Best Places

I took a few pictures in the Enchantments lo those many years ago.  One was of Prusik Peak.  There is actually a climber on the knife edge in this shot, on the second point below the summit on the left side of the top.  But the conversion from film to digital might not let you see him.  He is wearing bright red – and a long ways away.

This reminds me of God just throwing up His hand.  Massive.  Solid.  Unbreakable.



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Breath-taking! I do see the climber, a speck of red bending as in climbing, what a feat that is!
I don’t think he would be alone in this. WoW!
Thank you for this spectacular take, Skip.

Gayle Johnson

I had to enlarge this picture to 400% to see the climber. I am certain his view would be unforgettable!

Michael C

I see the climber, also. He’s a small red dot.

At first glance, the mountain looks like a regular mountain. Yes, it does looks big on that first glance.

However, once you see the perspective of size of the red dot man . . . the mountain suddenly looks gi-nor-mous!

And we think we know how big, powerful, and awesome our Lord is! Hardly. But one day . . .

I try to image that visit Moshe had on Sinai. I just can’t. It’s beyond me trying to visualize the unique meeting. What a life changing occurrence that was for him. And us.

Donna Dozier

I love the fact that we can see ourselves as such a tiny red dot in our “gi-normous” God’s hand, and yet we are such an intense object of His chesed. But when we take that down to the level of the scales and legs on an insect smaller than a pin head, and then down to the molecular level, quarks and strings — what an amazing RANGE our God has in His creation, control and chesed. Overwhelming…

Michael C

Overwhelming, indeed.

Al Huba

Amaqzing- he is even wearing a Noles ball cap!

Michael C

On closer look, I think it’s a U of F cap! 😉

