Rationality Fatigue
All such things are wearisome: No man can ever state them; the eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear enough of hearing. Ecclesiastes 1:8 JPS
No man can ever state them – Human beings have a universal headache. And it’s not going away anytime soon. We are all suffering from rationality fatigue. Our minds are exhausted from trying to make sense of the world. “Koheleth is not saying that the phenomena are too manifold or complex to describe, but that humans (Koheleth means himself, of course) are fatigued by the attempt to comprehend and express what they see in the world.”[1] This universal headache is a direct result of the paradigm belief that we can think our way out of the box.
Human beings have pursued three kinds of paths to explain the meaning of life. The first path is tradition. On this path, the meaning of life is provided by what has come before. The cultural mores, stories, heroes and ethics tell us what matters and what doesn’t matter and why we should live the way we should live. Homer’s epic poems are an example of this path. They provide paradigm cases that act as models for human action. The stories of Genesis do the same thing, although there is a significant difference in the Genesis accounts, as we shall see. In America, the fictitious accounts of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln used to provide the culture with these traditions. Quite often Sunday schools teach about biblical heroes according to this path.
The second pathway is the Greek paradigm of rationality. It attempts to explain the meaning of life through the exercise of logical thought. This pathway confronted the way of tradition (the way of the gods) in early Greek culture and eventually replaced the gods with “science.” Our Western culture has been on this path for a long time, in fact, we have reached the end of this path, discovering that science cannot answer the questions of meaning and is impotent to inform us about ethical behavior. In the world of science, I can discover how to split the atom but I cannot discover a foundation about what to do with that knowledge. In the West, the epistemology of rationality is bankrupt. The treasury of information has been monetized by the will to power. All that rational explanation has left us in a world where power corrupts and absolute power – well, you know the saying.
The third way is revelation. It is not a popular way today because in general the culture doesn’t yet realize that its second path (rationality) is truly bankrupt. The telltale signs are there, but no one is really looking. For those who see the signs, the alternative can only be revelation. No man can determine the meaning of life from inside the box. He needs an outsider’s point of view and that means he needs a revelation from beyond. Islam, Judaism and Christianity all claim this outside perspective. What they do with this claim is quite different, but they all recognize that knowing what we are doing while we are doing it is impossible. The world cannot be explained from inside the world.
Of these three, Islam explains the world according to the revelation of Allah. Amazingly, Allah’s revelation ends up with the same conclusion that failed rationalism provides. The world is about power! In the case of Islam, it is about the complete and utter domination of everything and everyone by the power of Allah. In the end, Allah’s vision of the world is the same as the man who cannot find ethics in the splitting of the atom. The god with the biggest stick wins!
Judaism and Christianity both reject this view of absolute power, perhaps because they have both experienced what it means to live in such a world. But while Christianity claims that the meaning of life is a blessed exit, Judaism sees the meaning of life as a blessed sojourn. Christianity teaches us to secure our place in the next world and then practice good behavior on the way there. Judaism teaches us to live righteously in order to restore God’s good earth now since the olam ha’ba is on its way here.
Of course, there are exceptions and alternate interpretations and objections. But suffer me one more sentence. Revelation is not unique to your brand of faith, but what it claims about your orientation and how you practice that claim just might relieve the headache.
“The very concept of purpose is essentially a religious statement, and the quest for purpose is a spiritual journey.”[2]
Topical Index: headache, rationality, tradition, revelation, Ecclesiastes 1:8
Very helpful indeed, thanks so much, Skip.
“In the West, the epistemology of rationality is bankrupt.” This is most certainly true of Greek rationality. But there is another rationality, which I’m sure you had in mind.
There are two possible assumptions as people try to explain the whole of human experience, from science, economics, education, law, politics, health, etc. to religion. The first assumption, following Descartes (“I think, therefore I am”), says the whole of human experience can be explained by man as the ultimate reference point. This is Descartes’ assumed starting point – himself.
The other assumption, following Moses, the Prophets and the NT apostles, is that it is the self-attesting, ontological Trinity who is the ultimate reference point when it comes to explaining everything in human experience.
The first of these ideas is the history of the West, and it is completely bankrupt, resulting in the eventual pronouncement, “God is dead.” The second of these has still to be opened up as the only rational epistemological foundation for human thought and action. Sha’ul proclaimed: “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5).
Prior to this he said, “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” The weapons of our warfare do not find their origin in the “flesh” – the created order. We may walk in the flesh, but we do not do our warfare based on the flesh. The weapons of our warfare have a divine origin and therefore divine power to accomplish the task. These are not “spiritual” in the sense of a misplaced Greek spirituality. They are “spiritual” because their origin is the God who is Spirit.
The alternative to “biblical” rationality is Greek irrationality – and it is this that has infected the West so disastrously. But the followers of the Bible seem rather slow at picking up on Sha’ul’s idea that we should bring every thought captive to the obedience of the Messiah.
Slow indeed, especially because the Church has clearly embraced Descartes (et. al.). No wonder we spend so much time arguing for the existence of God and so little time acting on His instructions.
The West is bankrupt, in more than one way. But since the West now embraces most of the “civilized” world, the infection in mind and spirit has spread far and wide. There is another rationality, based as you say, in revelation, but it is actually embraced by few and most who try to follow it find they have one foot on the Bible and one on the gas pedal of the industrialized world
“The Church has clearly embraced Descartes”
Cogito ergo sum (French: “Je pense donc je suis”; English: “I think, therefore I am”)
Hi Skip,
I was thinking of Descartes the other day
Most famous for his saying “I think, therefore I am”
However I like Sartre’s view better “I am therefore I think”
“Being over consciousness” rather than “consciousness over being”
Hi Michael,
Descartes or Sartre? Both make the fundamental mistake. Each one assumes himself and his ability to be rational without God. Can’t be done. Wrong starting point.
“Each one assumes himself and his ability to be rational without God.”
Hi Ian,
If rational means “based on or in accordance with reason or logic”
As in “a rational explanation”
Then I see no reason to need God to be rational, to do math for example
Though I’m no expert on Sartre, I liked his focus on demystification and ideology
And believe Sartre’s critique of bad faith and bourgeois politics are very illuminating
On the level of ontology rather than theology, Sartre is very important IMO
Nothing confounds the unbeliever more than to ask some rather obvious questions. For example:
What is Truth?
What is Rationality?
What is Logic?
What is Fallacy?
What is Morality?
And then you ask, please explain why whatever answer you give is the correct answer?
The response will be Silence!
The unbeliever has no definitions for these other than his opinion. He has pragmatics, that is all. He knows if he jumps off the roof, he’ll fall to the ground. He knows that if he flicks a light switch the light will turn on. But he knows not why the “laws” of gravity or the “laws” of electricity exist at all, or why they should exist tomorrow, a week from now, a year from now, etc.
This is the intellectual bankruptcy of modern thought that Skip explains so well in his lectures on Apologetics. They ought to be compulsory listening.
Hi Ian,
For me, truth is rather easy to understand
When compared to the Hebrew alphabet
If humanity could prove the existence of God, then God would be unnecessary, or at most, become merely an addendum to humanity. However, I go on the city streets where I live in order to engage with agnostics/atheists where it is necessary to argue for the existence of God – but not on their terms. And it’s not surprising to find that most of the agnostic/atheists we engage have come out of churches where Descartes’ underlying philosophy is strongest. But while “talking” about God is necessary, without the lifestyle, the “talk” becomes cheap rhetoric.
Your readers would benefit greatly from your Apologetics lectures – Available here.
Thanks Skip, what a great way to start the day. You surely relieved my headache. Shalom
When I started reading your post, I was hoping you would get to the revelation part, thank you!
It is so thrilling to think that we have only just begun to discover the mysteries of the Authority over natural laws and time/space. I recently asked God to turn back the sundial for me and restore my soul. Then He showed me a place where I was wounded as a child, He showed me a lie in the trauma that I have believed and was actually bleeding. The sun was shining and I feel so much better! I like journey with Him. The world is cloaked in darkness and the saints must open the portals and let the light shine in so truth will become evident and all lies will be exposed, and the devil will be naked, we will not fear him at all. We will not be afraid to take dominion of our inheritance and all the promises that are ours. We have the sword in our hands and our hearts are the weapon of our warfare-trusting the light to flood the earth.
I appreciate your enthusiasm. Just a note. The devil has probably always been naked, but that doesn’t make him any less fearful. The snake didn’t wear clothes.
You’re right, he is naked, and trembling at the sound of Love arising-I’m sure he has heard it before and is trying so hard to drowned out the sound of the Bride and the Bridegroom singing. I’d wish him luck but that would’t be in agreement with heaven:)
Friends, brothers/sisters, ~ what do the scriptures say? ~ (and what is it about all of us that we so easily forget?) It is no wonder we are enjoined and encouraged and exhorted multiple times “to remember.” Now think about it. Go ahead and have yourself a wonderfully refreshing “selah” moment. Stop! – take a breath, and remember..- ~ what do the scriptures say? ~ I suppose we might as well get this out of the way.. for it is indeed “both” critical and vital. ~ HOW FIRM a foundation, ye saints of the LORD is laid for your faith.. (where?)- “in His excellent word.” Now again, (and again, – and again)-
~ what do the scriptures say? ~
I care not for your pedigree (Paul)- I’m glad you are so well educated, born into the right family and have all the right connections.. to this I say, “wonderful!” But… (Listen Attentively)… YOU sirs, (whether Peter or Paul or Pontius Pilate.) YOU m’am – (Mary or Martha or even my own mother!) ~ do err… (grievously) not knowing the scriptures, nor the power (yes, that’s right peoples, the authority) of God.. ~ Oh yes.. and I almost “forgot..”- My three favorite words in all the scriptures.. Remember these? (oh, how I hope you do).. Friends, “it is written!”
Did you know, (dear Christian), you have a weapon at your disposal? It is an extremely sharp two-edged sword. A sword so sharp, ~ it pierces even to the dividing asunder (that’s what swords do!)- the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and is (also) a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart! ~
And not only a sword, but a shield and a helmut and shoes for your feet. We have weapons! But.. (remember those big Bible buts?) But.. (according to God’s own words) ~ the weapons of our warfare.. (warfare?- we are engaged in a battle?- absolutely and positively!- the answer is in the affirmative- “amen”- it is so.)
The weapons of our warfare, (the sword, the shield, the helmut and the sandals) are not “carnal” … let ‘s just allow the scriptures to speak for themselves..
~ We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments ~
(2 Corinthians 10.4)
~ “Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29) Yes LORD, – it is.
~ The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light ~ (Romans 13.12)
Armor? -What armor? Battle? What battle? –
~ in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; ~ (2 Corinthians 19.4)
Where is the power, people? Where is the dominion? Where is the authority? (I’m about to run away, “kicking and screaming!”) It is the “authority,” it is the dominion, – it is the power of the Word of God, “both” written and Living.
Until. Until any man comes to the place where he (or she) recognizes and realizes, the Bible in its entirety is the inspired (God-breathed) word of the LORD our God, we have nothing and nowhere to stand. But.. (I really do love those big Bible buts!) ~ He has lifted me from the miry clay and has set my feet upon a rock! -a “sure foundation”- there was a wise man who built “his house” upon a rock! And what? this little puny mind inquired is that “sure foundation?” Do YOU remember? Are YOU going to build your house upon Rock or (shifting) sand? “Rest assured.” – The storms WILL come. And (yes)- they will beat upon that house.. “But…” What if? What if that house has a sure foundation and has been built (and anchored!) upon (not “a”, but “the”) Rock? Built by the Master Carpenter Himself! for He has said, (do we remember what He said?)-
~ I will build.. I (Myself) will build my church! – and the (very) gates of hell will NOT prevail against it! (Matthew 16.18) ~
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LORD is laid for your faith in His excellent Word! ~
~ “Father, sanctify them by Your truth, because Your word is truth.” ~
(John 17.17)
Any questions? Any doubts? One more thing.. (lol!- just one?)
*He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His Name is the Word of God* (Revelation 19.13)
An angel from long ago
Bent down to earth below,
And to Mary whispered low,
“Call His Name Jesus.”
Cherish that beautiful Name.
Cherish that Wonderful Name.
Cherish that matchless Name.
That name is Jesus.
“Fear not the words I say.
God has favored you today.
You shall bring forth a Son
And call His Name Jesus.”
Cherish that beautiful Name.
Cherish that wonderful Name.
Cherish that matchless Name.
That name is Jesus.
KING of kings and LORD of lords.
He shall reign forevermore.
Come before Him and adore
That lovely Name of Jesus.
Cherish that beautiful Name.
Cherish that wonderful Name.
Cherish that matchless Name.
That Name is Jesus.
~ and the child shall be called … “Pele-yoez-El Gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom” ~ (Isaiah 9.6)
That Name is Jesus.