Waiting for God

Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it;  Psalm 127:1 KJV

Except – In the Hebrew text, this two letter word is attached to God’s name.  The expression is ‘im-YHWH.  English separates what Hebrew sees as one single concept.  The particle ‘im is translated according to the context.  It can mean “if,” “since,” “when,” “whether,” or (as in this case) “except,” or “unless.”  The idea is simple even if, as we shall see, the application is quite complex.  The idea is that YHWH must be involved if the human task is to be successful.  Of course, this doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything without giving credit to God.  Human beings routinely ignore God’s involvement.  But from a biblical point-of-view, that is nothing but blind ego.  Without God’s grace and provision, humans accomplish nothing.

Most believers clearly understand this element of divine sovereignty even if the world fails to acknowledge it.  But there is another side to this coin; a side that all too often affects believers with a theology that is just as deadly.  It is the idea that God is the only One involved in building the house.

“The doctrine of faith in God’s charity, [batahun], is not to be equated with the folly of the mystical doctrine of quietism, which in its extreme form exempts man from his duty of attending to his own needs and lets him wait in ‘holy’ idleness and indifference for God’s intervention.  This kind of repose is wholly contrary to the repose which the Halakhah recommends: the one which follows human effort and remedial action.  Man must first use his own skill and try to help himself as much as possible.  Then, and only then, man may find repose and quietude in God and be confident that this effort and action will be crowned with success.  The initiative, says the Halakhah, belongs to man; the successful realization, to God. . .  The Lord wants man to undertake the task which He, in His infinite grace, completes.”[1]

This understanding of the cooperative relationship between God and Man is crucial to recognizing the difference between the Western-Greek basis of Christian thinking and the Ancient-Semitic basis of the Tanakh.  Genesis 2:5 introduces this cooperative effort although it is already present in the Hebrew verbs of Genesis 1:26-27.  God and Man need each other to complete the task of Creation.  The idea that God requires nothing from Man to do His will flies in the face of the entire orientation of Scripture until the interpretive scheme provided by Augustine and Luther.  Paul reflects this halakhic view in his statement, “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you.”

But let’s set aside the implications for the Christian idea of sola fide and rather look at what this means for reading God’s words.  The illumination of the Holy Spirit is not a substitute for study.  Those who approach Scripture with the attitude that all that is required is a devoted and open heart to the leading of the Spirit are adopting the same approach as the man who waits for God to harvest the field while he prays.  ‘im-YHWH does not mean “while God builds the house.”  It means that we get up and start building and we keep building until we come to the place where our efforts are no longer sufficient to finish the job – and then we discover that God has been building with us all along and He concludes it.

How will I know what God wants me to know about His revelation if I simply sit with my hands folded and my eyes closed and listen to the silence while the histories, the grammars and the lexicons wait on the shelf?

Topical Index:  ‘im-YHWH, except, house, quietism, Soloveitchik, Psalm 127:1

[1] Joseph Soloveitchik, The Lonely Man of Faith, p. 85.

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Ian Hodge


Important insight. Nothing better illustrates this than the modern prayer meeting. It is so often a substitute for action, not a time of preparation and request of God’s blessing on what we are doing or about to do. Today there is too much “pious gush,” to quote a good friend of mine, and not enough pious action. Naval gazing has become a substitute for godly action, which is probably why the Lord’s Prayer has dropped out of favor. If we pray, “Thy kingdom come,” the question arises, “But what’s my part in the coming of the kingdom?” And too many are afraid of the answer. They might have to leave their prayer meetings and go to work.

John Lightfoot

“The illumination of the Holy Spirit is not a substitute for study.”

Hmmm. Then where did Scripture first come from? Was is not inspired and “God-breathed”?

Certainly, man’s thoughts are not His thoughts because His thoughts are higher, yet our wisdom, our intellect, our “plowing” through Scripture is going to lead us to a better understanding? If so, where does trust come in?

Perhaps I am just simple-minded, and that is why one of my favorite verses is Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your parths (and your understanding of His Word).”

Teresa C.

It’s always about striking a balance and ironically, for believers, balance requires movement and stillness…

carl roberts

Adam(s) abad ADONAI. Amen.

The “answer” is found for us “adams”- right here, in this one word, “abad.” For the purposes of review and for those who have never been exposed, “abad” or “avad” in Hebrew is to:


The answer then is “D” (D is for delight!)- “all of the above.” Man (menz-are-us) is meant for movement. Absolutely and Positively- not one shadow of one doubt remains in this active man’s mind. “Go ye therefore” does not mean we are to “sit on our hands,” and yet -there are to be times (such as right now, for me!) of Otium Sanctum, or “holy leisure,” for we also need rest. Man is not, (much to our chagrin) a machine. We cannot, we may not- “keep on keepin’ on..”- there are times of (much) needed rest.
My “Day Timer” is not complicated. Monday- work-eat-sleep. Tuesday-work-eat-sleep. Hello Monday- “time to make the donuts..” I owe, I owe.. so off to work I go. Is this Biblical? Brothers/sisters -what do the scriptures say? ~ Six days you shall what? Six days you shall “abad ADONAI” -six days you shall labor. And? ~ the sleep of a laboring man is sweet! ~ There is nothing better for “a man” (amen) than to eat and to drink and to enjoy the fruit of his labor and in the (sweet) sweat of your brow- you are to enjoy your daily bread!
Now, my fellow working-class stiffs- let us (today), this very day, “rejoice in the LORD always” and again I say rejoice! Why? Because THIS is the day which the LORD has made and He IS with us always.. Yes, even in our “dirty jobs,” and even right here is the “nasty now-and-now!” “Six days you shall labor.”
Go to work! God has commanded it. Work, BTW.. young menz- is another gift from God! How blessed! How blessed we are to be able to go to work everyday- (6 out of 7 days) and provide for our families! Work is both a gift and a privilege! Are you (adam) “able-bodied?” Wonderful! Use it or lose it!. Get to work!
There is absitively, posolutely no cheap-easy-lazy way to serve (abad) ADONAI. The strength (our strength) is in the struggle! Yes, “work out” your own salvation with fear and trembling! Is this going to be an easy path, strewn with fragrant rose petals? What did He say? ~ In this world, (the one you and I are living in today) you (Mr. Adam) will have tribulation.. (prepare to be tribulated!- lol!) It is going to happen!- (Yes, He did say so!- didn’t He?). Today I will, -you will- even the monks in the monastery will be “tribulated.” (Nobody knows the tribbles I’ve seen!) lol!
You (already) know the drill.. and you know it (altogether) too well.. Peoples it goes like this: “no pain-no gain!” I also know (experientially) most of us prefer the program- “no pain-no pain”- but this accomplishes nothing! (zero with the edges trimmed off). We (menz) are meant for movement.
Today, is one of my day’s off, but soon and very soon, this adam is headed for the gymn. Why? Amazingly, I plan to “tribulate” myself! (ha!) I am going to place this body, (the one given to me by my Creator) under a controlled amount of duress and strain. No pain-no strain-no gain. “Sweat is fat crying.” I shall not forget to bring my “cryin’ towel,” or supply of “Adam’s ale” (H2O) either!
Friends, it is written in the God’s word, (hallelujah!) “my God shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” How wonderful! How marvelous!.. But..
Oh those buts! (always something!). But, is this true? ~ there is no success without suffering? Now once again, may we remember what He said..~ in this world, you (adams) shall have tribulation..~ Why? Because He knows what we need and has promised to provide it.. a certain amount (always just right) of “trouble, trials and tribulation.” God knows our needs and what we need to “grow us” into the image and likeness of the Son is the need and the seed of suffering. Nothing is quite the “eye-opener” as is pain.
How was the “Captain of our salvation” made perfect? (fully mature). The servant (servants-are-us) is not above his Master. (now) ~ Take up your cross and follow Me ~
Where is the “good news” is all of this? His words. His promises. ~ I AM with you always..~ I will NEVER leave you, nor forsake you ~ For it is God that is at work in you (adams) “both” to will and to do of His good pleasure ~ And what is His will and His good pleasure? It is ~ to conform us (“conform” is a word of heat and pressure-feelin’ the squeeze?) into the image (the likeness) of The Son. (Romans 8.29)
Salvation is an event, but sanctification (growing into the likeness of The Son) is a long, slow (painful?) process.
Please be patient, God is not finished with me yet.

He’s still working on me to make me what I ought to be.

It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars,
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars.

How loving and patient He must be, He’s still working on me.

There really ought to be a sign upon the heart,
Don’t judge me yet, there’s an unfinished part.

But I’ll be perfect just according to His plan

Fashioned by the Master’s loving hands.

In the mirror of His Word reflections that I see
Make me wonder why He never gave up on me.

He loves me as I am and helps me when I pray

Remember! He’s the Potter, we’re the clay.

~ For it is God that is at work in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure ~ (Philippians 2.13)

Put this one on the “balance sheet,” (if there’s one thing we Southerners know how to do, – it is “to reckon!”)

~ For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us ~ (Romans 8.18)

Not only will it “be worth it all,”- but it is so “worth it all”- now!

Hallelujah!- What a Savior!

“Man of Sorrows!” what a Name

For the Son of God, who came

Ruined sinners to reclaim.

Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Bearing shame and scoffing rude,

In my place condemned He stood;

Sealed my pardon with His blood.

Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Guilty, vile, and helpless we;

Spotless Lamb of God was (is!) He;

“Full atonement!” can it be?

Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Lifted up was He to die;

“It is finished!” was His cry;

Now in Heav’n exalted high.

Hallelujah! What a Savior!

When He comes, our glorious King,

All His ransomed home to bring,

Then anew tHis song we’ll sing:

Hallelujah! What a Savior!


I like this. Thanks.


“The doctrine of faith in God’s charity, [batahun], is not to be equated with the folly of the mystical doctrine of quietism, which in its extreme form exempts man from his duty of attending to his own needs and lets him wait in ‘holy’ idleness and indifference for God’s intervention. This kind of repose is wholly contrary to the repose which the Halakhah recommends: the one which follows human effort and remedial action. Man must first use his own skill and try to help himself as much as possible. Then, and only then, man may find repose and quietude in God and be confident that this effort and action will be crowned with success. The initiative, says the Halakhah, belongs to man; the successful realization, to God. . . The Lord wants man to undertake the task which He, in His infinite grace, completes.”[1]

Skip, I can relate to this teaching…I have been going through issues with my adult (24) daughter who has problems..very stressful to the whole family..no drugs or anything like that..for the past two years I have tried everything I know to do…with no results..therapy,anger management and much much prayer. She was incarcerated 3 weeks ago for breaking probation. I was devastated and I asked God to show me what to do…at that moment the song (link above) came up and there was my answer…”Lord, I’m so tired of my hands in the way, Lord teach me how to pray”
So I am removing my hands from this situation at the moment..she comes home tomorrow. I asked everyone for prayer for my daughters complete mental and physical healing and wisdom from God


I know your pain Robin. Prayer is what we do in those terrible times when there is nothing else left to do. Don’t give up hope. This is a season. At this time of year the children of Israel were preparing themselves for the last plague.

According to the calender that relies on the physical sighting of the New Moon that shines on the aviv barley, in 2 short days the first born of Egypt will be gone and the first born of Israel will walk out of slavery to Egypt with their brethren along with a company from every tongue and tribe and nation of the earth forever. If you follow the calculated rabbinic calender the commemoration of that event begins tonight.

Whichever you choose to follow does not change my point which is that it is a spiritually tempestuous season. Whether people believe in these things or not does not change the fact that spiritual turmoil is in the air and it affects us all. Be courageous and strong dear lady. Guard your heart. YHVH is faithful. May he bless you and keep you.


Thank you so much Pam! Yes, I do follow the rabbinic calendar and yes, this is confirmation. I am counting the Omer also. I am trusting G-d in this and all situations and I also know there is a teaching and purpose for all that is happening. Thank you for your word of encouragement!


I have a son in a similar condition.


When ever G-d tells us to go or do or pray or speak, it always amazes me that it is never for us alone. Just as He is multi-faceted so is the effects of our obedience to Him.



Antonio Garcia

exellent teaching Skip, remebering that always is an action


When I need a picture in my heart of trust I always think of crossing over the Jordan river into the promised land.
The priests had to pick up the Arch and walk into the flood trusting that YHVH would go with them and make it possible.
They weren’t walking into anything that He hadn’t done for them before. They had crossed the Red Sea miraculously 40 years before.
Many of the company had been there when it happened. They were eye witnesses.
The others had their testimony to go by as well as the Miracles of the Tabernacle daily before them.
Theirs was a substantiated faith that gave them the courage to get up and move.



I agree that this is a very spiritually tempestuous season. The last few days I have had a heighten sense of spiritual war, and the last twenty-four hours have been a hard and difficult one on many levels. I am so weary! I need YHWH to move in my life and the life of my family.


Brian, I am as surprised to be addressing you as you are to be receiving this, — I do not read this blog frequently, but today I feel constrained to share something with you.

If you can –or will– order a small book titled: THE BEATTITUDES by Russell Stendal, Ransom Press International.
Check on the kindle edition, of little price, and may even still be free.

This little book comes with a warning:
Don’t read it unless you intend serious business with God for your life.


Be strong and stay faithful He loves you.


“Jewish Existentialism”


The following perspective is very close to mine

In “Halakhic Man,” Joseph Soloveitchik responds to Kierkegaard and Heschel’s emphasis on the interiority of religious experience. Both Heschel (an extremely knowledgeable scholar of Judaism who was a rabbi in the mystical Hassidic tradition) and Kierkegaard (who wrote extensively on the internal struggle to know God as the primary mode of religious experience) would be considered examples of “religious man.”

In Halakhic Man, Soloveitchik seeks to shift the paradigm of religion from one of “religious experience,” consciousness, and interiority (i.e. profound meditations on the nature of the soul, the self, and God) to a more worldly “Lawfulness.”

According to Soloveitchik, Halakha (the Jewish code of law) is a better expression of religious identity and passion. Than the unthinking mysticism and piety of the religious or spiritual human.

After all, Halakhic (lawful) man is motivated by a “passionate love of the truth”[44]

And all his actions are intended to bring him closer to God.

And bring God closer to the world.


Speaking of Kierkegaard, a man named Jacob Kierkegaard just came on the Bloomberg channel

To explain Cyprus’s banking strategy or lack thereof

Jacob is a senior Fellow of the Peterson Institute of Economics


Pam and to all my Brothers and Sisters,

Just have been pondering some questions about the Passover season.

Do you think this is a season YHWH is judging the false gods keeping His children in captivity?

Do you think we can petition YHWH in this season to bring forth His righteous and just judgments on the false gods of this world?

What is YHWH stirring you (plural) to pray this Passover?