew samah) which accompanies tsaddiqah (righteous, lawful, just) and the standard of the righteous is the instruction of God. When God’s instructions are ignored, the inevitable result is groaning. There is no other solution for groaning than returning to God’s righteousness.
On this day in 44BC, Caesar was assassinated. Shakespeare made the event famous for the English-speaking world. The political impact of this assassination had repercussions for many of the earliest followers of the Way. Repentance was not in the air. The people groaned for a long time under the “glory” that was Rome. But this verse isn’t about the history of a Roman Emperor. It’s about you and me. We are tied together under a government that believes the solutions to problems lie in legislation, education and jurisprudence. No one is talking about repentance, so the groaning continues.
When I first began relief work in Haiti, some people said to me, “Why are you putting so much effort into this? No one can fix the problems there. There are just too many people.” The answer to that remark is the same as the answer to the groaning today. I can only fix the problem one person at a time. And today that one person who is groaning and in need of repentance is me.
There is no doubt whatsoever that God has blessed me. From financial disaster a decade ago, my life has turned into the opportunity to serve many around the globe, to pursue what I love and to be involved in restoring His Kingdom. But there is still groaning. It is groaning because of disobedience, fear and rebellion. Lurking in the depths of who I am are forces that would undo all that God has done. Forces whose sole purpose is to return me to chaos, to destroy me and taint God’s handiwork. I feel them nearly every day. I know what groaning sounds like. I’m betting that you do too. I fear that if these forces get a grip on me I will not only disappoint my Lord, I will turn against Him. And I fear His chastisement. I would not presume on His patience, but the beast within often seems too powerful for me. This is the Ides of March. It’s time to assassinate it.
Topical Index: groan, anah, assassination, Proverbs 29:2, tsaddiqah
“the Ides of March would have been the first full moon of the new year.
The Ides of each month was sacred to Jupiter, the supreme deity of the Romans. The Flamen Dialis, Jupiter’s high priest, led the “Ides sheep” (ovis Idulius) in procession along the Via Sacra to the arx, where it was sacrificed.
The day was enthusiastically celebrated among the common people with picnics, drinking, and revelry.”
Again we see the very same, yet so opposite in culture and believe. No wonder we got lost between it all -:New moon – full moon, ides sheep – scape goat, feast to the Lord – drinking and revelry
It’s Exodus and the children in the wilderness all over again.
When I read your book, God, Time and the Limits of Omniscience, within the first few chapters I came across the word “ides” and I couldn’t determine if it was a mistake (i know how those editors can be human, LOL) or literal. Usually, when i can’t determine if it’s an error or not – i drop it. No need for further confusion. But, I kept on reading (after reading something by Women to balance it out like I told you in my email message). SMH.
The word for today was this:
furl furl, verb:
1. to gather into a compact roll and bind securely, as a sail against a spar or a flag against its staff.
2. to become furled.
1. the act of furling.
2. something furled, as a roll.
Come to think of it, i’m not sure if that wasn’t part of the revelation. But I do know that with the help of the Sweet and Holy Spirit, this is the main point:
Gone fishin’
Please try refraining from talking to the fish when you catch them. They will be utterly confused!
p.s. Can someone help me with this: What is the appropriate attire for a wedding feast? Remember the parable where one was not dressed properly? I really would love some help with that one. Team work, you know!
Why not ask the bride and groom? It is their occasion.
Skip, I totally relate to your experience here. Since I came alive to God February 1, 1975, I have been shown mighty and wondrous things. I oftentimes feel Psalm 23 was written for me by what I have experienced since then.
While I have no doubts about the working of God in my Life, I constantly wrestle with the thought I am unworthy, undeserving and even incompetent at Times.
Your message was so timely this morning. I love how the Lord uses men like you to minister to men like me.
Thanks again for your insights,
I have had an epiphany! It’s about soul. You know, Greek thought. Separated and divided.
Now, let’s look at soul from a different angle. Family. Think about Soul Food, family reunions, Friday night fish fries…..etc. You may have a point of reference for that.
Soul/Sheol. Rhymes, doesn’t it? I love rhymes. I make them to help me remember things sometimes. Well, I say I make them. I know WHO is really responsible for that, LOL……
WHO. Hmmmmmmm…… That reminds me of 2 things!!!
1. World Health Organization
2. Dr. Who.
Oh well, that’s how I loop, bob and weave. Hope you don’t mind. I remember telling the ones at this, God’s Table, earlier that’s how I roll. Nobody seemed to have a problem with that. Or at least no one responded at the time.
Seems to me that would be a good idea for this site. It really has great potential. A place where lurkers who would like to join (if they have donation money) could make introduction prior to joining in the conversation. Seems to me that would be proper protocol.
Skip, then you could use Paul’s M.O. for encouraging others after they have officially joined the conversation, and wouldn’t have to delete all those emails you get and don’t have time to answer. I’m sure you remember how Paul did that. I try to use that method too!
I understand tho. Sometimes I multitask well (especially when I delegate to a trusted source) – sometimes I like to do one thing and do it well. Mother always said if you want something done and you want it done well, do it yourself. Well, I think that understanding can always be improved Mom.
Just another suggestion. Don’t hate the player, hate the game, lol….
Ides/idea(s). That’s what happens when I go fishing.
Dear Jeanette,
I think that I am a patient man. I even believe that I am tolerant of the wandering minds of others. To a point. But it seems to me, at this juncture, that your combination of jabberwocky and not-too-well disguised disdain for what I am doing and what this community is all about has reached a place where I am no longer willing to allow the infection to spread. So, I will wish you a fond farewell. May the “Sweet Holy Spirit” of your variety guide you to another site. Perhaps the readers there will be able to decipher your attempts at communication instead of finding a James Joyce mimic.
Skip, Thank you. I guess I have not been as willing to be tolerant. I support your move to deny the noise of meaningless chatter.
I wondered if you would ever be able to do that. Thank you.
Hi Emily,
Whenever I see you name I think of my favorite poetess, Emily Dickenson
MY life closed twice before its close;
It yet remains to see
If Immortality unveil
A third event to me,
So huge, so hopeless to conceive, 5
As these that twice befell.
Parting is all we know of heaven,
And all we need of hell.
And my favorite poet makes me think of my favorite painting
‘Ides of March’ by Wyeth
“jabberwocky and not-too-well disguised disdain”
Hi jeanette,
I hope it is all just jabberwocky and not disdain; and I take your M.O. very seriously (modus operandi)
Source of the Expression “Beware the Ides of March”
Because of the assassination and the soothsayer’s exchange with Julius Caesar about the dangers he faced in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar tragedy, the Ides of March now signifies a fateful day. Here is the relevant passage:
Caesar: Who is it in the press that calls on me?
I hear a tongue shriller than all the music
Cry “Caesar!” Speak, Caesar is turn’d to hear.
Soothsayer: Beware the ides of March.
Caesar: What man is that?
Brutus: A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March.
Julius Caesar Act 1, scene 2, 15-19
But for us the Ides of March has only one meaning: the date in 44 BC when Julius Caesar was murdered By a crowd of senators led by his protégés Brutus and Cassius.
Skip you mention the “beast within”. To me, knowing that the beast was crucified as the old man with Christ is the ONLY way it can be destroyed and no longer poison everything we touch or think. The new creation that Christ has made me is a very real position that I refuse to budge from any more. Coming outside of Him is like poking your head out of a tank with snipers all around. For me, its taken decades to finally get this down deep. His grace and new life empower me to follow his teachings and mature into a full son if his. This is my only hope, and it is a sure hope.
I think we all know this nation is about to come under severe judgement. I pray that a massive spirit of repentance and revival will also accompany it. Humbly walking before him, and complete dependance and obedience to the Holy Spirit is the only way we will grow and survive what is shortly coming upon this World. Trust and obedience is our part…. he handles all else. And we could not even trust and obey without his enabling grace. All will be well!!
I read this Today’s Word and thought it was very personal and powerful. I love your daily word study because it helps me to better understand the real messages given by the Messiah and the disciples. You have brought the ancients to life for me. Shabbat Shalom
All afternoon your post has been on my mind. This morning I felt much the same way when all I could see were my failures and potential for more failure. As I’ve reflected today, a few things have come to mind to say to you. As you’re returned from a mission trip teaching others and pouring out your all, I think the yetsar hara is tormenting you to make you give up and back off. My idea is for you to say out loud and in a firm voice announcing to your self and to HaShem that you will NOT, and NOT EVER, give in to those forces that lurk in your depths. I suspect that you are heavily fatigued and exhausted after your trip and that you need rest, food and sleep. Think of Elijah. As for myself, I’m struggling with a sore throat, weakness, etc. Whenever I’m feeling ill or exhausted my mental outlook and spiritual outlook often follow after the physical feeling. If I’m reading my personal struggle erroneously into your concerns, please forgive me.
Good Advice and welcomed guidance. Reminds me once more that the Greek separation of body/mind/soul is false teaching. I am a single person and certainly what affects part of me affects all of me. I won’t give back anything but I will press forward. And rest today!
Skip, I have been thinking about your comment, “I can only fix the problem one person at a time.” Several years ago I went with a handful of friends from our church to China. Our mission was to encourage, strengthen and build up a group of underground believers that had been being discipled by one of our sponsored Korean missionaries. He and his wife are wonderful believers with a heart for God. Long story short, we carried out much of the goals we set from the beginning of our trip. We saw some growth, some strengthening and some building up in a substantial way.
That aside, and more in line of thinking about Skip’s comments mentioned in the first sentence, I set out one day on a personal mission while in China. We went to, according to China’s standards, a “small” city of ONLY 12 million people! It was mind boggling to see every inch of street, road, and way filled with people shoulder to shoulder, bike to bike, scooter to scooter. An awesome sight! I was very over whelmed by the visible masses. I contemplated how I could make my time there worthwhile somehow. Ninety-eight per cent of the time we had to rely on our Mandarin speaking hosts. This one day I seized upon an inclination to make a difference personally. The challenge was how to do it while not being able to speak the language.
My solution came from a comment our host said in our amazement to the sheer number of people around us everywhere we went. He said, “If you think about it, it is very probable that the vast majority of people you see each day not only have never heard/understood about Yeshua, but have never even been prayed for!”(My paraphrase-it was several years ago.) So, I bought a small gas engine scooter (which we left for our host to use-the group chipped in a share of the scooter) and spent about 5 hours scooting around the streets of our city. As I drove up myriads of streets, roads, paths, and sidewalks I simply prayed pointedly for people as I drove by them, saw them and tried to look in to their faces and eyes to somehow really ‘see’ them and somehow identify with them. After so many faces to observe I really think I could visibly see the lostness in them. Not real sure how to describe it, but it became more and more real and evident as I scooted around.
I can’t say exactly how and with what specific words I prayed for people, but somehow I remember it being consistently the same but different with each person I saw. I don’t know how many people it was and the contact was rather brief even though I went rather slow on my scooter. What I know in those brief moments of eye contact, not always from them, but always from me, I specifically prayed for that person, for their impetus to search out Yeshua and for God to put in to action all the plans, people, and particulars needed to bring that one individual to Him.
It was at least a couple of hundred I’d imagine, maybe much more. At one point about two hours in to my little excursion I had a horrid thought of being lost in a huge foreign city half way across the globe from my home! I have a fairly good sense of direction, buy, hey, I was in China! In a city of 12 million! A few seconds in to the beads of sweat beginning to form, I was reminded that I was on someone else’s mission, His, so stop worrying, use all the skills you’ve been given and the rest will be taken care of. I did. It was. The fear left and I continued my mission of personal prayer for people who very likely have never been personally prayed for regarding their relationship with Yeshua.
I’ve prayed much over the years. I’ve prayed hard and long over the years. But, I can tell you with certitude that somehow my prayers changed that day forever. I’m not a prophet, but I can assure you I saw things in people I never had before. I saw them lost. I saw them in need of real life. It was as plain as ketchup on a hamburger. And you know what? I groaned for them. I ached for them. I wanted to cry a few times but I told my God that he had to help hold back the tears as I was on a scooter. I couldn’t afford to crash for there were so many more to scoot by and pray for! He listened and he just somehow converted my almost tears to resolve to go and pray and scoot for as long as possible. He did. I did.
There’s much more to the story, but this is way too long already. In summary, actually for the first time I had more than cognitive understanding of being brought near to Him via the highway of prayer. It was a tangible and palatable experience and awareness of something real and veritable happening with each street I ambled down. I KNEW my Lord was riding with me. I KNEW this was heavy and serious work going on amidst my simple, heartfelt and groan soaked prayers. I KNEW God was seriously doing something with every eye I looked in to. I could see it and touch it somehow. It was a life changing scooter ride. I was on the front lines of the war and God’s artillery, infantry and resources were focused and accomplishing much. Right there. From that pot-bellied, lily-white skinned southern boy hanging off that scooter in a t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. I look forward to seeing a portion, at least, of those I eye-balled that day in a much grander and glorious environment some day.
Sorry to be so verbose, but, there it is.
Michael C,
It may have been long, but I appreciate the story you shared and your heart for the lost. It seems like praying should be the easiest thing to do, but for me it is often the hardest. I have been encouraged.
Thank you.
Thanks Emily, and glad to hear it.
Well, I broke the 1000 word barrier. My apologies.
And you broke it with sincerity and humility. No one will be offended, I’m sure.