Community Things
One reader in the community owns a restaurant in the St. Louis area. He would like to hire some people, especially those attached to this community who are looking for work. As he said, “If I can help someone, why wouldn’t I do it?”
So, if you are looking for work and you think this is an opportunity for you, here are some of the details. All the rest can be discussed with Keith.
Manager Position: 3 days open to close $450.00/ week or 4 days open to close $600.00/ week
Restaurant Pizzeria: Manage staff and store.
Cook position: base pay 7.35 an hour to start. Restaurant Kitchen Work
Counter Position: base pay 7.35 an hour to start plus tips. Answer phones, take orders, and waitress.
I have temporary room until the “Person” is able to provide their own living quarters.
Do we have members in Costa Rica, in the renewable energy sector? I may need assistance there. No details yet, but I do need to start looking. Anyone know of someone?
Skip, this is a great idea!I have been on the receiving end of this community´s generosity, I would love to be able to give something back. I am praying for Irene.
What’s the name and location of the restaurant?
Working in a community of like-minded Believers is very rewarding, and challenging!
Nothing compares with it. I had such an experience and missing it, hoping and praying ABBA will regather us once again.
Shalom, Keith, all the best in finding that person/persons.
WOW! This sounds like what “The Body” should do for each other! Praise YAH!
Keith, YOU are a blessing! Skip, thanks for sharing!
YES! The name of this restaurant would be great to SHARE!! We have a Facebook account with lots of peeps following this new/ancient way! They LOVE supporting others too! YAH willing!