Unsociable Etiquette
If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting. 2 John 10 NASB
This teaching – John gets nasty. If someone comes to you with a message that doesn’t square with the truth of the Messiah, don’t let him in the door. Don’t even say, “Hello.” Send him away!
But we don’t listen to John, do we? A member of a false cult comes to our door pedaling their deliberate misinformation about Yeshua. We think we must be nice to them. We listen. We talk. We make them think that we might somehow be interested. They leave literature and go away promising to come back later. What! Are you kidding me? Did we think that somehow we would “evangelize” them? There is no transformation in words, only in deeds, and all we did was confuse the message. We didn’t point to the mezuzah and tell them that we serve the God of Israel. But, of course, we didn’t say that to the visitors from the church either.
What teaching is so important that John tells us to practice unsociable behavior? “This teaching” (ten didachen) is the claim of the humanity of Yeshua. It stands in utter opposition to the Gnostic claims circulating in John’s time. Is this all we have to worry about? Doesn’t the humanity of Yeshua entail His Torah obedience (isn’t that what the stories are about?) and doesn’t that imply our commitment to the same teaching? Aren’t we supposed to be like Him? If someone comes to you and says, “Oh, I believe that Jesus was human and He is God,” but then he goes on to tell you that “Jesus didn’t keep kashrut,” or “Jesus taught that we aren’t under the Law and it doesn’t apply to us,” would you not be concerned? Would you treat that person as if they were in fellowship with the Father and in agreement with you? Would your social etiquette outweigh your commitment to the truth? We can easily identify those who are “heretics” according to the Church. After all, we learned all this sitting in the pews. But even so we don’t usually close the door on them. And we certainly don’t close the door on the ones who, perhaps in ignorance, continue to teach what only the Church invented in its fervent attempt to not be Jewish. What’s wrong with us? Are we content to completely ignore John’s warning? Or do we parcel it out so that all we have to worry about is Docetism and no one we know is Docetic these days.
Let’s back up a few verses to see what “this teaching” includes. How about verse 6? “And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments.” Does that mean just the commandment of love? The verse continues, “This is the commandment just as you have heard from the beginning.” Does John mean from the beginning of Yeshua’s arrival, or does he mean “In the beginning was the Word”? Can you have “in the beginning was the Word” and not have what Moses delivered? Maybe we need to get better at nasty evangelism.
Topical Index: this teaching, didache, Docetism, Torah, love, 2 John 10
Yes, “If you love Me, you will keep My Commandments…” John 14:15
And, who is Me in the statement? Yeshua, the Word, Memra, Logos from the beginning. He’s the One who gave the the commandments to Adam, Noah and Moses. He made it very clear how we should live within His commandment parameters. It’s not nebulous puppy dog love.
It is not always easy to follow Yeshua’s way in our antisemitic culture. I struggle with it in my restaurant business, financed by Christian investors. Please pray for me, I made the poor choice to be unequally yoked.
You are still welcome in our home, but this leaves me uncertain as to whether I would be still be welcome in yours. How do you share the truth with people if you do not even greet them? How do you reconcile this way of life with Jeremiah 29? Perhaps I am misreading what you are actually advocating, but it sounds like a recipe for a reclusive community that evangelizes only through its actions, but its actions toward others are “nasty”. Please tell me I have completely misunderstood your point.
Love you brudder
Paul, I do not propose to answer for Skip (!) but looking at the theme and context of John’s letter, it is not too difficult to see why John is so upset and uses such strong language. John is being lovingly protective of the brethren. He is fed up with the heresies being promulgated by many: “For many deceivers have gone out into the world…” (v7). John is writing to people “that he loves in the truth” – church brethren. Notice that the word “truth” appears three times in the first two verses!
The bottom line is John wants these brethren to be in the great first resurrection of saints and rule with Messiah for 1000 years. That’s what’s at stake here! Let’s notice John’s concern: “Look to yourselves, that you may not lose what you have worked for, but may MAY WIN A FULL REWARD!” (verse 8) We notice Yahshua giving the same warning to the church at Philadelphia:”I am coming soon; hold fast what you have, SO THAT NO ONE MAY SEIZE YOUR CROWN!” (Rev 3:11)
Considering that heresy and deception will rage in the end of days, just before the return of Messiah, we too need to be wary of being deceived! In this season of Shavuot, it is good to call on God to keep His promise that He would continue to send the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth and pray that He keeps us in the truth. We know that’s a prayer that God is pleased to answer in the affirmative!
John’s point is that if we give the “deceivers” the time of day, we are an encouragement to them. John says: “for he who greets him shares in his wicked work.” (v 11) These deceivers are “men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh”. That’s a serious and silly claim. Why waste our time having conversation with such people? That is not our job. That is for God to do in His own time!
Good enough for me. And remember that “greeting” in the first century was a lot more than saying hello. Greeting is a sign of fellowship. Would you say, “Have a blessed day” to someone who denied the sinlessness of Yeshua – and mean it? Would you invite fellowship with a confirmed atheist? Most of us act upon social expectations but don’t pay much attention to biblical protocol. That’s my point. If john and Solomon and Paul are so concerned about virulent heresy that they take severe measures to protect follower from these people, what makes us think we are so clever and careful and convincing that we can let them in? Are we more passionate than John? Are we more well-versed than Paul? No, I think that behind it all is the Greek assumption that MY MIND is the center of my faith and MY THOUGHTS are compelling clear. In my humble opinion, God doesn’t need me to do the work of conviction for Him. He needs me to protect those from being led astray. So, I will close the door on obvious resistance to the truth about Yeshua and let God be the one who works with the unrepentant. Why is that such a problem?
All these concerns. But what was John’s point. The ones he wanted to send away were those who claimed Yeshua WASN’T HUMAN. If a Docetist shows us at your door claiming Yeshua was God disguised as a man, send him away. I suppose John faced this claim often and he just had enough. I am sure we have all faced people whose view of Yeshua is so twisted that it is ridiculous but they are completely closed-minded on the subject. Even Proverbs tells us not to waste time with this kind of fool.
Why did you think that you wouldn’t be welcome? Have you decided that Yeshua isn’t really a man and you just didn’t tell me yet?
NO, I don’t think so.
The point is that there are some people who are so convinced of their position (even if it is not biblical) that they are not open to dialogue or anything else. John says close the door. Paul tells us to cut them loose. Proverbs says have nothing to do with them. But we find that offensive. Why?
As I read it, your devotional goes WAY beyond people who believe “Yeshua isn’t really a man” or “men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh”. You extend John’s warning to those who believe various teachings, practices and interpretations that are “not Jewish”. What did you mean by this phrase:
Sorry–I tried to be clever and use
Think of it this way. There are some who are exploring, examining and with an open mind and heart reading the word to find the truth. There are others who, as a man in South Africa said to me, “are comfortable in what they believe.” You know when no further discussion will make any difference. You also know the difference between intractable and “yet to be shown.” Why would we invite the intractable to have fellowship with us? Are we so afraid of standing on biblical grounds that we cannot say,”We love you as God does, but this behavior isn’t accepted here.” I happen to believe, with what I think are very good biblical grounds, that Gentiles who have voluntarily joined the God of Israel are expected to live according to the identification signs of the God of Israel. I don’t believe that this is a “salvation” issue, but it is certainly an identification issue. I also know that it takes a long time to see this (usually) and many are ignorant of this truth. Patience is required. But for those who say, “It doesn’t matter what the biblical arguments are, I will never be open to Torah,” there is no room for them at my Shabbat table. I could still play golf, maybe, if there is still room for talk, but if even that would make no difference, why would I let the world think that it doesn’t matter to me.
Here’s what’s missing? If you come to the conclusion that God does expect you to keep Kashrut, and then you tell me, “But I really don’t care. I can live life the way I want to and He will still forgive me,” then we part company. I will still love you, pray for you, hope that you see the error of your way, but I won’t waste time trying to convince you of something you know is true but reject anyway. If you haven’t come to that point, then we talk, share, argue, debate, converse and examine. But once you reach the point where IT DOESN’T MATTER, there is nothing more to say.
Skip: So, I will close the door on obvious resistance to the truth about Yeshua and let God be the one who works with the unrepentant. Why is that such a problem?
Could it be that we do not see personal identity the way God does, as reflective of their “behavior”? It seems that we are more concerned with the excluded “person”, than we are with the behavior that grieves God. There should be a focus on preserving the community not on special treatment toward individuals. After all, the “person” can always choose to become part of the community. If they conform to the community rule (Torah), why would they be excluded? God makes the Rules, we don’t. We carry them out, without excuse. It does seem simple…
The Torah, The Christian Scriptures and the Quran all refer to the Spirit of the Living God outside and beyond the Book. Before Abraham I am, Jesus said. That was before the Torah or any Holy Books were even put together.
These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.
But the anointing which you have received of him abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is Truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide in him.
1 John 2
This is curious to me, “you need not that any man teach you.” Does this require an hierarchical religious structure? Does it imply the Universal Priesthood of Christ?
AS for doing only those things written in the Books, should we ignore the Spirit of this letter, the last word in the Gospels?
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
John 21:25
John is even more explicit in Revelation 10 saying the Bible is not complete – And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.
This tells me the Bible/The Law is a tutor until the Faith in Christ come and then the anointing, the Spirit of Truth, will lead us from there.
The woman said unto him, Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.
Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and you say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
You worship you know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
But the hour comes, and NOW IS, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him.
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth.
John 4
Men still war over earthly Jerusalem, not seeing the New Jerusalem, the City of God’s Peace that comes from God out of Heaven to the Faithful on earth.
In the mean while his disciples prayed him, saying, Master, eat.
But he said to them, I have meat to eat that you know not of.
Therefore said the disciples one to another, Has any man brought him ought to eat?
Jesus said to them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.
I don’t know about nasty evangelism. How about honest evangelism. Shabbat Shalom.
I think most of the comments today just don’t like the word “nasty.” But would you invite a pedophile into your home in order to help him see the truth? Would you fellowship with Satanists because they need to be saved? Would you go to a worship ritual in a Hindu temple because you could be a light to the lost? Where do you draw the line and let the Holy Spirit deal with the wicked while you stop playing God. Are there no tenets of your faith that you hold so dear that you won’t let anyone or anything slander them? That’s what nasty evangelism is. It is saying, “Here’s the line for me, and you aren’t allowed to bend it.” It’s standing up and PUSHING back agains the modern idea of tolerance. And as long as I am this far out on the limb already, it is saying to the practicing homosexual,”In the community called Israel, based on the Torah, there is no place for this activity. You are welcome as long as this ceases, but if you do not stop, I cannot include you. That doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. I do. But this behavior isn’t part of the way people in this community live. Sorry.”
This absolutely squares with Abraham’s hospitality and generosity.
We are to be patient and welcoming to outsiders, remembering that ‘we were once slaves’. We are too allow time for maturation and assimilation (two of Paul’s major themes in the epistles). But for those insist on fellowship, yet stubbornly resist putting God’s Torah in the flesh — there is to be an unwelcome atmosphere. Our judgment is to be reserved for those who claim the standard, but refuse to physically follow the standard. This is an especially arrogant attitude – one which I know I have harbored in my heart for far too long.
Wow, and wow. Thank-you for saying it straight.
Hi Gabe,
When you made mention of how this squared with Abraham’s actions, I immediatly thought of the incident concerning the rescue of Lot. We don’t often sense the “hard” side of Abraham, however it shows up when he came back from the defeat of the kings and then met with the King of Salem. (Chedomer) The king of Sodom told(?) Abraham that he could keep the goods but that he needed to return (give me) the people to him, to which Abraham response was (something like) thanks, but no thanks, you can keep the goods (with a coupla exceptions) I don’t want to even own anything you once had. (btw, the “people” were never addressed.
It’s interesting to note that this “king” had just been soundly whipped on the battle field and that the “property” that had been recovered didn’t belong to him anymore. It had been in the possesion of the kings that looted Sodom, and now it (rightfully) belonged to Abraham. Perhaps this is indicative of the personalities that we should shun. The arrogance of this man is shown in his demand of something that was no longer rightfully his, if it ever was rightfully his. It reminds me of Paul’s statement in Romans 1 concerning those who had (have) been blinded. It’s not that they don’t know what is right, but was their arrogance in the pursuit of their own self satisfaction and greed is what condemnes them. Such was it with the king of Sodom and I would suspect this is what John addresses as well. Not those who are seeking the truth honestly, (stranger or not) but rather those who are seeking gain through their heresies. Not just monetary gain but also position, adherents and recognition among other things. Seeking their own kingdom, not the Kingdom of Heaven.
A kinda funny thing; Chedomar demanded the “souls” back from Abraham and although the text omits a conclusion concerning them, if I was a betting man I would bet that ole’ Chedomer didn’t walk away with any soul but his own, and he was lucky to keep that. Those who deny God and His grace are so blinded in their arrogance that they can’t even percieve that they partake in the very grace of God they deny. They walk away with their souls intact, but only by the grace and mercy of God. He’s longsuffering toward us, huh? I’m glad He was with me, untill He brought me to His truth.
YHWH bless you and keep you……
Good point.
I was originally thinking about Abraham’s hospitality to the three men in Genesis 18. On the surface, this generous and welcoming attitude seems opposed to what Skip is saying. But when we remember the difference between how we are to judge insiders and outsiders, then the hospitality makes sense. This distinction is also found in 1 Corinthians 5:9-11:
“9 I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people ; 10 I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. 11 But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler -not even to eat with such a one. ”
You are not to call yourself a follower of Jesus, and insist on behaving contrary to his teachings.
“But we don’t listen to John, do we? A member of a false cult comes to our door pedaling their deliberate misinformation about Yeshua.”
The Devil is inside 2 John 10 IMO
In Matt 7:12, on the other hand, we have the word of God
“Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you
You shall also do to them
For this is the Law and the Prophet”
I see no reason to embrace the “Left Hand of Darkness”
Because there is no spiritual profit in it
Unless you want to read a great sci-fi novel by Ursula K Leguin
About androgynous (whole) beings
God so loved the world……..
Christ died for me while I was already dead in my sins. Love one another as I have loved you.
Christ says.
Now that I have found the Truth, Life and Freedom in Christ, it is not my role to judge others who have not yet found the Way of Christ, but to love them as Christ loved me, though I were dead in my sins.
It is up to God, not us, to deal with the sins of others. It is enough we have our own sins to deal with and will have to deal with them all the days of our life in the flesh.
I believe this is why this last injunction is in the last Chapter of Revelation;
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
Matthew 19:30
All exist in Christ.
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”
Hi Ray,
I have a friend (like my younger bro) who went off to live in a Sikh Ashram for 10 years
Many years ago
And when he came back, he was always rattling off phrases like the one above
Or “there is one God and he wants to be praised because he is great”
Or Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam
So what is “Sat Nam”? What does it mean?
In very simple terms, Sat means Truth and Nam means Name. You could translate it as True Name or Truth is my name. It is a way of acknowledging that at our essence is the Essence.
The “Truth”, which is bigger than any human truth, isn’t a matter of right or wrong or even a concept that we can clearly articulate. It is simply an acknowledgement that the Great Mystery is who we are.
As a greeting, saying “Sat Nam” is a bit like saying “I see your true nature” or “I recognize the divinity within you”.
The vibration of the mantra itself is important.
“Sat” has a vibration that reaches upward through the “crown” chakra. (Think: “Kingdom come”)
It is an etheric vibration, as the meaning of “Truth” here correspondingly isn’t tangible but, is more etheric.
If you meditate very carefully upon the vibration of “Sat Nam”, you can feel the flow of energy moving from the Etheric (Sat) to the Material (Nam).
Nam is “name” but more importantly it is a vibration.
The word itself carries a vibration that makes the Divine Manifest into the earth plane.
So “Nam” is a grounding vibration, a manifesting vibration. It acknowledges the Infinite made manifest as a vibration in this world.
So chanting “Sat Nam” reaches up into the etheric plane and pulls the vibration of Infinity into our awareness, our consciousness, and our physical world.
This mantra is more than what it means in translation.
It is an experience. By chanting “Sat Nam” or meditating upon it with your breath, you call into your awareness the state of the vibration of truth. You create an internal experience of what these words represent.
Truth, enlightenment, consciousness and above all awareness, comes into your experience.
Thank you. This is exactly the types of things we are not to open our doors to-even if it is brought to us by a brother in the flesh. The words Sat Nam made me think of Dr. Suess for some reason, probably because of their childish rhythmic wordings. So with apologies to the late, great Theodor Geisel, aka Dr. Suess I offer this to you:
Scram I say to Sat and Nam,
They are no friends of the Great I AM.
I do not like them anywhere!
You do not like to say ‘Sat Nam’?
I do not speak them, Michael-U-am.
Could you; would you, with a goat?
I would not, could not, with a goat!
Would you; could you, on a boat?
I could not, would not, on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not SAY them in the rain.
I will not SAY them on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not SAY them in a box.
I do not SAY them with a fox.
I will not SAY them in MY house.
I will not SAY them with a mouse.
I will not SAY them here or there.
I will not SAY them ANYWHERE!
I do not eat bacon or ham
And I surely WON’T SAY Sat or Nam.
I do not like them, Michael-U-am.
And if I were you, I would tell them SCRAM!
For these words DO NOT please the Great I AM.
Michael (I am)
Hi Michael,
If you can’t relate to Sat Nam, you might be able to “connect” with the Hom
The lesson of Hom in my mind is like the lesson Al Pacino teaches us in Heat
Hi Michael and Arnella,
I just remembered it might be wise to watch Collateral (2004) in conjunction with Heat (1995)
The Hit Man in Collateral teaches his disciple, a yellow cab driver, the meaning of Excellence
As it manifests itself in the music of Miles Davis
Of course, the connection with the Messiah David is more likely than not “intentional”
My wife found these verses well crafted…what a delightful way to make a very serious point! There are endless possibilities for godly artistic expression.
All exist in Christ.
Could you tell me what you mean by ALL exist “in Christ”?
Good Day Cheryl,
What I meant to say is Christ died for all the sins of all mankind without exception. We all exist in Him, but not all take the forgiveness that He offers.
This is an old joke I haven’t told in years.
Churchill, Roosevelt and Hitler arrived at the Pearly Gates for Judgement.
St. Peter says to Churchill, For all that you did and didn’t do in the circumstance of your Times, you can have this Rolls Royce to drive in Heaven.
St. Peter says to Roosevelt, For all that you did and didn’t do in the circumstance of your Times, you can have this Cadillac to drive in Heaven.
St. Peter says to Hitler, For all that you did and didn’t do in the circumstance of your Times, you can have this Volkswagen to drive in Heaven.
One Day Churchill and Roosevelt were touring together in Heaven and they came across Hitler riotously laughing on the side of the road.
They stop the car and getting out say, Adolph! Adolph! What’s so funny?
He says to them, I just saw the Pope go by on roller skates!
But Ray,
“in Christ” is not a location. it the activity of a Torah obedient Community patterning their life after the interpretation of a Torah obedient Messiah. So it puzzles me how you can say that “everyone” does that. I don’t see it. We do not ‘exist’ in Him because ‘exist’ meaning passive location is a GREEK and not a Hebrew concept. Since Yeshua and the Apostles were all Torah Obedient Second Temple Jews, the idea of “being” or passively existing inside someone was not something they would have expressed. It went against their paradigm
So could you explain to me where you got that idea?
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.
Sometimes the finite mind gets a glimpse of the infinite but the Word does not reveal the words to describe it.
At the separation of the sheep from the goats at the final Judgement, being Jewish, Christian or Muslim does nor get anyone brownie points with God.
Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry, and fed YOU? or thirsty, and gave YOU drink?
When did we see YOU a stranger, and took YOU in? or naked, and clothed YOU?
Or when did we see YOU sick, or in prison, and came unto YOU?
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.
Believing in a Just God who sees all, if Atheists do the works above, God will take that into account on the Day of Judgement.
Everything exists in God. I can’t explain it more than that.
Skip, perhaps your choice of the word “nasty” was not the best word to use in this instance. By simply ignoring someone we strongly communicate to them that we have no interest in their viewpoint. That alone sends most on their merry way without being “nasty”. Anyone who feels strongly about some point that they know is considered heretical by many knows that they are going to catch a certain amount of flak for it. We all know it goes with the territory in theological discussions! As I already wrote, John’s intention was to protect his beloved saints, not be rude
But we aren’t simply ignoring “someone.” We are putting up a barrier for those who continually deny biblical truth and still expect to be welcomed. We are making a stand for what the Bible says and not being tolerant because society expects it. We don’t invite abortion doctors to lunch and make them feel welcome at our places of worship. We might converse with them about the fact that their practices are an abomination to God, but if they continue unabated, why would be seek fellowship? Do we think we are better at convicting them then the Spirit? And what message do we send to the watching world if we embrace ALL just to be friendly? What do we stand for then? Why do we think we have to be “nice” to everyone? Where did that come from?
There are, according to Scripture, things worth being divisive or decisive about (call it whatever you will) and there are things both worth living for and things worth dying for. How are we going to get the last two right if we stumble over the first one? Perhaps the Torah principle “a little leaven leavens the whole lump” is not just for Passover. If we would just stop for a moment and look at the number of Pagan practices, false Greek influenced teachings and both Catholic and Protestant heresies the Church has propagated for the past 1900 plus years we might well give greater heed to John’s warning. I can’t remember, let alone enumerate, all the false teachings I’ve had to deal with since coming to this site, but I’m thankful Skip brings them to light so I can deal with them. And to think that most of those errors were ones where I either invited someone (or some ‘thing’) in or I naively believed a teaching because it was delivered by someone “in authority”. Not to invite someone into my home whose hidden (but often well meaning) agenda is to deceive me (including denying Torah is applicable today) seems like the wise council it was 2000 years ago when it was penned. As for me and my house…I’m bolting the door! Michael
Hi Michael, so would I!
If those folks come with an agenda, and a fixed mindset, it is better that way, than to waste our precious time.
First of all, the verse is found at : 2 John 1: 10.
The deceiver and his deceit are described: he brings some error concerning the person or office of the Lord Jesus. Such a one is a deceiver and an antichrist; he deludes souls, and undermines the glory and kingdom of the Lord Christ.
There are deceivers and opposers of the Lord’s Name and dignity now, just as they were in the apostles’ times. The more deceivers and deceits abound, the more watchful, and needful to be in the Word and study to show ourselves approved. The way to gain is to abide true to Christ, to the end.
Abiding in Christ and eschewing error — which is utmost perversion and evil.
Deceivers don’t just come to our door, they come inside our homes via other avenues as well.
Firm cleaving to Christian truth unites us to Christ, and thereby to the Father also; for they are One.
Yet we must show kindness to those who differ from us in lesser matters, but hold firmly the all-important doctrines of Christ’s person, atonement, and THE WAY of salvation. By grace, thru faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross.
There is no transformation in words, only in deeds, and all we did was confuse the message.
That being said, and in knowing now to “do good,” are we able to ignore all the words in the Book of God, which are His instructions to us, and just “go about,- doing good?” And how are we able to even know what is good other than the very life of our Messiah, the resurrected-Living Word of God who went about “doing good?” (Acts 10.38)
There is a “life-message” for all of us (both Jew and Gentile) here..(it is the gospel of the tslav-the execution stake – the cross!). It is not a message of division, but one of reconciliation, ~ for if any man, (any man or woman, or Jew or Gentile) be *in Christ*, he (or she) is a new creation ~
(2 Corinthians 5.17, Galatians 3.26)
According to your first birth – are you Jewish? Wonderful. According to your first birth, are you a Gentile? Wonderful. For any man, and every man, all men -sinners in all places and in all races,- “must be born from above.”
~ God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.~ Yes, God “SO” loved the world.. Provision has been made for “whosoever will..!”
And how does any man know this anyway? Say, whose words are these? It is written? What is written? -Words? Yes, words. This is how “any man” communicates a message. When we were “littles” we used to utter some type of mumbling outcry and point our stubby little fingers, but then one glorious day, we learned how to say, “McDonalds” and then we could put away our hands, look out the window of the car as we drove by, and were able to communicate a verbal message to our parental units, just by using words.
I did notice however, “McDonald’s” did not register with all carbon units involved the same response of delight.
Where does it hurt, little Johnny? “Right here, mom.” The problem has now been isolated to a particular area and help is on it’s way. It was our LORD Yeshua, (Jesus who is the Christ to us Gentiles), HaMashiach, who said, ~ the words that I speak unto you.. – they are spirit and they are life ~ (John 10.10)
~ Your word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against You ~ (Psalm 119.11)
“It is written” What is written? words. But again, whose words are these anyway? Not mine. These words,(His words), these life-giving, life-imparting, “words of life” have been here far before I ever got here and will remain long after I’m gone.
~ The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever ~ (Isaiah 40.
The grass withers. I agree. With my own eye, I’ve seen it wither.
The flowers fall. It is very sad when they do, as I love their fragile beauty. But sooner or later, (hopefully later!), they too will fade, falter and fall. As will “all flesh,” whether Jewish or Gentile, whether plumber, painter, pirate poet, (or even parrot!).
But there is one thing, that will remain and endure and abide forever, and this one thing should forever be our focus, our authority, and our instruction for daily living, our sure foundation and our high tower, a solid rock to build a life (any life) upon and that one thing is the word of the LORD.
~ How can a young man keep his way pure? ~
By guarding it according to Your word ~ (Psalm 119.9)
May none of us ever be tempted, tested and tried as our LORD was, (by the Tempter himself).
But thanks be to God, hasatan was defeated by the second Adam. He was defeated by a man. Not once, not twice, but three times, (not including the final Victory *at Calvary*!) by these three words were spoken by a man, and may again be spoken by any man. (Are we listening?)
“It is written.” May I? May I practice? “It is written.” Yeshua HaMashiach, the very Son of God was also the very son of man. There never was any like Him, as He was the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, but we must remember, our LORD defeated hasatan, our Adversary, Mr. Twister- the father of all liars, – as a man. It was a man, the second Adam, who defeated Enemy #1. And Christ, our Savior, Redeemer and LORD did it as any man may, – showing us, teaching us by Example, For He is our “how to,” –The Way.
He, the second Adam, did what the first Adam failed to do. He remembered, and then He spoke.
Adam number one, either failed to remember (Yes, God did say that) or he did not remember the instructions of God, (don’t eat the fruit), and therefore failed to speak unto the poisonous deceiving serpent, “Yes, God did say..”
What “poison” issued forth from the serpent’s mouth and implanted itself within the mind of Eve? It was the poison of doubt. Do we remember?
~ Hath God said?… ~ (Genesis 3.1) Did God really say that? Surely not. No, not at all. God is only holding back something good from you, for in the day that you shall eat of it- you shall be “as Gods,” knowing good and evil. Slick salesmanship. And what a pretty package!
(Never doubt the goodness of God!)
Adam, being derelict in his duty, either failed to remember, or he failed to speak, or both.
Christ, the second Adam, did not. He did what the first Adam should have done, remembered, recalled and recited the very words of God.
I wonder if we have remembered? (We all are such forgetful creatures!)
~ For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart ~ (Hebrews 4.12)
And again, ~ For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2 Corinthians 10.5)
Every thought? That’s a big order! But we serve a risen Savior and a mighty big God (El Elyon) and also as “it is written:”
~ with God nothing shall be impossible ~ (Luke 1.37)
Robin wrote:… in my restaurant business, financed by Christian investors. Please pray for me, I made the poor choice to be unequally yoked.
I APPLAUD YOU in this brave, bold statement! Are you Jewish or are you, like us, being drawn by Yeshua and YHVH to take a REAL HARD LONG LOOK at Who THEY are and what that means for us as THEIR followers?
Michael wrote: … If we would just stop for a moment and look at the number of Pagan practices, false Greek influenced teachings and both Catholic and Protestant heresies the Church has propagated for the past 1900 plus years we might well give greater heed to John’s warning.
And, btw, I chuckled at the visual of “bolting the door!” I think you are on to something there!
Hi Daria, Good to see you back! I remember visiting your site long ago and reading about your love for your Service Dog. Pull up a comfortable chair and get reacquainted with (y)our community! There are many new people whose vibrant contributions are sure to challenge you, educated you, sometimes provoke you and yes, even humor you. Shalom, Michael
Hi, Michael!
Thanks for the warm welcome… but I never left. I had signed in as Fibromom originally but now am comfortable using my real name (I’m on MANY forums so I’m used to using an alias!)
Where do you live? Seems we are sort of close geographically. We’re in Republic, WA.
Maybe it was just you haven’t posted in a while, or did so when I was sleeping, or it is possible I did see you on another Forum. Anyway, my wife and I aren’t close…NO, wait that doesn’t sound right! I meant close to you geographically. We are in Montego Bay, Jamaica, ….mon. Which is about 4,000 miles from Republic, WA. If you are ever in the area (and this applies to all TW readers), stop in and say Wah’guoan mon. (That’s local Patwah dialect which means “what’s going on man”.) Shalom, Michael and Arnella